MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 52 (1)

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Inside the Sixue Building · Freshman Registration Office.

Xu Tuoran folded his hands on the table, tilted his head slightly, and wore a clean white shirt. He really looked like a student.

...provided that the breastplate she was wearing was ignored.

The teacher across the table glanced at the sign, and then again. Mouth opened and closed again. Xu Tuoran turned his head to look at him, and said gently: "Teacher, the registration is complete. What should I do next?"

The teacher at the registration desk: ...

It stands to reason that at this time, he should have confirmed the name of a freshman registration in person. This is the workflow - but the key is these two words, it burns my mouth.

"Confirm your registration. You are welcome to study in our school, Dad...Dad classmate." He closed his eyes again and again, and finally forced himself to open his mouth——Almost at the same time, Xu Turan heard "Death value plus fifty" in Xu Tuoran's mind " beep.

She thought about it, and gave a sweet "ah". Shunli earned ten death points for himself.

Teacher at the registration office: ...

He paused, and quickly flipped through the school rules at hand. After confirming that there were no rules to support him eating the guy in front of him directly, he had no choice but to close the booklet in his hand with great regret.

"Next, please go to the dormitory to register. The dormitory management will arrange follow-up." The teacher said firmly, "Please go to the dormitory as soon as possible. Don't stay in other places. If there is an accident, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Okay. Thank you, teacher." Xu Turan calmly picked up his schoolbag and walked out. The moment he turned around, a little thought appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, this "teacher" is not human. It is known that Dahuaihua Middle School is essentially a domain, so he is probably a monster active in the domain, serving the domain owner—but I don’t know if he is a companion creature or an ordinary monster.

After several trainings and missions, Xu Tuoran is quite clear about the difference between the two. Compared with ordinary mobs, companion creatures are more powerful and independent. And the level will increase with the promotion of the domain master, and will not be too different from the domain master. And it cannot be eliminated or sealed by outsiders... It can be said to be quite a tricky existence.

Just now, the teacher's momentum is not weak, and the way of speaking is very clear. It is highly likely that it is a companion. The good news is that he seems to be bound by certain rules and can't do whatever he wants.

Otherwise, he could force Xu Tuoran to change her name, or not pass her enrollment. It's not that she is so angry that she still insists on calling her father.

Combined with the previously known information, what bound him was probably the rules created by the previous ability users... Where are those ability users now? Where to find out the specific rules...

Xu Tueran went back to the lobby on the first floor along the corridor, remembering the school rules that Xiaoli had mentioned. Just as he was thinking about whether to look for relevant clues, his eyes suddenly caught two familiar figures.

"Zhu Tang?" She looked at Zhu Tang and Lin Ge who appeared in the lobby of Si Xue Building in surprise, but the two walked forward with blank eyes as if they hadn't seen her.

Xu Tuoran has already dealt with this symptom very skillfully. But for girls, she always wants to be gentle, so she just walked over quickly, grabbing the two of them and shaking them vigorously.

"Eh, eh? Can you hear me? Wake up!" Xu Tuoran patted the cheeks of the two of them lightly. After a few strokes, the eyes of the two finally recovered.

"Xu Tuoran? Why are you here? You're fine... Hey." Zhu Tang stroked his forehead, "My head hurts a bit."

Lin Ge on the side was fine. Perhaps it was because she was at the order candle level, she woke up earlier than Zhu Tang, and quickly recalled the previous situation: "We came to find you. After we came here, we first found the Sixue Building, and it turned out that I was bullied when I entered the door. I just wanted to report something..."

"Registration for new students?" Xu Tuoran pointed behind him, "It's in that direction. I just came out of it."

"What's going on here? Where's the ability user stationed here?" Zhu Tang frowned, "Isn't that freshman's report a scam? Do you have to go?"

"It's hard to say. But I don't think it's all a scam." Xu Tuoran pondered for a moment, and said quickly, "Xiaoli once said that one of the key points of survival here is to abide by the school rules. And the school rules are aimed at students..."

And Yang Buqi also said that this school has rules to protect human beings. At present, it seems that the rules he said are most likely the school rules.

If there is no student status, the school rules will naturally not provide shelter.

More importantly - Xu Tuoran thought about it carefully. In the process of enrolling himself in the school just now, the alarm only sounded once, and that was when he almost wrote down his real name. And the death value will increase only because he has chosen an arrogant name that makes monsters unhappy, and has nothing to do with filling in the certificate itself.

