MTL - Rebirth 1983: Starting From Taking Back the Family Property-Chapter 32 Lu Jiajie’s Difficulties

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Chapter 32 Lu Jiajie’s Difficulties

After dinner, Lu Jiaxin said what she had been thinking about: "Fifth brother, fifth sister-in-law, I want to pay homage to my mother. Do you know where I can buy incense candles and paper money?"

 A few years ago, feudal superstition was abolished, and the sale of these things was prohibited. Although the policy is now more relaxed than before, everyone is unsure, so worships are done in private. She had never been exposed to these and couldn't see any shops selling incense and candles, so she asked Lu Jiajie and Ma Lili.

 Lu Jiajie wondered: "Why do you suddenly want to pay homage to your third aunt?"

Ma Lili was really worried about her husband's thinking, so she responded: "My mother also bought these things a few days ago. I will ask her when I get back, and your fifth brother will send them to you after I buy them."

 “Thank you, Sister-in-law Five.”

After dinner, Lu Jiaxin took ten yuan to buy things like incense and candles for Lu Jiajie. As a result, the money was not given and I was even punished.

Lu Jiaxin didn’t stuff it anymore, she just wanted to buy more things for Qiangqiang Xiaofeng: “Fifth brother, it’s a mess outside now, so don’t come over again tonight.”

Lu Jiajie smiled and said, "Okay, I'll come back tomorrow night."

 Firstly, Xue Mao is here, and secondly, the public security has been much better recently than before. If it's still like the past few months, he must come over, otherwise he won't worry.

 It was already past eight o'clock when I got home. After giving the two children a bath, Ma's mother came out to talk to the couple, complaining that they came back too late and affected the children's rest. This child, of course, refers to the little fat boy Yan Jixiang.

Lu Jiajie said nothing, but his expression was not good-looking. After the two children finished bathing and lay on the bed, he deliberately asked: "Qiangqiang, Xiaofeng, are you willing to move out?"

Xiaofeng said happily: "Dad, are you moving to my sister-in-law's house? My sister-in-law tells me nice stories and gives us a lot of delicious food. I am willing."

Lu Jiajie took a breath: "Who told you that we were going to move to my sister-in-law's house?"

Without thinking, the little girl said: "Grandma said it. She said there are so many rooms in my sister-in-law's house, and it is more than enough for our family to move there."

Lu Jiajie was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Xiaofeng took Ma Lili's arm again and said coquettishly: "Mom, let's move to my sister-in-law's house quickly! When we live at my sister-in-law's house, my cousin can no longer **** the toffee from me and my brother."

Lu Jiajie stood up angrily, but was stopped by Ma Lili. Ma Lili touched Xiaofeng's head and asked softly: "My cousin snatched your toffee, why didn't you tell me and your father?"

Qiangqiang lowered his head and said: "Mom, I didn't let my sister say it. If you know, you will have to quarrel with grandma again. Mom, I don't want you to quarrel with grandma."

 Such a thing has happened before, because the noise was so fierce that Xiaofeng was so frightened that she cried.

Ma Lili’s nose felt sour and she couldn’t help but shed tears. She didn't want her child to see it, so she turned around and wiped away her tears, holding her son in her arms and choking with sobs: "My Qiangqiang is such a good boy."

Lu Jiajie held back his anger and said, "Qiangqiang, Xiaofeng, it's very late. You have to go to school tomorrow, so go to bed quickly!"

After putting the two children to sleep, he said: "I will go out to look for a house tomorrow. Once the house is found, I will move out."

Ma Lili is unwilling to rent a house. She feels that there are too many uncertainties in renting a house, such as the landlord raising the rent or suddenly selling the house.

Lu Jiajie gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's buy a house, even if it's in a remote location. Lili, it doesn't matter if we work harder, but we can't let the child be wronged." Seeing the child like this, Ma Lili didn't struggle anymore this time: "We can't buy it because it's too remote. It won't be convenient for our children to go to and from school. I have 2,300 yuan in hand now, which is not enough to buy a small courtyard. Then we will ask my third uncle and eldest brother to borrow some."

