MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 49 【Catch insects】

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[That person added me by himself, before I was titled. 】

【He told me that if someone comes to the warehouse to look for omniscient products in the future, I can [read it]. If it turns out that the client I'm reading about was a [dead man], that's my chance. If you grasp it, there is a possibility of unblocking. 】

[Trust him? In fact, I don't fully believe it. I tried [reading] him, and the pen blew up, and it took a long time. 】

[I really can't say more. Besides, I'm going to blow up again. real. 】

[If I had known that the ending would be like this, I wouldn't have come if I was beaten to death. 】

【later? Then I was banned. About half a year ago, the people next door used a network housekeeper to ban my WIFI devices, and I could no longer access the Internet. 】

In the small garden inside the Tzu Chi Temple.

Yang Buqi sat under the wisteria trellis, carefully flipping through the book in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

"This part is also all the truth." He said cautiously, looking at Xu Tuoran next to him, "But... are you sure this is something you can show me?"

Among other things, in those few lines just now, it is obvious that not only the secret of Bi Immortal Zhibi is involved.

Xu Tuoran was earnestly digging out the three-color cup, and he didn't lift his head when he heard the words: "Since I have given it to you, you can see it naturally. But there are some things, don't ask me in person, for some reason, you ask me It’s hard for me to say.”

She knew that Yang Buqi was referring to the phrase "dead man". Regarding this point, she actually struggled with it, but after thinking about it, she still showed it to Yang Buqi for verification.

On the one hand, she needs to confirm the information she got from Bixian Zhibi as much as possible, and on the other hand, it is also because she trusts Yang Buqi.

She and Yang Buqi are in a delicate balance in terms of "secret". Both of them know each other's secrets, but they are also very clear that the other party still has some secrets that have not yet been disclosed.

Knowing but not digging deeply is a unique tacit understanding between the two of them. Frankly speaking, this state is very comfortable for Xu Tuoran, after all, it is also a troublesome thing to always want to hide.

And from a certain level, Xu Tuoran actually hoped that Yang Buqi could see through the "traveling" by himself. Or at least think about it in this direction—judging from the current information, someone has already predicted her arrival. On the other hand, her arrival itself may also be an important information point.

It's a pity that due to the constraints of the so-called "book-wearing rules", she can't give hints in this regard. Although Xu Tuoran is quite skeptical about this matter now, before confirming the authenticity of the "traveling" matter itself, it is safer to follow the rules first.

Having said that, it is already late July, half of the summer vacation is over... According to the progress of the original novel, the hero and heroine of the original novel have already met by this time. In other words, the real plot of the novel should have already begun...

But it shouldn't be my business, right?

Xu Tuoran thought uncertainly. Judging from the pitifully small amount of information in the original work, I have to wait a year before meeting the hero of the original work. During this period of time, I should be able to continue my wanderings.

She thought silently, scooping up the last bit of ice cream. On the other side, just as Xu Tuoran guessed, after listening to her answer, Yang Buqi didn't say anything more, just nodded slightly to show that he understood.

"The content on this is all the truth." He turned his attention to the notebook that Xu Tuoran brought again, and the paper was full of red writing left by the brush of the pen fairy, "Including the fact that he used the penguin group to engage in The missionary part...cough."

He cleared his throat, barely suppressed the urge to complain, and said instead: "But I always feel that something is not right."

"?" Xu Tuoran threw the ice cream box into the trash can beside him, "Tell me in detail?"

"I'm not too clear about it, but there is a sense of disobedience..." Yang Buqi frowned slightly, "You said before that the person who ordered Haunted House No. 71 to ambush you told it directly that you were 'delicious'. But This person is telling the pen of the pen fairy that you can unseal it."

"That is to say, he didn't explicitly order it to harm you. Even judging from the results of the matter..."

"It also helped me." Xu Tuoran said lightly.

Yang Buqi looked at her in surprise: "You also found out?"

"Yeah." Xu Tuoran nodded, "Actually, I was thinking about it before. What would happen if we didn't have a pen fairy in this incident?"

