MTL - This Game is Not Easy-Chapter 44 confusing

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After being honest for a while, this fake vampire became active again. It seemed that the scar was healed and the pain was forgotten.

After laughing twice, he pointed at the fat earl and shouted.

"Jie Jie! Count Xhosa thinks that there is a 'Night Demon' hidden among us, so why not speculate the other way around. Maybe, Count Xhosa is the 'Night Demon' himself! This perfectly explains why you To gather us, and why the Knights of Agold were poisoned to death..."

"Because, you want to kill us all!"

The voice fell, and the scene was instantly silent.

Everyone looked at Baron Fitz in shock.

Not because he was shocked that Baron Fitz guessed the 'truth' in everyone's heart.

Instead, he was shocked by Baron Fitz, who actually dared to say this guess!

This fool!

Is he going to kill everyone!

On the estate of the manor owner, slandering the manor owner's reputation.

Even if this guess may be true, it must not be said! Otherwise, who can walk out of Xhosa Manor!

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The heavily armored knights who were silently guarding the door, drew their swords one after another, and there was a neat sound.

Cold sweat instantly appeared on each guest's forehead.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Even though there were more than 30 of them, they actually possessed combat power. There were only a dozen mercenaries, and the rest were all nobles who were powerless.

Although there are only thirty people in the heavy tank team, they can't stand all of them, and they are fully equipped.

More importantly, once there is a conflict, the guards outside will also rush in to help.

At that time, there is really no place to die.

"How dare you slander the lord, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

"The Night Demon must be among them, and now he is still poisoning the wine, he must want to harm the lord!"

The reloading team gradually surrounded.

"Don't talk nonsense, just kill them all!"

In the heavy armored team, a knight in bright silver armor suddenly roared and rushed towards the nearest noble, taking the lead.

And behind him, a knight in gray armor was also stunned for a moment, and immediately followed.

"Captain Rigu!"

"Deputy Captain Lucien!"

"Damn it! Captain has a relative who died at the hands of the Night Demon. He has been restraining himself since the banquet. Now he is so stimulated that his emotions are completely out of control!"

Following the exclamations of the team members, Captain Rigu slashed the nearest male noble with a sword.

Before he could even react, the male nobleman was cut off by a sword, blood spattered, and his head rolled to the ground.

Fang Yi looked carefully, this dead aristocratic man was the elegant man who had advanced and retreated before.

The splattered blood, like splashing ink, splattered on the face of the foodie woman next to the elegant man.

After being stunned for more than three seconds, the beautiful foodie woman opened her throat in horror and let out a scream that was enough to make people cover their ears.

"Ah ah ah!"

The smell of blood gradually spread, and everyone stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, listening to the harsh screams, terror and anger gradually emerged on the surface, turning into roars and roars.

The scene instantly became a mess.

Fang Yi's attention, however, was focused on system messages.

"No? Didn't jump out of the copy notice?"

"In that case, the dead elegant male noble was just an ordinary NPC, not a player."

Watching the guests slamming the table and smashing wine glasses, and the murderous captain of the reloading team gradually approaching, Fang Yi couldn't help tensing his muscles.

"Trouble, the situation seems to have developed to the worst possible situation."

"The identity of the copy of the corpse is really strong, but the initiative is too poor, and there is no chance to control the situation at all."

Unless Fang Yi wants to actively reveal the player's identity, he can neither move nor speak.

This creates a very passive situation.

The pros and cons of copy identity, that's it.

Under the [relative balance system] of the game dungeon, the advantages obtained by virtue of the dungeon status will inevitably have corresponding disadvantages.

Unless it is an advantage obtained by one's own ability, there are no restrictions.

"It's a bit of a headache. I believe they will fight soon, and the scene will become even more chaotic. It is entirely possible that a few dungeon announcements to kill players will pop up... No, wait!"

Fang Yi suddenly realized that after such a fierce shot by the tank captain, the original deadlock had been broken.

If in such a chaotic battle, continuous player kill notices suddenly appear, you will not know who the player is.

Because of the chaos.

Because too many people died.

Because of the short time interval between deaths.

So it is very difficult to judge who killed who.

"I see…"

Fang Yi took a second glance at the fake vampire and the tank captain.

It was these two people who broke the previous deadlock, so the possibility of these two being players is very high.

The former pointed out the contradiction between the guest and the earl.

The latter directly broke out the contradiction and stimulated everyone's senses with **** means.

"Trouble, if the captain of the tank team is really a player, he will definitely not miss such a good opportunity. With so many players in his hands, he will definitely kill the guests."

There are only three options left in front of Fang Yi.

First, after the chaos broke out, fishing in troubled waters may be the player's target to kill, but it is more likely to be surrounded and killed by the knights.

Second continue to be a corpse quietly, hoping that they won't check the corpse's condition and get away with it.

Third, after the chaos broke out, take advantage of the cover and escape quietly, and make a new plan after investigating the situation clearly.

If Fang Yi only wanted to earn a small amount of points, he would definitely choose one.

If Fang Yi is a person who is resigned to fate, then he must choose two.

But obviously, stimulated by such an excellent identity skill as [Fake Death].

In the case that the [stalker] may be an old acquaintance.

Fang Yi was not prepared to die in such a useless manner, nor was he prepared to resign.

Well, the answer, of course, is the third option.

With some thought in his heart, Fang Yi's attention became more concentrated.

The conflict between the tank team and the guests became more and more intense. From the initial scolding and roaring, it evolved into the current pushing and squeezing.

However, the ordinary heavy armored players obviously did not dare to shoot at this group of guests. They just pushed and shoved, but did not really attack with swords.

And the aggressive captain was controlled by the vice-captain, and he was not allowed to act aggressively again.

But obviously, this situation won't last long, Fang Yi has already seen some guests sneak around the reloading team and get back their own weapons.

If it goes on like this, chaos will definitely break out, and Fang Yi sees that there are already members of the heavy armored team holding swords and walking towards the foodie noblewoman with anger on their faces.

If this goes on, the foodie girl will surely die, and her death will also become the fuse and detonate the whole situation.


At this moment, the entire dining table suddenly trembled, making a loud noise.

Ps1: Thank you for the 100 starting point coins for the "non-mainstream teenagers born in the 1990s".

Ps2: Thank you for the reward of 100 starting point coins from 'Backstreaming into Shadows'.