MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 21

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...something dangerous is coming up.

In the corridor, Xu Tueran looked at the ascending elevator, and for some reason, his heartbeat suddenly became faster.

She soon realized that it was her "Danger Prediction" ability at work - this ability, seeing things, was desperately warning her.

Xu vainly restrained his mind, but remained motionless in the corridor.

If the elevator goes to another floor, forget it; if it happens to stop on the fifteenth floor, it means that the other party is coming for me.

If this is the case, than running away directly, Xu Tuoran must be more inclined to try it first-if you can't do it, then run away.

To be a man is to dare to try.

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard a warning sound. The elevator door opened slowly - it was really her floor that the other party wanted to come.

A figure came out of it with slow steps. Xu Tuoran's heartbeat was still pounding due to premonition, seeing him stop outside his room door, he stopped hesitating immediately, the shoe in his hand flew straight out, and at the same time, he threw himself out—


The next moment, a tragic scream resounded through the aisle.

...And when Yang Buqi walked out of the corridor, he saw this scene.

Xu Tuoran—yes, that's the Xu Tuoran he's been looking for most of the night. He's pressing a grown man who's nearly a head taller than him to the ground, with his knees still touching his chest.

Yang Buqi still knew that man. It's called Xiao Zhang, who was just called in last night to help.

...Yang Buqi was a little embarrassed on the spot. God knows, he was originally maintaining the markers in the corridor on the thirteenth floor. When he heard the call for help, he thought it was Zha Ruoyu who came out, and rushed over in a hurry. Who would have thought that what he saw would be such a scene.

As soon as Xiao Zhang saw him, his eyes widened immediately, and he began to ask for help with winks. Yang Buqi felt even more embarrassed, and said bravely, "That, Xu Tuoran? May I ask what happened here?"

"?" Xu Tuoran glanced at him vigilantly, and asked strangely, "I know you?"

Yang Buqi: …

Well, it's even more embarrassing.

He coughed and pointed to himself: "Yang Buqi. I left you a business card before."

He pointed to Xiao Zhang who was pressed down by Xu Tuoran again: " my colleague. I don't know how he offended you, but trust me, he is not a bad person."

Xu Tueran looked at him suspiciously, thought for a while, and really let go of him—in fact, even if Yang Buqi didn't say anything, she herself felt that something was wrong.

First, this guy was too weak, he was beaten in two or three hits, so he couldn't even fight back. Second, even if I have subdued the guy in front of me, the alarm from "Danger Prediction" still hasn't been lifted.

She rubbed her forehead, looked at the two people in front of her repeatedly, and finally her eyes fell on Xiao Zhang: "Do you know me?"

Xiao Zhang quickly shook his head. Xu Tuoran: "Then why are you going up to the fifteenth floor?"

Xiao Zhang opened his mouth subconsciously, saying that Teacher Luo Yu asked him to come up, and halfway through speaking, seeing Xu Tuoran frowning, he immediately shut up, not daring to say any more.

Yang Buqi didn't know what was going on on their side, but he knew that now was not the time to talk—at this time, the heavy rain was pouring, and the entire corridor was dark, which was a dangerous time.

He immediately pulled Xiao Zhang over, intending to persuade Xu Tuoran to go back to the room, his gaze passed Xiao Zhang's shoulder, but he paused.

"...Xiao Zhang." His tone sank, "When you took the elevator just now, was anyone with you?"

"No, no, right? What's the matter?" Xiao Zhang was confused and half turned around. Now Xu Turan also noticed that there was a five-fingerprint of blood on the boy's right shoulder.

"To prevent misjudgment, let's make it clear first." She raised her hands, one of which was still holding the shoe she had taken casually before, "I didn't let him bleed."

Yang Buqi's face became even more solemn, and he said again: "I'll ask again. You were the only one in the elevator just now—is a passenger there?"


Similar questions, this time Xiao Zhang fell into silence.

After a second, he heard him say slowly: "No, no. There is still one person."

"It was a big guy I hadn't seen before. He asked me which floor I was going to, and I said fifteenth. Then he said..."

"So is he."

The voice fell, and suddenly there was a "pop" sound—the sensor light on the top of the aisle suddenly lit up, and the dim yellow light fell, filling the narrow space.

The next moment, there was another familiar buzzing—the closed elevator door opened again, and a figure staggered out from inside.

It was a tall male figure with protruding eyes and a slanted neck. He wore a worn leather jacket and held a one-handed ax in his hand—both the clothes and the ax were stained with dark blood. a tough guy.