In other words, the act of reporting itself is harmless. It might even be good for them.

Of course, Xu Tueran couldn't tell them the second half of the reason. Fortunately, after hearing her analysis, the two of them didn't have any doubts. They looked at each other and quickly made up their minds that they still had to report.

"But there is one thing. It's best not to write your real name." Xu Tuoran reminded, "I heard from the teacher inside that other teachers will roll names... It's a guess, it may not be right. But maybe, choose a name that is not suitable for being called , which will help in the future.”

"Not suitable for being ordered?" Zhu Tang was surprised, "Then which one should I choose? I don't even know a few rare words..."

In the middle of her speech, her eyes fell on Xu Tuoran's breastplate, and her voice suddenly choked.

I saw the word "Dad" on the small badge, so amazing and so arrogant.

"...In short, that teacher can't control the name." Xu Tuoran showed his new name without hesitation, and continued to share his successful experience, "Well, but this is a negative example, so I don't recommend learning it. The teacher got very angry when he pronounced my name..."

There are some things that you can do to pit yourself, and you can also earn some death points. But you can't lead others into the ditch.

The other two nodded thoughtfully. They quickly exchanged their information, and then split up tacitly - Xu Tuoran went to explore other classrooms in the Si Xue Building alone, while Zhu Tang and Lin Ge went to complete the report first, and then came here to join her.

Considering Xu Tuoran's aura of being a huge fan of Snow White, Zhu Tang had nothing to worry about. He only told him not to do anything out of line, and then he and Lin Ge quickly went to the reporting office.

She was still worried that only one person could enter the registration office at a time, and the two would not be able to take care of each other. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the door, they were called in by the teachers inside—because Xu Tueran had been vaccinated in advance, they could be said to accept the teacher's appearance and the ridiculous process well. Only when they took up the pen to fill in the name, they were stunned by coincidence.

the reason is simple. When they picked up the pen, they were all in a trance for a moment. And after this trance, in the name column, a word of each name has been written.

Zhu Tang's "Zhu" and Lin Ge's "Lin" are all clearly hung in the name column, but the follow-up is still blank.

"The name must be meaningful. Don't mess it up." The teacher behind the desk said coldly, leaning back, "Continue to fill in."

Zhu Tang & Lin Ge: ...

The two of them looked at each other, and each went through the main points of naming Xu Tuoran in their minds. After thinking for a while, they bowed their heads tacitly again, and each quickly wrote on the paper.

Another ten minutes later.

Standing in the Zhixue Building, Chen Dazhuang squinted his eyes to read the student roster in his hand, with deep confusion appearing again in his eyes.

At the end of the roster, there were two unfamiliar records:

[Enrollment time: August 17, XX, enrollment location: Sixue Building, Jinxiangshu Women's Noble Academy]

[Scholar's name: Zhu Yan is haggard, her dreams are broken and she can't bear the tears, who is asking Jun Hu not to return hahaha]

[Enrollment time: August 17, XX, enrollment location: Sixue Building, Jinxiangshu Women's Noble Academy]

[Student name: Lin Lailai leads Grandma Liu to get milk and durian milk]

Chen Dazhuang: ...

In comparison, Qu Toni, which Qu Mian just made up after scratching his head for a long time, can be said to be quite fresh and not coquettish.

...too conservative.

Chen Dazhuang sighed in his heart, we, who only know the names of the soil, are still too conservative.

Immediately turned his head to look to the side:

"Ms. Yang, didn't you say that there was no one behind?"

"..." Yang Buqi, who was going upstairs, paused.

"…For the word, read 'Lang'." He turned his head helplessly to correct, pointing at his badge with one hand, "Yang Dalang. Thank you."

"Oh oh oh, I'm sorry, I was confused just now." Chen Dazhuang glanced at the roster again, and suddenly realized, "Da Lang Da Lang. I'm sorry, sorry. So what's the matter with the names of the two freshmen?"

...No, can you just read the first name without the last name? Very unlucky.

Yang Buqi sighed in his heart, and carefully looked at the roster in Chen Dazhuang's hand. In the case of Zhu Tang and the others, the surname cannot be changed, so he wrote it down naturally, so he roughly confirmed the identity of the other party by only looking at the beginning of the two strings of names.

"My fault." He told the whole story back and forth, and couldn't help but patted his forehead. "They should have found them based on the clues I left behind."