She is not willing to buy a house in a large courtyard. It is too noisy and has a lot of disputes, so she would rather suffer the hardship and buy an independent small courtyard.

Lu Jiajie was surprised: "Do we have so much money?"

Ma Lili glanced at him sideways and lowered her voice and said: "You always say that I control you strictly. If I didn't control you more strictly, how could I have saved this money? Jiajie, although the bungalow does not have heating like the building, it is a single-family house. Pure and comfortable.”

 The expenses for moving out will definitely double, but once the house is bought, the couple will only have to support their two children. She and her husband both have jobs and are not afraid, but it will be tiring if there is no one to help. No matter how tired it is, it is better than letting the child suffer.

Lu Jiajie thinks this is not a big deal: "If you are afraid of the cold, just make a kang in the house and burn it before going to bed. You don't need to cover yourself with quilts at night."

At noon the next day, Lu Jiajie went to Lu Hongjun and told him that Lu Jiaxin wanted to buy incense and candles to worship Lu’s mother.

Lu Jiajie said: "Third uncle, Xue Mao told me that the night he rescued Xinxin, Xinxin developed a high fever. That night Xinxin was calling her mother."

"The fever took two days and three nights to subside. Xue Mao said that at that time he was worried that he would become a fool. Xinxin woke up the next day, but she was very weak from too much blood and had to be helped to walk."

Lu Hongjun guessed that Lu Jiaxin suffered in the ancient capital, but he did not expect it to be so difficult.

When Lu Jiajie saw that he was silent, he continued: "Xue Mao himself didn't have enough to eat, so he saved Xinxin and the two of them from starving together. In order to make a living, Xinxin took Xue Mao to set up a stall. She was still very weak at the time, and it was the first time she set up a stall. One day I almost had a heat stroke. But in order to earn money for food, Xinxin didn't go back and just lay down under the big tree next to the stall."

Lu Hongjun asked in a hoarse voice: "What happened next?"

Lu Jiajie said: "The food made by Xinxin is delicious and the business is booming. Not long after, he was targeted by gangsters. The stall was smashed by those gangsters. Both Xue Mao and Xinxin were injured. It took them several days to recover. .”

It is true that a gangster overturned a stall and injured someone. However, Lu Jiaxin did not go to set up the stall, and it was Xue Mao who was injured. After listening to Xue Mao's story, he also understood why his sister had changed so much. After going through so much, it would be abnormal to remain unchanged.

 “She didn’t even tell me.”

Lu Jiajie wanted to retaliate, but he didn't have the guts: "Third uncle, Xinxin said yesterday that no one can be trusted in this world, the only one she can rely on is herself. Third uncle, Xinxin is not trying to scare you, she really wants to break up with you. relation."

Lu Hongjun was silent for a moment and took out a letter from the drawer: "Here is three hundred yuan. If Xinxin is short of something, you can buy it for her."

Lu Jiajie accepted the envelope without any hesitation, and then talked about his plans to buy a house: "My child was robbed of food. Instead of teaching Yan Jixiang a lesson, my mother-in-law said that Qiangqiang Xiaofeng was stingy. Third uncle, I really live in the Ma family." I can’t go down anymore, so I discussed with Lili about buying a private courtyard.”

I specifically told Lu Hongjun about this matter in the hope that he could help inquire about it. Lu Hongjun’s connections were beyond his comparison. Of course, the most important thing is to hope to get it at a discounted price.

Lu Hongjun nodded and said, "I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if there's anything suitable."

Jiajie just forced a son, and he would definitely not be adopted into the Ma family. The eldest daughter of the Ma family is willing to adopt the younger son back to her parents' family, and the Ma family's property and job will belong to that child. I have to move anyway, so if I buy a house and move out earlier, I can live a quiet life earlier.

 (End of this chapter)