MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 50

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Five minutes later, in the third canteen of University A.

It was not mealtime at this time, and there were very few people in the cafeteria. Xu Tuoran relied on the internet to pay and show cuteness, and bought a few hawthorn cakes and three cups of drinks from the small shop built into the cafeteria, and brought them to the corner of the cafeteria together.

At the table in the corner, Yang Buqi was crossing his arms, looking seriously at the boy sitting opposite him. Seeing Xu Tuoran put down his drink, he hurriedly said thank you, then stared at him stiffly.

"Okay, explain. Why are you here? Why are you asking about her school?"

"Also. How did you know about my high school?" Xu Tuoran picked up the hawthorn cake and added, "What is your source of information?"

"The source of the news... I just heard what people said." Qu Mian said embarrassedly, "I have been asking about Jinxiangshu Academy in various groups a while ago, and someone chatted with me privately and said that he was the same as you in junior high school. From the school, you transferred to Jinxiangshu when you transferred later. And he was also admitted to University A, so he saw you in the freshman list."

The name Xu Tuoran is not common, and there is a high probability that it is a person.

But Qu Mian only got so much information. The person who spoke to him was not familiar with Xu Tuoran, he just had an impression of her. Because of the lack of contact information, he could only stupidly choose to stay at University A and try his luck.

"But I'm really not a bad person." Qu Mian immediately said again, "I really have no other channels... I can't find anyone else to ask..."

Xu Turan and Yang Buqi looked at each other, and put down the drink cup in his hand: "So why did you inquire about this school?"

"..." Qu Mian pursed her lips, her ears turned red, and she whispered after a few seconds, "It's like this. When I went to the city library during the summer vacation, I met a girl. Although we met Not much, but it fits well…”

"Cut the beginning and the end to get to the point." Yang Buqi took a sip of milk tea patiently, "Don't tell you that all this fanfare is just to find a girl."

"Simply speaking, it is true, but it is not the same as what you think." Qu Mian scratched her hair, "The point... eh, the point..."

He clicked his tongue heavily, closed his eyes, and said directly: "The point is that I now suspect that Jinxiangshu Academy is actually a deep-hidden MLM organization, and its nature is bad, and it only targets girls. The girl I like has been taken by them." Get it under control! Not only that, they also pose a threat to my personal safety!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of paper and slapped it on the table: "This is evidence!"

The piece of paper was shaped like a greeting card, with a golden surface and a badge-like pattern in the center, which looked like a small tree spreading its branches and leaves.

Xu Tuoran picked up the piece of paper, opened it, and his expression immediately became subtle: "Admission invitation letter?"

"Yes, that's right." Qu Mian nodded solemnly, "Fang Xing and I... oh, that's the girl I like. We met in early July. She was originally studying at a key high school in their district. As a result At the end of July, she suddenly told me that she was going to transfer schools, and she was going to Jinxiangshu... Think about it, the third year of high school is still in July. Who would transfer schools at this time? And go straight to school?"

What Fang Xing told him was that the new school had vacation training and had to enter the dormitory early. Although he found it strange, Fang Xing seemed very happy to see him, so he didn't say it clearly—and Fang Xing's family conditions were not good, but his grades were excellent. It is said that the Noble Women's Academy admitted her precisely because of her exceptional grades, and promised a large scholarship, and if she performed well in the college entrance examination, there would be another stipend.

This kind of thing has happened here before. Private schools recruit good students for good grades... On the surface, it seems reasonable.

But Qu Mian still paid attention to it in private, and started to inquire about Jinxiangshu Academy at that time. At the same time, keep in touch with Fang Xing. There were no problems in the first week, but in the second week, Fang Xing's frequency of replying to him became significantly lower, and the tone of his reply was always a bit weird.

And just last week, Fang Xing completely lost contact. In the same week, Qu Mian found this admission invitation letter in her mailbox at home.

"...It's really strange." Xu Tuoran looked at the admission invitation letter with delicate eyes, "This invitation letter is for you..."

But Jin Xiangshu is obviously a girls' school.