Yang Buqi took a deep look at her, with some thoughts on his face.

undeniable. The pen of the pen fairy did play a big role in this incident. First of all, as a high level, its existence magnified the effect of Xu Tuoran's passive skills, and objectively bought them time; although the writing of the escape plan was rumored, it did give a lot of useful information.

— On top of that, at the last minute, without the pen, they would have been slower to recharge the seal box, and would have been later to lure Haunted House 71 away. According to the situation at the time, it will undoubtedly develop into two endings:

Either the angry Haunted House No. 71 broke through the rune array and directly attacked Xu Tuoran. Either Xu Tuoran absorbed more power from No. 71 through the rune array. But this is obviously not something that can be resolved within three to five days of being in a coma.

Yang Buqi went over everything carefully in his heart, with a trace of surprise in his eyes: "You mean, this pen was sent to help you?"

"It's just possible." Xu Tuoran said, "If this is the case, then there are two behind-the-scenes culprits in this incident. One arranged the Haunted House No. 71 and wanted to kill me. The other arranged the pen of the Immortal Pen, Come help me."

There is no doubt that the party who wants to kill her will definitely want her to die. But those who help her may not wish her well.

"...And among these two people, at least one has a propensity to predict. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so accurate." Yang Buqi thought thoughtfully, "At present, the one who arranges the brush of the pen fairy is more like a prophet."

"Yes. He seems to have foreseen the existence of Haunted House No. 71, so he arranged to unlock it in advance." Xu Tuoran said, "But if he is the predictor, he can only be the one who is stronger than Feifei... Then why did he help? And me?"

"Perhaps, it's also possible that it's just one person playing the game?" Yang Buqi rubbed his forehead, "He tricked Haunted House No. 71 and the Pen of the Bixian at the same time, and arranged this big show. It's just to lead to a certain result..."

"What result? Let me level up?" Xu Tuoran folded his arms.

"...It may not be just you." Yang Buqi seemed to think of something, his face changed slightly, "Pu Han is also preparing to upgrade. Once he is promoted, he will be at the Chen level."

Pu Han has always been a parallel importer before, and now he finally has signs of upgrading, which actually has nothing to do with this incident.

It wasn't that Yang Buqi insisted on pulling his brother out, it was mainly because the result of the Chen-level piled up before was too tragic, which made it hard for him not to worry about the result on Pu Han's side.

Things are pushed here, it seems difficult to continue. After all, lack of information, no matter how open the brain hole is, it is just nonsense.

There are only so many things that can be asked by Bixianzhibi. Xu Tuoran tried to get to the Penguin in the past and log in, and the title was completely sealed. She tried to apply for unblocking, but failed; at present, the only entry point is still the man in the **** shirt.

Yang Buqi said that he was making hair tonic and maintenance lotion, so he could use it to bribe some internal employees of Taobao store to inquire about the news. Xu Tuoran nodded, remembering that he had invited Zhu Tang and the others to have lunch together, so he got up and prepared to leave.

"That's right." Yang Buqi handed the notebook back to her, and said casually, "If we really find out the behind-the-scenes of this matter, what are you going to do?"

"Frankly speaking, I really hate being arranged by others." Xu Tuoran said bluntly, "If there are really two behind-the-scenes in this matter, then solve them one by one - first, find the one who wants me dead, and beat him to death."

…Okay, it’s futile.

Yang Buqi thought without any surprise, and then heard her continue: "Then, go find the one who wants to live with me—hang yourself in front of his house."

...? !

No, wait? What kind of strange idea is this?

Yang Buqi was startled for a moment, and Xu Turan laughed the next second.

"You're kidding. Under normal circumstances, I still regret my life." She said, slapping Yang Buqi's chest with the snacks she bought while buying ice cream, "Let's go, let's eat!"

Yang Buqi: …

He stood alone on the spot, looking down at the skittle candy that Xu Tuoran gave him, and at Xu Tuoran's back, silent for a moment, and finally smiled softly.

The "Fairy Tale Town" group made an appointment to eat in the cafeteria today, and decided on tomorrow's task plan by the way.

