MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 23 【Correct typo】

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Fifteen floors.

Without changing his expression, Xu Tuoran handed the rule paper back to Xiao Zhang next to him. His brain was already spinning rapidly, thinking about how to seize the opportunity and go up to have a look.

Of course, driven by principle, she still asked Yang Buqi beforehand—she asked nonchalantly, what would happen if someone accidentally went up to the fifteenth floor, and would it cause trouble for them; Yang Buqi said earnestly: "It doesn't affect us much, but according to past cases, people who go up to the fifteenth floor will disappear in all likelihood."

When he said this, he deliberately emphasized his tone, as if he was warning Xu Tuoran not to mess around.

Xu Tueran nodded humbly, and made up his mind that when the time came, he would go up and have a look quietly alone—go and return quickly, so as not to drag others into the water.

As for the specific implementation of the plan, it is actually very simple.

Not long after, Yang Buqi received another message from the outside world, informing the others that they were ready to fight. At the same time, Xu Tuoran also packed his things. She took out the silver-colored paper that the merchant used to pack the supernatural objects when she bought them, and picked a few from the supernatural objects in a place to wrap them up, and prepared to take them upstairs together; Yang Buqi thought she was preparing for herself. I also gave some pointers and encouragement to protect the things.

A few seconds later, there was another impact sound outside the door, but within two rings, the sound fell silent, replaced by human voices and roars one after another—Yang Buqi knew that it was outside help, so he opened the door and rushed out. The figure quickly disappeared into the corridor.

As soon as Yang Buqi left, Xu Furan had no more scruples in acting. She went out with a bunch of things, and quickly threw several small puppets and scattered a bunch of supernatural photos at Zha Ruoyu, who was fighting with a bunch of people, and then sneaked into the corridor while no one was paying attention .

She knew that Yang Buqi must be on the thirteenth floor right now, so she ran up the corridor as soon as she entered. She didn't know when the real fifteenth floor would open, and what it would look like after opening, so she simply ran up to the top floor and waited quietly in the corridor on the top floor.

Fortunately, soon, the above questions were answered—she hadn't been in the corridor on the top floor for a long time, when she suddenly spun around, and when her vision recovered, the scene in front of her had obviously changed.

The corridor is still the same corridor, but the stairs are more than the previous ones. She obviously stayed on the sixteenth floor, and there was no upward path; however, at the end of the corridor, there were obviously more upward stairs, and there were still two paths—like a fork in the road, and she didn't know each other. Where is it leading to.

The downward stairs also changed, split into two, Xu Tuoran looked down and found that each staircase led to an independent corridor.

She walked out of the corridor she was in again, looked at the number of floors she was currently in, and found that she, who was supposed to be on the sixteenth floor, ran to the eleventh floor for some reason.

Xu Tuoran tapped Doudou, randomly picked the upward stairs, and walked up, but he arrived at the ninth floor instead of the twelfth floor.

...Good guy, no wonder it said that after the mark took effect, Zha Ruoyu could be imprisoned in this corridor for a walk.

They directly turned this place into a maze, so people have to wander around all the time.

Speaking of marks, she actually found an unfamiliar symbol on the wall of the corridor. The symbol was dark red, shining low-key on the wall; next to it was another piece of rule paper, Xu Tuoran leaned over it, glanced roughly, and found that it was aimed at the guards in the corridor and the unlucky ones who strayed into the corridor .

To put it simply, the garrison needs to maintain the operation of the signs on each floor while patrolling the corridors to help those who enter by mistake, and at the same time carefully avoid Zha Ruoyu who is wandering; while the entrant must obey the garrison in all actions. If you are unlucky and do not meet the garrison, you need to wait by the marker by yourself.

It also writes in detail how to save yourself when you meet Zha Ruoyu while waiting - of course, the most emphasized point is the sentence, don't enter the fifteenth floor.

It sounded as if the fifteenth floor was easy to find... Xu Turan pursed his lips, because he was worried about meeting the guards, he didn't dare to stay for long, and quickly left quietly.

She tiptoed along the stairs and continued to walk up and down. After repeated trials up and down, she finally paid off. At least she found some rules—it turned out that each floor was connected by four stairs at the same time. And these four stairs lead to the first floor, the second floor, the first floor, and the second floor. The up and down of the stairs is meaningless, and the upward stairs may also lead to the second floor, just like she went up from the eleventh floor to the ninth floor instead.

