MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 61

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The reason why Yang Buqi knew about this ceremony was because of Pu Han.

Pu Han had borrowed Bixian's pen for a while, and under the influence of Bixian's pen, he finally had the hope of reaching the Chen level—and according to him, during that time, he often dreamed of Bixian A thing of the past.

Candles, incantations, sacrifices, crazy people, transformed into alien bodies... the scenes of fragments are messy and clear. He recorded all these to complete the information on "God of Omniscience", and copied a copy to Yang Buqi.

Yang Buqi was surprised at the time, why did you give me this thing? It's written in such detail that I can't use it.

... Now it seems that he is superficial after all.

Yang Buqi sighed secretly, maintained a pious prayer posture, reiterated his needs again, and then, under Qu Mian's complicated eyes, got up to end the ceremony and began to pack everything.

It's time to turn off the lights and check the dormitory. These things are not allowed to be seen.

Not only can't the supervisor see it, but there are other capable people... Yang Buqi took a deep look at Qu Mian, and once again emphasized to him the importance of keeping it secret. Qu Mian nodded in a daze, and after thinking about it, she couldn't help but said, "Those, uh... prayers you just said? Have they already taken effect?"

…Frankly, I'm not really sure.

Yang Buqi thought helplessly.

He didn't get a positive response from the beginning to the end of the ceremony just now. He didn't know if it was because the pen of the pen fairy was still in a sealed state and could not respond, or if his message hadn't been sent at all...

Even if the other party receives it, whether it will really convey these words is still unknown.

"Let's go to the laboratory building tomorrow to have a look." Yang Buqi whispered, "If it goes well, there should be a response."

"Hmm..." Qu Mian nodded because she didn't understand, then her eyes widened in astonishment, "What are you doing?"

Yang Buqi looked at him, then at the flesh and blood in his hands, and sighed: "Pack it up."

After speaking, in front of Qu Mian, he carefully packed the flesh and blood in a plastic bag.

Qu Mian: "...?!"

Yang Buqi: "Maybe it will be useful in the future. Don't waste it."

He **** the plastic bag and carefully put it in the carry-on box—to be honest, he also felt that this was outrageous, but there was nothing he could do about it. He still cut the meat himself, he just regenerates, and it's not like it doesn't hurt.

Qu Mian: " mean I have to spend one night with this kind of thing?"

"Maybe more than one night." Yang Buqi corrected, "Be patient. You can simply regard it as a part of me..."

Qu Mian: "..." It's even more terrifying!

Although he looked calm on the surface, in fact, Yang Buqi was worried all night.

After all, the communication between them and Si Xuelou has been completely cut off at present. If this method is useless, then the next thing will be a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, that pen was much more reliable than he had imagined—in the art class the next day, Yang Buqi deliberately went to the classroom early, secretly lifted the plaster statue next to him, and found a small note underneath.

On the note was the code word conveyed by the pen fairy last night. Not only that, but the entire content on the paper was written in English, with a few Martian sentences mixed in between.

It can be said that it is encrypted quite hard.

Yang Buqi showed the note to others, and Qu Mian recognized Fang Xing's handwriting at a glance. Yang Buqi was not surprised by this, after all, he had seen Xu Tuoran's English proficiency before.

"It says that they now have ten more information classes per week... I suspect that non-teachers are not allowed to enter the laboratory building... The principal's office is probably in the Qinxue building, and she needs to go in to make a judgment... She also asked Teacher Yu if the cool skill can be used. use…"

He translated here and looked up blankly: "Teacher Yu?"

"Here, this one." Yang Buqi had already read it by himself, and at the moment he was discussing the feasibility of Xu Tuoran's suggestion with Teacher Yu. After thinking about it, he turned to Qu Mian and said, "Tony, please write a reply." .Remember to use English. It is said that Teacher Yu’s ability may be useful, but he needs assistance, at least need to configure a light level..."

Teacher Yu is the person with the ability of Renxin Academy who was trapped with Xiao Zhang. When I was in Meihua Apartment, I worked with Xu Tuoran and Yang Buqi. The quality is "master of retouching", the level of chaotic lights, and the special skills are "magnetic lasso", "mask", and "imitation stamp tool".