"This is the most insidious part of that MLM organization!" Qu Mian's face turned redder, and his hands on the table were clenched into fists, "They must already know, I'm asking them. They're threatening me cryptically. What this piece of paper says is, if I get involved again, they're going to—castrate me."

"Cough!" Yang Buqi next to him couldn't hold back, and was almost choked to death by the milk tea.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Otherwise, it's a girls' school, why would you send me an admission letter? This is clearly a threat and provocation. The scheme of this pyramid scheme organization is definitely not simple."

Xu Turan: ...

No, keep it simple, the way of guessing is simple.

It may really just want you to go to it to study.

Xu Tuoran silently took a sip of his drink, avoiding Qu Mian's eyes that couldn't hide his anger.

She seemed to understand now why Yuanshen felt that Qu Mian was very similar to her Bai Yue visiting Chenfeng.

This peculiar direction of brain supplementation is really the same.

—Yes, "it".

Of course Xu Tuoran didn't think that Jinxiangshu Academy would be some kind of "MLM organization".

the reason is simple.

Just after she opened the admission invitation letter that Qu Mian took out, the first thing she saw was the blood stains on it.

Like plum blossoms, scattered on the inside of the paper. In the middle of the bloodstain, there were a few lines written crookedly, roughly telling Qu Mian to report to the school before the specified time. Coincidentally, the last registration deadline is 3:00 am tonight.

In addition, the detailed address of the school was completely covered in blood stains, making it unclear—no matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like a serious admission letter.

And under normal circumstances, when people receive such things, no matter whether they are serious or not, they should feel fear and strangeness first, and then other emotions.

Can sleep. What he said was not what he said, only he was filled with righteous indignation towards that "multilevel marketing organization", and he didn't seem to realize how weird this invitation letter itself was.

Xu Tuoran and Yang Buqi looked at each other, spread out the paper and pushed it in front of Qu Mian.

"Hey." She knocked on the table, "Look again, can you see the school address on it?"

"Yes, why not." Qu Mian was puzzled, "Isn't it clearly written, No. 23, Xiangzhang Road."

"23?" Xu Tuoran said, "Only one entrance?"

"Yeah, there's only one written on it." Qu Mian blinked puzzled, "Number 38."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"What's the date?" Xu Tuoran was confused.

Qu Mian glanced at the invitation letter again, with a dazed expression: "I just said, 46!"

Xu Turan: ...

Do you buy lottery tickets one at a time?

Obviously, there is something wrong with the Qu Mian in front of him at some level. The house numbers I saw were all changing, and I was still at a loss. Xu Tuoran reluctantly took out his mobile phone and wrote down the three numbers he just said. Just as he was about to ask something, Yang Buqi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly put down his drink cup.

"I probably know what's going on. Why don't you leave this matter to me." Yang Buqi pressed Xu Tuoran's hand beside him, looked at Qu Mian seriously, and took away the invitation letter in his hand, "I have A friend is a policeman who specializes in dealing with such pyramid schemes. I will contact him now, and you can follow him later, okay?"

"The police?" Qu Mian's eyes widened slightly, "But I have reported to the police before, it was useless..."

"My friend is different. He is a professional." Yang Buqi said firmly, "I will let him pick you up now. Just follow his arrangement and don't go anywhere tonight. At dawn tomorrow, I'll pick you up and take you home.

"After you go back, you should seriously prepare for the exam and stop thinking about these things. There will be someone responsible for that girl's matter."

Perhaps it was because of the previous friendship, Qu Mian gradually calmed down after hearing what he said firmly, hesitated for a moment, and nodded. Yang Buqi put away the admission invitation letter and made a phone call in front of the other two. About half an hour later, a man in a long black trench coat walked in looking around. After meeting, he exchanged a few words with Yang Buqi and took Qu Mian away.

"That person seems to be from the Tzu Chi Institute?" Xu Tuoran waited for the two of them to walk away before whispering, Yang Buqi nodded, "Yes. He can hypnotize. The main reason is to control Qu Mian and let him sleep today. Don't wander around at night..."

