MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 22

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The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little weird.

Yang Buqi looked at the pile of things that Xu Tueran carried out, and fell into a weird silence. Xiao Zhang beside him opened his mouth in disbelief, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Xu Tueran didn't have time to stay silent with them here, just as there was another heavy blow outside the anti-theft door, and the runes on the door flickered rapidly. She simply picked up a puppet, and climbed up to the cabinet under the ventilation window in twos and twos.

"No problem? Then I throw it away."

The two who were still silent just now have found their voices now—

"No, wait!"

"Yin, Yin flute puppet! Long-haired princess!"


Finally, it was the sound of the security door being slammed again. Xu Turan's smart cat's eye, which he had just installed for a short time, was unfortunately killed and scrapped on the spot.

Xu Tuoran simply threw the puppet out of his hand, and as expected, the outside soon became quiet. She turned to look at the other two: "What do you say?"

Yang Buqi: …

What else did I say, you throw it all away...

He closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows. Now it is not the right time to ask why Xu Tuoran has so many abominations in her hands and why she can put them together but she is fine. If you want to throw it, I'll do it."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"This kind of thing, hold grudges. If you don't die, you will probably put the grievances on your head." Yang Buqi explained. If he came to do it, he could help share some hatred.

Xu Tuoran let out an "oh", no wonder he heard the notification that the death value increased by three points just now. She thought it was because she opened the window.

Xiao Zhang's focus is obviously far from theirs. He pointed to the pile of things in the living room, stumbling: "These, you, how do you..."

"I bought it online." Xu Tuoran clapped his hands and jumped down from the cabinet, "This method seems feasible. Then let's deal with it like this. You don't need to throw it away, I will do it."

She said it as a matter of course, seeing the expressions of the two of them still didn't seem to accept it, she belatedly remembered that she found the seller of these things through Yang Buqi's business card, maybe there was a relationship between them, and added : "I paid for this, legal assets."

Yang Buqi: ...Is this a question of money? !

The development in front of him was so ridiculous that he didn't know what expression he should put on for a moment. It's hard to imagine that not long ago, I was really worried about the issue of the dancing shadow. Now it seems that I probably think too much...

and many more.

Yang Buqi paused, then turned to Xu Tuoran: "Where is the shadow of dancing madly?"

Xu Tuoran: "? What shadow?"

"The Shadow of Mad Dance. It's the one you met in the homestay..." Yang Buqi considered his words, "We have already recovered its body. But there is still a bunch of fragments left outside. I suspect it is because of you." ..."

"Oh, that one." Xu Tuoran pointed out the door, "That's the one you saw just now."

Yang Buqi: …

Just now? saw? when did he...

…Wait, that ball of black sliced ​​noodles? !

Yang Buqi belatedly glanced at the anti-theft door, trying to hide the astonishment in his eyes.

——I don't know why, Xu Tuoran is standing in front of her just fine now, but he still has a feeling that I'm sorry for being late.

But what the three humans present didn't know was that while they were clearly experiencing turbulent waves, those supernatural objects placed on the ground by Xu Tueran were actually experiencing waves of violent storms in their hearts.

These objects only look like dead objects, but actually they still have the five senses. IQ is also there - although under the influence of Xu Tuoran's "confusing" skills, the average IQ has dropped a lot, but he still has a certain ability to think.

At least in the current situation, they can still understand a little bit.

There's a big guy out there. And this human being is planning to kill some of them to add to the fun.

...this thing is a little scary.

Especially those puppets riding horses. The puppet that Xu Tueran threw away before was exactly one of them. The puppets communicated with each other, and they had real feelings about how miserable the other party was at the moment.

So these puppets were the first to be unable to sit still. Under the influence of their desire to survive and their remaining IQ, they stood up bravely one by one—

Then he moved his steps carefully and hid himself behind the largest doll.


The long hair stretched out silently, hanging down to the ground. Then I saw it brushing its hair like little hands and pressing it to the ground, propping up its bulky body, and carefully moving a little to the side.

The position of the movement is not much, just enough to reveal the puppet behind him. When the long hair was retracted, it was intentionally or unintentionally flicked to the side, and the doll in a suit was photographed.

The doll in the suit reacted very quickly, and immediately took short legs and quickly hid behind the book of flesh and blood, and deliberately lifted the heavy book cover as a cover. The hand of flesh and blood hidden in the book immediately stretched out, unceremoniously snatched the cover from its hand, and quickly covered it back on itself. The next second, thin **** fingers were seen sticking out from the page, After groping the ground a few times blindly, he found the hand-held mirror closest to him, and pushed it out without thinking.