"Magnetic lasso", which can leave a mark on the designated position. The mark needs to be triggered by perfusion force. After triggering, all the marks are connected, which can break the physical rules and form a selection space by itself.

The "imitation stamp tool" can take pictures from reality and imitate them, creating false scenes to confuse others.

Yang Buqi's idea is to try to let Teacher Yu leave a mark somewhere in the laboratory building and use the "imitation stamp tool" to cover it up. The corresponding marks are all drawn on the side of the Zhixue Building. They agreed on a time to trigger the marks on both sides at the same time, and perhaps they can build a constituency, allowing Xu Turan and the others to cross the middle section of the road and directly reach the Zhixue Building.

This method seemed feasible, and Xu Tuoran quickly expressed his agreement. The only problem is that it is really difficult to agree on an exact time.

After finally setting a time, another day has passed. Yang Buqi didn't sleep well that night, so when he woke up, he asked Qu Mian how the new classmate was doing.

Jiang Lin, Yang Buqi and his party had paid attention to him as early as the first day he came. This person is really weird, it doesn't look like he enrolled by accident, but he doesn't mean to look for other ability users. Chen Dazhuang also said that the school does not have such a person in his impression...

Yang Buqi confirmed that he had never met him, but for some reason, he always had a bad feeling towards him. Instinctively do not want to approach.

And I don’t know if he’s superstitious, those teachers seem to be “careful” of this person, and this kind of care is increasing day by day, the frequency of picking on him and deducting his points is extremely high, and the hostility exposed is only more than that of Yang Buqi and the others. Not a lot. Even on his first day of school, he was sentenced to "serious violation of school rules" because of being deducted as a negative score, and was taken away by the teacher for punishment.

But there was nothing wrong with him, and it didn't take long for him to come back with all his needs. On the contrary, the teacher who took him away took a day of sick leave, and when he showed up the next day, he still had obvious wounds on his body.

The wound was large and fatal. Yang Buqi believed that if it weren't for the fact that these teachers were accompanying creatures and couldn't be killed by outsiders, they might have lost another teacher.

After that, no matter how much his credits were deducted, no teacher dared to punish him. However, there are still many things that make things difficult for him. This guy has been submissive, but he has never had an attack.

All in all, he was a strange person—Yang Buqi and others couldn't figure out his details for the time being, and they tried several times to no avail, so they asked Qu Mian, who was sitting next to Jiang Lin, to keep an eye on him. In normal actions, a few ability users would let Qu Mian keep him under guard, deliberately avoiding this weird guy. In order to avoid leaking secrets, there are even some things that even Qu Mian will not tell.

Qu Mian also knew what her responsibility was, and she did everything according to her words. Hearing Yang Buqi's question now, he immediately said: "He, he is still the same, talking like a god. I usually don't reply to him when I talk to him, and he is completely messed up in class... Oh, right. Last night During the evening self-study, there was something strange."

Yang Buqi: "?"

"In his self-study class, he was drawing." Qu Mian said, "I drew a lot of flowers and stars, and then kept clicking on them, like playing a game..."

"I looked at it curiously, and he took the initiative to talk to me. Ask me, if I want both stars and flowers, which one should I pick first?"

"Xing Xing?" Yang Buqi's heart skipped a beat, "How did you answer him?"

"I said, you must pick the flowers first." Qu Mian said, "After all, the flowers are on the ground, and the stars are in the sky. To be a person, you must first keep your feet on the ground, and then look up..."

"Stop, stop." Yang Buqi quickly waved his hand, "Don't let go, I didn't ask you to write an essay. How did he react when he heard that?"

"He...he smiled after listening." Qu Mian looked strange, "Then he said, I am the protagonist, so listen to me."


? ? ? ?

Yang Buqi was puzzled: "What?"

"I don't know, that's what he said. Then he ignored me again." Qu Mian said, noticing Yang Buqi's expression, and said cautiously, "Is this important? I'm sorry, I Seeing how anxious you were all the time last night, I didn't dare to disturb you. But I told Da Zhuang about it..."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter." Yang Buqi turned his eyes slightly and shook his head, "It just sounds a little strange, but it shouldn't have much to do with our current least not obviously."

