MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 51

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In the dark night, the undulating outline of the building makes it easy to think of a dormant beast.

Xu Tuoran walked forward along the road, and after walking about dozens of steps, suddenly there was a beeping sound in his head that premonitioned a crisis—the sound was not urgent, just a rhythmic beeping. She looked around and took a tentative step forward. Suddenly, a light came on in the dark grass.

…that were just regular lawn lights. The light hit the grass blades, dyeing them a strange green. The green light extended outwards, pulling out a thin ray, and laying in front of Xu Tuoran.

Xu Tuoran's eyes darkened slightly, and without thinking, he stepped into this strange green light.

Then I heard a "beep", and the premonition of crisis in my head was like a screaming chicken that had lost its breath, and it completely stopped after a long cry like a tearing silk. Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of the death value dropping.

[Congratulations, you have gained 200 death points. 】

[Congratulations, you currently hold more than 10,000 death points. Unlock bonus function—[Palace of Order] Entry Ticket X1]

[Unlock bonus function - upgrade steps X3000 [only for use in the natural disaster cemetery/beast wasteland/prediction corridor/long night mountain range]]

Xu Turan: ...

This place, can stay. Once you enter the main entrance, you will be given two hundred.

Xu was happy in vain.

She took a few steps forward. Lights gradually lit up in the buildings on both sides, illuminating her vision.

At this moment, she has already walked through the "Qixue Building" and came to a more central location. On her right are two closely spaced buildings, with a suspended corridor connecting the two buildings. One of them has "Zhixue Building" written on it, while the other has no name written on it.

On her left is a green belt. In the middle of the green belt is a wide passage leading directly to the small stone arch bridge she saw before.

As for the other side of the arch bridge, directly in front of her, it was still shrouded in darkness. It can only be vaguely recognized by the outline, and there are also buildings in these two directions.

Xu Tuoran stood on the spot and thought for a while, then walked towards the arch bridge with great experience - if there is a bridge, there must be water. Where there is water, there is often danger.

Sure enough, the moment she approached, the premonition of crisis sounded dutifully in her mind again. But it just rang out meaningly. Xu Turan didn't care about it, and walked to the bridge on his own, and looked with his head, and saw some brightly colored things floating up in the dark river water.

It looks like a koi at first glance. However, Xu Turan soon discovered that it was actually clothes—red clothes floating on the water. The cloth is bulging, and the front of the clothes has a roughly circular outline, which looks like a head buried in water.

As if aware of Xu Tuoran's gaze, the head slowly lifted up, revealing a swollen and pale face, deformed lips curled up, showing a creepy smile at Xu Tuoran.

"Are you here to accompany me too?" He said, reaching out his hand to Xu Tuoran.

Xu Turan: ...

She was silent for a moment, took off her backpack, and took out a ball of silver colored paper from inside. Peeling off the silver paper revealed a small medicine bottle.

It was one of the psychic items she bought before, the vitamin bottle that always had an unlimited supply of parasitic pills.

The number of monsters has been increased to two, and the passive skill "Confusion" has taken effect. The smile of the man in the water froze on his face, and his expression became confused.

"Excuse me, where should I go for the next report?" Xu Tuoran asked politely.

The man in the water blinked his closed eyes, raised his hand slowly, and pointed to the other side of the bridge.

"Thank you." Xu Tuoran sincerely thanked, unscrewed the medicine bottle, grabbed a handful of pills and threw them into the water. He took out the **** Polaroid from his backpack, quickly took a few photos, and threw the photos into the water.

Although I am not here to accompany you, I still have partners who can accompany you.

Hell Polaroid photos are starting to fade again. Xu Turan was reluctant to use it any more, so he quickly put the camera back, walked quickly across the stone arch bridge, and came to the other side of the bridge.

Strange to say. When Mingming stood on the bridge, there were only a few buildings and open space on this side of the bridge. After crossing the bridge, what Xu Tuoran saw was a forest. The trees are sparse, and moonlight filters in, providing some visibility. She walked a few steps along, and heard a suppressed scream coming from the front.

