MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1682 Endlessly

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Sure enough, people are worse than heaven.

Although Fang Qingshan did not want to hide the news, after all, today is not what it used to be, and there is no need to worry about Muxiu Yulin.

But obviously Fang Qingshan himself did not expect the news to be exposed so quickly.

Although he didn't see him, it was only from the information of only a few words that he could determine who it was.

In fact, this is both unexpected and reasonable.

To be honest, the title on the other side has changed too much, and has been promoted directly from the Mixed Yuan Monument to the God Emperor's Monument.

If the interval is long, it's okay to say.

However, the promotion time is short.

The most important thing is that this person is still very mysterious and has not been exposed before.

Combining these two factors, let's judge again. Those who meet this requirement don't say that they can come over with a slap, it almost means that Fang Qingshan was hit by the name.

After all, looking at the heavens and the world, there is no amount of void, and he was promoted from the mixed Yuan to the emperor in a short time. I dare not say that there is only Fang Qingshan, but comprehensive information, he is in line with this.

At one time, countless channels of information were centered on this and passed out in all directions.

But this time, the whole world of heaven and earth, the infinite void, did not shake with it.

It was just like a stone falling into the water, and it just stirred up a wave.

Everyone's response was almost the same as those of those who passed on the message.

At first, after shaking, after knowing that it was Fang Qingshan, they all looked like they suddenly realized, and then they accepted it calmly.

The reason for the shock is that this is the title of Emperor of God, and it is the title of Emperor of Purple. If it is a mixed Yuan, the immortal title of purple, it can also be said to be an emperor-level Tianjiao, as long as there is no accident, it must be an emperor.

The purple emperor is almost only a matter of time.

Facing the immortality, the purple title of the mixed yuan class, especially those who come from a loose cultivation background, or have no great power behind them.

For many great forces, such talents are naturally eager to be introduced. If they can be brought together, once they grow up, it will be of great benefit to the existence of the supreme power list.

Unfortunately, this person is already the Emperor of God.

How can a person who can practice God the Emperor have no power behind him? Such a person can't be used for his own sake only because of foreign aid. After all, even if the other party thinks, he is afraid that he can't hold back.

Moreover, if you take a step back 10,000 people, they are really lonely, but how come you have changed your mind after all these years.

Therefore, this time, these powerful people did not want to start first, take the first step, and take this Tianjiao into the door. I just want to see who it is and who the power is in order to make a good response.

Then, after knowing that it was Fang Qingshan, his face was calm and there were no fluctuations, but it was because Fang Qingshan had shaken them, and they also knew the specific situation of Fang Qingshan, so naturally they would not be moved.


Unfortunately, they didn't know that Fang Qingshan was not only winning the purple title, but was trying to win the title of the first monument, and at the moment, he was busy in the title tower.

If they knew this, they would not show such a look, but would continue to be shocked.

Of course, this is not to blame them.

After all, they only judge by news.

And, since the heavens and the world, the infinite void has formed, each generation of Tianjiao together, almost as bright as the sky and stars.

But those who really dare to take the invincible path, try to dominate the competition, and fight for the first place are rare.

Therefore, after seeing the title of the other side flashing purple in the monument of the emperor, those spies, the subconscious, did not think much.

It can only be said that insight and boldness limit their imagination.


Fang Qingshan didn't know anything about the external changes, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

After all, if you care about it, you will leave quickly after many titles, just like the last time, although it does n’t seem to be of much use. After all, in such a short time, the title will be promoted from Hunyuan to God Emperor. In the bag, nothing can be hidden.

Of course, Fang Qingshan didn't even think about hiding, after all, at this moment, he is full of confidence.

Also, if Fang Qingshan can finally win the title of God Emperor's Monument in the end.

Then the heavens and the earth should celebrate it and sing its name. At that time, like the fall of the Xingyi Emperor, the entire infinite void will know.

Therefore, there is no need to hide.

Title Tower!

Seeing that his opponent was more powerful than he had imagined, Fang Qingshan not only was not afraid, but his eyes were brightened. At this moment, Fang Qingshan was born like a warrior for war.

Of course, the real situation is that under pressure, Fang Qingshan can feel the clear changes in his body, and he is always improving.

Chao Wen said, Xi could die.

With such benefits, it is not surprising that Fang Qingshan is in this state.

"Okay, come again!"

Fang Qingshan yelled.

"Reincarnation asked the hand-Death Sickle!"


Immediately, there was a long screaming of swords. Within this battlefield of the title tower, hundreds of thousands of dreadful sword lights appeared at the same time. Each knife light condensed into substance, like a high imitation Death sickle, Qi Qi locked his opponent.

In addition, these sword lights are constantly changing, not in array, but also in the evolutionary world, and they want to transform the entire title tower space into Sen Luo Hell.

At this moment, the sword light is raging, shining the world, everything else seems to be dim under this sword.

Although Death Scythe's combat skills are not as good as Aoyama's Destiny Supernatural Reincarnation Circle ~ ~, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they are even more powerful than the Reincarnation Circle.

The reason for this is what was said before. This kind of magical power created by referring to the treasure, observing its actions, realizing its meaning, achieving its meaning, and forgetting its shape, can be blessed with the power of the treasure.

It is a bit similar to the technique of God's fight. Please ask God's upper body. Although the effects, processes, and so on are different, the truth is the same, and the same goal.


In the face of Death Sword Prison, the opponent did not dodge at all, because everyone knows that in the face of this level of combat, unless you have a special advantage in dodge, blind dodge will only lose the first move, step back, step Step back, and finally fall completely into the big net compiled by the other party, fall into the mud, completely unable to struggle, become the stubborn stubbornness, wait for stubbornness.

In the face of this situation, there is only one way, which is to attack the offensive, and meet the brave to win on the narrow road. The opponents who are almost the same are even weaker than the opponent. Dodge and end up dying faster.