The opponent is strong enough to single out a powerful companion creature without injury, and is currently attracting the hatred of Dahuaihua's side. As long as the other party does not show obvious hostility, there is no need for them to create side effects, as long as they maintain their due precautions.

The top priority is to join Xu Tuoran first... Yang Buqi made up his mind and walked out of the dormitory quickly.

The time agreed with Yang Buqi was the third minute after the third class in the afternoon.

Xu Tuoran's third class was the information class. After class, he gave a few other people in the same class a wink. Under the cover of Lin Ge, he went to the biological laboratory on the first floor with the deputy class and Zhu Tang.

The door of the biology laboratory has also been broken long ago. The deep scratches are shocking. Standing in front of the door, Xu Tuoran first circled a small piece of land in secret, then looked around defensively, and after confirming that the corridor was empty and no one was there, Fang carefully reached out and wiped the door in front of him.

Illusions created by the Clone Stamp Tool are easily erased to reveal hidden markings. The deputy squad leader took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and began to check the time, and immediately stamped his hand when the time came.

The imprint gradually became brighter. Seeing that the time was right, Xu Tuoran greeted the deputy squad leader, opened the door first, and walked in behind.

The moment the door is opened, the scene in the room seems to change instantly. Xu Tuoran stepped on the ground, and instinctively jumped forward to stabilize his figure, but he didn't want to be hit by a person in front of him who was coming towards him.

"...I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xu Tuoran quickly apologized. Yang Buqi clutched his chin, muffled that he was fine, carefully pulled the person out of his arms, and held him steady, but saw the door in front of him was pushed open again, and another person came out from inside.

"Damn!" Zhu Tang also stepped on the ground, feeling lingering fear, "Who picked this position? It's too unfriendly!"

"Okay, it's good to be able to come here!" Chen Dazhuang said, swept aside nervously, rubbed his face vigorously, and tried to suppress the surprise on his face, "It's really possible, it's amazing... Let's continue doing what?"

"Take me to the Qinxue building!" Xu Tuoran said immediately, "I'm going to step on the plate over there—"

"Ah?" Chen Dazhuang was taken aback.

Yang Buqi silently put down his hand covering his chin, and pulled him back:

"What she means is, go to Qinxue Building to find out the way and judge the situation."

"Oh oh oh." Chen Dazhuang nodded repeatedly and waved his hands, "Then follow me. There is a small road at the back door of Zhixue Building, which goes directly to Qinxue Building, and there is no security over there..."

The place where Xu Tuoran and the others came out was the empty classroom upstairs in Zhixue Building. Teacher Yu drew several marks in the Zhixue building, connecting the classroom directly with the laboratory building.

There are many strange existences in the empty classroom. Yang Buqi and the others cleaned up in advance to ensure that no mobs would report the incident, and left a few ability users nearby to watch the wind. In addition, the side of the sign also needs to be guarded and maintained by hand, so in fact, only Chen Dazhuang and Yang Buqi went to the Qinxue Building with Xu Tuoran and the others.

"Where are you over there? No one else?" Yang Buqi asked deliberately, Xu Turan shook his head: "The deputy squad leader is guarding the sign, Lin Ge is on the lookout. There are still capable people who are in the teaching building right now, so they can't catch up Come…"

Their passage this time has a large span and consumes a lot of energy. To keep the marker running continuously, at least one light level is required. Among Xu Tuoran's four companions, only the deputy squad leader reached this level—at least on the surface.

And she came here to scout this time—Teacher Yu's selection channel is more reliable than a strong attack, and they have more room for experimentation. That being the case, it must be safer to come and explore first before making a decision.

During the conversation, several people had come to the back door of Qinxue Building. Through the transparent glass door, you can see a huge fish tank in the lobby, in which countless goldfish are swimming in groups.

"I haven't been here since the accident happened." Chen Dazhuang poked his head outside the door, frowning, "It's strange, when did fish be raised inside?"

"This place is not quite right." Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, trying to stop the endless danger predictions in his mind, "Let's not all go in, leave two people outside to guard."

She has a pen with a fairy pen, and she has to rely on it to determine the location of the principal's office. She has to go in. As for the other person...