Xu Turan's heart moved, and he hurriedly followed the sound to find it. I saw a girl sitting on the ground with her mouth covered, and a flashlight rolled aside, illuminating an area.

The girl had long hair, was wearing a white shirt and a plaid skirt, and had a certificate hanging on her chest. There was a golden school badge on her chest. She seemed to be a student.

She stared forward in horror, as if she saw something extremely terrifying. Xu Tuoran looked her up and down, and took a step forward tentatively: "Hey, you're fine—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the girl looked at her in astonishment, got up from the ground in a hurry, grabbed the flashlight on the ground, and ran forward without looking back.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

What's up with that guy? is a person? Or phantom? So cowardly, it shouldn't be a monster, right?

Xu Turan thought uncertainly, and walked to the place where the girl fell just now. I saw a messenger bag falling there. Xu Tuoran picked it up and rummaged through it, and found a lighter, a used book, and a glass bottle filled with water. There seems to be something solid in the bottle, which looks like a small piece.

Xu Tuoran briefly flipped through the book, but because of the lighting problem, he couldn't see the details clearly, so he could only roughly recognize that it was all about math problems. The name on the cover is clearly visible.

—[Fang Xing].

Xu Tuoran faintly realized something, and looked in the direction the girl left just now. Inadvertently raised his gaze, he saw a corner of the building outside the forest.

I saw the outline of the building that was still square just now, but now it is obviously wrapped with something. That thing looked huge and soft, covering more than half of the building like a block of mud, and its surface was constantly undulating, as if it was breathing.

It was a huge monster. It was lying on the outer wall of that building.

And the direction the girl left just now was leading to this building.

Xu Turan pursed his lips, and walked towards the building without hesitation.

the other end.

Yang Buqi was driving to Xiangzhang Road in an emergency, while waiting for the red light, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly called Zhu Tang.

It took a long time to get through the phone. Zhu Tang was so sleepy that a vague voice came over: "Hello?"

"Zhu Tang, I'm Yang Buqi." Yang Buqi said quickly, "I'll tell you something, Xu Tuoran has now entered another domain due to an accident. It is estimated that I will lose contact for a while. She may not be able to keep up with a task. Let me tell you for her."

"Ah?" Zhu Tang's voice became sober all of a sudden, "It's all right, why did you run into the area? Is the situation dangerous?"

"...It's to save people." Although he didn't know the specific situation, but in order to maintain Xu Tuoran's reputation, Yang Buqi still pinned the blame on Qu Mian without hesitation, "You don't have to worry. That's actually a ' Box', there should be no danger if someone is stationed there. It's just a box, it's not so easy to leave, it takes a little time."

He was afraid that these little girls would be worried, so he tried his best to make the situation better. Zhu Tang let out an "oh", and his voice sank, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just at this time, the voice of navigation guidance came faintly from the other end of the phone, and Yang Buqi said, "Okay, I'm here. Let's not talk about it. I will take care of Xu Turan, don't worry."

After Yang Buqi finished speaking, he ended the call, turned the steering wheel, and the car entered the Xiangzhang road.

Following the clues left by Xu Tuoran, he quickly found the entrance of Dahuaihua Middle School. Going in alone, he quickly found Qu Mian hiding in the reception room.

Speaking of Qu Mian—I don’t know what complicated psychological process this guy has gone through during this period of time. When Yang Buqi found him, he was writing a suicide note by candlelight in a serious manner. If Yang Buqi came a little later, he would rush straight into the darkness after finishing writing.

Yang Buqi stuffed the suicide note back into Qu Mian's pocket with a complicated expression: "Don't worry. The matter is not as bad as you think. I will explain it to you. Where is Xu Tuoran?"

Qu Mian pointed to the outside with a blank expression, and took out the piece of paper that Xu Tuoran asked him to give to Yang Buqi. Yang Buqi opened it and saw that there was a request inside, hoping that if he had the signal, he could ask for a leave of absence for himself and Zhu Tang, after all, she might not be able to make it to the next mission.