The other two girls in the same group, Xu Tuoran had already met through Zhu Tang's introduction. The one with the quality of "Rapunzel" is called Shu Xiaopei. Although she is a "Rapunzel", she actually has a very rusty crew cut. It is said that it is because the hair grows so fast that I have to cut it every day, and in a fit of anger, I push it all away.

The other "fairy godmother" is named Lin Ge. She looked like a very quiet and delicate girl. She is also the only "order"-oriented ability person that Xu Tuoran knows so far. She has a unique special skill "Godmother's Blessing", which can give new attributes to other people or things within a limited time.

However, because my level is not high, the extent to which this stunt can be used is actually very limited.

As for the "Little Mermaid" that was agreed, it has not joined the group for a long time. Zhu Tang told Xu Tuoran that as a newcomer, the girl was not adapting very well at present, and her mental state fluctuated greatly. Not to mention becoming a companion, whether he can return to a normal life is actually a bit in doubt.

But after all, they already knew each other, so Zhu Tang went to visit him if he had something to do. In her words, regardless of whether they are teammates in the future, if they enter this place, it is considered a sympathy for each other. As people who have been there, they often go to cheer up, in case it will help.

Like today, she also arranged a visit to the Little Mermaid on her schedule. However, both Shu Xiaopei and Lin Ge are part-timers and have work in the afternoon, so only Xu Tuoran is with her.

...Xu Tuoran was actually dragged by her. For some reason, Zhu Tang has a peculiar superstition about Xu Tuoran's "Snow White" quality, insisting that the charmer halo that comes with this quality will also work on human beings. Maybe the little mermaid can take the initiative to get close.

Xu Turan couldn't bear to tell her that he didn't have such a thing at all.

No matter what, Xu Tuoran followed after lunch. This was the first time she had entered the inpatient department inside the Tzu Chi Institute in a sober state—she had also lived in the Tzu Chi Institute when she was unconscious before, but she lived in a quieter area.

There is a clear distinction between this place and the inpatient department on the outer floor, and all the people here are those with poor mental states. These are either newcomers who have not yet adjusted to the physical and mental changes; or old employees who have lost control during the upgrade process.

There were large sheets of identification paper stuck on the wall of the corridor, and Xu Tuoran curiously flipped through it to see that there were actually runes drawn on the back.

Zhu Tang walked to a ward familiarly. The door was not closed, so she poked her head in and knocked on the door: "Good afternoon, I'm here to play with you!"

There was only one long-haired girl in the ward, with a delicate and soft appearance and extremely pale complexion, who was sitting on the bed reading a book. Hearing Zhu Tang's voice, he only glanced at her lightly, nodded, and quickly turned his gaze back to the book.

Zhu Tang smiled dryly, turned to look at Xu Tuoran, and explained in a low voice: "Xiaoli has a bad voice now. She usually doesn't speak."

After speaking, he put on a smile and entered the door, and put the flowers he brought into the vase. Xu Furan tentatively followed in. The little mermaid, who was turning the pages of the book, glanced at her, and her eyes suddenly stopped.

Then she saw her eyes widen, and said in surprise, "Xu... in vain?"

Her voice was really bad. Can only make the slightest breath sound. Even so, Xu Tuoran could roughly tell what she meant: "Are you... Xu Tuoran?"

She put down the book, and leaned over eagerly: "You're here too? Are you... sick?"


Zhu Tang, who was interjecting, raised his eyes in a daze, and his eyes swept back and forth between the two: "You two know each other?"

Xu Tuoran: ...Good question, I want to know too.

She looked at the "Little Mermaid" with some embarrassment, secretly regretting that she didn't ask Zhu Tang for her name first before coming over: "That, Xiaoli? Long time no see..."

"...I'm Audrey." The Little Mermaid frowned, "You don't remember me? We used to be in the same high school. Jinxiangshu Academy..."

to die.

Xu Tuoran felt even more embarrassed.

Of course she knew about "Golden Fragrant Tree". The original body transferred from Gu Chenfeng's junior high school and went to this school. It is said that it is a closed management noble girls' school - the problem is that she did not inherit the memory of the original body.

She didn't even know where the school was, let alone the people in it.

Just when Xu Tuoran was seriously considering whether to pretend to be amnesiac, the Little Mermaid eagerly said, "Why are you here too? Did you also get called to"


Xu Tuoran paused, subconsciously asked: "What?"