"I'll go in with you." Yang Buqi said immediately, noticing the eyes of others, and added, "I'm more patient. I can also give first aid."

"...All right." Zhu Tang felt a little regretful, "Then if you haven't come out when the time comes..."

"Go away." Xu Tuoran said flatly, "Don't come in for help."

After finishing speaking, she pushed open the glass door and stepped into the empty lobby first.

A biting chill instantly climbed up his back, and at the same time, there was a loud prompt:

[Congratulations, you have obtained a thousand death points. 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

I have to say, this place is really generous. The last time she leveled up in the office of the laboratory building, she spent 3,500 krypton in one breath, and now she has recovered more than half of it, and the death value has already exceeded 10,000.

But it does make people feel uncomfortable here—the chill and oppressive feeling are everywhere, and there seems to be something flickering in the air, giving people an inexplicable feeling of being spied on.

Xu Tuoran unconsciously straightened up, and inadvertently glanced at the fish tank next to him, and couldn't help but catch his breath.

I saw that there are goldfish in the fish tank?

Swimming around are all round black balls, and in the middle of the **** are eyes that can't stop moving, looking out curiously through the liquid and glass.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She slapped herself routinely, looked away, took out the silver box from her pocket, tried to break it a few times, but couldn't open it no matter what.

Yang Buqi beside him: "...?"

"Normal phenomenon, this guy is cowardly again." Xu Tuoran closed his eyes inexplicably, "I need a more airtight space..."

According to her experience, if you want to delineate a country, choosing a naturally existing area will save more effort than random delimitation, and the enforcement of the rules will be better.

"Confined space..." Yang Buqi looked around, his eyes fell on the end of the corridor, "Over there? There is a bathroom there."

"Okay, that's it." Xu Tuoran nodded, adjusted the backpack to his chest, and walked over with Yang Buqi. The walls along the way undulated from time to time, showing strange patterns, Xu Tuoran pretended not to see them, and walked all the way to the door of the bathroom.

Yang Buqi stopped instinctively, but Xu Tuoran grabbed his wrist and dragged him in.

Yang Buqi: "...?!"

"At a time like this, it's definitely dangerous to be alone." Xu Tuoran plausibly opened the door of a cubicle, pushed Yang Buqi in, followed closely behind, turned around and closed the bathroom door, and at the same time silently circled the room again. land-

"I declare that all spiritual pollution and hallucinations are forbidden here. All prying eyes are forbidden."

After finishing speaking, let out a deep breath.

In the next second, under Yang Buqi's surprised gaze, his legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground.

Yang Buqi was startled, and quickly helped him up. Xu Tuoran waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and then said after a while: "This thing over here seems to be really powerful."

She made three rules in one breath just now, but as soon as she finished making them, she felt as if her body was being emptied and her whole body became weak—although making the rules would consume energy, it was the first time for Xu Tuoran to have such a strong reaction.

According to her current practical experience, this can only explain one thing.

When these three rules came into effect, they faced a lot of resistance. And this resistance comes from inside the Qinxue Building, the power that makes her instinctively afraid...

Xu Tueran closed his eyes and opened them again, trying to adjust his breathing, Fang opened the silver box again in front of Yang Buqi.

The red fountain pen poked its head behind the lid of the box, and floated out cautiously. After seeing Yang Buqi who was supporting Xu Tuoran, he lifted the lid of the pen on the spot and sprayed a mouthful of red ink at him.

Yang Buqi: "...???"

What is this doing? !

"It's angry about your summoning last's okay, don't pay attention to it." Xu Tuoran sat on the toilet with a pale face, "Pen of the Immortal Pen, answer me, is the principal's office here?"

The pen of the pen fairy froze for a few seconds, and wrote the answer in the air with great difficulty: [Yes. 】

Xu Tuoran: "Which floor is it?"

Pen Fairy's Pen: [If you want me to die, just say so. 】

The implication is that it cannot be read.

Xu Turan thought for a while, and said unwillingly: "Then if I lead you up layer by layer, and reach a specific floor, can you see the answer?"

Bixian Zhibi answered faster this time: [If you want to die with me, just say so. 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Let's go." She turned to look at Yang Buqi, "Let's climb up layer by layer now..."