"She, she also asked me to tell you that you can make calls by the window..." Qu Mian's face paled, "But I tried it before. I can't make calls from my cell phone."

"It's okay. I've settled this matter." Yang Buqi rubbed his forehead, thinking to himself, at least the only call she made was to herself...

He adjusted his thoughts, quickly checked the reception room, left with Qu Mian, and walked carefully towards the depths of the campus.

"Where... are we going?" Qu Mian asked nervously, "Is Fang Xing here too?"

"Not sure. I'm going to send you to a safe place first, and then go to the two of them." Yang Buqi tried his best to keep his tone steady, "I'll hand you over to some people later. Listen to them That's the arrangement."

Although the reception room is a safe area, just staying there will not solve the problem. The only way to safely send Qu Mian out of this "box" is to find the ability users stationed here, obey their arrangements, and act according to the rules—

According to the information he found during the day, people were brought here before. As long as you follow the rules, you can leave here safely in at least three days and at most one month.

And according to the information, there are two bases that are completely controlled by capable people, called "Zhi Xue Building" and "Si Xue Building"...

Yang Buqi stopped, looked at the words "Zhixue Building" written next to it, and looked around cautiously.

Not far away, the light of a flashlight is shaking. As if aware of their existence, one of them ran over quickly, and then stopped alertly.

"...Student?" The man asked tentatively, with a calm male voice, "What's your situation?"

Yang Buqi stood forward and said carefully, "Hello. We found this place by accident. I work at the Tzu Chi Health Center..."

"Tzu Charity House?" The other party quickly realized and stepped forward. Yang Buqi and the others finally saw his appearance clearly, Qu Mian's eyes widened instantly.

It was a rather muscular man, his age estimated to be in his thirties. On the body, he was wearing a white shirt and check skirt abruptly, and had a badge with a photo on it, which should be a certificate.

Not only Qu Mian, Yang Buqi was actually a little bit affected. The man ignored their eyes and waved his hands indifferently: "Come with me. This is not a place to talk—are you just two?"

Yang Buqi's heart moved: "No, I have a companion, let's go in first, have you seen her?"

"Is it a girl?" The man frowned, "I should have seen it. I was in the dormitory building just now and saw a figure swaying below, so I hurried down to check the situation. As soon as I got out of the building, I saw her go across the bridge gone."

"Across the bridge?" Yang Buqi turned his head nervously to look, "What is that place?"

"The main body over there is the Sixue Building." The man said. Yang Buqi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "That's good. In other words, there are also capable people there, right?"

The man took a deep look at him and shook his head.

Yang Buqi's heart hung up: "What's going on? Didn't it mean that the Zhixue Building and Si Xue Building are both sites of capable people..."

"Where did you get this information? It's outdated." The man pointed to the opposite side of the bridge with a flashlight, "Just about two months ago, there was a major change here... The Sixue building has fallen, and the life and death of the capable people inside are unknown. .”

"That area is very dangerous now."

"..." Yang Buqi's face suddenly changed, and he immediately thought of going to the other side to find it alone. The man seemed to see what he was thinking, and sighed: "There is no rush to find someone. The good news is that there are generally no instant deaths here... Let's think about it in the long run."

"We will also help you find a way. You come with me first, and I will take you to report. Then exchange the situation."

Qu Mian was taken aback when she heard the words, recalling her strange admission letter, her voice changed immediately: "Report, report?"

"Well. I will give you a student status first. Otherwise, your situation will be more dangerous." The man explained, and then looked at Yang Buqi, "Will anyone else come from your side? If so, I will Wait here for help, and let others lead you there."

"...Probably gone." Yang Buqi was still concerned about Xu Tuoran's situation, and shook his head absent-mindedly, "I sent a message to my boss before I came out. But I didn't ask for more people."

"Okay." The man nodded, "Then come with me. Be quiet, don't be surprised..."

at the same time.