Xu Tuoran glanced at him curiously: "Do you know what's going on in that school?"

"It's not completely clear, but I have a direction." Yang Buqi pulled her off, "Go back to the Tzu Chi Temple first, and I'll talk to you on the way."

Xu vainly nodded indifferently. Followed all the way to the parking lot, until they got into the car, Fang heard Yang Buqi say: "The girl Qu Mian mentioned, her situation is hard to say for the time being. But he himself must have been targeted by the abomination."

"What I'm more concerned about is what is the relationship between that abomination and the golden fragrant tree?" Xu Tuoran buckled up his seat belt and looked up suspiciously, "I went to that school. Its address is not on Xiangzhang Road."

Xiangzhang Road is in this city, but the school she studied in is far away.

"In a sense, 'it' is the Golden Fragrant Tree Academy itself. The school you attended should be a substitute school arranged by capable people. The real academy is actually a domain, which has been under control..."

Yang Buqi hissed, as if he was thinking about how to explain this matter more clearly: "Frankly speaking, I don't know much about it. I only saw it in the materials, and the old materials I read were six years ago. .It was also called Big Sophora japonica at that time..."

So when he heard about the "Golden Fragrance Tree" before, he hadn't reacted yet.

Xu Turan: ...

ah? So what's going on? I actually graduated from Dahuaihua Middle School?

At any rate, Xu Tuoran was a little dumbfounded when he suddenly learned the original name of the school after hopping around for a long time with a person who graduated from a "Noble Women's Academy".

"Uh, don't worry about the details. At least the school you went to has complete qualifications..." Yang Buqi choked for a moment, and decisively changed the subject.

"That's right. I don't know if Zhu Tang has told you about it. There are some very powerful abominations, and there is actually no way for a capable user to completely suppress or seal them. And if you want to control this abomination, you can only choose" checks and balances'. One of the methods is to stay in its 'domain', and create additional rules in the domain with the help of the orderly capable person and the rule paper, so as to achieve the purpose of restricting the activities of the abominable, forming a long-term and subtle balance…"

"Yeah." Xu Tuoran nodded, "She introduced it to me. She said that this kind of 'domain' is also called a 'box'."

It exists continuously and is completely closed. Apart from the human beings who strayed into it, only the resident ability users and the forces of the abomination side are active inside. No one knows what's going on inside the box unless they enter the box.

Even in the circle of ability users, the "box" is a very mysterious existence.

And the golden fragrant tree—or, the big pagoda tree, is the most typical one in this field. A small independent organization is now in charge of this domain. Apart from this domain, they don't interfere with anything else, and controlling the abominations in the domain is their only purpose.

"Although that organization is small, it actually has a long history. Since its establishment, it has been fighting against that abominable thing in Dahuaihua Middle School." Yang Buqi said while driving, "About that abominable thing, what I said I don’t know much. I only know the way it forages, which is to send out false admission invitations, trick people into the campus, domesticate and train them little by little, and let them become believers and food.”

"And that organization was originally led by a high-level ability user of order. He created favorable rules in the domain and restricted the activities of abominations in the domain, but he couldn't completely restrict its behavior of recruiting students. It can still They advertised for themselves on the Internet to encourage others to enroll. So they had to cooperate with the outside world to establish a substitute school to accept all those who wanted to enroll..."

As for point-to-point precision fishing such as admission invitations, it should be strictly controlled. That's why Yang Buqi couldn't figure out why Qu Mian would receive a special one.

The only possibility is that something is wrong inside the box.

This made Yang Buqi feel a little uneasy, but on the other hand, Xu Tuoran's worries were deeper than his.

— Fang Xing.

Xu Turan knew the name. It is the original heroine of the novel.

According to the known plot, the heroine met Qu Mian during this summer vacation and was admitted to University A as agreed. After school, she was provoked by her original body and suffered a series of pressure from the outside world. She had no choice but to move out of the dormitory and rent a room outside He escaped from trouble, but unexpectedly lived in a haunted house, and a series of horrific events unfolded...

However, in this part of the content, no word mentioned that she would have an accident this summer vacation first.

