MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 60

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In class, the math teacher is writing on the blackboard with his back to the students.

The white chalk was poked **** the blackboard again and again, even leaving obvious pits. But if you look closely, you will find that her fingers holding the chalk are not only tightening, but also trembling inexplicably, and the shaking is getting more and more urgent.

Of course, because of the distance, Xu Tuoran couldn't see this detail. She just looked down at the notebook with the topographic map of the campus in front of her, making up or scratching out two strokes from time to time. As she stroked, she suddenly felt the scene in front of her shake and an inexplicable voice echoed in her ears.

It is an incomprehensible language. It was like scolding, or howling of a wild beast. The tone was fierce, and it sounded like something was exploding in the ear, and even the eardrum was aching.

Xu Tuoran pinched his thigh hard, trying to drive away this nasty hallucination, his eyes inadvertently passed Zhu Tang who was sitting diagonally in front, and found that she was secretly stuffing pills into her mouth while the math teacher was not paying attention.

It was the medicine used to help stabilize the mental state—Zhu Tang, she was also feeling unwell now.

Considering Zhu Tang and himself have a tendency to be chaotic, this discomfort obviously comes from the original flower of the big Sophora japonica. But Xu Turan didn't's all right, what's going on with it all of a sudden?

She looked outside for no reason, but saw nothing. But it was obvious that there was some kind of strong emotion in the air, like anger, or complaining...


Xu Turan thought for a while and couldn't understand the reason why the big Sophora japonica suddenly fell ill, and felt that there seemed to be no reason for it, so he secretly circled his position as a country, and promulgated a ban on "spiritual pollution can not be entered". Once low, continue to draw your own schematic diagram.

—And in another building far away, the anger floating in the air instantly became more intense.


In the empty small auditorium, a thick layer of translucent colloidal solid is climbing up the stairs little by little. The jelly-like body can't stop shaking, and every time it shakes, it conveys a message accurately.


... so angry!

There is one less useful companion. Why are you disobedient? Mad.

I was in a bad mood and wanted to beep crazily, but one of the tree hole objects who was beeped actually closed the door! Even more angry!

It doesn't know who that person is, but it is very angry! what!

The viscous solid that climbed on the stairs shook even more, and even gave people the illusion that the whole room, including all the lights and shadows, was shaking.

The man in the last row of chairs closed his eyes in displeasure, trying to get the uncomfortable shaking out of his mind—it has to be said, dealing with a chaotic abomination is annoying.

The man was wearing a **** shirt with a distinctive torch pattern on it. Perhaps it was because the clothes were worn out, and the torch pattern looked a bit dull.

Opening his eyes again, he was not surprised to find that the gelatinous solid had spread to his feet. He curled his lips impatiently, jumped up, and stood firmly on the chair. When he spoke, his tone revealed a bit of gentleness and comfort.

"I know you're angry... I would be angry if I were me. It's hard to find an opportunity to support someone who is in the position. However, the person who went up was not up to date, didn't get much performance, and was fooled around by a few capable people who weren't great. , and even do stupid things like cannibalism..."

The man sighed cooperatively: "There are not many available companions. Now there is one less, and there is a vacancy in the teacher's position, and there is no one available to fill it... It is really annoying."

The jelly-like object that was creeping under his feet paused for a moment, and in the next second, countless pairs of small eyes popped out of the translucent jelly, blinking together, looking at the man standing on the chair:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

This thing seems to be a little smarter than I thought - the man thought indifferently, but there was still a faint smile on his face: "Don't think too much, I'm just feeling sorry for your situation."

He raised his eyes and swept forward, only to see that under the steps, almost the entire auditorium had been flooded with black translucent glue. The large seat is wrapped in gel, covered with densely packed small eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, your companions should all be transformed by your past believers. The kind of true believers who serve you wholeheartedly." The man squatted down and said lightly, "By those capable people You have been trapped for so long, you should have not developed a true believer for a long time, right? It is really sad."

Jelly-like object: "…"

The jelly that almost filled most of the space shook again dissatisfied. The man was right, this was indeed the reason why it was so annoyed—the companions died one by one, and could not regenerate. And the position of a teacher requires a lot of independent thinking and adaptability of the incumbent, it is impossible to fill it with an ordinary monster...

"Believe me, even if you use monsters to fill the empty space, it won't last long."

As if he had seen through its thoughts, the man added leisurely: "In addition to your abilities, there is another chaotic effect covering the Sixue building, and it is constantly overlapping and accumulating... unless you can find something more Those who are stronger than the original physical education teacher will pass away, otherwise they will only repeat the same mistakes."