[Don't, don't, don't go! 】Bi Xianzhi's pen panicked immediately, and immediately wrote, 【It's useless to go, really! I can only confirm that the principal's office is not on the first and second floors, and I can't see it even if you take me there! 】


Xu Furan looked at Yang Buqi for proof, and the latter shook his head helplessly: "Unfortunately, it's the truth."


However, even the pen of the pen fairy can't read the answer at close range...

Xu Turan's thoughts turned, suddenly he seemed to understand something, and his color changed slightly.

"The pen of the pen fairy, you answer me." She whispered, "The body of the big Sophora japonica flower, the domain owner of this domain, lives in this building, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the brush of the pen fairy trembled visibly.

After a while, I saw it slowly write the answer in the air:

【Yes. 】

"That's the way it is."

That night, in the bathroom of the girls' dormitory, Xu Tuoran folded his arms and truthfully shared the information he got:

"The principal's office is in the Qinxue building, and that's where it really occupies. It deliberately moved the principal's office there and took care of it personally—besides, there is good news."

"At least when I was in the past, there were no other living people in that building."

"...No?" Sister Baofu's eyes widened, "It's not that there is a traitor with abilities who invaded the principal's office for it..."

"Yes, but there are no living people there now." Xu Tuoran said seriously, "This means that as long as you can find the principal's office and enter, then Dahuaihua will not be able to do anything to you."

The entry rules for the principal's office are related to the first version of the school rules. Since the first version of the school rules is fine, the principal's office is still essentially safe—only those with abilities can enter, and monsters cannot enter.

The problem now is how they can get to the principal's office.

"What else can I do, I can only force my way in." The deputy squad leader gnawed his nails irritably, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Wait, you just said—you?"

"En." Xu Tuoran nodded, "At that time, it will definitely not be possible for everyone to enter the Qinxue Building. Besides, I have a plan. Maybe it can lure the big Sophora japonica flower away."

The deputy class raised his eyebrows slightly, and for some reason, a subtle uneasiness suddenly rose in his heart: "Tell me in detail."

"Before that, I want to make sure of one thing." Xu Tuoran said, "The key to the floor chief, if you accidentally lose it, will you suffer any punishment?"

"..." Looking at each other on several floors present, Fang Xing shook his head first, "As long as the housekeeper doesn't find out, there shouldn't be any. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xu Tuoran smiled embarrassedly, "It's just that I may need to borrow it when the time comes."

Fang Xing: "...?"

According to Xu Tuoran's plan, it would be best if the keys of all the floor chiefs could be collected in her hands.

At present, there are six floors long, and only three of them belong to them. The remaining three are all students pretending to be monsters.

Xu Turan had to spend some time with them—after all, she only had one ferocious teddy bear, and she could only kill one at a time.

Relying on the teddy bear to kill the monster student, the remaining few ability users took the opportunity to take the position, and with their outstanding credits, they snatched two more floor leaders. However, there was one remaining spot, but it was impossible to grab it no matter what—the floor manager could only be held by students living on the corresponding floor. The deputy squad leader and the others have already become the floor leader at this moment. Xu Tuoran and Zhu Tang Linge fundamentally lost their qualifications to compete because they were on the same level as Fang Xing.

It must be too late to change the dormitory temporarily. The deputy squad leader and the others also tried their best to spread the four people across the four floors. The last spot went through several twists and turns, and finally went to an ordinary student.

The reason why it is said "after several twists and turns" is because Xu Tuoran has completely gone mad. She slaughtered the monster student who was in the upper position, and passed the floor key to the next person before it was warmed up. Until that ordinary student took over—Xu Tuoran didn't kill people anymore.

She sent threatening letters instead, anonymous ones.

"...So, what did you write in your letter?"

In the afternoon, during recess, the Sixue Building was empty. The deputy squad leader looked at the extra floor key in Xu Tuoran's hand, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, just tell her that I have seen through her real identity. If you don't want to be made public, you have to secretly put the key in the designated place..." Xu Tuoran lined up the six keys in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, "Very well, it seems that I bet right."

Vice monitor: "?"

"Didn't you say that those phantom students would instinctively hide their identities?" Xu Tuoran said confidently, "I'll just cheat, and I just got scammed."