Soon, she regretted it.

The little mermaid calmed down when she heard her asking back, shook her head, said "nothing", sat back on the bed, and picked up the book again.

Xu Tuoran was aroused by curiosity, and took the initiative to move over, trying to get her to talk again. The Little Mermaid didn't speak again, she couldn't help shaking her head, and finally said: "You don't know. Then I shouldn't let you know. That's a good deal."

Who did you talk to?

Xu Tuoran couldn't figure it out, so he could only leave the ward with Zhu Tang in the end.

Zhu Tang was still lamenting the fate between them. Xu Tuoran's thoughts had long drifted away. As soon as she got home, she immediately searched the Internet, and by the way, she also brought out the brush of the immortal pen—she first checked the campus of Jinxiangshu College, I also checked the nearby neighborhoods, and found nothing except "this school looks expensive" and "the houses nearby look expensive."

I didn't get anything of value from the pen of the pen fairy either. This pen insisted that the seal on his body interfered with its performance, and he began to write the slogan "Unlock my seal, a copy of Wanli" again, but Xu Tuoran impatiently stuffed it into the silver pen case.

Pu Han is in the process of upgrading "Retreat", and is in a state of being out of contact. Coupled with the fact that he had to get up early tomorrow to go on missions with Zhu Tang and the others, Xu Furan had no choice but to give up.

And after this mission, she went to find that "Audrey". Xu Tuoran was on a mission this time, and it took a total of four days including travel and accommodation. When she came back, Audrey was in a much better state of mind. Facing her inquiry, she still said the same thing:

"Keep it from people who shouldn't know it. That's what we agreed."

Can't make out a single word.

Xu Tuoran: ...How to put it, I'm very depressed.

It's like reading a novel and saw a suspense, but the author just put it in a bad place. That kind of heart-scratching and helpless feeling is really uncomfortable.

...And what made her even more depressed was that the subsequent depression was far more than this.

First is the task.

In the next period of time, Xu Tuoran went on several missions with Zhu Tang and the others. I have to say that because of the team formation, the tasks that can be received are indeed much more difficult. The abominations he faced were all at the light level, and one was at the fire level—but even so, Xu Tuoran only got a total of more than 500 death points in total.

Obviously still the same style, obviously she worked very hard, and obviously her teammates were very tolerant and cooperative... But the actual points she got were far lower than expected.

Xu Tuoran learned from the painful experience, and was finally forced to recognize a not-so-good reality—this may not be her problem, but that the opponent is too weak.

In the past, she used the status of Bai Ding or Ying class to challenge the class. Now she is going to challenge the class as a lamp class. The difficulty of the two is obviously different, and the possibility of actual death is naturally different for the same act of death.

This is like the same dungeon, as the level increases, the less experience points you can get... Strictly speaking, it's not anyone's fault, it's just that she and those abominations met at the wrong time and place.

According to this logic, keeping a low level will help Xu Tueran accumulate death points—the problem is that she has been "stared" by some mysterious and powerful beings.

In order to protect himself, Xu Tuoran must try to upgrade as much as possible.

However, when it comes to leveling up, it's depressing in a different sense—since Xu Tuzan's subsequent leveling up has not been very smooth since he used the number of steps he took to get up to Candle level in "Natural Disaster Tendency".

But strictly speaking, it was her own fault.

Xu Tuoran also knew in his heart that it was definitely easier than chaos to upgrade to another level in the natural disaster tendency. The problem is... Path of Chaos gives death value, but Scourge Cemetery doesn't.

It just so happens that during this period of time, there are not many death points that can be obtained from missions. Xu Tuoran was determined to earn more from the Path of Chaos, and took out the mirror of Chaos every night when he went to bed, trying to go to the Path of Chaos to do his daily routine.

I don't know if it is controlled by her mind, but as long as she wants to enter the "Path of Chaos" at night, the "Cemetery of Natural Disasters" will definitely not appear. However, she is not able to successfully log in to the "Path of Chaos" every time now. Out of ten times, she can only succeed three or four times.

