My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early-Chapter 359 - : I’m Pregnant (Part 2 update)

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Chapter 359: Chapter 359: I’m Pregnant (Part 2 update)

Translator: 549690339

“Why are you here?” The two stared at each other.

And then.

Xin Zaozao suddenly laughed, “This is your home.”

Luo Xiaolang nodded.

Xin Zaozao walked over and sat beside Luo Xiaolang. She looked pale, but still managed to smile warmly at Luo Xiaolang. “Sorry for intruding tonight.”

“Mm-hmm.” Luo Xiaolang nodded.

“Zhizhi told me you had left. Why did you come back?” asked Xin Zaozao.

Luo Xiaolang fell silent.

Xin Zaozao thought that Luo Xiaolang probably didn’t want to talk about it.

So she didn’t ask any further.

In fact, she wasn’t one to gossip.

She got up, ready to retire to one of Luo Xiaolang’s guest rooms.

Just as she was about to leave.

“I’m pregnant.” Luo Xiaolang suddenly spoke up.

Xin Zaozao was taken aback.

For a moment, she thought she had misheard.

She turned to look at Luo Xiaolang.

In her loose T-shirt, Luo Xiaolang was sitting cross-legged on the couch. The shirt hid her belly, and she had not put on any weight, you could not tell at first glance or even a closer one that she was pregnant.

Xin Zaozao was stunned for a good few seconds before she managed to ask, “You said you’re pregnant?”

“The doctor said I’m six months along.” Luo Xiaolang confirmed bluntly.

Xin Zaozao felt a little overwhelmed by all this information.

First of all.

Luo Xiaolang was a nun. Weren’t they supposed to abstain from such things?


Luo Xiaolang claimed to be six months pregnant, which meant she would have conceived soon after leaving Jin City. So, who was the father?

She scrutinized Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang was never one to read people’s thoughts. “When I went to the hospital for a stomach examination, the doctor said I had stomach cancer.”

“What?!” Xin Zaozao exclaimed.

“But actually, they mixed up the test results. I didn’t check, and the doctor didn’t realize the results weren’t mine. I only had superficial gastritis, not serious, just needing dietary attention. But I left Jin City after wrongly being diagnosed with stomach cancer and even changed my phone number. The hospital realized the mistake afterwards but couldn’t reach me, so I didn’t know I actually wasn’t dying.”


What happened during all this?

“Thinking I was dying, I slept with Yin Qin before I died.”

Xin Zaozao was dumbstruck.

Luo Xiaolang was really bold.

She explained, “I just thought Yin Qin was annoying, and I saw online how revenge would help me feel better, so I did it. They also said on the internet that the biggest regret in life is dying before ever being with a man.”

Xin Zaozao nodded.

She could understand.

When faced with looming death, people might do extreme things.

Even though what Luo Xiaolang did was certainly… unconventional.

“What surprised me was that I got pregnant,” Luo Xiaolang said. “My belly was getting bigger no matter how much got a workout I did, and I thought it was due to cancer. But an elderly woman who visited our Wulin Temple to pray noticed and suggested I was pregnant! She asked me if I hadn’t had my period for a long time, if I felt nauseous… Then I came back and confirmed it—I was pregnant. I learned that’s what happens when you sleep with a man.”

Xin Zaozao didn’t know what to say.

At this point, it was hard to tell whether Luo Xiaolang was happy or not.

All she could do was to sit and listen silently.

Hear Luo Xiaolang candidly remark, “My master at Wulin Temple found out I broke the rule of worldly detachment, so he beat me up badly and drove me out.”

Xin Zaozao was shocked.

Hearing about Luo Xiaolang’s attempted workout already made her worry, and now she had been beaten up badly too.

She wanted to know if Xiaolang’s baby was still okay?

Looking at her, the baby must be okay.

Maybe Xiaolang was carrying a little toughie.

“Then I returned here. Although my master had beaten me and driven me away, he still loves me. He wanted me to return home and take good care of my pregnancy.” Luo Xiaolang’s voice wavered slightly at this point, but she quickly recovered her calm. “After I returned, I went for a full medical examination, and the doctor said the baby is healthy.”

“That’s good.” Xin Zaozao smiled.