The man said, straightened up, stepped on the back of the chair and took two steps leisurely, then lowered his eyes suddenly:

"Or, you could actually send someone less impressionable."

"The trick of scaring the students on duty is no longer suitable. If you want to enter the laboratory building again, you need to find new opportunities... You need to give students more opportunities to enter the laboratory building."

"Sixue Building Campus does not have to go to the lab building now, which is not good for you. It is best for the new teacher to be able to hold a related position. Art, information, chemistry, biology... But this is not something that ordinary monsters are capable of, no ?"

Colloidal giant: "..."

It realized: "You want fame."

"'s status." The corner of the man's mouth twitched, and he corrected him, "I've done so much for you, so it's not too much, right?"

Now, he is neither a teacher nor a student in this school. In a sense, he is considered a "black household" who is not bound by school rules or protected. If he hadn't taken the initiative to find the domain owner of this domain to negotiate a deal on the first day of school, he might have become the domain owner's prey as early as the first night.

...Of course, if you really want to eat him, it's not that easy. In any case, he felt it was time to make an identity for himself.

Sixue Building lost another teacher and was severely understaffed. This was his chance. And he didn't think the domain owner had a reason to reject him—from entering this domain to now, he invaded the principal's office for it, and revised the letter of employment for it. His sincerity has been fully released.

He naturally knew that the abominations were mentally handicapped that had failed in evolution. But even such a mentally retarded person should understand what is "transaction" and what is "mutual benefit".

The man thought with confidence. On the other side, the jelly-like object that flooded most of the auditorium shook again, as if it was thinking.

I don't know how long it took before the man heard its voice again:

"What's your name?"

"Jianglin." The man was neither humble nor overbearing, "You can call me that."

"Okay, Jianglin." The jelly said slowly, "I can agree to your request. This is the reward you deserve."

...It is done.

The man slightly hooked his lips, and politely blessed his body downward: "Thank you for your justice and generosity."

"I said, you deserve it." The glue said coldly, the countless small eyes hidden in the body blinked irregularly, "But I need to confirm it again."

"The Sixue Building needs a teacher who can enter the laboratory building. And you also need an identity that can enter the laboratory building and be accepted by the school regulations."

"Exactly." Jiang Lin nodded again, "I'm glad we reached a consensus."

He felt it was time to leave. An angry, brilliant, chaos-prone abomination... Even he, in such close quarters, was a little dizzy after staying so long.

The jelly quivered again as an answer to him.

Then, countless small eyes closed in pieces, and the entire room fell into silence again.

Jiang Lin glanced at it with caring and mentally retarded eyes, sneered in his heart, turned around and slowly exited the small auditorium.

So, the next morning.

Sixue building. second class. The third class in the morning.

"Hi students, I am your new information teacher."

Xu Tuoran leaned on the back of the chair, turned his head to look at the man standing on the podium, his eyes thoughtful.

The man is tall and tall, and he is introducing himself fluently: "In the future, all the classes that should be in physical education will be changed to information classes. I hope the students will keep them in mind and tell each other."

Pale sunlight came in from the window, hitting his pale skin. He squinted his eyes uncomfortably, and unnaturally picked up the book on the table: "Today is the first information class, everyone pack up, we will go to the computer room right away..."

engine room.

Laboratory building.

Xu Tuoran quickly caught the key words, exchanged glances with the others, picked up the books one after another, left the classroom with the flow of people, and walked towards the stairs.

Almost at the same time, the other side.

In the classroom of Zhixue Building.

"Your information teacher has been transferred." The Chinese teacher dedicated to Zhixue Building looked indifferent, "In the future, the information class will be changed to Chinese and mathematics."

"Next, roll call first."

As she spoke, she picked up the roster on the podium and counted all the way to the end, her eyes suddenly paused.

Only then did she realize that there was another student in this class today.

Looking at the time, it should be the student who entered last night... The Chinese teacher habitually pushed his glasses and read out the newly added names on the roster.

"Jiang Lin."


"Who is Jianglin?"

Her eyes swept across the class one by one. Finally, there was a tall figure in the corner who reluctantly raised his hand.


The tall man called "Jiang Lin" reluctantly responded, put his hand down, and lay down on the table without interest.

"If you don't have a good attitude in class, two points will be deducted." The Chinese teacher calmly drew a picture on the booklet, completely ignoring the shocked eyes of the other party, walked to the podium, and opened the textbook.