"Turn right fifty meters ahead. The speed limit is sixty. You have exceeded the speed limit."

The voice of navigation came from the phone. Lin Ge stepped on the accelerator indifferently and turned the steering wheel quickly.

Someone, ostensibly a fairy godmother, is actually a late-night rider.

"Are you sure you're here?" She asked the person sitting in the passenger seat, "I didn't even know there was a 'box' here..."

"It must be. I heard Yang Buqi's navigation say, Xiangzhang Road." Zhu Tang vowed, "You drive along the road first, if you can't find the entrance, there is nothing you can do."

Lin Ge responded, and asked curiously, "How did Xu Tueran go to that place?"

"I don't know, I said it was to save people." Zhu Tang yawned, "It is said that the place is not dangerous. But I am always a little worried."

It's not that he doesn't trust Xu Tuoran's ability, but that guy has never been in a "box" before, and his style is rather reckless. The most important thing in the box is to be careful, if she does something to die, the non-dangerous places will become high-risk.

So Zhu Tang thought about it and was worried, so he directly sent a message in the group, calling Lin Ge, and came to have a look together.

Originally, Shu Xiaopei, the long-haired princess, was also going to follow. But her hair grows very fast at night, making it difficult to manage. She had no choice but to let the other two go first, and then come over by herself after she finished processing.

"It seems that parking is not allowed on this road." Lin Ge looked around and made a troubled voice, "How soon will we be back? I'm afraid of being posted."

"Hey, isn't there a place in front? At the gate of the park? There's a car parked there..." Zhu Tang patted Lin Ge's shoulder fiercely. Lin Ge followed his words and looked over. The moment he saw the car clearly, he suddenly said "Huh" One sound.

"This is Yang Buqi's car." She whispered, "I saw it in the parking lot of the Charity House."

The two looked at each other, then at the metal gate in front of Yang Buqi's car, and they understood each other somewhat.

After Lin Ge parked the car, the two got out of the car and walked towards the metal gate. After walking a few steps, Zhu Tang's phone suddenly vibrated twice.

She took out her mobile phone, and found out that someone in the WeChat group was speaking, still crazy @她—Zhu Tang frowned slightly, clicked on the message, and walked into the metal gate in front of her.

That group was a friendship group, including the four of them from Fairy Tale Town, plus the mermaid girl. In addition, they also have a special task exchange group, which does not include the mermaid, only the other four.

Something happened tonight, Zhu Tang immediately posted the matter to the group. But at the time, I was a little flustered and unconscious, and the message that should have been sent to the small group was accidentally sent to the large group of five people.

The one who is crazy @her in the crowd at the moment is the little mermaid who never speaks in the crowd.

— [Don't go to that place. 】

— [Don't go, don't go, don't go! 】

—【Have you seen my message? Come back soon! 】

— [If you must go, go to the Sixue Building! New students report to go there! 】

— [Must remember, it's the Sixue building! Be sure to abide by the school rules! Listen to the teacher and the class committee! 】

—【Never go to the Zhixue Building! It's dangerous there! You cannot report to the Zhixue Building, only the Sixue Building is safe! 】

at the same time.

The main entrance of Sixue Building.

Xu Turan walked for an unknown amount of time before finally walking out of the gloomy forest. He was standing in front of the gate of Sixue Building, rubbing his sore shoulders.

If you go on a normal journey, you will not be tired to your shoulders. But there is no way, there are not only trees in that forest - all kinds of strange shadows appear and disappear in the forest, and the body exudes a mud-like smell, floating around, which is extremely unsightly.

Logically speaking, because of Xu Tuoran's "confusing" passive effect, these ghosts would not attack her. But this does not mean that Xu Tuoran will not attack them.

...One punch at a time, each beating can get a death value ranging from one to ten points, which is better than nothing.

Xu Tuoran came all the way and accumulated 80 points.