"..." The mirror didn't have long legs, so he couldn't even run. He was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly a gust of cold wind blew out from the mirror. The cold wind hit the Polaroid diagonally in front of it, making it wobble, it flipped forward twice, and fell to Xu Tuoran's feet with a clatter.

Polaroid: ...

What's wrong, just bully me for not having long arms and legs or a long mouth, right?

This series of subtle and secretive actions finally ended with the click of Polaroid. Xu Tuoran's attention turned to the camera, picked it up and studied it for a while, and suddenly realized: "Oh, I'm stupid!"

"Why do you have to send those things out for him to tear—" Xu Tuoran handed the camera to Yang Buqi, "The person who sold this thing to me said that every time it takes a picture, it can produce a daughter." Ghost—we can mass-produce female ghosts and go out to be torn apart!"

That's right, that's it! Be sustainable!

Polaroid quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Yang Buqi studied the camera carefully, but shook his head.

"This thing itself is only candle-level. Even if a female ghost is produced, it's just a low-level thing that doesn't even have a firefly. It won't last long."

Polaroid: ...I'll **** your uncle.

"There is another saying?" Xu Tuoran felt that he had learned a lot. As soon as the words fell, there was another "bang" from outside the door—obviously, the previous puppet must have been torn to pieces.

Realizing that the situation is not good, Yang Buqi immediately added: "However, you can throw a light-level one out to attract firepower, and then mass-produce female ghosts to harass, this should buy more time-by the way, you bought these? We will reimburse you! Reimbursement! If you want to pay, you can do it!"

The three lamp-level abominations present: ...I'll **** you!

Xu vainly followed good advice. However, she couldn't really tell which light level was not light level, so she simply threw out the big thick book with the strongest breath among the supernatural items used - for a while, the pages of the book scattered in the aisle. She seized the time again and took several photos with Polaroid, before she had time to wait for the photo paper to come out, she threw them all out.

Finally, the door calmed down temporarily.

"That, that... boss?" Xiao Zhang, who had been huddled in the corner, said timidly, pointing to the doll in a suit lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

"This, can you stop using it? Teacher Luo Yu asked me to get it. It was torn up. I, I can't do business..."

In fact, even if he didn't say it, Xu Tuoran didn't intend to throw it away. Firstly, this thing is not her legal property, and secondly, the breath of this little thing is too weak, it is estimated that it will not be able to hold it for a long time after throwing it out.

She responded immediately, picked out the suit doll, and threw it directly to Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang tried to catch it with trembling hands, but when he failed to catch it, the suit doll fell to the ground, and the tie around his neck was cracked.

Xiao Zhang hurriedly picked it up for inspection, but Yang Buqi next to him seemed to notice something and frowned.

"Is this an abomination from the Renxin Yuan?" His face darkened, "Why are your things here?"

"..." Xiao Zhang hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer, Xu Tuoran said indifferently: "It's used to scare me. That uncle named Luo Yu wants me to move away from here..."

Before the words fell, Yang Buqi's voice sounded again, and his tone became much colder: "What she said is true? Are you scaring an ordinary person with an abomination?"

Xiao Zhang: ...? !

Brother, can you please take a look? Is this big guy half a dime like an ordinary person? Who was it that was frightened?

Yang Buqi seemed to see through what he was thinking, and his face turned even colder: "I didn't discuss the result of this behavior anymore, I'm talking about your behavior itself."

Of course he knew that Xu Tuoran was definitely not an ordinary person. If it was just a vague guess before, what Xu Tueran has put forward now, as well as the quality she has shown, are enough to show her extraordinaryness—judging from the current situation, she should also be a capable person. It's just that for some reason, I didn't join any organization, didn't create a file, and didn't understand the things in the circle.

This kind of person either consciously hides himself after awakening, or he just awakened not long ago and doesn't understand anything. What kind of Xu Tuoran is, he can't tell for the time being.

But he was sure that Luo Yu regarded her as an ordinary person from the beginning. Otherwise, he wouldn't just take out a firefly-level thing to "scare" her.

"'No matter what, when the other party's identity is not clear and does not show danger, they should be treated as ordinary people and protected.'—This is the content of the "Convention of Capable Persons". After you go back, ask Luo Yu to read it carefully Bar."

After all, it is a matter of other organizations, so Yang Buqi can't interfere too much. Xiao Zhang is a newcomer again, and he didn't even know how to respond. He just apologized repeatedly and repeatedly explained that he didn't know when he first came. Yang Buqi had no choice but to drop this sentence, and then dragged Xu Tuan to the side.

"Do you still have my phone number?" He asked Xu Tuoran.

Xu Tuoran:?