And because of her accident, Qu Mian was also targeted by the abominable thing, and bumped into her and Yang Buqi by accident—thinking about it carefully, this incident was too coincidental.

Xu Tuoran rubbed his forehead, and suddenly regretted that he didn't ask Qu Mian more. She turned her head to look at Yang Buqi, and quickly turned her attention back:

"I remember Zhu Tang said that there is a special 'observation' task for this kind of domain." Xu Tuoran thought thoughtfully, "Regular observation can ensure that outsiders can roughly grasp the situation in the box. That big tree... I mean, there is no such measure in the main campus of Jinxiangshu Academy?"

"Yes, yes." Yang Buqi frowned, "Because their organization has insufficient staff, the observation tasks are handed over to the Charity Institute and the Renxin Institute in turn. This cycle should be in charge of the Renxin Institute. After I go back Just go to apply and read the observation report over there."

The so-called "observation" is to send several people to observe whether the situation in this domain is balanced and stable from the perspective of outsiders.

"Observation" is divided into "black box observation" and "white box observation". The black box is to stay in a safe place around the domain or inside, and confirm the stability of the domain with the naked eye or props.

The white box is to go deep into the domain, implement all the rules practically, and check the operation of the order. If all order is running normally, it proves that the interior of the domain is very stable.

Relatively speaking, "white box observation" is the safest. But Yang Buqi didn't know what kind of observation method Renxinyuan used. If it used a black box, the probability of mistakes was quite high. He had to apply for another observation.

"It's almost there." Yang Buqi looked at the traffic lights ahead, thought for a while, and then said, "I'll go and find out the details first. You..."

"I'm going to the inpatient department. See a friend." Xu Tuoran said lightly, "Just put me there."

Yang Buqi pursed his lips slightly, nodded, watched Xu Tuoran get out of the car, and after thinking about it, he added: "Anyway, don't act rashly, is that okay?"

"I never act rashly." Xu Tuoran answered seriously.

She has always died on purpose.

Yang Buqi: "..."

No, I don't think you understand me.

He raised his hand to caress his forehead, and just about to say something, Xu Tuoran had already said goodbye briskly, and turned to go to the inpatient department.

Yang Buqi stared at her back for a while, rubbed the twitching eyebrows, sighed, turned around, picked up his phone, and started texting his boss.

Xu Tuoran took the packaged haw jelly and went straight to a certain room upstairs.

The door of the room was ajar. She knocked twice, pushed the door open and entered, and raised the pastry in her hand: "Hello, I brought you a present."

The little mermaid who was sitting on the bed reading a book raised her eyes, smiled slightly, said thank you hoarsely, and quickly lowered her eyes again.

Xu Turan didn't intend to beat around the bush, and said directly in the next sentence: "I met a boy today. He said that his girlfriend was admitted to Jinxiangshu College and moved into the dormitory ahead of schedule."

"..." The little mermaid flicked the book slightly.

"But it's very strange. The address where she enrolled is 'Xiangzhang Road'." Xu Tuoran half-truthfully said, "Do you know what's going on?"

The Little Mermaid: "..."

"You... Go and tell him." After a few seconds, she struggled to speak, her voice hoarse, "As long as she is obedient, she will be able to come out in a month at most."

Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows slightly: "Be obedient?"

"...obey the school rules." The little mermaid clenched her fingers, "and those teachers and class committees...they won't harm anyone."

"Can he... still get in touch with her? If he can, make sure to tell her these words. This is very important."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Sure enough, she guessed right.

This girl is one of the people who escaped from the real Jinxiangshu Academy. She got in somehow, and then escaped with the help of the resident ability user inside, but because she had contact with the abomination, she was still affected and became a ability user.

Since this is the case...

"Xiao Li." She sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the **** the bed as sincerely as possible, noticed the slight frown on the other side's brows, and immediately changed her words, "I mean... Audrey."

"You said before that you couldn't tell me 'that thing' because I didn't know it. But now, I already know it."