As for which staircase leads to the extra floor and which staircase leads to the minus floor, this is completely random, there is no rule at all, and once you enter a new floor, even if you go back the same way, you may not be able to go back. to the original position.

Xu Tuoran had no choice but to scramble all the way first. At least he came across the thirteenth floor, and then started to test the death value. She first picked a staircase at random and walked up. When the death value reminded me, I went back, chose a new staircase, and went up again.

Tried this way three times, and tried out a suspected correct staircase by the method of elimination. Xu Tuoran exhausted his last patience and rushed up. Sure enough, when he was halfway through the rush, he heard the reminder of the death value——

[Congratulations, you have obtained thirty death points! 】

…Xu Tuoran almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Did you make a mistake? How the **** did people climb so many stairs, and the points they gave were not more than half of Cha Ruoyu?

Is this reasonable? !

It was rare for Xu Turan to have the urge to insult something, but after thinking about it, it was already here, so he patiently walked up step by step.

After finally reaching the fifteenth floor, Xu Tuoran let out a sigh secretly, and was about to reach out to touch the door of 1501, unexpectedly, at this time, something even more unreasonable happened.

A hand reached out from behind and patted her on the shoulder.

His premonition of crisis did not give any warning, which only aggravated Xu Tuoran's uneasiness. She froze for a moment, then turned her head slowly, facing Shang Yang Buqi's panting face.

"It really is you...I knew it..." He tried his best to control his breathing, his pale cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know whether it was from anger or tiredness.

"..." Xu Tuoran paused, quickly put away the embarrassment in his heart, and smiled as if nothing had happened, "Long time no see, why are you here?"

"I haven't seen you—I saw you just now. I came after you." Yang Buqi really didn't know whether to say that he was a master of planning, or that Xu Turan didn't know what to do. I was wrong..."

As the triggerer of the final mark, Yang Buqi naturally stayed inside the corridor and undertook the work of patrolling and maintaining the operation of the mark. Unexpectedly, during the patrol, he suddenly noticed a figure from behind—that figure was running extremely fast, but In a blink of an eye, he disappeared around the corner of the stairs. To be precise, he actually only saw a piece of clothing.

Even so, inspired by an inexplicable premonition, he immediately connected that figure with Xu Tuoran.

Then he quickly linked Xu Tuoran with "not afraid of death".

Finally, complete the keyword matching—"Xu Tuoran" and "Fifteenth Floor".

From a logical point of view, his match made no sense. After all, there is no evidence to prove that Xu Tueran had a motive to go up to the fifteenth floor; and from the perspective of a normal person...

No, this is not something that should be understood from the perspective of normal people!

No matter what, the little alarm in Yang Buqi's mind was still beeping at that moment, urging him to quickly go to the fifteenth floor—in this respect, he was a little worse than Xu Tuoran, after all, he didn't have the death value to remind Dafa , detoured for an unknown number of ways, and finally made it before Xu Tuoran went further to die.

Xu Tueran heard that he was following him specially to find him, and felt even more embarrassed. He was just about to find a reason to deal with him, when Yang Buqi asked strangely, "What's in your bag?"

"?" Xu Tuoran looked down at the crossbody bag he had grabbed casually when he went out, and opened it for Yang Buqi to look at, "It's nothing, I just carried two weird things."

In that bag was the **** Polaroid, the long-haired doll, and the snow ghost hand-held mirror wrapped in silver-colored paper. Noticing Yang Buqi's more confused eyes, she explained again: "I'm going to save it to block the knife."

The actual blocking of the knife is still secondary, mainly to trigger "confusing"...but it's not a lie.

When Yang Buqi heard the words, his expression became very strange for a moment - he really didn't know how to evaluate this guy in front of him, you said she didn't want to die, she also knew to carry some self-protection things with her. You can say that she is terrified, and the things that the rule paper has ordered thousands of times can still be ignored.

"...Can you tell me what you came up for?" After a pause for two seconds, he finally recovered his voice, "Why don't you go down first. If there is anything you need to do, I'll help you."

Then this can't be done, it's not a good thing to fight for death...

Xu Tuoran considered his words and was about to speak when he heard a "click" from the door behind him—

Immediately afterwards, under the guarded eyes of the two, a familiar figure opened the door and walked out.

"Huh?" Xiao Zhang hugged the doll in a suit and looked at them in a daze, "Why are you here?"