And for some reason, after entering the domain, he went directly to the Sixue Building...Yang Buqi suddenly felt a sudden pain in his head: "When can we go to the Sixue Building?"

"Theoretically speaking, it is only when you are assigned to be on duty or to attend classes in some special classrooms. There will be one on duty tomorrow, and I will greet the health committee member and give you this opportunity." Chen Dazhuang said, "Whatever you want Crossing the bridge is not protected by school regulations, which is prone to accidents.”,

On another level, the more people obey the rules, the more binding they are. Deliberately ignoring and violating the rules is tantamount to weakening the effectiveness of the rules, which is not a good thing for the current situation.

Yang Buqi knew this kind of thing well, so he could only suppress his anxiety and continue to follow Chen Dazhuang.

After the explanations of the other two, Qu Mian already had a general understanding of the current situation. After thinking carefully for a moment, he couldn't help but said, "Speaking of which, what would have happened if we hadn't registered as students just now?"

"You will not be protected by school rules, and will be 'disposed' by this school as waste in the shortest possible time." Chen Dazhuang knew that he was an ordinary person, so he tried to downplay the matter as much as possible.

"However, this kind of thing rarely happens. Because for the big Sophora japonica, 'students' are food with nutritional value. Although waste products are easy to kill, they are meaningless. Therefore, even if it is for its own benefit, it will Let entrants be students as much as possible.”

As he spoke, he led the two of them around the corner of the stairs on the second floor, and stepped onto the air corridor leading to another building:

"Let me take you to the dormitory first. There must be a dormitory check within one hour of new students entering school. If you don't handle it well, you will have a very difficult start."

"Check bed?" Qu Mian was surprised, "It's early morning now. Are you still checking bed in this **** place?"

"You said this is a ghost place." Chen Dazhuang was a little helpless, "Here, through this air corridor, you can directly lead to the dormitory. The first floor of the dormitory does not live with students, and every floor from the second floor is connected with Zhixue. Each building is connected to each other. There is a door at each connecting place, and the key is managed by the mobile dormitory management committee members..."

While speaking, several people had passed through the air corridor and entered the boundary of the dormitory building. Chen Dazhuang stopped, took out a key from his body, turned around and pulled the iron door tight and locked it.

Yang Buqi looked at the key in his hand, and suddenly realized: "Are you also a member of the dormitory management committee?"

"For the time being." Chen Dazhuang looked around and lowered his voice, "Each dormitory floor can only have one member of the dormitory management committee. It changes every Monday, and you can take the initiative to run for election. For details, you go back and check the school rules. There is a brochure in the dormitory. "

"In addition, I would like to remind you that the current situation of ability users is difficult. Even if there is one more student leader, it is a good thing. There are many floating positions in this school. If you have the energy, you can also try to take a look-look, if it weren't for me this week I just won a place in the dormitory management committee, and now I can only be locked up in the room to sleep, how can I come down to meet you."

What Chen Dazhuang said was sincere, but Yang Buqi suddenly remembered something else, and immediately said: "By the way, how many capable people are there in this domain?"

"On the side of Zhixue Building, including me, there are only four permanent residents." Chen Dazhuang sighed, "Including you and the ones from the Renxinyuan before, it barely counts as six."

"What is Mian...wait a minute, Renxin Yuan?" Yang Buqi was taken aback.

He remembered the information he had found before. About two days ago, the Renxin Institute sent people to conduct observations on the Dahuaihua Middle School, but the report has not been submitted for a long time. Considering that the observation mission took a few days, it was normal, and no one felt that something was wrong. Now that I think about it, that group of people should be the same as myself and others... Trapped here?

"Well, the Renxinyuan sent them to observe. We have no way to contact the outside world, and we don't have time to stop them." Chen Dazhuang's words confirmed his thoughts, "It's an old couple with a new one. The old man's surname is Yu, and the new man's surname is Zhang. The old man is arranged Entered the dormitory on the third floor, the newcomer shares a dormitory with, this is the one."

While speaking in a low voice, Chen Dazhuang led them through the corridor on the second floor to the stairs at the other end of the corridor. When passing by a certain dormitory, he stopped and pointed.

The door of the dormitory was not closed tightly, and there was a little light in the crack of the door. Someone opened the door from the inside and poked his head out cautiously:

"Brother Chen, you're back...Eh? Is it you?"

