MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1680 disturb

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In addition to the reincarnation circle, it can also have the same effect as Fan Tianyin.

So, don't look at him as just a bracelet, but it's equally sharp on offensiveness.

The king ’s diamond bracelet is not the same as the old king ’s. At that time, the monkey monkey achieved the invincible body in the gossip alchemy furnace. However, in the face of the diamond bracelet, he smashed lightly, and suddenly stared at Venus, dizzy and fell to the ground.

Compared with Fang Qingshan's reincarnation circle, it is naturally better than it.

After all, what does Laojun do, what is Fang Qingshan doing now?

Although the diamond bracelet is mysterious, but it is only the acquired merit and spiritual treasure, but although the cycle is a supernatural power, it is a divine emperor.

Naturally, the two are completely different.

Of course, Fang Qingshan's reincarnation circle is powerful, but the opponent he faces is also not comparable to Sun Monkey.

After all, it's the purple title, and it's also the pinnacle of Emperor.

And not in the purple title is weak.

But he saw his opponent's eyes open with anger, and the Zhangba spear in his hand smashed in the circle of reincarnation.

This smashing was so fast that people couldn't react. What speed of sound, the speed of light was completely indescribable, and the distance of the space was completely ignored. It seemed that when they waved, they immediately collided with it.

This collision is naturally a dry fire. Mars hits the earth and bursts into brilliant light. Not to mention it is more dazzling than the sun. Even if the sun explodes, it is not comparable to him. Lights up the infinite void, splits the origin of Hongmeng, and tears the fate of time and space.


The two collided, and a billion sparks of Mars burst out in a flash, making a terrible sound of golden iron and iron. If it weren't for the title tower, the sound waves alone would be enough for the average **** emperor to wreak havoc.


One move and two styles!

Although the cycle of reincarnation is mysterious, Fang Qingshan simply did not expect to be able to make a success in the same way as he had dealt with the other six titled emperors.

Therefore, seeing the reincarnation circle being dealt with by Fei Fei, Fang Qingshan's method changed.

Almost at the same time as flying upside down, the instinct had to burst into a swallowing force that swallowed the sky and swallowed the opponent's Zhangba spear.

The reincarnation circle is everything, and it is the nemesis of almost all Lingbao.


Surprisingly, unprepared to attack, if you change a person, I am afraid that the treasure in your hand will suddenly release.

But now this opponent is indeed the strong one among the purple titles. Although he is not disturbed, he snorted, and his arm was shaken, and he got rid of the devouring force of the cycle.

Not only that, the passive beating is obviously not the character of the other side, so Fang Qingshan attacked two moves, after the reaction, naturally will not continue to let go.

After all, it's not long, it's not soft, and it's a long time to lose. The best defense is offense.

Therefore, after breaking Fang Qingshan's attack, his Zhangba spear smashed towards Fang Qingshan.

Still quick and accurate.

Follow a straight trajectory, piercing forward. It's too fast to react.

Accurately fell on Fang Qingshan's weakness. The old force had just gone, but the new force had not been born.

Naturally, it is because of great endlessness.

But I saw a glimmer of light, such as crossing the distance of time and space, from the opening of Hongmeng, to the present, to the dusk of the future, under one spear, one person became an army, destroying the sky and the earth. Anything that blocked him seemed All are praying arms, shaking trees.

At this moment, heaven and earth stagnate, Yuanshen stagnates, qi and blood stagnate, eyes stagnate, and even the heartbeat stops at this moment.

Instead of feeling nervous, Fang Qingshan was excited.

"Reincarnation asks the fist-Chaos Magic Horn!"

For a time, but I saw a sky boat appear out of thin air, vast, mysterious, magnificent shore, mysterious, especially the bow, a dark magic horn, and anomalous. Nothing has been done, and the void in front of the magic horns is constantly dying. Ripped apart.

The next moment, the sails agitated, the wings vibrated, the long bridge lay down, and the speed of the sky boat was increased to an extreme.

The magic horns seemed to be colliding with the spear at the fastest speed.

Rumble! !!

In this collision, the surrounding void collapsed on the spot, and countless fires, winds and winds roared and roared.


Not to mention Fang Qingshan continued fighting in the title tower.

However, he said that as Fang Qingshan obtained the purple title, the title tablet shook and shone radiantly, and various visions appeared, and he immediately shocked the four parties.

It's not that this time Fang Qingshan's movement was as big as the last time that the Xingyi Emperor fell.

It was just because the title tower was near that that someone kept holding it for years.

The so-called anticipation of the enemy, knowing ourselves and knowing each other, win every battle.

Information is an important thing.

Especially the news of genius is even more so, this can be said to be strategic information.

If it is only the immortal genius of the mixed Yuan, if you can know one step in advance, if the other party is a casual repair, you can put it into the door, so that you can strengthen your own heritage.

If the other party already has power, then you can evaluate the strength of the other party ’s power, and if it is hostile, you need to be prepared. Even threatened to kill in the cradle.

If the other party is a giant of the emperor and emperor, it is even more important.

Such people, regardless of whether they are hostile or not, need to pay attention. Do not provoke them at will. After all, if you accidentally provoke them, you do n’t know how to die.

Not to mention these, but we can see that the place where the title tower is located is blowing wind and grass.

Huh! !! !!

Time flies, almost the effort of the front and back feet, from all directions, in the chaotic world close to the title tower, hundreds of thousands of light are flying.

There is magical power, there is spiritual treasure, there is a spaceship ...

These people are not side by side, it is the spies who are staying nearby.

They also learned the last lesson.

The last time Fang Qingshan got the title, they immediately left, leaving them a blast. So far, who is the other side of the bank is still an unsolved mystery ~ ~ the past and never forget the aftermath.

This time, it is natural to learn a lesson and move quickly.

And not only did they move quickly, but some people did not rush to the title tower for the first time. Instead, they did the opposite and spread out directly towards the periphery of the title tower.

It's a pity that this time they lived for nothing.

Whether they went towards the title tower or intercepted outside, they ran away in vain.

After all, although they were fast, Fang Qingshan had never thought of concealing the news this time.

But Fang Qingshan couldn't stand it this time, he wanted to clear the customs, and wanted to dominate.

Therefore, at this moment, Fang Qingshan was still nesting in the title tower and continued to fight. The battle was dark and hearty.

Therefore, they should not say that near the title tower, even if the scope is expanded ten times or one hundred times, no one can be found.