MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 30 Settled down

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Chapter 30 Settlement

With her household registration book and property certificate, Lu Jiaxin explained her situation to the police at the police station. Under the sympathetic look of the other party, she successfully registered her residence at the Guangming Road Subdistrict Office.

Lu Jiaxin was in a very good mood after completing a major event: "Xue Mao, to celebrate my new life, let's have a good meal today."

Hearing that he was about to go out to a restaurant again, Xue Mao suddenly felt his scalp numb and said, "Sister Xin, don't go out to the restaurant. I'll go to the vegetable market to buy more good vegetables and cook them myself."

 He was so idle that he was almost going moldy and he didn’t dare to spend so much anymore.

 Lu Jiaxin can also cook. In fact, before college, she never touched amniotic fluid. After college, she lived alone and started learning to cook. Later, I went to study abroad in a romantic country and my cooking skills improved greatly. I have no choice but to eat bread every day if I don’t cook for myself.

 “Okay, buy more meat.”

Xue Mao went to the vegetable market and bought a chicken and three pounds of meat. When I got home, I was not in a hurry to cook. Instead, I boiled medicine for Lu Jiaxin first.

 Smelling the smell of medicine, Lu Jiaxin couldn't even study with peace of mind. When the medicine was ready, Lu Jiaxin pinched her nose and drank it.

 She was inexperienced at first. After drinking the medicine, her mouth was filled with a bitter taste. She rinsed her mouth with water, and it took a long time for the smell to dissipate. Later, she gained experience. After drinking the medicine, she quickly rinsed her mouth and then took a toffee in her mouth. The smell of the medicine was soon suppressed. After using this method, drinking medicine no longer feels like torture.

Lu Jiaxin looked at the fat chicken that was packed away and said, "Xue Mao, this chicken should be half stewed in soup and half braised with potato and chicken nuggets!"


As soon as the chicken was put into the stew pot, Lu Jiajie's voice sounded outside: "Jiaxin, Jiaxin, open the door, it's me."

Xue Mao trotted to open the door, welcomed the person in, and reminded him in a low voice: "Fifth brother, Sister Xin is studying in the room."

“Xinxin, Xinxin, come out quickly, I’m bringing delicious food.”

Lu Jiaxin heard his cry and wondered why he was sending something at this time. After coming out, she asked: "Fifth brother, don't you want to go to work?"

 “It’s okay, I took half a day off.”

Lu Jiaxin felt that he was too inactive at work and would ask for leave every now and then. It's just that as a younger sister, and she's running about her own affairs, it's hard for her to say.

Lu Jiajie said: "Xinxin, each crab in this basket weighs more than half a catty. We will eat steamed crabs at noon, spicy crabs at night, and dig out the remaining crab paste to make steamed buns to eat in the morning."

Xue Mao said with a smile: "Fifth brother, I am taking medicine now. These crabs are too cold to be eaten."

Lu Jiaxin's good mood disappeared instantly, and she looked at Xue Mao with a look of resentment. If he didn't say it, he would just eat it. But now that I have said this, I don’t dare to touch it no matter how much I like it.

Lu Jiajie patted his head and said, "Oh, I forgot about this. Xue Mao, I'll steam six of them later, and the remaining six will be cooked as spicy crabs at night."

 He and Xue Mao are both good eaters, and three crabs each are no problem.

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "Steam four at noon, and you can take the rest back to my sister-in-law and Qiangqiang and the others to eat later. I happened to stew chicken today, so I will scoop a bowl over later." Lu Jiajie waved his hands quickly and said, "No, no. No, if they want to eat, I will buy them."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Wu spends money carefully, and she is reluctant to buy crabs for the children to eat. You should keep the little private money you have, otherwise Sister-in-law Wu will find out that she will quarrel with you again."

Lu Jiajie was speechless. He could only say that a penny stumped a heroic man.

Lu Jiaxin knew that he had a good reputation, so she would have ignored it if it was normal, but this time she did not avoid it: "Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng have lost a lot of weight during this period, and we have to give them more good food. It is not convenient for them at Ma's house. For extra food, bring it to my place to eat on the weekends."

 Lu Jiaxin knows everything about him. Because of family planning, Ma Lili was forced to undergo a sterilization after giving birth to Xiaofeng. The original agreement was useless.

 This is a national policy, not an act of the Lu family going back on their word. Although Father Ma felt bad, he had no choice but to admit it. But I don't want Sister Ma to feel unbalanced. As the daughter of the same family, Ma Lili lives in her parents' spacious house of more than 50 square meters. The children are also taken care of by their parents, because they live comfortably and look like a big girl. On the other hand, she not only had to endure the rejection from her mother-in-law and her sister-in-law, but her family of five could only live in a house of 20 square meters. Because she felt unsatisfied, she often brought her children home last year, and she always used words to bully Lu Jiajie and Ma Lili.

 Sister Ma used to say sarcastic words, but she only replied two or three times a month. Ma Lili, as a vested beneficiary, tolerated it. However, after the spring, Sister Ma suddenly proposed to adopt her younger son back to her parents' family and become the leader of the Ma family.

  It was Ma's father and Ma's mother's heartache that no one would inherit the incense. After hearing her words, the two people's attitudes immediately changed. It's just that Brother-in-law Ma's parents didn't agree, so the matter stayed there.

Since she was adopted, Sister Ma not only left her youngest son in the care of Father Ma and Mother Ma, but she also took the other two children back for dinner every now and then.

Ma Lili pays for food every month, but Sister Ma never pays for it. Food expenses have not increased, but as more people eat, food standards have plummeted. Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng sometimes didn't have enough to eat, which made Lu Jiajie and Ma Lili extremely distressed.

 Sister Ma was not satisfied with this and asked Ma Lili and Lu Jiajie to move away. Ma Lili did not refuse, but she also had a condition, that is, she had to change Xiaopang's surname to Ma and transfer her household registration to her parents' names before she and her husband would move out with their children. She won't leave until then.

 Because of this incident, the relationship between the two sisters was very tense. In this matter, Ma's father and Ma's mother were quite clear-headed, stating that they were allowed to move back with their children only if the children were settled in their names. But Brother Ma's parents wouldn't let go, so the matter couldn't be done.

Lu Jiajie didn’t want to take the things back: “If you take the things back, your fifth sister-in-law and Qiangqiang won’t be able to take a few bites.”

He is not a person who does not care about his wife and children, but the problem now is that his father-in-law and mother-in-law are partial to Yan Xiaopang, and they will stick to him first for anything good.

Lu Jiaxin was startled. She didn't expect the conflict to be so deep. She said, "Otherwise, you brought Fifth Sister-in-law and the two children to my place to eat. I just thought it would be a little quieter to eat with Xue Mao, so they came Yes, it’s lively here.”

Lu Jiajie saw her saying this and stopped being polite. It was too polite and seemed unfamiliar: "Okay, I'll pick them up after get off work."

Lu Jiajie went back to work after dinner.

Xue Mao asked with some confusion: "Sister Xin, we ate four of the twelve crabs at noon, and there are eight more. There are only six people in the Ma family, and there are two more. Why did Brother Jie say that Can’t the fifth sister-in-law and the two children have enough to eat?

 Lu Jiaxin briefly talked about the Ma family. Every family has a hard-to-recite sutra, and she is in a mess, so she won't talk too much about the Ma family.

Xue Mao couldn't help but think of his own affairs, and said with some discomfort: "Sister, why would relatives who are connected by blood do such calculations for a little money?"

 “Because of selfishness, because of greed.”

 (End of this chapter)