He looked at Yang Buqi in surprise, and gradually a little joy of meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country appeared in his eyes: "I remember you, you are from the charity house... Do you remember me? Plum Blossom Apartment, we met! At that time you And hit me!"

...This kind of thing doesn't need to be said so cheerfully.

Yang Buqi felt his head hurt again. Of course he remembered this guy, Xiao Zhang from Renxinyuan, the unreliable newcomer who was urgently sent to Plum Blossom Apartment.

Yang Buqi looked down and caught a glimpse of the sign on his chest. There are three big characters written on it: Zhang Jinhua.

Yang Buqi: "..."

He raised his hand to cover his face, and couldn't help but confirm to Chen Dazhuang again: "Can't I really cross the bridge now?"

Chen Dazhuang: "...Huh?"

"Or should I just drop out?" Yang Buqi said resolutely, "I'll drop out first, then cross the bridge and transfer my student status to the opposite side..."

Let me go.

Immediately, right now, right now.

the other side.

Xu Tuoran took a brief tour of the Thinking Building, and when he returned to the lobby, he happened to meet Zhu Tang and Lin Ge who had completed their enrollment.

Like the Zhixue Building, the Sixue Building also has an air corridor connecting the dormitories. But because there were no members of the dormitory management committee with their own keys among them, they could only leave honestly through the gate and enter the dormitory through the main entrance.

"You walked around just now, what did you see?" Zhu Tang asked Xu Tuoran in a low voice when leaving the Sixue building, "Did you find any clues?"

"No. The classroom doors are all locked. And the stairs on the third floor are also locked, so you can't go up." Xu Tuoran said, "There are quite a few bluffing things..."

Zhu Tang: "?"

"There is a piano sound in the piano room, and someone is crying in the women's room. The murals in the corridor will turn your eyes. If you look downstairs from the corridor, you can see a blood-stinging person waving to you..."

Xu Turan carefully counted them one by one, and when passing by the open space in front of the building, he pointed forward: "Here, it's probably here."

It's all just scary visions. It doesn't actually cause any damage, and it can't be used as a death value.

Zhu Tang: "..."

What exactly did you experience when we reported for duty?

At this moment, Zhu Tang couldn't help but fell into deep thought, Yang Buqi had the same style.

While speaking, several people had already arrived at the door of the dormitory building. The lights on the first floor were on, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw a middle-aged woman sitting behind the window beside her. Her complexion was also blue and white, her eyes were wide open, giving people a vicious feeling.

She seemed to have known that there were new students entering the school, and she was not surprised by the arrival of the three of them. She just stretched out her hand stiffly: "The form."

All three of them had duplicate information sheets left after registration, and Xu Tuoran handed them over first.

The dormitory aunt looked at her form, her eyebrows twitched visibly. After pausing for a few seconds, put it aside, and turned to the other two: "Form."

Zhu Tang hurriedly handed in his own and Lin Ge's. Auntie Su Guan flipped through their forms, and she also had a subtle expression, but at least it wasn't as obvious as when she saw Xu Tuoran's.

"Check-in confirmation. Zhu Yan is haggard... Hahaha, dormitory 206. Lin Lailai... Liu Nai, dormitory 206. Dad... Dad, dormitory 205."

When she said Xu Tuoran's name, she obviously tried hard to build up her mind, and desperately suppressed the twitching corners of her mouth. Xu Tueran smiled sweetly at the other party when he heard the reminder in his mind that "gain 40 death points".

"Trouble teacher."

Auntie in charge: "..."

She looked too lazy to answer, took a bunch of keys from the wall, and led the three of them upstairs.

Except for the first floor, the rest of the floors were shrouded in darkness, only the stair area would be lit up with pale lights when someone passed by. The dormitory aunt took the three of them up to the second floor, and walked deep into the corridor in the dark, until they reached the innermost room.

"206." She said indifferently, opened the door and turned on the lights, "You have half an hour to clean up. When the time is up, you must turn off the lights."

Zhu Tang and Lin Ge looked at each other and walked in carefully. Xu Tuoran probed inside to look inside, his heart moved slightly:

"Auntie, can't I share a room with them?"

She tentatively said, "There are four beds in this dormitory, and the other two are empty."

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhu Tang was also thinking about this at first, but immediately nodded when he heard this, "This is a four-person bed. I don't think there is anything on those two tables..."