...Shouldn't the point be how are you here? !

Xu Tuoran was silent for a while, pointed at Xiao Zhang, and looked at Yang Buqi tentatively: "If I say, I'm here to find him, would you believe me?"

Yang Buqi: ...Listen to your nonsense!

As for why Xiao Zhang appeared on the fifteenth floor, this is another story.

This matter has to go back to when Xu Tuoran sneaked into the corridor just now—not long after she slipped into the corridor, Xiao Zhang also followed.

Of course he didn't intend to go to the fifteenth floor. At that time, the fourteenth floor was beating in the dark, and female ghosts crawled in from time to time. Xiao Zhang was almost numb after treating everyone, and he was worried that Xu Turan would hide his identity as the big boss, so he didn't dare to hide in the inner room—he I remember clearly that Xu Tuoran came out of the bedroom with a bunch of abominations in his arms. Does anyone know if there are any in it?

After thinking about it, he finally decided to take the risk and rush out.

He took Luo Yu's doll in a suit and rushed into the corridor with his head in his arms. He planned to go down only one floor and then take the elevator, but he never expected that his doll fell off after only a few steps. .

Strictly speaking, he ran away.

—The suit doll was originally an abomination that was forcibly tamed by the capable person. Because of the restraints on his body, he was forced to obey and act according to the order. However, when Xu Tuoran handed over the suit doll to Xiao Zhang earlier, he didn't catch it, and let the thing fall. Coincidentally, the "bondage" on it happened to break.

As a result, the suit doll gained some freedom—plus staying away from Xu Tu and gradually recovering its IQ, it immediately made a decision that might change its life: it wanted to escape from prison.

So it took advantage of Xiao Zhang's inattention, bit his arm, broke free on the ground, and ran away with its little feet.

In a panic, Xiao Zhang also ran upstairs in order to chase it. Unexpectedly, the enclosed space of the corridor has been formed at this moment, and the corridor he is in happens to be unmanned. Xiao Zhang was afraid that others would blame him for this matter, so he didn't dare to ask for help, so he ran after the suit doll all the way, all the way...

In a daze, I ran to the fifteenth floor.

"Wait, is this the fifteenth floor?" Xiao Zhang said here, turned his head and glanced at the house number, and then realized that he had broken into an extraordinary place, "Fuck! Fuck! Then I What should I do now? I didn't come up on purpose!"

Two people on the side: …

During Xu Turan's lifetime, he finally experienced the feeling of being faced by other people in front of Versailles, and his mood was very complicated for a while; Yang Buqi slapped his forehead with one hand, trying to calm his tone: "If I remember correctly, there are also stickers at the entrance of each corridor. There is a rule paper...isn't it written on it, if you don't see the guards for a while, please stand by the sign and wait?"

Xiao Zhang: "..."

People were panicked at the time.

"Alright, alright, you're here." Xu Tuoran patted him on the shoulder reassuringly, and turned to look at Xiao Zhang, "Don't say, from a certain point of view, you are really a talent."

Yang Buqi: ...What kind of talent? Is it a talent to die?

He found that he didn't want to know that answer at all.

"Okay, don't talk about it." He stared at the two seriously, "Now, before Zha Ruoyu comes over, hurry up and get down—I'll keep an eye on you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Tuoran's face suddenly changed: "No, he is here."

Yang Buqi: "? What?"

"Zha Ruoyu, he's coming up!" Xu Tuoran said, subconsciously looking into the corridor, and sure enough, he saw a figure walking slowly along the corridor with an ax upside down—

No wonder, her premonition of crisis resounded so loudly.

Xiao Zhang's expression changed on the spot: "Then hurry up, what are you still doing here?"

"It's too late—he's already reached the aisle!" Xu Tuoran said, and he simply opened the door of Room 1501, "Either hide here—why are you looking at me like that? Some hiding is better than nothing, right? ?”

Xiao Zhang: "But, but this is 1501?!"

Xu Tuoran: "You've been inside for a long time, what are you still paying attention to?"

Xiao Zhang: "..." Can this be the same?

"According to what she said, go in!" Yang Buqi thought for a while, and still agreed with Xu Tuoran's approach, "Don't let him see people!"

After speaking, he opened the door further. Xu Tuoran didn't wait for him to urge, he had already got in like a loach, and before he had time to observe the internal situation, he was carried to the bathroom by Yang Buqi.