This made Xu Turan suspect that the smooth login he had had before had nothing to do with the chaotic mirror, and it was mainly thanks to the blessing of Haunted House No. 71.

And even if she logged into the "Path of Chaos", all she could do was walk—her broken leg recovered after opening the gate between the "Lamp" area and the "Torch" area, so walking was not difficult. But the new light group has not appeared in front of her eyes for a long time, and the frequency of monsters chasing and noisy babbling has increased significantly. This annoyed her somewhat.

The only thing that made Xu Tuoran feel gratified was that every time he boarded the Path of Chaos, he would get a minimum of one or two hundred death points. Very conscientious and stable.

During this period of time, I have saved a total of about 1200, and my current death value is almost 9800. The strange thing is that there is no reward function drop anymore, this is the fourth point that makes Xu Tuoran depressed.

And what depressed her the most was the fifth thing—University A was about to start school.

University A started relatively early, and had to report on August 20th. After reporting, it is military training.

In theory, it is also possible to register at the university four or five days in advance. Xu Tuoran originally planned to wait until the last day, but Zhu Tang reported a week-long observation mission on the official account, and the time coincided with August 20th.

Xu Tuoran had never participated in this kind of task, and was extremely curious, and didn't want to be absent, so he could only choose to report to school a few days in advance.

"Thank you for bringing me here."

On the day of reporting, Xu Tuoran sat in Yang Buqi's car, looking at the retrograde scenery outside the window with a melancholy expression.

Yang Buqi gave her a strange look, apparently not understanding her depression. It's not that he doesn't understand that going to school is like going to the grave. But it is too early to cry for mourning.

He looked back and shook his head: "It's okay, by the way. I just want to go there and take a look and take two more photos."

Moreover, Xu Turan doesn't live on campus, so he actually brings very little. He was not inconvenient either.

"Taking pictures?" Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you still have this hobby?"

"No. It's a friend of mine." Yang Buqi explained, "He's in his third year of high school this year, and he also wants to take the entrance exam for University A. I'll take some photos and send them to him as encouragement."

Xu Tueran was still immersed in the sadness and helplessness of going to school soon. Hearing this, he subconsciously asked, "Do you still have such a young friend?"

Another vest of Yang Buqi, Yang Yuan, is an old friend of the hero in the original text. As for the male protagonist in the original text, this year happens to be his third year in high school, and next year he will join hands with his girlfriend to attend University A.

Xu Tuoran organized the plot of the original text that he didn't know much about in his mind, while Yang Buqi laughed softly on the other side:

"Him? I know him from playing games. He was playing crazy for a while in college, and he was number one in the whole server. He is the second one in the whole server."

Xu Tuoran: "...?"

She was really curious this time, and she sat up slightly: "Really? Are you so wild?"

"What wildness. At that time, I couldn't sleep, so I could only play games." Yang Buqi smiled self-deprecatingly.

At that time, he was nineteen, which happened to be the time when he had just come into contact with strange events and became a capable person in a daze. At that time, the Tzu Chi Institute was still in the difficult post-disaster reconstruction process, and the psychological counseling and care for the newcomers was not in place. Yang Buqi was under too much mental pressure, and he was super normal on the surface. In private, he lost sleep for half a year.

"It was a coincidence at that time, Qu Mian... oh, just my friend, something happened at home, and he also played games to vent it. He saw that I was the number one in the whole server, and he would fight with me every day. They came and went, and the two became familiar with each other. gone."

After that, one of the two made self-adjustment and worked hard, and the other regrouped and studied hard, and retreated successively. The contact information is still kept with each other. It was just that Yang Buqi was receiving training at the Tzu Chi Institute and already had the idea of ​​wearing a vest, so he only gave the other party a pseudonym of "Yang Yuan".

"Oh..." It was the first time Xu Tuoran knew that there was such an intersection between "Yang Yuan" and the hero in the original text, and nodded with a sigh. Suddenly, Yang Buqi turned the steering wheel, and the buildings of University A appeared in sight.

It was also the first time for Yang Buqi to drive in. He drove in directly from the main entrance, but accidentally turned into a dead end. There was a security guard next to him commanding the car to back up with an accent. He looked back and said helplessly, "Oops, the parking lot seems to be quite far from your check-in point."