She struggled for a few seconds between "returning to the woods to find a way to make it up" and "entering the Sixue Building first to open up a new map", and finally chose the latter, and stepped into the lobby of the Sixue Building.

Almost at the moment of stepping in, a buzzing sound suddenly exploded in my ears. Xu Turan only felt the scene in front of her turn around for a while, and when she regained consciousness, she found that her clothes had changed.

She was wearing a white shirt and a striped skirt. The plaid skirt had large pockets on both sides, one of which bulged out.

She fumbled in her pocket and found a small white medicine bottle.

...what is this?

Xu Tuoran frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't remember. She touched her shoulder and found the shoulder strap of her backpack. After thinking about it, she took out silver colored paper and wrapped it up, carefully stuffing it deep into the backpack.

…She didn't know why she had to wrap it in paper first, but she just instinctively felt that it should be done. There were other things in the bag, but Xu Tuoran didn't bother to check it, so he pulled the zipper and continued to walk in.

I have to report first.

This idea inexplicably but firmly occupied her mind. She saw a sign pointing to the report office posted on the wall on the first floor, walked along the way, and gently pushed open the door of the report office.

A man with a pale face sat inside, and when he sensed her approach, he raised the corners of his lips mechanically.

"Hello, classmate. Are you here to report?"

He spread a form and a piece of paper on the table: "Come on. Fill in the information. Just fill it out."

Xu Tuoran heard himself answer, entered the door obediently, and sat down at the table.

The form is a very common enrollment registration form. And that piece of paper is actually an ID card. On the top of the card is Xu Tuoran's ID photo, and on the bottom is a blank name column.

Xu Tuoran in the photo smiled very elegantly and cutely. The photo itself is in black and white, which is somehow weird.

Xu Tuoran himself didn't seem to notice it, so he obediently picked up the fountain pen. The teacher pushed the ID card in front of her: "Come on, fill in the name first. The name is very important."

Xu Tuoran let out a "hmm" and started writing on the paper. Just after writing a picture, a long and sharp sound suddenly sounded in her head, like an alarm, exploding in her ears—

Xu Furan closed his eyes impatiently, and when he opened them again, his eyes were clear.

... Gan.

Looking at the blank ID cards and forms in front of her, she felt a cold sweat belatedly.

She was almost taken away... Although she didn't know which pit she would be taken into, there was no doubt that the me just now was almost caught.

Most of the controllers in this domain are also chaotic—Xu Tueran made a judgment in his heart. Like Haunted House No. 71, the other party belongs to the high level of chaos, which can affect her sanity. And its purpose of confusing her, at present, seems to be to get her to enroll...

Frankly speaking, Xu Tuoran was not very resistant to this matter. It can even be said to be quite happy.

The problem is, the name...

Xu Tuoran looked at the still blank name column and lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

At this time, she had just written a apostrophe in the name column. Xu Turan thought for a while, and raised his pen to erase it, but was stopped by the teacher.

"Do not alter." He said coldly, "Continue."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"This, is it going to be used as a student ID card?" She clicked on the ID card, and tentatively said, "It's so strange, you have my photo, but you don't know my name?"

The teacher didn't answer the question, but urged, "Fill it in quickly."

Xu Tuoran turned his eyes, pushed the ID card aside, and planned to fill in other contents of the admission form first. The teacher put the ID card over again, and emphasized again with a cold face: "Fill in the name first. The name is very important."

…so, why does it matter?

Xu Tuoran scrutinized the teacher who was obviously not alive, and asked the question carefully. This time the teacher did not pretend to be dead.

"Teachers need roll call." He said coldly, "Quickly write."

teacher. roll call.

Xu Tuoran quickly thought about the connection. In the current situation, it is obvious that this "school" does not know her name, but it needs a name so that the teacher can roll the name—in other words, the roll call is beneficial to "it".

So here comes the problem. What happens if you are "named"? as well as…

Is it necessary to put your real name on this place?

Xu vainly thought for a few seconds, glanced at the teacher opposite, raised his pen again, and continued writing along the line he had written before.