Xu Tuoran glanced at him and quickly made a judgment. She now knew how the previous strong premonition of crisis came about.

But having said that, isn't her premonition ability not too smart? Forecasting for so long in advance, who knows which one you foresee?

She was still thinking about something, but Xiao Zhang beside her was already weak from fright. Finally, he didn't take the notice with him in vain, and quickly thought of the corresponding measures: "Now, what should we do now? Go to the corridor?"

"It's useless to go to the corridor." Yang Buqi looked serious, "It hasn't been set up yet."

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Zhang's voice changed, "That guy cut people?"

While speaking, the man with a crooked neck had already stepped out of the elevator, his cloudy eyes rolled, and he glanced stiffly at everyone present.

"Excuse me, have you seen me..."


Xu Tuoran immediately cheered up.

It turned out that the information given by the assistant was correct! There really is Zha Ruoyu's ghost in this apartment! Sure enough, he is still here, looking for his family!

If you answer "no", you will be chased and hacked by the opponent. So according to this logic, her answer at this time should be...

"See my... key?"

At this moment, Zha Ruoyu finally uttered the last few words.


key? what key? Shouldn't it be the wife and children?

Xu Tuoran was stunned for a moment because of this unexpected question, after a little thought, he decisively copied the standard answer given in the information—

"No!" she said firmly.

Almost at the same time, a trembling voice sounded next to him: "Or, maybe there is...?"

In the next second, Zha Ruoyu's eyes widened, he swung his ax decisively, and rushed towards Xiao Zhang who had just made a sound.

Perfectly ignoring Xu Tuoran who was ready to fight next to him.

Xu Tuoran: ...?

? ? !

No, what do these mean? Did you miss me or what?

The death mark written in the information is clearly "no"? Or did I copy the wrong answer?

Xu Tuoran asked questions, but now was obviously not the time to think about it—seeing that the ax was about to hit Xiao Zhang's head, she quickly threw the shoe in her hand. The sole of the shoe hit the handle of the axe, and it bounced off heavily, deflecting the falling axe slightly; almost at the same time, Yang Buqi, who had been silent all this time, finally made a movement—

I saw that he had already circled behind the man at some point, and rushed forward, with a faint green light in his palm, he pressed on the man's shoulder.

The sound of burning flesh and blood was heard, and the man let out a cry of pain, and swung the ax back sharply. Yang Buqi jumped away as expected, pressed his abdomen with one hand, and said hastily: "Hide in the house! I'll hold him back!"

Xu Tuoran responded, dragged Xiao Zhang who was already limp on the ground, and glanced quickly over the man's shoulder, with a slight surprise in his eyes.

I saw that a big hole had been burned out on his shoulder that was pressed by another person just now. Sensen's white bones were exposed, which looked very abrupt.

Fuck, I want to learn this awesome trick—a thought flashed through Xu Tuoran's mind, and he quickly took out the key to open the door, and stuffed Xiao Zhang in.

Xiao Zhang was completely dumbfounded. When he was kicked into the room, he staggered and managed to stabilize his body when he suddenly felt a chill beside him—

He turned his head stiffly, and was looking into the eyes of a group of black figures sitting in the corner with their knees tucked together.

Xiao Zhang: ...


A scream came from the house, Xu Tueran was removing the external shoe rack outside the door, and his head was about to grow big when he heard the sound: "What's wrong!"

"There are some inside..." Xiao Zhang crawled out, and was kicked in by Xu Turan just as he got up. Yang Buqi was circling under Zha Ruoyu's ax to the limit, the green light in his hand was gleaming, and he couldn't stop slapping the opponent's body, he caught a glimpse of the situation here from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly said: "You all go in! Lock the door, don't open it—hiss! "

While speaking, his arm was rubbed by the ax suddenly, his footsteps swayed, and he groaned. He was kicked in the abdomen by Zha Ruoyu, and he fell directly to the corner, and his head hit the wall with a thud, which was shocking.

Xu Turan was startled, and immediately raised the entire shoe rack, and threw it out without blinking. The metal shoe rack hit Zha Ruoyu's head heavily, making a dull sound.

The other party did not look back, and raised the ax in his hand to the person in the corner without pausing.

As for Yang Buqi—he was motionless at the moment, and he didn't know whether he was fainted or paralyzed.

Oops... Xu Tuoran's heart tightened, and in a flash of thought, a sentence came out of his mouth naturally:

"I know where your keys are!"