"I know there's a 'field' on Xiangzhang Road. I think I've been there once, too, but I can't remember. But I know, there's a lot of horrible stuff in there, and someone was hurt there, and now this kind of hurt It's still going on."

"Something, I really need to figure it out... So, can you tell me more, please."

She looked at the silent girl seriously, but the latter, as if caught in some kind of tangle, tightened her fingers on the pages of the book.

I don't know how long it took, and finally let go.

That night, one o'clock in the morning.

With a backpack on his back, Xu Tuoran rode a shared bicycle, and drove past along the road of Xiangzhang Road for an unknown number of times.

Her gaze scanned the right side of the road vigilantly—there is a residential area on the right side of the road, a high wall along the road, and many shops on the left side. At this moment, due to time constraints, many shops have already closed, and the whole road is quiet, only the street lamps and the trivial shadows of plane trees dangle in front of Xu Tuoran's eyes.

Xu Tuoran took out his mobile phone to check the time, and continued to stroll.

She remembered what Xiaoli had told her - she said that that "domain" did not have a fixed entrance. But if there is a freshman coming to report, then on the night when she is coming, there will be random gates leading to the domain on Xiangzhang Road. Once present, it remains overnight.

It is said to be a freshman registration, but in fact it is used to abduct people in far more than this way. Like Xiaoli, after she graduated from the "Golden Fragrance Tree Academy" run by humans, she was targeted by it again and called her here under the name of "Old Campus Activities".

According to her, this also seems to be a common trick for it. Although the teacher repeatedly emphasized not to trust any emails sent in the name of "Jinxiangshu College" during graduation, several of her students were tricked.

"If you've ever been there. It's open for you, too," Lily said. "If it's not open, you're not a graduate there. You... just stop thinking about it. "

Xu Tuoran deserved it well at the time, but what he thought was, how could it be possible, it looked so delicious to me. Even if it doesn't know me, I will walk around a few more times, and if I don't believe it, it won't open the door.

After all, her "delicious food" was certified by Haunted House No. 71. Xu Tuoran was inexplicably confident about this.

On the other hand, she really believed that the original owner probably came to this "domain" once - when the original body was coaxed by an online dating partner, it was when she was studying in the "Golden Fragrant Tree".

One thing can never be so coincidental, two abominations are involved at the same time, and Yang Buqi also said that the level of abominations on Jinxiangshu's side is very high, very high. You can also go online to advertise yourself as a sailor, which is better than a certain pen that can only use WiFi.

If you can post advertisements, you can naturally date online. Xu Tuoran felt that there was nothing wrong with his logic.

But the truth is—

She has been riding her bicycle here since ten o'clock. Riding until one o'clock in the morning, I didn't see any "enrollment gate".

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She stopped the bicycle silently, put one foot on the ground, and while resting, she wondered whether she had taken it for granted.

…or should I wear a mask myself? If that guy really cheated the original body, maybe he would have a guilty conscience?

Xu Turan thought uncertainly, took out his phone and looked through the address book, thought about it and put it away.

To be honest, when she came here before, she was entangled in what to do if she really swiped the entrance, should she go in directly or talk to Yang Buqi first... The result is that she thinks too much.

Fortunately, Yang Buqi was not called in advance, otherwise the two of them would have to feed the mosquitoes together...

Xu Tuoran sighed secretly, set up his bicycle, and planned to wait for a while to see.

At this moment, a pair of headlights suddenly flashed past her eyes.

It was already late at night, and this place was not a busy city, and there were almost no traffic on the road. That taxi was very conspicuous - Xu Tuoran watched it pass by him and stopped not far in front of him.

The car door opened, and a figure stepped down from the back seat and walked towards the sidewalk unsteadily.

Despite the distance, Xu Tueran recognized who that person was at a glance, his eyes widened slightly, and he stepped on the bicycle pedal and rushed forward——

Soon, by the light of the street lamp, she could see the side face of the other party clearly.

Sure enough, it was Qumian.

Xu Tuoran's heart moved, he hurriedly called his name, stopped the bicycle aside, and rushed over quickly.