Qu Mian, who was sitting next to the new classmate, sat upright until he confirmed that the teacher had turned around, and then approached the new classmate, lowering his voice: "Brother, remind me. Anyone who is within the range that the teacher can see, even if you pretend, you must pretend to be a good student." .Otherwise it is very dangerous."

"..." The new classmate glanced at him, responded angrily, and opened the textbook in front of him.

Qu Mian was bored, and sat up straight in embarrassment, but suddenly received Yang Buqi's eyes. Under the repeated hints from the other party's eyes, he bit the bullet and moved closer to the new classmate.

"Then what, classmate, I'm curious. Why did you enroll?"


I don't know if it was his illusion, but the breath on the man's body seemed to become tense all of a sudden.

Even the fingers holding the book tightened hard, pinching deep marks on the cover.

"...because I miscalculated the IQ of a single-celled creature."

Jiang Lin dropped the sentence with a half-smile, glanced at the lecturer on the podium, and opened the book in front of him with a sullen face.

Qu Mian: "...?"

Xu Turan was actually not sure whether it was a good thing or not to have an additional information teacher on their side.

Objectively speaking, this can increase the probability of them entering the laboratory building. However, this does not seem to be of great help to their current situation.

The passage connecting Zhixue Building and Sixue Building will only be opened when the students of Zhixue Building come here to attend classes. It doesn't matter if they go to class or not.

"Thinking on the bright side, assuming our inferences are true. Only certain teachers can enter the laboratory building. Then that place is a very good hiding place for us." The deputy class walked on the way to the laboratory building, talking to each other while walking. Others said, "It's always good to have the opportunity to learn more."

"But I don't think it's that simple." Lin Ge pursed his lips, "The teachers here should all be arranged by 'it', right? What we lack is physical education, why should we arrange an information teacher? Having said that, it requires students to perform rituals in the laboratory building..."

"If this is the case, then the information class will definitely not be peaceful." Sister Baofu said, "For the second class, we will help to watch, but the first class..."

She looked at Xu Tuoran who stopped suddenly, with a puzzled expression on her face: "What's wrong with you?"

"...Gah." Xu Tuoran looked in the direction of the pond, opened his mouth slightly, and rarely uttered a dirty word, "This guy is too sensitive."


Everyone didn't understand, so they followed her gaze and finally understood the reason why Xu Tuoran was stunned suddenly.

—On both sides of the pond, a circle of tall railings was erected at an unknown time. The railings are sharp and the gaps are small. It is quite difficult to turn over without a sound.

"...There are many bells hanging on it." Fang Xing was speechless, and carefully glanced at Xu Tuoran, "Could it be that you were seen yesterday?"

"It's unlikely. If it is recognized, the teachers will definitely take this opportunity to impose punishment." The deputy squad leader shook his head, "Mostly, traces were found near the pond. Just in case, they were stopped."

"The pond can't be walked, and the playground is sealed forever. The only thing I can count on is cleaning at night." Sister Baofu let out a sigh of relief, "I hope everything goes well tonight."

"..." Xu Tuoran took a deep look at her, but didn't speak.

She didn't really want to spoil other people's fun. But she had a vague premonition—Dahuaihua's troubles were far from over.

Facts have proved that Xu Tuoran's premonition is correct.

The first thing that went wrong was the information class.

As they expected, something went wrong in the first information class. Two girls disappeared for ten minutes between classes and did not come back until class began. However, the information teacher seemed to be okay, and continued to teach by himself until the class was almost over. When he saw the two returning to the classroom holding hands and trembling, Fang's expression changed slightly.

But he didn't say anything, he just waved his hand and let the two of them go back to their seats. It wasn't until after class that Zhu Tang and the others gathered around to inquire with the other girls that they roughly pieced together the truth of the matter:

To put it simply, the two of them went to the bathroom between classes. When I came back, I found that I couldn't find the classroom, and there were no other students in the empty laboratory building. Because they were afraid, they wanted to go back to the Sixue building, but the door on the first floor could not be opened. Instead, they saw strange shadows, chasing them all the way to the third floor...

"We hid in an office on the third floor. After staying in there for a while, we came out."

The two girls said so without mentioning a word about the rules of self-help.

Zhu Tang also specially asked a few more questions, and after confirming that it was correct, Fang returned to Xu Tuoran's side and gave her a little thumbs-up.

"Your method works. They don't see the rules," she whispered. "How did you do it?"

"What else can I do, just tear it up." Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows as if nothing had happened, and stuffed the silver paper ball hidden in the belly of the table again.

—Inside the silver-colored paper, there is a piece of crumpled regular paper. As for the rule paper, she tore it off in the office on the third floor as soon as she came to the laboratory building.