The dormitories here are all bed and table types. At this time, the four places are all empty, and there is no trace of people living there.

"I told you, you're in 205." The housekeeper said blankly, closing the door of 206 in front of Xu Turan, and took her to the opposite room instead.

The door of this room was also closed, and it was dark inside. The supervisor didn't open the door directly, but bent his fingers and knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom boom. Knock four times. Then he stopped and called out: "Fang Xing."

After waiting for a few seconds, no one responded, and knocked four times, calling "Fang Xing".

After repeating this three times, the door was finally opened.

"Hello, Auntie Dorm Manager." The lights in the room were not turned on, and a girl stood at the door, her movements seemed very tense.

"Well, this is your new roommate." The dorm manager signaled Xu Tuoran to come forward, and said, "You have half an hour to turn on the lights. Remember to turn off the lights in time."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Xu Tuoran poked his head and watched her stiff back disappear into the stairs. When he looked back again, he saw the girl in the room holding a mobile phone and pressing it quickly.

Xu Tuoran: "? What are you doing?"

"I'll set an alarm clock." Fang Xing said without raising his head, "Did she just say that? We only have half an hour. To be on the safe side, I will set the alarm clock at twenty-five minutes, and you should pay attention to the time..."

As she spoke, she pressed the light switch next to her, and the light came on.

Under the dazzling light, she closed her eyes because she was not used to it. When she opened them again, she finally saw Xu Tuoran's face clearly, and she was obviously stunned.

"...Hi." Xu Tuoran raised his hand at her, "If I remember correctly, we should have met in the woods before..."

"Shhh!" Fang Xing's expression changed instantly, before she could finish speaking, he quickly stopped her, and then pulled her into the room.

The door was gently closed. Fang Xing took a deep breath, turned to look at Xu Tuoran: "You, you were really in the woods just now..."

Xu Tuoran opened his backpack, took out the notebook and bottle he had picked up, and put them on the table: "Here, you dropped them earlier."

Fang Xing: "..."

Her face became even uglier, and she froze for a few seconds before walking over, picked up the glass bottle containing water and the yellow-white solid and examined it carefully, then closed her eyes nervously.

"So you came through the woods?" She looked at Xu Tuoran with unconcealable fear in her tone, "How could it you alive or..."

"What do you mean?" Xu Tuoran asked back, "Is there another way to get here?"

"...Tell me first, are you alive?" Fang Xing restrained his trembling tone as much as possible. He picked up a set of papers, flipped through them, and patted a question in front of Xu Tuoran, "This, can you do it?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

No, are your high school seniors' testing methods so simple and crude?

She quickly glanced at the questions on the paper, checked the questions, but couldn't understand them, so she gave up decisively, and said directly: "I was recruited by Qu Mian. Qu Mian thought you joined a pyramid scheme, secretly investigating, In the end, he was tricked into this school instead. In desperation, he chose to ask us for help."

"Ah?" Fang Xing was taken aback, struggling to digest the huge amount of information, "But he is a man?"

"You can also see that this school is not normal." Xu Tuoran turned around and packed his backpack, "How normal do you expect its admissions standards to be?"

Fang Xing: "..."

"Then, where is he now? Are you... which, what kind of..."

"He's in a safe place now." Xu Tuoran said soothingly, "As for me..."

She picked up the mineral water bottle next to her, and with a slight thought, a conspicuous layer of frost immediately formed on the bottle.

"I am an employee of a mysterious industry who came here to save mankind." Xu Tuoran put down the mineral water, hiding his achievements and fame, "Now, can you tell me what you know?"

Fang Xing: "..."

Looking at the bottle of mineral water, she opened her mouth slightly, paused for two seconds, and then nodded as if she had just woken up from a dream: "Mm...Mm."

"Sixue Building and Zhixue Building, besides the bridge, there is another road. It's behind the building." She gestured with her hand, "But that road, you can't go at night, you will encounter ghosts hitting the wall."

Xu Tueran nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the glass bottle she was holding: "Then what you're soaking in is..."

"...White Phosphorus." Fang Xing pursed his lips and whispered, "I originally wanted to use this to start a fire..."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"You want to set fire to the mountain?" She slowed down for a moment, and finally understood, Fang Xing quickly waved his hand: "No, it's not that serious! I just want to make smoke, to see if it can attract the attention of outsiders..."

There are many people in the dormitory building, and many of them look like living people. She dared not do anything in the bedroom. And the teaching building is too weird at night, and there is no chance to attack during the day...

