MTL - This Game is Not Easy-Chapter 43 tracker entry

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Through this information, Fang Yi gradually understood the current situation.

The Fat Earl seemed to suspect that the Night Demon was among these people, so he sent an invitation to force them to attend the banquet.

And the name used is to participate in the discussion of the plan of encircling and suppressing the 'Night Demon'.

As for what the Night Demon did, and the reward for killing the Night Demon, it is unknown.

But thinking about it, he must have done something extremely vicious, otherwise he wouldn't have angered the Count himself to investigate.

And the reward must be rich, otherwise it will not attract so many people.

"Dungeon Announcement: [Tracker] successfully entered the dungeon."

"The system prompts: [Tracker] has officially entered the dungeon, please be careful to deal with it."

At this moment, two system messages suddenly sounded in Fang Yi's ears.

The former is the copy announcement that everyone can see, and the latter is the system message that only Fang Yi himself can see.

finally come!

Fang Yi's heart suddenly tightened.

Speaking of the spirit of 12 points, he carefully observed the changes in the expressions of everyone at the scene, trying to see the clues.

Since the [Tracker] uses the [Tracking Card] to enter the dungeon, it will be a while later than ordinary players to enter the dungeon.

When the player enters the dungeon, similar to soul replacement, it will directly take over the body of the original NPC.

So at this time, if there is an abnormality in an NPC at the scene, such as a sudden absent-mindedness and other abnormal phenomena, then it can basically be concluded who is the [Tracker].

However, this judgment method is only for newcomers.

All experienced players will adapt quickly, disguise themselves well, and will not reveal the slightest flaw.

Fang Yi himself only had the idea of ​​​​trying to observe carefully.

But after a circle, everyone's reaction was so natural, without the slightest flaw, without any daze.

This gave Fang Yi a headache.

"Either [Tracker]'s random dungeon identity is not in this dining hall, or... [Tracker] is an old player!"

Thinking of the latter possibility, Fang Yi became more and more depressed.

"Sure enough, an old acquaintance is messing in? Is there a mistake? Can you increase the difficulty of the dungeon? Can you stop making trouble!"

After confirming that [Tracker] was an old acquaintance, Fang Yi's mentality changed slightly and became a little more serious.

He didn't want to affect the precious initial development time of the new number because of old acquaintances.

So... to win!

Ignore the people who made a lot of noise in the hall because they denied the identity of the Night Demon.

Fang Yi looked at the six roads with his eyes, and looked at his body, which was lying on the ground.

The limbs are strong and strong, and there are multiple scars on the arms and thighs.

There is a scar on the face that spreads from the left forehead to the vicinity of the lips.

Because of these scars, the original ordinary appearance has become a lot ugly and fierce.

Because they were attending the count's banquet, the mercenaries didn't wear armor, at most they only wore a pair of leather armor.

And the weapons were also confiscated and kept by the Heavy Knights.

But Fang Yi felt that there was a dagger hidden under his leather armor.

"I think it should be [Black Sand Dagger]."

Before the [Item Space] is enabled, the system will put personal items on the player's side in the most reasonable way possible.

But this is not a long-term solution, and it is easy for people to see flaws.

For example, technological items such as firearms, if they appear directly in [Ancient Dungeon] or [Medieval Dungeon], it will definitely arouse suspicion and guess the identity of the player.

Therefore, it is still very important to upgrade. Many functions need to be upgraded before they can be gradually opened.

Shift your attention from the dagger to the hands.

Fang Yi found that he was holding a copper wine glass in his right hand, rolled his eyes, and spat out green liquid.

His hands and feet were slightly stiff, his breathing had completely stopped, his face was very hideous, and he felt like he was dying.

Even though he observed his corpse from a high altitude, it still felt weird.

But after taking a look at the identity skills, the strange feeling suddenly disappeared, and instead a feeling of surprise rose from the bottom of my heart.

"Suspended death: camouflaging the symptoms of physiological suspended animation. Including but not limited to respiratory arrest, muscle stiffness, corpse spots, maggot symbiosis, etc."

powerful! Invincible!

This identity skill, no matter how you look at it, is very powerful.

It's not that powerful in the sense of actual combat, but in other respects, it is very strong and extremely confusing.

In just a moment, Fang Yi thought of the many wonderful uses of the 'suspended death' skill.

Whether it is escaping to hide or stealth assassination, it can come in handy.

It can be said that unless there is a [reconnaissance] skill or someone who uses [undead magic], not many people can see the disguise of suspended animation.

The former is because the skills are mutually exclusive.

The latter is because [Undead Magic] has strange skills such as [Summon Skeleton]. Once the casting fails, the abnormality of the corpse can be seen.

But no matter what, this skill is very practical, has a wide range of applications, and can even be used as a counter-kill trump card!

"This identity skill must be obtained! After all, the identity of the copy is randomly assigned to a corpse. This kind of luck does not happen every time. UU Reading"

Generally speaking, a dungeon with only one level of strength requires between 1,000 and 2,000 points for its identity skills.

But the 'feigned death' skill is so powerful that there may be a certain price increase, so it is a conservative estimate that it is better to get 3,000 points.

With the external pressure of [Tracker] and the goal of 3,000 points, Fang Yi's fighting spirit became higher and his thoughts became more active.

The fat earl took so much effort to gather people together, and he certainly wouldn't let them go casually, so even though the scene turned upside down, it still didn't work.

On the contrary, the fat earl became much calmer after expressing his attitude.

"Could it be that the Fat Earl is a player?"

Fang Yi believed that he was definitely not the only one who thought so.

In the presence, as long as there are players, they must have doubted the identity of the Fat Earl.

But Count Fatty has thirty heavy knights in his hands. Under such circumstances, attacking Count Fatty is tantamount to courting death.

Not to mention, if Earl Fatty is really a player, then the dungeon announcement that pops up immediately will reveal the identity of the killer.

Without knowing how many players are at the scene, and without knowing who is the player, whoever exposes himself first will lead to death!

This is a cat-and-mouse hunting game. The identities of the cat and the mouse may be reversed at any time.

Survive carefully, and then kill other players silently, this is the correct way to play.

"Why doesn't Count Xhosa keep talking?"

At this moment, the fake vampire suddenly raised the volume.

Ps1: Thanks to 'Uncle Saddam' for the 500 starting point coins.

Ps2: Thank you for the 1,000 starting point coins from ‘your surname Yin’.