The pen of the pen fairy once said that the person who wrote the ruled paper can extend his tentacles to all the places where the ruled paper is. Xu Tuoran was worried that his modification would not continue to take effect, so he simply tore up the ruled paper, and it was done.

After tearing it off, he was worried that the guy would use it as a medium to spy, so he wrapped the paper in silver paper. He also circled the country around himself and protected it.

So far, this move has been quite effective. At least in their class, no one had an accident in the office on the third floor.

However, this move didn't last long—it didn't take long for the class following them to take the information class, there were reports of supernatural events in the class and some people disappeared inexplicably.

Xu Turan felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly opened the silver paper, only to find that the regular paper wrapped inside had turned into a piece of ordinary worn-out paper, with only one line written on it:

【You wait for me. 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

A reminder sounded in her head that the death value had increased, she sighed secretly, tore up the paper and threw it aside.

The information class was just the beginning, and what was worse was that at noon that day, the head teacher came over to announce two more news.

First, two classes were regrouped. Xu Tuoran, Zhu Tang, Lin Ge and the deputy squad leader stayed in the second class, while the rest were assigned to the first class.

… small groups were broken up. Although it sounds very unpleasant, but thinking about it on the bright side, at least someone will be able to watch the situation during the information class in the next class.

What was even worse was the second news—their late self-study duty activities were completely cancelled. In the future, the laboratory building will not be open during evening self-study.

No wonder they have to make up information lessons for them. Cooperate here and wait.

Xu Tuoran put the pen heavily on the table, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

Big Sophora japonica, it must know that they plan to use the opportunity of night duty to discuss plans, so it simply crossed off this activity, and moved the opportunity to hold the ceremony to the information class.

...If I remember correctly, this guy looks like a lump of mud, right? Why is a lump of mud so troublesome?

The more Xu Turan thought about it, the more unhappy he became. Based on the principle of being unhappy and not letting others be happy, I raised my hand on the spot after the class was divided, and under the unkind eyes of the math teacher, I directly ran for the next class monitor.

Sorry, I have so many credits to be so fearless.

"So what to do now?"

That night, in the toilet of the dormitory building, several girls got together again and squatted in a circle.

"The opportunity to be on duty is gone, and everything that should be sealed has been sealed. How can I get to the opposite side?" Zhu Tang scratched at the dragon scale on his wrist, his face full of worry.

"It's not difficult to get over it." Xu Tuoran was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "If it doesn't work, attack by force and jump over the fence."

Lin Ge: "You can be safe..."

"Cut your hair to cover your face, and act first when you act, and put a sack on anyone you see and beat them up. As long as you don't get unlucky and hit your math or Chinese teacher, theoretically, you can avoid being recognized. Under the circumstances, forcefully rush to the opposite side." Xu Tuoran said in a deep voice.

In addition, she thinks that their gang fights should all have a chance of winning, only these two, Xuan.

No matter how bad it is, she uses skills to add special effects, whether it is "absolute kingship" or "confusing", they can all be used to cover the bottom line.

"The problem is, we can't communicate with the other party now. We can't cooperate." The deputy squad leader looked ponderous.

Their movements are actually very restricted. There are nine classes a day, no free activities in class, no unexcused absences. In the evening, there will be dormitory supervisors checking the bed from time to time, and there is not much time for activities. They didn't know the situation at Zhixue Building yet, so they went there hastily, and if they couldn't come back in time, they would have to bear a heavy price.

And now the principal's office is most likely in the Qinxue Building. If they choose to rush to the opposite side, they'd better be able to break through at once - Dahuaihua is too vigilant, and if he wastes the opportunity to try again, I'm afraid it will cause side effects.

In this way, the combat power of Zhixue Building is even more needed.

"Communication... I remember when we met last time, they said that they have information classes and art classes. Sometimes they also come to the gymnasium for classes." Xu Tuoran recalled carefully, "What if I go to the corresponding classroom and leave them a message? "

"But we don't know their class schedule. There is also a suitable place to hide." Lin Ge frowned, "Oh, yes, Xu Tuoran, you know everything, can you ask these?"

"Hanging." Xu Tuoran said bluntly, "I tried it this afternoon, and it said it couldn't see the things on the opposite side..." This trash.

As soon as the words fell, suddenly something trembled in the pocket.

Xu Tuoran: "...?"

She took a look in her pocket, and saw that the silver square box containing the pen of the pen fairy was constantly shaking.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

What the hell, did you read that I called you trash or something?