She could only look at the woods outside. Unexpectedly, after entering, I saw a shaking ghost, and then ran into Xu Tuoran, and ran back in fright, not even caring about picking up things.

"...This place is abnormal. We can't communicate with the outside world. We can't get out either. I can only think of this way." Fang Xing sat on the chair exhausted, and looked at Xu Tuoran tentatively and with anticipation : "You said, you are a special agent... so are you here to save us?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Well. Of course." Xu Tuoran nodded solemnly, "It's not just me, we have a team. It's just that we have just sneaked in, and there is still a lack of information..."

"I understand. If necessary, I will cooperate with you in your work!" Fang Xing didn't wait for her to finish, and began to nod politely. He also took out his thermos cup and poured hot water for Xu Turan, saying old-fashionedly, "Comrade, drink water."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

You don't have to be so polite.

They didn't have enough time, and Xu Tuoran didn't have the mood to sit down and chat slowly. While checking around, she kept asking about Fang Xing's situation since he entered school. Fang Xing really did as she said, knowing everything.

However, what she said was somewhat different from what Xu Tuoran had learned.

For example, Xiaoli once said that when she came in, she had to listen to the teacher and the class committee, they would not harm anyone; but Fang Xing said that the teachers in this school "look like there is no normal person", and among the student leaders, there are also good people. The bad is mixed, some people look like living people, and some people are weird visible to the naked eye.

"And in this school, many cadre positions are mobile." Fang Xing said, "Students can take the initiative to sign up for election. But under the same conditions, the teachers will be more inclined to those students who are weird..."

After a lot of effort, she finally ran for a place in the dormitory management committee and got the chance to leave the dormitory at night. And managed to get some white phosphorus from the chemical laboratory... I never expected that there were ghosts in that forest.

What's more - Qu Mian once said that when Fang Xing was in school for a week, he could still keep in touch with her normally. Fang Xing was very surprised after hearing this.

"Impossible. The phone lost signal the next day after I came in. I can't get any news or calls..."

As she spoke, her eyes widened slightly, and a hint of panic suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Qu Mian, who are you chatting with?"

"If there is really something pretending that I am communicating with others...won't people outside find out that I am missing?"

...Don't say it, it really is the truth.

Xu Tuoran thought about it, and found that this dog school is really very cautious. He didn't talk to Qu Mian later, probably he already regarded him as something in his pocket, and there was no need to continue to deceive him; but if it really wanted to continue to deceive, could Qu Mian really see the clue?

After all, cheating for a week is cheating, cheating for a year is cheating...

Xu Tuoran's eyes turned slightly, and he remembered the mysterious online dating partner in his original body. Speaking of which, the skills of the two sides match up...

The premise is that Fang Xing did not lie.

Xu Tuoran looked at Fang Xing carefully, but the latter had fallen into an uncontrollable depression. She has been trapped in this ghost place for so long, besides trying to save herself, she is also secretly hoping that outsiders will find out that something is wrong and contact rescue after they find her missing; but now she knows that as long as the mastermind behind the scenes is willing, she can completely conceal her disappearance All of a sudden, the whole person was frustrated a lot.

"...Okay. Don't be discouraged. Your hope is not in vain. Didn't Qu Mian find us here?" Xu Tuoran patted her reassuringly, "Although everyone has come in like a gourd baby saving grandpa, But it's a hope..."

Fang Xing: "..."

Although, can you stop using the analogy of the gourd baby saving grandpa? Even more disturbing.

"...Well, I trust you." After a moment of silence, Fang Xing nodded lightly, "It's still the same sentence, I will try my best to cooperate with you."

"It's just to be so aggressive." Xu Tuoran patted her on the shoulder, lowered his head and turned over the booklet he found on the table just now—it was a booklet of school rules, filled with densely packed small characters, everything from codes of conduct to dormitory regulations, extremely detailed .

She quickly scanned the first few pages and jumped directly to the dormitory chapter. Just as she was about to start reading, Fang Xing's phone alarm suddenly rang.

"There are only five minutes left." Fang Xing jumped up suddenly, "Hurry up and go to bed first. The lights will be turned off after a while, and there should be a bed check later..."

"Check bed?" Xu Furan raised his eyebrows, "It's so late?"