The man's movements stopped, and there was a brief silence in the aisle.

The next moment, a long-lost voice sounded in Xu Tuoran's mind.

[Congratulations, you have obtained 80 death points! 】

...Xu vainly felt comfortable.

But soon, her face became serious.

That chilling feeling of abnormality reappeared—it was almost the same as the feeling she had when facing the shadow in the homestay.

No... Judging from the number of death points obtained, the one in front of him is still weaker.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips tightly, looking at the man who slowly turned his head towards him, his brain began to spin rapidly.

First of all, it is a bit difficult to escape. The man is now blocking her diagonally, no matter if he is running towards the corridor or towards the elevator, he is within his attack range.

It's okay if you run into the house. But that means the door has to be closed—once the door is closed, it will be difficult to say the life and death of Yang Buqi outside.

Second, rule out the possibility of self-help with skills. It has been less than 72 hours since the last use of "Skill Points", and it is still cooling down and cannot be used; "Confused" is a passive skill and cannot be controlled. And judging from the opponent's performance, it was obvious that this stunt was ineffective for him.

In the end, it might not be feasible to rely on others to rescue. The young man with a bit of a bad skill has already been beaten, and I don't know if he can get back up; as for the one in the room, he will not make any more trouble, thank God...

You can't count on the pile of big treasures, second treasures and three treasures in her house to come and save... huh?

While thinking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar shadow from the corner of his eye. Xu Tuoran looked sideways, and saw a black shadow staggering out of the house.

It still looked like it had lost its IQ, and it fell when it came out.

Xu Turan: ...


Xu Tuoran: ...!

Sombra:? ?

Xu Tuoran:!

Sombra:? ? ?

In the next second, a hand grabbed it directly!

Xu Tuoran grabbed its arm with one hand, and pushed it forward with all his might. Its ruthless appearance was like a vicious female supporting role in a novel!

The black shadow was ignorant, and she pushed him directly onto the man in front of him. A strong sense of oppression poured down on his head, making it stiff instinctively, and the desire to survive and escape immediately and naturally surged up——

However, the bewildering effect soon overwhelmed it, making it lose its accurate judgment of the current situation in an instant.

Who is this guy? Why are you staring at me? Is it great? It doesn't look that great.

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow arched its body suddenly, and the silhouette that was originally only the size of a child grew to more than twice in an instant, and the body that far exceeded the height limit of the corridor was bent strangely, and the upper body was stuck to the ceiling of the corridor like a piece of paper , looking down coldly at the man holding the ax below.

An ear-piercing scream came from its body, conveying the same message as the doll in a suit that messed in last night—

What are you looking at, feel bad and hit me!

Then, it was hit.

When Yang Buqi regained consciousness after being shaken by Xu Tueran, this was what he saw.

A mass... no, a black shadow was being pinched on the ground by Zha Ruoyu.

Cut in the true sense. Pieces of black shadows fell to the ground, like black sliced ​​noodles.

Yang Buqi: ...Wait, why does that black shadow look familiar?

The scene in front of him made him fall into a momentary confusion, but after seeing the person next to him in a blink of an eye, this confusion was instantly suppressed by him.

Oh, with Xu Tueran here, that's understandable.

As for why it is understandable, this Yang Buqi can't figure it out, nor can he imagine it. He saw that Xu Tuoran came to pick him up in this corner, he waved his hand quickly to indicate that he was fine, then dragged Xu Tuoran, and quickly slipped towards the half-open door of Room 1501.

After all, Xiao Zhang who stayed in the house was not a complete pig teammate, at least he didn't close the door for them to protect himself. Yang Buqi was afraid that Xu Tuoran would stay outside to watch the excitement, so he pushed the person in first, followed him into the house and locked the door, all in one go.

"This is safe for the time being." Yang Buqi breathed a sigh of relief, quickly raised his finger, stained with blood on his body, quickly smeared it on the door a few times, and then took out his mobile phone, ready to report the news to Brother Luo downstairs . Noticing that Xu Tuoran beside him was looking at him hesitantly, he asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Xu Tuoran stared at the back of his head, thoughtfully: "Does your head not hurt?"

Yang Buqi didn't expect that she was going to say this, so he quickly shook his head. Xu Tuoran let out an "oh" and didn't ask any more questions.

She went around to the back of Yang Buqi and took a closer look. Yes, the back of his head was intact, but was stained with a lot of blood.