"This is the closest to the door. When there is a chance, you two will escape." Yang Buqi quickly closed the door, turned around and told the two people behind him, and then looked at Xiao Zhang, "By the way, how did you get in just now?"

"I, I have the ability to pick locks." Xiao Zhang raised a finger, and a thin branch blinked out from the tip of the finger, "I ran up after the doll, and the doll slipped in black smoke, I didn't think about it. , just opened the door with your finger..."

"Hey, I made a mistake." Xu Tuoran clicked his tongue and shook his head.

Xiao Zhang: "???"

"If I knew you could turn into a twig, I should have asked you to block the keyhole just now." Xu Tuoran said, "This way he won't be able to open the door and come in."

Xiao Zhang: "..."

"Ah, that's not right." Before Xiao Zhang could say anything, Xu Tuoran clicked his chin again, denying his thoughts, "Even if the keyhole is not blocked, he may not be able to open the door and come in."

Xiao Zhang: "?"

"He doesn't have a key." Xu Tuoran was serious, "Didn't he ask us if we saw his key as soon as we met?"

...It's good that she didn't mention it, but when she did, Xiao Zhang immediately thought of himself who was almost decapitated for answering "yes", and felt like crying.

As it turned out, Xu Tueran took it for granted—shortly after she finished speaking, there was the sound of a key being inserted into the lock cylinder outside.

The small bathroom suddenly fell silent. Everyone listened to the sound outside with breathless expressions on their faces.

The lock cylinder turned, the door was opened, followed by something that someone entered the room. Yang Buqi, who was closest to the outside, held his breath and focused, with a faint green light already glowing in his hand, and he was ready in his heart, as soon as the other party entered the bathroom, he would immediately rush to fight to the death, fighting for the lives of others.

However, after Zha Ruoyu entered the door, there was no sound of moving in.

Instead, he backed out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "bang" - the door closed again.


In the next second, the sound of the key being inserted into the lock cylinder sounded again.

Everyone:? ?

The door was opened again - within three seconds, it was closed again with a "bang".

After repeating this three or four times, the few people hiding in the bathroom had more and more question marks in their heads.

Xiao Zhang: "What's wrong with him? Is the machine stuck?"

Yang Buqi shook his head slowly, feeling that this scene seemed familiar. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly turned to Xu Tuoran: "What did you do?"

Xu Tuoran was thinking about other things, didn't pay attention to his question, and reacted for a while before saying: "Of course not, what misunderstanding do you have about me?"

Yang Buqi: …

He could tell that Xu Tuoran's tone was not lying, and he was even more confused in his heart. Seeing Xu Tueran's frown slightly from the corner of the eye, he thought she was upset, and apologized gently.

"No, no, no, no need." She waved her hand quickly, her brain was still spinning rapidly, and she murmured subconsciously, "It's so strange...then doesn't he have the key himself?"

Yang Buqi didn't understand: "What?"

"The key." Xu Tuoran said, "When we first saw him, didn't he come up and ask if he had seen his key? But now it seems that the key is clearly on him."

Yang Buqi thought about it carefully, and found that this is really the case. He thought for a while: "Could it be that the key he was referring to was not the one in his hand?"

Xu Tuoran: "But this key can open the door?"

Yang Buqi: "...Maybe what he really wants to open is not this door?"

That sounds really weird. Xu Turan couldn't think of a reason why. During the exchange, the sound of repeatedly opening the door outside finally stopped. Yang Buqi put his ear on the ventilation window of the bathroom, felt it for a moment, and heaved a sigh of relief: "He's gone."

"This, this is leaving?" Xiao Zhang was surprised, "What is he here for?"

"If you feel disappointed, then go and call him back." Xu Tuoran said indifferently, opened the door first and walked out. Xiao Zhang thought she was telling the truth, and hurriedly rushed out shaking his hands. When he saw the empty and cold living room outside, he couldn't help shivering.

As expected, Zha Ruoyu had already left. The door that he had opened and closed repeatedly was tightly closed at this moment, and the furnishings in the living room remained unchanged. Apparently he never entered the house.

This realization made Yang Buqi secretly heave a sigh of relief. He turned his head and was about to ask Xu Turan to go out, to make sure of his spirit, but he saw that he had already wandered leisurely into the master bedroom.

Yang Buqi: ...? !