She was baffled, noticed the surprised eyes of other people, twitched the corners of her mouth, said something was up, and then entered the next compartment with the pen of the pen fairy.

Entering the cubicle, first delineate the country, and then set a rule that prohibits the sound from spreading outside. Only then did Xu Tuoran open the silver box: "What are you doing?"

In the next second, I saw the red pen, which was submissive before, floating straight up, and the red pen case seemed to be covered with a layer of light.

【I'm listening. 】

It opened the cap and wrote in the air, and the handwriting returned to that elegant cursive.

Xu Tuoran: "...? Listen to what?"

[The call of my disciples. true believers. 】The brush of the pen fairy seems to be dancing, 【I feel someone is performing a ceremony that belongs to me, calling my honorable name. Someone still remembers me, he is calling me to come! 】

It excitedly turned round and round in the air, and the case of the pen was as bright as a light bulb.

Xu Tuoran looked at it speechlessly: "Uh, congratulations?"

【Congratulations? You should howl! 】The brush of the pen fairy arrogantly pushed the bright red handwriting in front of Xu Tuoran, 【That is my believer, they must have gone through countless attempts before finally finding me... They are loyal to me and will give everything for me! 】

[Think about it, fools! If they find you disrespecting me, what a crime you will be sentenced to! Now is your last chance, release me, and I may even give you a discipleship! 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She was silent for a moment, then raised her hand suddenly. The pen of the pen fairy was stunned, and drew a question mark in the air.

"It's okay, I'll just try my skills." Xu Tuoran held his chin and muttered to himself, "It seems that the confusing and confusing won't affect you..."

Although she thought this was not smart before, it is too stupid today. It's like drinking fake wine.

【Foolish people, don't try to judge things you don't understand. 】Pen Fairy Zhibi proudly wrote, 【Ah, I have heard the voice of my believer! 】

"Then what did your believers say?" Xu Tuoran lacked interest, "If it's not very important, can you come back and stay? Let him call next time..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the pen of the pen fairy begin to write again in the air—【He is calling my name! He is praying to me! 】


Only then did Xu Tuoran realize that it was answering the question he had just asked.

Ah...Actually, I just said it casually, and I don't really want to know...

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, and was about to forcibly take back the brush of the pen fairy, but saw the other party suddenly froze in the air.

The nib paused and a drop of ink dripped.

【He...he asked me to bring you a message. Their art class tomorrow is in the third period in the afternoon. 】

Xu Tuoran:?

[Usually use the sketch classroom on the right side of the second floor of the laboratory building. His seat is the last one on the right, and there is a plaster statue with curly hair next to him... Also, they will have no information class in the future...]

The pen of the pen fairy wrote word by word in the air, and the whole pen seemed a little dull.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Hey, wait a minute." She stopped the Pen of the Immortal Pen, which had started to drop sadly after finishing writing, and waved at it, "Can you call him back?"

Pen Fairy's Pen: "..."

"Tell him, our information class is in the second period tomorrow afternoon, can I... eh? Hey, don't lie down, you were quite energetic just now, you get up—"

The pen of the pen fairy is lying in the silver box, silently closing the cap of his own pen, with a very peaceful posture.

Don't beat me, thank you.

the other side. Time rewinds to a few minutes ago.

Zhixue Building, in the dormitory building.

There was no light in the room, only a few candles flickered. Yang Buqi sat in the middle of the candlelight, with fresh blood on his left, sacrificial flesh and blood on his right, and a special talisman array under him.

Qu Mian sat nervously by the door, looking in his direction while letting the wind pass.

Does this really matter... He thought uncertainly, this looks like a ceremony to summon an evil god, right?

Although Yang Yuan had already said that the thing he was communicating with was not dangerous, it was already under control, and there was the master... but the scene was really weird no matter how you looked at it.

What if something like an evil **** is really called in? Or tell someone else...

Qu Mian struggled inwardly, and quietly pressed the doorknob with one hand.

At this moment, Yang Buqi in the candle formation suddenly made a move—the clasped hands suddenly went up and were raised above his head. He raised his head high, revealing a smooth jawline.

A cold feeling rushed up his back in an instant, Qu Mian tried hard to suppress the urge to scream, just as he was about to turn around and open the door, Yang Buqi murmured:

"Great omniscient god, please listen to my call...Please tell Xu Tuoran that our art class will be in the third period tomorrow afternoon, the third period of the third period...There will be no information class, no information class..."

Qu Mian: "..."

He struggled for a moment, then silently put down his hand on the doorknob.

forget it.

Suddenly, I felt that there was no need to escape.