But she remembered very clearly that just a few seconds ago, when she ran to see the situation of this guy, he sat there with his head tilted, and most of the back of his head was sunken.

Not only that. The young man in front of him had no damage to his right arm. There was no trace of bleeding on the abdomen either—the clothes at that location were cut open, and there were some blood stains on the side, but the skin under the clothes was also in good condition, with no wounds at all.

Xu Tuoran recalled it carefully. Make sure you remember correctly. The opponent's right arm and abdomen must have been hit by an ax in the previous fight. For some reason, there was no trace left.

This discovery made her feel a little interested in the other party. Compared with the skill that can directly melt bones from monsters, she thinks this ability is more interesting.

On the other side, Yang Buqi quickly reported the current situation, and immediately turned his attention to the room. He looked at Xu Tuoran, and was about to ask something, when his eyes fell on the other's curled right hand, his brows suddenly frowned.

"What happened to your hand? Let me see."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Xu Tuoran to react, he quickly grabbed her right hand and forced her to spread out her fingers—then pursed her lips tightly.

I saw that Xu Tuoran's right hand, from the palm to the fingers, was swollen and swollen, and there were even many blisters, which was shocking.

"What did you touch?" Seeing that this was not an ordinary wound, Yang Buqi frowned even more.

Xu Tueran's eyes wandered for a moment, and when he was about to answer, Xiao Zhang, who was huddled in the corner next to him, trembled: "She touched that shadow."

Yang Buqi: "?"

"Just now, in order to save you, she pushed that black shadow out." Xiao Zhang swallowed, and seemed to have regained consciousness a lot.

Xu Turan: ...

Although, I just did it to save myself, thank you.

Yang Buqi was obviously shocked by the answer, he looked at Xu Tuoran in disbelief, thanked him softly, and quickly restrained his expression.

"You can't touch spirit bodies with bare hands. Especially those stronger than yourself, remember." He said seriously.

Xu Turan: ...

That's it, she said why there was a death value prompt sound when the black shadow was pushed out. She thought it was Sombra taking revenge.

Xu Tueran nodded absent-mindedly, and was about to seize the time to inquire about the situation, but saw the person opposite suddenly raised a hand, hanging in the air to cover Xu Tueran's palm—a faint white light lit up under his palm, emitting a strange warmth.

After a while, he took his hand away again, only to see that Xu Tuoran's palm had returned to its original shape.

Xu Tuoran looked at his palm in astonishment, and turned his eyes: "I now believe that you are really Yang Buqi."

"It was originally." Yang Buqi smiled lightly, "Let me introduce myself formally, Yang Buqi, from the Tzu Chi Institute. I know you must have a lot of confusion now. I will try my best to answer you. But some may be temporary. I can't tell for a while..."

He glanced at the closed door, his face slightly solemn: "After all, the most important thing right now is to deal with the thing outside."

"What's that outside? Is it really Zha Ruoyu's ghost?" Xu Tuoran took the opportunity to ask, without hiding his interest, "It seems to be quite powerful, and it can't be killed?"

She clearly remembered that the previous Yang Buqi had "melted" the opponent's vital parts several times, but the result was only to make the opponent's actions more sluggish, and did not cause any substantial damage.

" can understand it this way." Even when he was talking to Xu Tuoran, Yang Buqi still glanced at the door of the room from time to time, and his body stood in front of the door all the time.

"We generally call this kind of thing 'companion'. The reason why it can't be killed is because there is something more powerful supporting it. Before the existence that actually supports it is resolved, this 'companion' There is no way to be killed."

Cannot be killed, cannot be seriously injured, cannot be completely suppressed or restrained. This is the reason why "Zha Ruoyu" can stay in the Plum Blossom Apartment for so long—the companion creature's power is provided by the abomination. There's really very little they can do until they tackle the abomination behind it.

"...I see." Xu Turan pondered for a while, and then he understood, "So this place has always been guarded by 'industry professionals' like you, right? Just to find out what's behind it, so that it can be wiped out completely? "

She looked at Yang Buqi, then at Xiao Zhang who was still huddled in the corner, and nodded with confidence: "You two, you should be both? And the one named Luo Yu, right?"

In this way, Luo Yu's behavior can be explained. For "industry insiders", it must be annoying for someone like me to join in the fun with nothing to do. In order to ensure my working environment and progress, I naturally want to drive myself away.