"After this is over, add WeChat." He whispered, "I'll help you claim compensation from them."

Xu Turan: ...

No no no, no need no need. And to be honest, she doesn't really want to continue contacting Yang Buqi after this matter is over - although the other party's skills are quite interesting, but after all, she has the status of "an old friend of the original male protagonist". This made Xu Tuoran always a little scrupulous.

Seeing that Yang Buqi spoke seriously, she couldn't bear to refuse in person, so she responded casually, and quickly changed the subject:

"By the way, that guy just said that the monster dolls only have the "firefly" level, and you said that the "lamp" level should be thrown first in the pile... I really wanted to ask before, how is this level arranged? What is it for?"

God knows, this question has been in her mind for a long time. The information provided by the system does not include this part at all, and the functions unlocked by the death value only mention sporadic words such as "firefly" and "lamp", without giving a system at all. Just a chance, by the way, get some explanation.

Yang Buqi took a deep look at her, confirming the guess in his heart—Xu Tuoran had never joined any organization.

He could tell that her question was sincere. And this kind of ranking is precisely the basis for the training of newcomers in each organization.

"This is the ranking of ability users and abominations. Do you know what an abomination is? Simply understand it as a monster that eats people."

The current situation is not suitable for detailed science popularization. Yang Buqi will stop at the point: "Some humans, after contact with monsters, happen not to die, but acquire special abilities, so they are regarded as 'capable people'."

"The order of the two is very similar. Those with abilities are: firefly, candle, lamp, torch, hui, and chen. The abomination is to replace the fourth-level 'torch' with '爟'—爟爟爟爟. That is, fire Meaning. Both rankings are stronger as you go back, if you encounter a ranking that is too different, try to avoid it.”

After all, Yang Buqi is full of uncertainty about whether Xu Tuoran will do the same. He thought for a moment, then took out his business card and showed her the torch emblem on it.

"This is the mark of a capable person. If you encounter difficulties, you can help any person or organization with this mark. Capable people are also human beings. Human beings do not harm human beings."

Xu Tuoran felt that he could cite a bunch of examples on the spot to refute the last sentence. However, when Yang Buqi said this, his attitude was so serious that she was too embarrassed to refute.

"Why is the same level divided into 'ju' and '爟'?" She coughed and changed the subject, "Is there any need?"

"It's not necessary." Yang Buqi said, "Originally this level was named 'flame', and ability users and abominations share a level table—but later, humans separated them."

The flame on the human side was renamed the "torch" of the torch, and was endowed with the meaning of illuminating and igniting; while the "flame" on the monster's side was renamed "爟". Yan refers to both the beacon fire and the flame used to clear away the unknown. Using this word to name the monster level can be regarded as a flattery.

The most important thing is that such a small change has completely separated the level tables of humans and abominations—this also means that capable users have completely strengthened their own camp. Humans are humans and monsters are monsters. Can not be confused, distinct.

"Actually, there are other concepts. For example, qualities, tendencies, and special skills—I'll tell you about these after I go out." Yang Buqi said, looking down at the phone again.

Except for the initial astonishment and the slight anger caused by the Renxinyuan, his mood has always been quite stable. Even when explaining common sense to Xu Tuoran, his tone was unhurried, without any anxiety or anxiety. Impatient, even with a bit of comfort - but Xu Tuoran could see that there was actually a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

This layer of anxiety deepened a little after he looked at the phone.

Xu Tueran glanced thoughtfully outside the door, and asked, "By the way, how will those outsiders deal with the current situation?"

"There are marks left by those with abilities hidden in the corridor." Yang Buqi said, "As long as these marks are triggered in time during high-risk periods, the corridor will become an independent and circular space, leaving behind the passage leading to the real fifteenth floor." Road. Just lead Zha Ruoyu into the corridor and let him wander there by himself."

"High-risk time?" Hearing a new word, Xu Turan was even more interested, "It's the time when Zha Ruoyu haunts? How can you guarantee that Zha Ruoyu won't enter the elevator before you lure him? "

And judging from the current situation, once Zha Ruoyu enters the elevator, he will not enter the real 15th floor, but will be misled into the 14th floor... This risk seems to be quite high.

"We have established a 'rule' here that is enough to confuse his cognition." Yang Buqi answered every question. Considering that Xu Tuoran was unfamiliar with some concepts, he explained in detail, "Under normal circumstances, Zha Ruoyu It is impossible to 'see' the elevator and ordinary humans inside and outside the elevator. He can only 'see' the capable person. As long as the capable person is kept away from the elevator, he will not be able to detect the existence of the elevator... that's right."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Xiao Zhang: "Did you see the rule paper pasted on the elevator before? Who took it?"

