MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 31 Understand the market

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Chapter 31 Understanding the Market

After getting off work, Lu Jiajie and Ma Lili picked up their children and came to Guangming Road together.

Ma Lili was a little embarrassed when she saw Lu Jiaxin. After all, Jiaxin is just a child, so she feels like she is taking advantage by coming over for dinner. But before she could say anything, Xiaofeng rushed over and hugged Lu Jiaxin, calling her sister-in-law sweetly.

Lu Jiaxin likes children very much. After her parents remarried, they each had children. Because they felt that neither was their home, they rarely went back. She carried Xiaofeng to the kitchen to wash her hands, and when the table was served, she gave each of the two children one of the two chicken drumsticks she had specially left.

Ma Lili stopped her quickly and said, "Jiaxin, what are you doing? You can eat the chicken legs yourself. It will be good if you have chicken and chicken soup."

 In fact, Ma Lili used to buy snacks for her children from time to time. The mother was reluctant to buy meat and vegetables. She would buy meat or chickens and ducks every week. But after my nephew Yan Xiaopang moved in, he never bought any snacks or meat.

Lu Jiaxin smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you have forgotten that I have liked chicken wings since I was a child, not chicken legs."

 Chicken legs are meaty but not meaty, and she doesn’t like them very much. It's strange to say that the original person and her not only have the same name but similar appearance, and even have similar preferences. Sometimes she felt that her previous life was just a dream.

 Ma Lili immediately asked her two children to thank her.

 Qiangqiang thanked Xiaofeng and then immersed himself in the chicken drumsticks. Ever since the little fat man moved in, they only had chicken to eat during holidays, but they didn't get the chicken legs.

 Ordinary people don’t have any rules about eating, talking or sleeping. Lu Jiaxin chatted with Ma Lili about department stores, and then talked about clothes and shoes under her deliberate guidance.

Ma Lili said: "Nowadays, there are many clothes and shoes from Hong Kong cities. They are fashionable and cheap, and the business in shopping malls is not as good as before. Nowadays, only skin care products and large electrical appliances are selling better."

Because these things are not yet popular and the quality of the products outside varies, many people still go to department stores to buy them. Although business is not as good as before, Ma Lili is a regular employee and her salary is paid by the government, so she is not worried.

Lu Jiaxin said deliberately: "I am weak and afraid of the cold now, and I want to buy a pair of thicker leather shoes. Unexpectedly, I went around Silk Street with Xue Mao and couldn't buy waterproof and fashionable thick leather shoes."

Ma Lili smiled and said, "You have such high standards, so it's normal that you can't buy something you like. But it's okay. The department store will put in several batches of winter shoes before winter every year. You will definitely be able to find shoes that you are satisfied with."

“Are they waterproof and fashionable thick cotton leather shoes?”

Ma Lili thought of her high standards, paused and said, "There are thick cotton leather shoes, but the style may not be that fashionable."

Lu Jiaxin continued to ask: "Fifth sister-in-law, I remember that the winter shoes sold in the department store last year cost 1,780 yuan a pair."

 In fact, those winter shoes sold in department stores are quite good-looking for ordinary people, but Lu Jiaxin still thinks they are tacky. But just such shoes cost 1,780 yuan, which she thought was too expensive. Of course, these shoes were not originally prepared for ordinary citizens.

Ma Lili smiled and said: "They are relatively expensive, but the quality of these leather shoes is very good and durable. I will leave two pairs for you when the store restocks them."

 The third uncle asked her husband to bring crabs over at noon. She knew that this was to relieve her anger. She knew that the two would not really fall out, but it was unexpected that Lu Hongjun compromised so quickly. So leave her two pairs of winter shoes and just mention it when the time comes.

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said, "No, those shoes are too expensive and I can't afford them. Fifth brother, help me and Xue Mao buy a few pairs of winter shoes from your factory when the time comes." Of course she knew that the crabs were sent by Lu Hongjun. , but Lu Jiajie didn’t say anything and she just pretended not to know. Anyway, things sent in his name will not be accepted. Lu Hongjun must be let to know that she is serious this time and not just saying angry words.

Upon hearing this, Ma Lili immediately stopped her and said, "How can that be done? The shoes in your brother's factory are all cotton shoes, and they are not waterproof and don't look good."

The cotton shoes from the shoe factory are very warm, but they cannot be worn outside when it snows in winter. They will get wet as soon as they go outside, which is very inconvenient.

Lu Jiaxin said: "It's okay. You can wear rain boots when you go out. I don't have much money on hand now, so I have to buy practical things."

Ma Lili took the opportunity to persuade: "Jiaxin, don't get angry with your father, otherwise you will give that woman an advantage. Listen to my sister-in-law, if you should be soft, let's be soft. There is no shame in being soft with your own father."

Lu Jiaxin smiled, and then changed the subject: "Sister-in-law, Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng haven't been together for a long time, so we still need to give the child something good to eat."

Speaking of this matter, Ma Lili's mood suddenly worsened: "I am asking someone to find a house. If I find someone I like, I can't move out. I will make up for them when the time comes."

 Actually, there are many reasons for not moving out. First, she didn't have enough money; second, she had to go to work and couldn't pick up her children from the kindergarten on time; third, she was angry.

Lu Jiaxin advised: "Fifth sister-in-law, this incident made me realize one thing. It's useless to rely on anyone. In the end, you have to rely on yourself."

Ma Lili understood what she meant. She smiled bitterly and said, "Xinxin, you are still young and don't understand. This matter is not as simple as you think."

Thinking that Lu Jiaxin was now mature and sensible, she expressed her concerns: "My sister said that she would adopt her youngest son back to her parents' family, but it has not been implemented yet. I want to take your fifth brother to move out, and my sister will definitely do it. I moved back with my husband and children. When the time comes, they won’t regret it anymore, and it will be difficult for them to move out.”

 There is an old saying that goes, it is easier to invite God than to send him away. And there was another concern that she didn't mention. Her brother-in-law's sinister temperament would damage the house and her parents' savings, and they would definitely be left alone when they got sick. At that time, it may be your own business. Now that my husband has been discouraged by his parents, he will definitely not be willing to support them in their old age. He is still in a dilemma. So if she was asked to move out, firstly, the little fat boy would change his surname to his parents' household registration, and secondly, he would need to sign a pension agreement.

Lu Jiaxin knew that the couple must have their own considerations for not moving out, but she still reminded: "The woman brought Zhao Siyi in. After I found out that she had evil intentions, I was terrified all day long. I often had nightmares about my father not wanting me. So every time I had a conflict with them and my father favored them, I was afraid that he wouldn't want me so I put up with it."

“Fifth sister-in-law, based on my own experience, I think children should live in a relaxed environment, otherwise they will easily fall into the shadow.”

 Thinking about how his mother said that the two children were sensible since the little fat man moved in. How can I be sensible? I am afraid of being scolded, beaten and kicked out.

The more she thought about it, the more sad Ma Lili felt.

Lu Jiajie has long wanted to move out, even if he rents a house, it would be better now, but Ma Lili has always disagreed. Now seeing how she would let go of the opportunity if she relaxed, he said: "Daughter-in-law, I think Xinxin is right, we should move out as soon as possible. Even if life is harder, it is still better than buying something good for the children to eat on the sly. .”

Ma Lili looked at the two children who were unwilling to stop eating with their mouths full of oil. She was silent for a moment and said, "I will consider it."

 (End of this chapter)