"Hello!" He hurriedly chased to the door of the master bedroom, "Now is not the time to visit."

"I know." Xu Tuoran turned his head and said, "But - it's all here."

She spread her hands: "Look, according to what you said before, anyone who enters the two rooms on the fifteenth floor may disappear. Then we have already been targeted. If this is the case, why not hurry up Explore it, maybe you can find a way to break the situation."

Yang Buqi: …

Although he really didn't want to admit it, but actually he and Xu Tuoran's thoughts coincided with each other. The only difference is that he intends to send the other two out and complete the inspection alone...

Knowing that Xu Tuoran would never leave obediently at this moment, Yang Buqi didn't say anything in the end, instead he stepped into the bedroom and looked around.

The layout of the bedroom is similar to that on the fourteenth floor, but it looks more lifeless. Xu Tuoran squatted in front of the cabinet and looked at it, and said "ah" strangely: "Why is the drawer open?"

Xiao Zhang's voice floated faintly from behind: "That, I found it when I was looking for dolls..."

Xu Tuoran looked at him in surprise: "You're still there."

She thought this guy would run away first.

Xiao Zhang faltered, holding the doll in his hand pitifully: "I dare not go out alone..."

Outside is another complex maze of stairs. What if I accidentally run into Zha Ruoyu again?

Yang Buqi was speechless, turned his head and continued to check the bedroom. I heard Xu Tuoran's voice: "By the way, I heard that he brought all the victim's parts back home...Is this the house?"

"Where did he hide everything? The refrigerator?"

"No, it's in every room." Yang Buqi said, "They're packed in special containers, and they're placed in different directions according to certain rules."

"A special container?" Xu Tuoran turned to look at him,

"It's a glass jar." Xiao Zhang said timidly, "But there are strange symbols painted on the jar with blood."

To be precise, it is a esoteric symbol. Because of this, from the very beginning, this incident was defined as an accident of esoteric believers by the capable people. They firmly believed that Zha Ruoyu should have been bewitched by a powerful abominable thing at that time, and the killing and hiding of the corpse were all for the purpose of completing a special ceremony.

Once the ritual is completed, the corresponding "domain" can be generated. The "domain" is a hunting ground for abominable things, but until now, they have not been able to find the corresponding "domain"—whether it is because the ritual failed, or it is hidden in a corner that they cannot reach.

Listening to Yang Buqi's explanation, Xu Tueran remembered everything he had experienced in the homestay, and had a general idea of ​​the so-called "domain" in his heart.

"Did those missing people enter the domain?" Xu Tuoran asked.

Yang Buqi shook his head: "As far as I know, there is no way to be sure."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"Those missing people have indeed been to the fifteenth floor, and have also entered 1501 and 1502—but not all of their disappearance locations are here."

In fact, most of the disappearances of these people happened outside the plum apartment.

"It's either at home or at the company... Of course, most of them are in their own residence. But apart from these, and the fact that they have all entered the fifteenth floor, there are no more clues or commonalities among them." Yang Buqi said, "There is no rule at all."

"Generally speaking, if you want to draw your prey into the domain, you first need the other party to perform a certain ritual, or get in touch with the ritual, so that the opponent's body will be imprinted with a hidden mark. The abominable thing can accurately attack... But when things come Today, we don't know what that mark is, or even if it exists."

Neither the pattern nor the imprint can be found. In this way, it is impossible to say that all the people who disappeared have entered the domain—someone raised it earlier, maybe they were not missing, but were secretly kidnapped or killed by other esoteric believers?

Yang Buqi became a little worried when he mentioned this matter, and his worried eyes fell on Xu Tuoran from time to time, but Xu Tuoran acted as if he had nothing to do with him, as if the person who was strolling around 1501 was not her.

While talking, the two of them had walked through the entire 1501 once. Xiao Zhang held the doll in a suit and stood hesitantly in the living room. He suddenly felt a heat in his pocket, reached in to touch it, and touched the ruled paper that he had peeled off.

I saw that the words above had changed again. He took a quick glance and raised his head very nervously: "Well, the rules say that the high-risk period is almost over, so don't stay on the fifteenth floor..."

"Understood." Yang Buqi nodded, and his first reaction was to grab Xu Tuoran who was next to him.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Well, I don't intend to stay." She was silent for a moment, and spoke sincerely.