The taxi driver was about to start, when he heard the sound, he poked his head out and said kindly: "Little girl? Your friend? Take him to the pharmacy quickly, he seems to have gotten into a fight with someone after drinking!"

Xu Tuoran: ...? !

After a moment of daze, Qu Mian had already walked past her and walked unsteadily into the half-open metal door in front of her. Xu Tuoran hurriedly thanked the driver, and immediately followed, catching up in two or three steps, and tugged Qu Mian's arm forcefully.

"Qu Mian? Why are you here? What's the matter with the blood on your hands? Qu Mian?!"

Qu Mian didn't look sideways, just staggered and continued to walk forward. Xu Tuoran saw that he was not in the right state, so he had no choice but to slap him and slap him.

Qu Mian's face was knocked to one side, and he blinked slowly twice, his eyes gradually recovered: "I... hiss, why am I here. Why are you beating..."

He paused, suddenly seemed to wake up, and jumped up: "Where is this? Why am I here?! I—"

He lowered his head in panic, and by the moonlight above his head, he saw the blood on his palm, and his face paled instantly.

Fragmentary memories flooded into his mind, he opened his mouth slightly, and made an unbelievable voice: "I, I smashed the door... and hit someone..."

"Ah?" Xu Tuoran already had more than half a guess in his mind, but he still asked for confirmation.

Qu Mian panted and looked at her: "The uncle who took care of me. The one in the black windbreaker. I don't know why, but I really wanted to come out. He came to stop me, so I pushed him away, and then opened the bedroom door... "

Looking at the bright blood in his hand, he felt the pain of the wound belatedly. Breathing becomes messy for a while. At this moment, Xu Tuoran realized something even worse—

They seem to be staying in a certain park now.

The park is obviously huge. In front of them was an empty space, on the left was the reception room and greenery, on the right was a bulletin board and a building of unknown purpose. Going forward, you can see the outline of a small arch bridge. On both sides of the bridge, there are two buildings on each side.

Xu Tuoran took a few steps forward and saw the bronzing letters on the building next to him.

【Qin Xue Building】

…This is a school building.

They are now in a school.

This school, when Qu Mian arrived, quietly opened the door. Then swallowed them all together.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips vigilantly, stepped back a few steps, and retreated to Qu Mian's side, turning his head to look back.

I can only see the back of the iron gate, and no more taxis. There are no sycamore trees and street lamps. There is only a bottomless darkness, and I don't know where to lead.

... Tsk.

Xu Tueran glanced at Qu Mian next to him, and pursed his lips in concern.

Being able to enter the "Golden Fragrance Tree" smoothly is certainly not a bad thing for her. The problem is, there is a crouching next to her...

Xu Turan held his forehead secretly, and although he didn't hold out any hope, he still touched the darkness outside the iron gate—not surprisingly, he could only touch a solid wall.

It seems that it is not feasible to send people out the same way. Xu Tuoran could only find another way of thinking. Fortunately, the repeated missions during this period also gave her a lot of experience:

First, it's a "box". If it is a box, there will definitely be a safe area left by man. As long as Qu Mian is sent to this place, nothing will happen to him for the time being.

Second, she has entered the domain. But neither the premonition of crisis nor the reminder of the death value sounded, which meant that this area was relatively safe in general.

But the real safe zone can't be that big. It should be a relatively small area, and it can attract people's attention...

Xu Tuoran's eyes turned slightly, and his eyes fell on the reception room next to the iron gate.

Behind the reception room is a long bicycle shed. Opposite the bicycle shed are two trash cans. The door of the reception room was closed tightly, and there was a little light from the window, and the light seemed unstable.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips slightly, and immediately walked towards the reception room. After walking a few steps, he was suddenly grabbed by Qu Mian.

"Don't go there." He whispered, "There's something in that direction..."

Xu Tueran followed his gaze, and as expected, he saw some weird shadows protruding out of the bicycle shed—it looked like a person looking out, but the neck of a person would not be pulled so far. The body is still long.

Inside the trash can, there are also undulating shadows. Although he has no eyes, Xu Tuoran can feel that they are all looking at him.