"I'm not sure, but based on past experience, there is a high probability." Fang Xing said seriously, turned around and climbed onto his bed, thought about it and then instructed: "By the way, there is one thing you must remember."

"Wait, if someone knocks on the door and calls your name. You must count it. If you knock four times, it means that the dormitory aunt is outside, and you can open the door; if you knock five times, don't open it anyway."

"Why?" Xu Tuan was puzzled.

"It's written in the school rules. I don't know the reason." Fang Xing pursed his lips, "However, my previous roommate accidentally answered the wrong door and was taken away by someone outside... and then Never came back."

Xu Turan: ...

She now knows why Fang Xing took a long time to come to open the door when the dormitory aunt called the door.

Apart from the rules of answering the door, there are many other strange rules in the dormitory.

Xu Tuoran didn't have time to take a closer look, so Fang Xing hurriedly picked up the important things and told her—including but not limited to, you are not allowed to talk while lying on the bed; if there is a knock on the door outside, only the person whose name is called can open it, and no one else can. Get out of bed; if the lights are turned off, do not turn on the lights when opening the door; each dormitory must ensure that there are two or more empty beds, and no things are allowed to be stacked on top...

"If you wake up in the middle of the night and hear strange breathing or talking in your sleep, don't worry about it, just pretend you didn't hear it."

After Fang Xing said this, he also felt a little hairy, and quickly changed the topic: "By the way, I haven't asked your name yet, you..."

She glanced at Xu Tuoran's breastplate and fell silent for a moment.

"Uh, my surname is Xu." Xu Tuoran scratched his face, "Just call me Xiao Xu."

"...Okay Xiao Xu." Fang Xing replied, but his eyes were still glued to her breastplate.

Although it's not very good to say so... But in fact, before she said she believed it, she still felt a drum in her heart. She was willing to believe it simply because she had nothing else to believe in this situation.

Until now, she saw the name on Xu Tuoran's badge.

Confidence suddenly surged up.

"Hey, that's right." At this moment, Xu Tuoran suddenly said, "I want to ask you two more things."

"What would happen if I fell asleep when the supervisor knocked on the door and didn't open the door?"

"The hostess must respond within five knocks on the door. If you open the door late or don't open it, it will be recorded. You will be punished the next day." Fang Xing said seriously.

"Oh..." Xu Tuoran nodded, "Then if I get punished or accidentally open the wrong door, will it affect you?"

"...No." Fang Xing said strangely, "Why are you asking this?"

Xu Turan smiled, only said he was curious, and didn't answer much.

Twenty minutes later, Fang Xing finally knew the answer to this question.

In the dark corridor, footsteps sounded slowly. Even through the door and the distance, it is so clear.

Fang Xing didn't dare to fall asleep at all, he could only stare and listen to the footsteps approaching. Hearing knocks on other doors.

The voice, sometimes four, sometimes five—that's what's really scary. Obviously there was only one person's footsteps in the corridor, but there were two knocks on the door. And until those footsteps stop at your door, you can never be sure which one will be your turn.

...or, if it will be your turn.

Not every bedroom is checked. Fang Xing grabbed the quilt tightly until he heard footsteps passing by his door, and finally let go of the big stone hanging from his heart.

Immediately afterwards, she heard that footsteps seemed to stop on the opposite side.

There was a knock on the door, five times in a row, followed by a flat to stiff voice:

"Lin Lailai took Grandma Liu to get milk and durian milk. Open the door."


Fang Xing was startled, then bit his lower lip hard.

What a weird name... She tried her best not to make a sound, and buried her head in the pillow.

"Lin Lailai took Grandma Liu to get milk and durian the door."

"Grandma Lin... Lin Lailai... open the door."

"Lin Lailai brought Liu here..."

The voice outside repeated several times. It seemed that the person who was reciting the name felt bored. After a few times, he silently gave up and began to recite another person's name:

"Zhu Yan haggard..."

This time it didn't finish reading once, and silently shut up halfway through. Fang Xing had reason to suspect that it was embarrassed by him.

Fang Xing was already wrapped in the quilt, his shoulders were shaking.

But soon, she couldn't laugh anymore.

——The footsteps moved away from the opposite side, and they actually came to their house.

The next second, there was a knock on the door.

Dongdongdongdongdong—"Dad, open the door."

Dongdongdongdongdong—"Dad, open the door."

...Even though it was also an outrageous scene, Fang Xing started to break out in a cold sweat.

She heard Xu Tu

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