MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1681 Exposed

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"So much movement, it seems that Tianjiao is born again, and it is not ordinary Tianjiao"

"This is of course. The title tower is so big and moving, it must have been the purple title again."

"I don't know if it is a mixed Yuan, immortality, or the Emperor of God, or even the Emperor of Heaven, and I don't know what the origin of this man is, a casual repair, or a powerful person.

"Regardless of what level he is, no matter what their origin, we are just a pawn, just exploring the news."

"Hey, there are weird things every year, especially recently. The purple title may not always be a few times in an epoch. How long has it passed now? There is actually a purple title now, which is really an eventful autumn."

"If something is abnormal, it must be a demon!"

"The world of contention may be my chance to wait."

"Opportunity? It's unknown whether it's opportunity or doom. The purple title is born one after another. Not long ago, even giants such as Xingyi have fallen, hey ..."


The group rushed to the title tower as fast as possible while speculating about the people who caused such a big movement.

Soon, everyone came to the title island, and then they found that, like last time, nothing was found except for the title tower and the title monument.

"Well? No one?"

"We are here so fast, we can still take one step ahead of us. It has some meanings. It seems that this person has a special magical power, or he has cultivated far above us."

"Yes, it looks like another person who doesn't want to reveal his identity. So it seems that this person, even if he is not a casual practitioner, must be a small force."

"Yeah, only they are afraid of Mu Xiu Yulin, who is superior to others."

The crowd did not see anyone, and was somewhat surprised by this. After all, the last purple title, they did not see who it was, leaving only a mysterious title of the other shore, and then learned a lesson, so this time the movement just broke out, they Then came the title tower, scattered around.

However, I didn't expect that Dao was one foot high and one foot tall, but he still didn't find it.

Although a little disappointed, it was helpless.

Then, they had to turn their eyes to the title tablet and see if they could see what happened.

"Well, this time is actually the God Emperor's Stele. It seems that this time it is a God Emperor who has won the purple title. It seems that there is another giant emperor among the heavens and the world, and I don't know ... "

The voice of the person who first looked at the title monument had not completely fallen off, but suddenly came to an abrupt halt, with an incredible look on his face.

Not just one person, everyone who sees that title now has the same expression.

On the island with some hustle and bustle of title just now, needle drop was audible, crows and birds were silent, everyone's necks stretched out long, like many ducks, were pinched by invisible hands, and lifted up, making no sound.

Shocked, extremely shocked!

Before they arrived, they thought that this person who obtained the purple title may be the newly rising Tianjiao, it may be someone who broke through the emperor among the immortal Tianjiao, or it may be ... or it may be ... ..

But what they never expected was that this person was actually the other side.

This is simply ruining their three perspectives.

After all, the last time he won the purple title was the other banker, and this time it was him again.

The interval between these two times is too short.

What's more, if it progresses from the mixed Yuan to immortal, it actually broke through directly from the mixed Yuan to the Emperor of the Gods, which makes them embarrassed by the people who can't move in a realm all year round.

"The other shore is actually the other shore, how is this possible!"

"Yeah, how long has it been since he won the title of Mixed Yuan last time, how could he break through the Emperor of God."

"Yeah, don't say that it is not enough to break through the Immortal Emperor from the mixed Yuan in such a short time."

"No, this is not the same person."

"It makes sense, hasn't the last Hou Hou fallen, and this is the substitution made by the other emperor?"

That being said, everyone knows this is impossible.

Sure enough, they looked at the mixed Yuan monument, and the title belonging to the other shore is still shining.

And this means that the other shore Hou and the other shore emperor are indeed the same person.

In an instant, everyone was Spartan. This shock was too big for them, no doubt an atomic bomb exploded in the heart.

God Emperor, that's not a cat or a dog. Even an ordinary **** emperor who has just entered the emperor emperor can have a decisive position in the big forces.

In the Taoist door, you can get the status of the elder, or the core true story, and compete for the position of the elder.

The most important thing is this speed. From mixed to immortal, it seems easier and simpler than eating and drinking.

"It may not be impossible."

Just then, someone suddenly flashed and said.

"It's ridiculous, how is this possible."

"That is, looking at the heavens and the world, even those peerless Tianjiao who have long been famous is impossible."

"I think there may be something wrong with the title tablet."


These are skeptics.

Although the facts lie ahead, they still make them incredible.

"What does that mean?"

"Did you find anything?"

"Come on, what could this be?"

These are people with a dubious attitude.

For their own words, it has caused controversy. The person who spoke did not care at all and explained in a hurry.

"You forgot what we just said? Why is it that it has been a troublesome event recently?"


"Frequent appearance of the title Purple? The fall of Xingyi Emperor?"

"The fall of Xingyi Emperor, isn't it?"

With the hint, everyone soon felt a sense of realization.

"Yes, that's right."

"Although it may seem impossible to advance to God the Emperor from Junyuan in such a short period of time, if any one can make sense."

"And I mean, when he first joined the Taoist gate, he should have been in the realm of mixed Yuan ~ ~ After all, he was an inner disciple."

"It turned out to be him."

After seeing who was in the trouble this time, everyone's shock disappeared instantly.

Not that the news was not shocking, but that Fang Qingshan had shocked them even more.

After all, compared to the fall of Xingyi Emperor in the hands of Fang Qingshan, this kind of thing is not worth mentioning, but it is clearly acceptable.

In addition, they already knew the speed of Fang Qingshan's breakthrough. However, once Fang Qingshan did not come to win the title, the momentum of the fall of Xingyi Emperor overcame this.

"Well, now that we have figured it out, let's go back."

"Yeah, as long as the news is passed back, there will be nothing for us."

"I did not expect that Hou was actually him."