Wait, so to speak—

"So, my room is not actually 1501?" Xu Tuoran contacted the strangeness he noticed when he moved in, and Luo Yu's attitude, and finally connected everything together, "You guys deliberately did something in the elevator?" Hands and feet? This is obviously not the fifteenth floor, but it shows as the fifteenth floor..."

"...Hmm." Yang Buqi didn't expect her to think of so many things at once. After a moment of hesitation, Fang nodded, "The real fifteenth floor is very dangerous and has been sealed by us. It cannot be reached by elevator."

The elevator was modified by a special person with abilities. The twelfth floor is displayed as the thirteenth floor, the thirteenth floor is displayed as the fourteenth floor, the fourteenth floor is displayed as the fifteenth floor, and the sixteenth floor above is the real sixteenth floor—twelve, thirteen, and ten The houses on the fourth and third floors have all been bought or leased by the Renxin Yuan. It is still very easy to play tricks on this.

As for Xu Tuoran's house, she actually paid the rent, of course the real 1501. However, ever since the assistants sent people over to deliver things, they have always been using the 1401 provided by the Renxinyuan, and even the keys have been changed in advance.

Including some previous anchors, the "1501" they came to explore is actually the "1401" arranged by Renxinyuan. And some of the so-called "spiritual phenomena" they photographed have something to do with Renxinyuan.

Xu Tueran was confused, thought for a moment, and asked a very important question: "In this case, why don't you just buy the house on the fifteenth floor?"

Buy it directly, and then don't provide rental, wouldn't it be nothing at all. As for all the bells and whistles.

About this point, Yang Buqi is actually not very clear. On the other hand, Xiao Zhang, who was still trembling beside him, opened his mouth tremblingly: "About this point, I heard Teacher Luo Yu mention it."

"He said that the fifteenth floor had already been bought before Zha Ruoyu committed suicide. Zha Ruoyu and his family were also tenants. People willing to rent it to Renxinyuan. Renxinyuan has no choice but to buy a house on another floor. And try to fool the person who rented to the fifteenth floor."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Wait, why is there another Renxinyuan?

A question mark popped up in Xu Tuoran's mind. She looked at the two people in front of her: "You... are from two departments?"

"Two organizations." Without waiting for Xiao Zhang to speak, Yang Buqi answered first, "Two independent organizations. Each has its own system in normal times, and each has its own standards for the selection and training of employees."

Xiao Zhang: "..."

I don't quite understand what you are talking about, but I have a vague feeling that you are connoting me.

Xu Tueran said "Oh" half-understood, and returned to the previous topic: "Who is the person who bought the house? Does he have enmity with your organization?"

And it is amazing to be able to tell whether people from Renxinyuan are renting a house or not.

Xiao Zhang shook his head blankly. After all, he is just a newcomer, and it is beyond his ability to understand the deeper things.

Seeing this, Xu Tuoran didn't ask any further questions. She turned her head to look at the display screen on the smart cat's eye, and saw that the black shadow had been completely cut into pieces, and Zha Ruoyu was wandering alone in the aisle, as if he was looking for something:

"Then what do we do now?"

If she was alone, she would be more than happy to go out for a few more jumps, but it is obvious that her behavior now has a bearing on the lives and deaths of the other two—there is a way to die, and it is Xu Tuoran who does not drag people into the water. in principle.

"I've already contacted other people. Don't be impatient." Yang Buqi reassured her professionally—but in fact, he doubted whether the other party needed his reassurance.

Xu Tueran let out a "hmm", noticing that Zha Ruoyu turned his gaze to his own direction again, he couldn't help frowning.

After pondering for a while, she looked at Yang Buqi: "You said just now that you can't open the door, right?"

Yang Buqi: "Uh...huh?"

He looked at Xu Tuoran, and for some reason, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Xu Tuoran asked in the next second, "Can the window be opened?"

There is a small window in the living room of her house, which just faces the aisle.

Yang Buqi: "I don't know... It's better not to... It's not waiting, what do you want to do..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a violent impact from outside the door. The rune painted on the door with his blood suddenly glowed red, and then quickly dimmed.

Yang Buqi's face darkened slightly. Sure enough, that guy still planned to break the door.

I just don't know how long the runes he smeared can last...

He lowered his head and looked at the phone again. On the other side, Xu Tuoran had rushed into the bedroom quickly, and rushed out with a bunch of things in his arms.

"Let's try throwing these things out of the window one by one." Xu Tuoran very generously placed supernatural items with a unit price starting at five figures on the floor.

"Throw them away one by one, and let him tear them up one by one to pass the time. It will take a long time."