Luo Xiaolang continued, “I don’t know why, but I don’t feel particularly happy or averse to it. It just feels strange to have a little life inside me. Occasionally it will kick me. I don’t know if it will be a fighter when it’s born.”

Xin Zaozao wondered how she could explain pregnancy to Luo Xiaolang.

After all, she hadn’t given birth herself, though she did have one… pregnancy.

She hid a fleeting moment of emotion and quickly changed the subject, “Just do as the doctor says and don’t worry about the rest.”

“That’s what I thought too.” Luo Xiaolang nodded.

“Does Yin Qin know?” Xin Zaozao asked casually.

“No.” Luo Xiaolang responded.

Xin Zaozao was surprised, “He doesn’t know? You didn’t tell him?”

“Why should I tell him?” Luo Xiaolang asked, completely baffled.

Xin Zaozao pressed her lips together, “He’s the baby’s father, shouldn’t he bear some responsibility?”

“No need. He can’t even defeat me, so he probably can’t defeat my kid either. What use would he be?” Luo Xiaolang retorted.

Xin Zaozao was at a loss for how to explain the concepts of marriage and family.

She said, “It’s great to be a strong, independent woman, but Xiaolang, you’re only 18…”

“My master said I’m already 19.”

“Alright, you’re 19, but still a child. How can you take care of another child properly? Kids are trouble, not as simple as you think. Kids also need the warmth of a family, the care of both their mother and father. Regardless, Yin Qin, the father, has a right to know he has a child. Otherwise, it would be like deceiving him.”

“Is it that serious?”

“Of course it is.” Xin Zaozao nodded firmly.

“Okay, I’ll tell him when I get a chance.”

“Mm.” Xin Zaozao smiled.

She really admired Xiaolang, who dared to act and make decisions without hesitation.

One might think she slept with Yin Qin for revenge, thinking she was dying. But she might have actually done it because she was genuinely infatuated, albeit under the guise of revenge.

She envied her straightforwardness, acting on her desires without hesitation.

She herself lacked that courage.

Towards anyone.

“By the way, have you encountered any upsetting incidents recently?” Luo Xiaolang asked.

“Um, yes.” Xin Zaozao nodded slightly.

“You don’t look well.” Luo Xiaolang pointed out candidly.

Xin Zaozao admitted, “I’ve been through a lot of bad things, but luckily, it will all be over soon.”

Luo Xiaolang didn’t press further.

“I’m going to rest in my room for a while.”

Luo Xiaolang nodded.

Xin Zaozao went back to the guest room and lay on the bed, but she couldn’t fall asleep.

She still stared at the ceiling.

She really didn’t want to go back to the Xin family’s villa, not just because she didn’t want to face Wan Quan, but also because it would remind her of many unpleasant memories.

She won’t give in.

She definitely won’t give in.

A week later.

Xin Zaozao had been staying at Luo Xiaolang’s place for a week, without leaving.

Luo Xiaolang didn’t ask her to leave. If she got home late from work, he would still leave dinner for her, even if it was always takeout.

Xin Zaozao felt that Luo Xiaolang consuming so much takeout was bad. Nevertheless, living alone and not seeming like someone who could cook, she called Song Zhizhi to help Luo Xiaolang hire a nanny.

What she didn’t know is that Song Zhizhi didn’t know Luo Xiaolang had returned.

And she certainly didn’t know that she was pregnant.

So, by the evening, Song Zhizhi arrived brimming with momentum, holding two bowls of chicken soup to see Luo Xiaolang.

At that moment, Xin Zaozao had just returned from work, and she saw Song Zhizhi glaring at Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang was looking at Song Zhizhi too, seemingly unmoved.

Luo Xiaolang probably thought to herself, “You can’t beat me, so I’m not scared.”

At that moment, Xin Zaozao found it a little funny.

She walked in and heard Song Zhizhi say angrily, “Why didn’t you contact me when you came back!”

“…” Luo Xiaolang lowered her head.

“Didn’t we say that you’d find me when you returned?” Song Zhizhi was clearly not scolding her, but angry that Xiaolang had returned and was even pregnant, and hadn’t told her of such a significant event!

Like a child who had done something wrong, Luo Xiaolang said, “I didn’t know how to tell you because when I left, I thought I was going to die. I didn’t expect to survive.”