"Wait and remember—don't write your real name!"

Inside the Zhixue Building, a muscular man in a plaid skirt led Yang Buqi and the others to the report office, and whispered, "Also, if you're using a pseudonym, it's best to get some dirt. The dirtier the better."

Yang Buqi: "...?"

"Why?" He didn't quite understand.

"Because 'it' doesn't like the name of the soil." The man said seriously, "The current teachers are all companions of 'it'. It can use these companions to exercise the right to 'call'. As a student, once Being pointed out will increase the risk of accidents..."

"Wait." Yang Buqi paused and stopped, "Is there no one from you among the teachers?"

He also consulted related materials during the day. It is clearly written in the information that in order to check and balance "it", the resident ability users in the domain often need to seize a more favorable position in the "campus" system, including but not limited to teachers of various subjects, head teachers, school doctors and security guards, etc...

"I told you, there was a change here two months ago." The man clicked his tongue, "The situation was very complicated at the time. The Sixue Building fell, and the remaining ability users can only hurry up and take the risk of taking some ordinary students who entered by mistake. Send it as soon as possible. As a result, this move gave 'it' a chance, it took the opportunity to mess up the rules, and brought us a bigger blow..."

All capable users were stripped of their identities, and everyone was downgraded to "students". At most, he can be a class committee member, but the "rights" in his hands are obviously greatly weakened.

"Under the current rules, what students can do is very limited. Before helping others, you must first consider self-protection." The man whispered, "Choosing a local name is one of the most basic ways to protect yourself."

It doesn't like "dirt" things. Although they have not been able to figure out its true definition of "soil" for the time being, at present, taking a soil name in the public sense can indeed effectively reduce the probability of being "named".

Yang Buqi listened delicately, and couldn't help but look at the man's badge—he now knew why the three words "Chen Dazhuang" were written on the man's student ID card.

"Soil?" Qu Mian listened half-understood, scratching her head, "Well, that is to say, it needs to be named differently... eh, it seems very troublesome..."

He glanced at Yang Buqi, and said in a daze, "Yang Yuan, it's at your convenience."

"?" Yang Buqi was worried about Xu Tuoran's affairs, he was startled when he heard this, "What?"

"Your pseudonym can be used directly." Qu Mian said, "I heard that girl called you before, so you don't need to change it, it's really convenient."

Yang Buqi: "..."

You may not believe it, but that is my tuba.

He glanced at Qu Mian delicately, thought for a while, and pulled the man aside.

"Excuse me, can we use rule paper to communicate between Si Xue Building and Zhi Xue Building?" He whispered, "I brought a piece of paper here. If possible, I would like to use rule paper to contact my companion. At least tell her this information..."

Because he didn't know whether the rule paper he brought with him would affect the operation of the existing rules, Yang Buqi asked this question very cautiously. The man glanced at him, frowned and shook his head.

"We also have rule paper. But since that accident, Zhi Xue Building and Si Xue Building can no longer use this thing to communicate."

As he spoke, he took out a booklet from his pocket and opened it as he spoke:

"The only thing that can see the situation on the other side is this student roster. As long as there are new students enrolled, no matter which building they report to, it will be displayed on it. Let me take a look for you first, and hope she didn't write her real name stupidly...?"

He glanced at the last page of the booklet, his eyes paused, and his expression suddenly became complicated.

First he was confused and surprised, then he thought seriously, and then he turned into a kind of amazed admiration.

"That friend of yours seems to be entering school across the street." He looked deeply at Yang Buqi, but the second sentence seemed a little out of place, "This girl is a talent."

Yang Buqi: ...? !

Obviously the other party was complimenting him, but a familiar sense of foreboding rose in his heart. He took the booklet in the opponent's hand, quickly scanned it, and went straight to the last line of the booklet, which read impressively:

[Enrollment time: August 17, XX]

【Admission location: Sixue Building, Jinxiangshu Women's Noble Academy】

【Student Name: Dad】