"Then I'll go down first." Xu Tuoran took the ID and was about to open the door, "I'll report by myself and wait for the meeting at the entrance of the third cafeteria."

"The third canteen?" Yang Buqi was taken aback, "Do you know which is the third canteen?"

"I don't know. But I read on the Internet that the homemade hawthorn jelly in the third canteen is delicious." Xu Tuoran said solemnly, opened the door and got off the car.

Yang Buqi glanced at her with a half-smile, shook his head, and continued to reverse the car according to the security guard's instructions. On the other side, Xu Tueran walked to the intersection, observed for a while, and soon found the registration point for freshmen under the guidance of kind people.

Because I came a few days in advance, there are very few people at the registration point at this time. Xu Tuoran walked over and saw that the table was full of forms. When someone asked about her major and name, she said without thinking, "Finance, Xu Tuoran."

Near the check-in point, a boy who was swiping his phone immediately raised his head, glanced at Xu Tuoran quickly, and quickly looked away.

Xu Tuoran raised his head as if feeling something, glanced at him lightly, lowered his head and filled out the form as he said, received the materials, turned and left.

The boy lowered his head and swiped his phone. After seeing Xu Tuoran walking for a while, Fang followed, not far or near.

Xu Tuoran just pretended not to see it, and went to collect some materials according to the procedure, and then walked towards the third canteen according to the mobile phone map.

The boy following her seemed to have finally lost his composure. He took a deep breath and hurried up.

"Excuse me, excuse me!" He raised his smile and flashed to Xu Tuoran's side, "Hello, classmate, I'm a reporter from University A's school newspaper, and I'm working on a special issue about freshmen's admission. Would you mind taking your time?" ?”

Xu Tueran glanced at him, with the same bright smile on his face: "Well, I mind."

"..." The boy seemed not expecting her to reject her so quickly, he was obviously taken aback, and then caught up again, "Don't say no, classmate, just ask a few small questions. For example, your major name, why you were admitted to A University Ah, the high school I went to or something..."

Xu Tuoran paused, looked back at him: "Interesting. I went to college, you ask me what I do in high school?"

"This..." The boy was startled again, his ears and cheeks turned red. Xu Tuoran refused to let go, and continued: "And the major and name? Didn't you hear it at the check-in point? You have been here with me since the check-in point. Why are you interviewing?"

"..." The boy choked for a moment, then nodded desperately, "Yes."

"Just, classmate, let me tell you the truth. I have actually heard of you before, and I know that you graduated from the 'Golden Fragrant Tree Academy'." The boy paused, saying "Jinxiangshu "College", his eyes became serious, "And Jin Xiangshu, this is indeed a very attractive topic. After all, it is a very rare aristocratic women's college, and there are many strange rumors, romantic rumors, etc..."

"I just want you to talk about this school from the perspective of a graduate. And it's better to talk about it fairly and honestly—you know what I mean?"

Xu Tuoran: ...Frankly speaking, I don't really understand it.

But the boy's words attracted her attention. She crossed her arms and looked at the other party with interest: "Why do you want to inquire about this school?"

"Then what... I said that I am, um, a little reporter..."

"Pull it down." Xu Tuoran said unceremoniously, "You are a reporter, so what about your ID card and camera?"

Boy: "..."

He was silent for a while, and his handsome face became more and more cramped.

"So you are really not a reporter." Xu Tuoran observed his expression, and became more sure of his thoughts, "You only came to me to inquire about Jinxiangshu College. Interesting."

She took a step forward with her arms folded. The boy was a head taller than her, but as if he had been bluffed, he took a step back involuntarily.

Xu Tuoran looked up at him, and slightly curled his mouth: "Tell me, what do you know about that school?"

boy: ...

So why did you ask me? !

He looked even more at a loss, his eyes wandered a few times, and just about to say something, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and grabbed his shoulder.

"... Crouching sleep?!"

Yang Buqi's face appeared from behind the boy, with an expression of disbelief: "I just looked like you just now, but it's really you... What are you doing?"

"If you don't study hard at this time, come here??"