Vice monitor: "..."

"The keys are all in hand. It's time to proceed to the next step." The deputy squad leader folded his arms and let out a deep breath, "But, are you really sure you can do it alone?"

"Actually, I'm not sure, but it's worth trying." Xu Tuoran looked up at her, "I've been to the Qinxue Building. That guy is too annoying. If he lets it dominate the home court, we will definitely not be able to please him."

"So, the best way is to turn the customer into the main, let it enter our home court, and you go to steal it."

The deputy class closed his eyes, still feeling uneasy in his heart: "But the dormitory is not your home field. You are not even a floor manager."

"It will be." Xu Tuoran nodded solemnly, and then smiled softly, "Don't worry, I have a big life."

She carefully put away the six keys, and stood up from her seat: "Let's go, I need information class again. Just go and leave a message for the other side."

"Tell them that tomorrow is the old time, and the plan will officially start."

Another day. afternoon. The third break.

The second class in Sixue Building was in an information class. As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Xu Tuoran exchanged glances with the deputy monitor and walked out tacitly.

Zhu Tang and Lin Ge sat motionless, silently watching the information teacher who was adjusting the computer.

Leaving the classroom, going to the first floor, and going down the stairs, the deputy squad leader turned to the location of the marker familiarly, while Xu Turan left the laboratory building alone.

The moment he walked out of the laboratory building, the other three ability users who were assigned to the first class just arrived in a hurry. Xu Tuoran held the door with his hands, letting them all in, and at the same time motioned for the location of the deputy squad leader, and then quickly entered the Sixue Building.

From the second floor of the Sixue Building upwards, each floor is connected to the dormitory building with a door in between. During the day, these doors are all open, but if someone passes through the door and returns to the dormitory without permission, once the patrolling dormitory finds out, he will inevitably suffer great anger.

Xu Tuoran walked all the way up from the second floor, locking all the doors along the way one by one. When she reached the one on the top floor, she walked through the door first, and then locked the door seriously.

In this way, the possibility of all students entering the dormitory is eliminated.

Xu Tuoran exhaled, adjusted his breathing, turned around and walked along the air corridor into the dormitory building.

On the stairs, heavy footsteps were echoing. That means that the dormitory aunt is on patrol—ordinarily, she is the one Xu Tuoran needs to avoid the most at this time, but the fact is that after recognizing the footsteps for a while, she quickly rushed over to meet the sound.

Downstairs, a strange body with the face of the housekeeper aunt looked up, and after seeing Xu Tu, he showed a smile that couldn't be happier.

It was obviously very impressed with the student who beat it up as soon as he came in. Because the moment they met their eyes, the voice of "add three hundred to the death value" rang in Xu Turan's mind.

It's only three hundred... Xu Tuoran scoffed in his heart, and went straight to meet him.

While walking, he called up the skill addition panel in his consciousness, swiped five thousand death points, and added it without blinking.

"You shouldn't be returning to the dormitory at this time." The dormitory auntie laughed sullenly, "You violated the rules. I will punish you—"

"I announce that you are expelled." Xu Tuoran kept walking, and when he got to the auntie in charge, he didn't even look at her, and passed her by.

"This is my territory now. I declare that I am the dormitory manager. Get the **** out of here immediately."

Xu Tuoran walked down firmly, and disappeared at the corner of the stairs in the blink of an eye.

Auntie the housekeeper was left alone, standing in the middle of the stairs, tilting her head blankly.


Another two minutes later.

The tall and tall dormitory auntie was directly pushed out of the dormitory door by an invisible force.

The heavy door panel was ruthlessly closed in front of it, and it was ignorantly holding the pen and notebook it carried with it, apparently not understanding the current situation very well.

On the other side—Xu Tuoran, as the aunt of the dormitory supervisor who has just been forced to take office, is graciously pushing the door open and entering the house, occupying the office belonging to the dormitory supervisor.

Then he opened his backpack, took out the thermos cup he took out from the laboratory, separated his palms, and bled into it without hesitation.

Only put a little bit. Just mean it. Then find a cabinet, put the thermos cup in, close the door, and smear the door with blood—

"I call you."

She spoke in a low voice, with a deep tone: "It's right here, I call for your arrival."