She is not stupid. Now the rules prompt to leave, it must be because those ability users are planning to seal this place up again. She has a brain twitch and stays here, with nothing to eat or drink.

Yang Buqi took a deep look at her to confirm that she was not lying, and Fang slowly let go of her hand.

"Sorry." He whispered something, Xu Tuoran waved his hands indifferently, and walked out with him quickly. Xiao Zhang followed behind step by step, and when they walked out of the corridor on the fifteenth floor, they felt shaking in front of their eyes. When they recovered, they had returned to the normal corridor.

Xiao Zhang looked around in shock: "Have we figured it out? Where is this?"

Yang Buqi walked quickly to the entrance of the corridor, and took a look with his head.

"It's the twelfth floor." He waved at the two of them, "Come out, you're fine."

He beckoned the two of them out of the corridor, and asked for the rule paper by the way, carefully pasted it back on the elevator door, and turned to look at Xu Tuoran.

"I happen to live upstairs. Can you wait for me to come down for a while, I'll get you something, and then take you back to the fourteenth floor."

Although he didn't encounter any thrilling things on the real fifteenth floor, after all, there were so many disappearance cases before. To be on the safe side, Yang Buqi felt that it would be better to give Xu Tuoran something to defend himself first.

Xu Tuoran didn't understand, so he nodded and followed Yang Buqi into the elevator. He casually complained: "I haven't realized what you just said about the fourteenth floor. You can really figure it out, use the fourteenth floor to disguise the fifteenth floor... aren't you afraid that others will see it?"

"I don't know the details, but the Renxinyuan should have made perfect preparations." Yang Buqi said, "And, doesn't it mean that they even changed the keys in advance? Generally, as long as the keys can open the door smoothly, no one will open the door." Question the authenticity of the room behind the door."

"That's true..." Xu Tueran nodded thoughtfully, feeling something flashed through his mind, but he couldn't catch it in time.

While talking, the elevator has stopped. When the two walked out of the elevator again, the red rule paper that should have been pasted outside the elevator door had completely disappeared.

This means that the high-risk period belonging to Meihua Apartment has really passed, but Yang Buqi doesn't feel half relieved by it.

He greeted Xu Tueran, turned around and took out the key to open the door, Xu Tueran watched him put the key into the lock, and suddenly frowned—

In a blink of an eye, she suddenly realized what was that thing that flashed through her mind before!

—[The problem is that the missing person did not disappear here. Either at home, or in the company... Of course, most of them are still in their own residence. But apart from these, and the fact that they have all entered the fifteenth floor, there are no more clues or commonalities among them. 】

—[But until now, we don't know what the mark is, or even if it exists. 】

—[The key is obviously on him. 】

—[Could it be that the key he was referring to was not the one in his hand? 】

—[Maybe he didn't want to open this door? 】

— [Generally, as long as the key can open the door smoothly, no one will question the authenticity of the room behind the door. 】

It was as if a flash of light exploded in her mind, and before Xu Tuoran could react, she had already rushed up and squeezed away Yang Buqi who was in front of the door.

Yang Buqi, who was opening the door, was obviously taken aback by her. Xu Tuoran quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry", then turned the key in his hand without hesitation, pushed open the door, and squeezed in.

When her feet landed on the ground, she swayed a bit because of the rush. She stopped and raised her head suddenly, but what she saw was a strange living room.

It's the same room type as 1501, but it looks more smoky. There was a black backpack on the sofa in the living room, with a corner of the man's clothes exposed.

"Xu Tueran?" Yang Buqi's surprised voice came from behind, Xu Tueran paused, and scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"Sorry, it seems I made a mistake." She said to Yang Buqi who was behind her, and turned around while talking, "I thought it was the key that was tampered with, as long as you enter the door..."

Looking at the unfamiliar red wall in front of her, she murmured to finish the second half of the sentence: "...transmigrated to another dimension."

She never heard Yang Buqi's voice again. They have been completely cut off from each other. Xu Tuoran carefully touched the bright red wall in front of him. It looked very solid, but his tentacles were slightly soft to the touch, like pieces of meat that had just thawed out.

The reminder sound in my head finally sounded slowly, one after another—

[Congratulations, you have obtained 500 death points. 】

[Congratulations, you currently hold more than 1,000 death points. Unlock the bonus feature—Quality Match Stunt X1. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained a quality stunt—Crazy Rabbit·Unfortunate Rabbit Leg*. 】