She stared quietly at those shadows for a moment, and suddenly a faint sadness welled up in her heart.

Once upon a time, as long as she looked at these shadows, she would die and fall from the sky.

But now, she has nothing but loneliness.

She shook her head secretly, and walked forward with Qu Mian instead. Qu Mian was still a little hesitant, Xu Tuoran could only say: "It's okay, it's just a mob. It's a matter of punching one by one, come here."

Qu Mian: ...? !

He dubiously followed and walked until he came to the reception room. When Xu Tuoran approached, he saw a small piece of paper pasted on the door.

A large inverted triangle was drawn on the paper, and a word, key, was written inside the triangle.

Although Xu Tuoran's English is not good, he still knows the word. She squatted down to touch the triangle arrow, and found a key under the crack of the door.

The door to the porter's room was locked. She inserted the key and the door opened.

There was no one in the room. Xu Turan glanced at it, and finally understood what was going on with the unstable light—there was no electric light in the room, only a few candles were burning.

Xu Tuoran picked up one, looked around according to it, and heaved a sigh of relief—I saw that the floor and wall of the reception room were covered with runes. It does look like a place to hide.

There are still a few sheets of paper on the table. She quickly scanned them one by one, basically telling people that this place is a trustworthy and safe place, no matter if you entered by mistake or deliberately avoided it. You can hide here, but be careful not to let the candle go out.

[If you see a candle go out while awake, please light the extinguished candle quickly. If more than three candles go out at once, leave immediately. 】

[Also, if you can—after you have escaped its pursuit, please come back and light the extinguished candle again. Others will need it. 】

…the hider can stay here all night long as long as the candles are not extinguished. For Xu Tuoran, this is good news.

She called Qu Mian, placed her in the rune array, then approached the window, took out her mobile phone, and tentatively dialed a number.

There was a beeping sound from the phone. Xu Tuoran held his breath slightly. Fortunately, it didn't take long before the call was successfully connected.

"Hello?" Yang Buqi's not sober voice came from the other end of the phone.

Xu Tuoran felt relieved, and immediately said: "Yang Buqi, I'm Xu Tuoran. Now I'm in Dahuaihua Middle School on Xiangzhang Road, and Qu Mian is also here. I'll put him here in the reception room. You can come over and directly Look for him. The entrance is opposite to No. 56 Xiangzhang Road. It’s only for tonight. You must hurry up. Also, Qu Mian lost his mind tonight and beat up the man in the windbreaker. Remember to ask him situation. In addition, you help me to Zhu—”

Before the voice fell, the call was hung up with a beep. Xu Tuoran hissed, and pressed the screen several times, but the phone could not be dialed out no matter what.

... Tsk.

Xu vainly closed his eyes restrainedly. She guessed that the signal in this place must be bad, but she didn't expect it to be so bad.

She could only find a blank piece of paper on the table, quickly wrote a few lines, folded it and handed it to Qu Mian.

"Brother, I have an important task for you." She clapped her hands, "Wait until Yang Buqi—that is, Yang Yuan, will come here to find you. You remember to give him this piece of paper, and remember to tell him, the window You can make a phone call over there."


Qu Mian looked up at her ignorantly: "Then what, I also have a mobile phone..."

"Forget it, forget it, it's almost enough to say anyway." Xu Tuoran waved his hand, looked around, took out another pen, and filled him with two runes on the ground. Immediately put away the pen, and once again told him to be optimistic about the candles.

Qu Mian nodded slowly, thinking about it but felt wrong: "I'm here... what about you?"

"It's all here, I'm going outside for a walk."

Xu Tuoran said indifferently, touched the tail ring on his little finger, turned and walked outside.

Under Qu Mian's completely incomprehensible gaze, her figure quickly disappeared into the dark night.

At the same time, on the other side.

Yang Buqi called his colleagues to confirm the injury, and quickly packed up to go out. And it wasn't until others sat in the driver's seat that he belatedly realized a very critical issue——

It's fine that Qu Mian will run to the big Sophora japonica flower at this time.

Why is Xu Tuoran also there? ?