Xiao Zhang: "..."

He opened his mouth blankly, and took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket in embarrassment: "Well, I'm sorry, I was a little flustered at the time, and I couldn't see clearly..."

Yang Buqi: …

He didn't really want to dictate the personnel arrangements of other organizations. But to be reasonable, has this child really passed the training period smoothly?

He took the piece of paper with a speechless face, glanced briefly, and handed it to Xu Tuoran: "This is the rule paper used internally by capable people. If you are interested, you can learn about it."

Xu Tuoran was really interested. She took it and read it quickly, her eyes lit up slightly: "This doesn't seem like ordinary paper?"

"Well, this is a special rule paper generated by the special skills of the capable person, and the corresponding 'rules' will be displayed at an appropriate time to ensure the safety of the human side as much as possible..."

As Yang Buqi spoke, his voice gradually dropped.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that Xu Tuoran's expression was not right. As if to say, "There is such a good thing in this world?"

And according to his experience, what he thinks is "good" and what Xu Tuoran thinks is "good" is probably not the same concept.

…Am I supposed to show her this thing?

Yang Buqi lowered his eyes, for some reason, a trace of regret and uneasiness suddenly appeared in his heart.

Just at this moment, his cell phone rang briefly. He quickly glanced at the screen and breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, it's okay. The companions outside have already dealt with the marking problem, and then we just need to lead Zha Ruoyu into the corridor..."

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly stopped.

Xu Tuoran, who was studying the rule paper, raised his head: "What's wrong?"

"...There is still a small problem." Yang Buqi pursed his lips, "I haven't finished marking the thirteenth floor yet."

To maintain the mark is actually to inject personal power into the mark and trigger it. In simple terms, it is to recharge it. This places considerable demands on the strength of the defenders.

Because of this, Yang Buqi was in charge of the most floors from the beginning. Although the scope of his stunts is limited, his own power reserve can be said to be the highest in the apartment at present.

The thirteenth floor was originally his area of ​​responsibility. When Yang Buqi was maintaining the mark, he came down from the top floor. The sixteenth to fourteenth floors have been maintained. However, when he was maintaining the thirteenth floor, he heard Xiao Zhang's cry for help and failed to complete the work in time. Finish.

After receiving his request for help, Luo Ge quickly mobilized his staff to deal with all the marks below the thirteenth floor as quickly as possible. However, when they reached the thirteenth floor, they encountered an extremely embarrassing problem.

Not enough power anymore. All capable users have been squeezed dry, and there is nothing left.

…After all, almost all the backbones are missing, and most of the rest are newcomers. Being able to fill up the marks on the rest of the floors is already within our capabilities.

So the current situation is that the corridor is still one mark away from forming a truly closed circulation space, and the people currently trapped in 1401 have only two choices-either continue to hang on until Luo Ge transfers the power bank from outside; or let go Take a gamble, let Yang Buqi enter the corridor after opening the door, and buy him time to complete the final mark.

"If it were me, I would definitely choose the latter." Xu Tuoran said without hesitation, "Being a man requires the courage to try."

Yang Buqi actually leans towards the latter. The main reason is that he really doesn't have much hope for the personnel transfer of Renxinyuan. If it's so easy to call in a power bank at random, why did they send a bunch of newcomers here before?

"Then I'll reply to Brother Luo and ask them to send someone up to hold back Zha Ruoyu as much as possible." Yang Buqi said, "But they don't have many people available right now. I guess they still need your strength..."

As he said, he glanced at the remaining abominations on the ground: "Don't go too far ahead. I will be responsible for the reimbursement."

The implication is, don't rush out, just let these things go over and deliver them.

Abomination: ... **** your father. Did you hear that? Fuck your dad.

Xu Tueran hummed seriously, his eyes turned slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, she suddenly felt the paper in her hand warm up. When I looked down again, I found that the text on it had melted and turned into a red mass. After a while, a new text was quickly generated——

[This notice will only appear when the third emergency situation in Plum Blossom Apartment is triggered. For the safety of you and others, please see [capable persons] must act strictly in accordance with the requirements of this notice. 】

[1. Please follow the command in all actions. Non-designated personnel, please do not enter the corridor at will. 】

[2. If you accidentally enter the corridor, please follow the arrangements of the internal guards. Please remember, don't enter the fifteenth floor! 】

【3. No matter what kind of work you undertake in this operation, please remember not to enter the fifteenth floor! 】

[4. Remember, don't enter the fifteenth floor! 】

[5. Don't! Enter! Fifteen floors! 】

Xu Turan: ...

Understood, arrange it immediately.