“What nonsense are you speaking.” Song Zhizhi was speechless.

Luo Xiaolang then explained the circumstances of her departure and involvement with Yin Qin.

After listening, Song Zhizhi began to laugh uncontrollably.

Her laughter made Luo Xiaolang a bit embarrassed.

Xin Zaozao was also made to laugh by Song Zhizhi’s amusement.

Song Zhizhi seemed to have the ability to infect others with her emotions, and then incorporate them into her own.

Song Zhizhi served the chicken soup, scooped a bowl for Xiaolang, and asked her to eat it.

Xiaolang didn’t want to eat.

Because she was a vegetarian.

Song Zhizhi admonished, “You’ve already eaten such heavy meat before, why stay vegetarian now.”

“I haven’t.” Luo Xiaolang argued back.

These few days, even though the doctor kept advising her to supplement her diet, she persisted in eating vegetarian food, primarily health porridge.

Both Song Zhizhi and Xin Zaozao laughed when they heard Luo Xiaolang’s words. They naturally both understood what she meant.

Xiaolang indeed was oblivious to many things, yet she was able to do things that ordinary people couldn’t.

“Come on then.” Song Zhizhi didn’t offer further explanation.

She forcibly pushed the soup in front of Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang just sat there, not knowing how to start eating.

“You’ve been expelled from Wulin Temple, you’re no longer a nun from there. Now you’re an ordinary person, and it’s normal for ordinary people to eat meat.” Song Zhizhi persuaded.

After much hesitation, Luo Xiaolang eventually picked it up and ate it, spoonful by spoonful.

She indeed was no longer a nun.

She didn’t need to abstain from any of the things nuns are supposed to abstain from anymore.

After seeing Luo Xiaolang start eating, Song Zhizhi served another bowl for Xin Zaozao.

Xin Zaozao looked surprised, “I’m not pregnant.”

“Look at you, all skin and bones. You should replenish a little.” Song Zhizhi said.

A faint smile appeared on Xin Zaozao’s face.

Her heart felt slightly warm.

She accepted it and started eating as well, spoonful by spoonful.

The three women were in Luo Xiaolang’s dining room.

Song Zhizhi changed the topic, “How are you?”

She was asking Xin Zaozao.

Although Luo Xiaolang had certainly given her a bombshell piece of news, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Xin Zaozao was the one who needed the most concern in this period of time.

There had been plenty of news lately.

About her being kidnapped, Mu Cidian committing murder, and so on.

She didn’t call Xin Zaozao because she felt that Xin Zaozao didn’t need anyone’s help in this matter.

Xin Zaozao should have already made up her mind.

Now she was asking because a week had passed and there still appeared to be no conclusion to the case.

Zaozao answered, “I’m okay. The police brought me to the police station a few times to discuss Mu Cidian’s murder. I recounted some of the events.”

“Mu Cidian’s murder… was for you, wasn’t it?” Song Zhizhi speculated.

It was more of a speculation, but she understood it all.

Xin Zaozao nodded.

“So nothing can happen between you two now?”

“No.” Xin Zaozao replied firmly. “Not in this lifetime.”

Song Zhizhi didn’t say anything more.

But she felt increasingly that Mu Cidian might actually love Xin Zaozao.

It seemed like a really deep kind of love.

She asked again,”According to Mu Cidian’s case, approximately how many years could he be sentenced to?”

“I don’t know,” Xin Zaozao replied candidly. “The police said Mu Cidian’s sentence would depend on my testimony, so everything I say to the police is important. But for now, I haven’t said much.”

“What are you waiting for?” asked Song Zhizhi.

Xin Zaozao didn’t hide it, “The person I want to take revenge on is not just Mu Cidian.”

Song Zhizhi seemed to understand.

She nodded, “So the incident was instigated by Wan Quan?”

“So Mu Cidian shouldn’t be the only one to bear the responsibility!” Xin Zaozao said, every word punctuated.

“Yes.” Song Zhizhi agreed, then suddenly said, “By the way, Mu Cidian has woken up, hasn’t he?”

Xin Zaozao bit her lip lightly.

That’s right.

I heard that Mu Cidian, on the brink of death, had finally awoken.