MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 54 downhill

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Fang Li had a nightmare at night.

In the dream, he saw Xie Huai and wanted to ask if Xie Huai was doing well. He put his hand on Xie Huai's shoulder and saw Xie Huai turn his face away. The man's eyes were bleeding, and those eyes were hideous like ghosts. Looking at him stubbornly, every word seemed to come from hell.

He said: I love you so much, why are you so cruel to me, have you never loved me?

He said: You are a liar, you have been alive, you cheated me so badly.

Fang Li woke up with a shock.

This dream is really terrible.

He wiped sweat from his brow.

After a long time, Fang Li smiled bitterly.

It is naive of me to think that I have completed the task and everything in the past has nothing to do with me.

Fang Li sighed and got up to go out. Xie Huai prepared meals as usual, but he was not there, which made him a little relieved.

Although Xie Huai was the one who frightened him for the double cultivation last night, when Fang Li thought of it, his heart tightened. He would rather be killed by Xie Huai than double cultivation!

After eating, Fang Li was basking in the sun with nothing to do, and met Fu Junling who was wandering nearby.

As soon as Fu Junling saw him, he looked him up and down, and after making sure that Fang Li was fine, he sighed, "It's good that you're fine."

But after what happened yesterday, Fu Junling no longer dared to take Fang Li out to play.

Xie Huai looked like he was going to kill someone yesterday.

And obviously he took Fang Li very seriously...

Who is this idiot?

Sure enough, not long after, Xie Huai, who was dressed in white, came over, his face looked very calm, he gave Fu Junling a faint glance, and said, "What's the matter with you."

It seemed that Xie Huai had returned to normal, Fu Junling breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't see through Xie Huai now, he hesitated for a moment and said: "Don't argue with a fool."

Oh, we've only been together for a few days, and I'm so concerned.

And you say he is a fool?

This person is very smart, and he is the only one who can deceive himself again and again, but let himself have nothing to do with him, so why should you worry about it?

Xie Huai said lightly: "If you have nothing to do, you should go."

This is an eviction order.

Fu Junling gave a wry smile and pursed his lips: "You know I'm here for something..."

Xie Huai has no interest in participating in the Chaoxianhui.

Seeing that Xie Huai was about to refuse again, Fu Junling's eyes moved, his eyes fell on Fang Li, and he said, "Even if you don't want to go out, you should take him out for a walk? Idiots can't stay at home all the time, maybe it will be better if they go out for a walk." What? Look at him—”

Fu Junling pointed at Fang Li: "I've only been here for a few days, and his complexion is getting worse every day, and his condition is getting worse."

Fang Li:?

Where did you see that my condition got worse?

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li.

Although the young man seemed to be standing there lazily with an indifferent attitude, there was a faint melancholy atmosphere... as if he was troubled by problems every day...

Could it be that you are pushing yourself too hard?

Thinking of this, Xie Huai felt a little pity in his heart. He finally found this person, even if this person didn't love him, it wasn't all Fang Li's fault, and his own wrong intention was also one of the reasons.

After all, he didn't want to hold him too much.

Seeing that Xie Huai didn't refute him immediately, Fu Junling quickly added: "If you are willing to go, I can ask the host Bingming to ask for a Nine-Turn Spirit Pill for you. If a pig eats it, it will open up its spiritual wisdom, no matter what kind of madness it is." You will be cured of your stupid illness!"

Only then did Xie Huai look a little more relaxed, thoughtful.

Although Fang Li was just pretending to be stupid, but the Nine Turns Spirit Pill is the unique magic pill of Xuanxing Building. Even if he is not sick, it will have an excellent effect on strengthening the spirit and soul, and it will help to overcome calamity in the future. It's not superfluous to get one for Fang Li to eat the rare magic pill.

Fang Li suddenly became nervous.


Pigs can open their minds after eating them. Is there such a magic pill?

If I eat this for myself, how can I pretend to be stupid.

Although he was looking forward to going out for a walk at first, but he didn't want to go out immediately after hearing this, he should just stay here honestly.

In the end, Xie Huai nodded to Fu Junling: "Okay."

Fu Junling was overjoyed: "Don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will ask you for it."

Fang Li: "..."


The Fairy Fairy held once every ten years is the top event in the fairy world.

This year, it was hosted by Xuanxinglou, one of the four great immortal sects. Fu Junling wrote a book for the host early in the morning, and mentioned the Nine-Turn Spiritual Pill. After receiving a positive reply from the host, he set off with Xie Huai and Fang Li.

Fang Li sat on Fu Junling's flying instrument.

He had been on the cruise ship in Wangshan City before that day. At that time, Fu Junling came to see him on behalf of Chong Wanshan, and he was tossed about by him for several days.

Thinking of this, Fang Li quietly glanced at Fu Junling.

As the host of this trip, Fu Junling must of course arrange the itinerary.

It's just that Xie Huai could have speeded up the journey, but Xie Huai wanted to stop and go all the way.

Stop in this city today and take Fang Li down for a meal.

Stop in that county tomorrow and take Fang Li down to relax.

It was fine at first, but later Fu Junling couldn't understand it. Is it necessary to pay attention to this point? A fool, don't have to be so careful.

Xie Huai was going to disembark again this day.

Fu Junling said awkwardly: "Look, we won't be able to go to Fengming Prefecture in a few days. It's okay to go out after we get there. Our food in Fengming Prefecture is also very good..."

Xie Huai said lightly: "Didn't you say that walking around more would help his condition ease?"

Fu Junling: "..."

He sighed, put away the flying magic weapon, and entered the city with Xie Huai.

This is a bustling little town.

Xie Huai had traveled to the Immortal Realm before and stayed here for a while. The local food is quite unique, which should be Fang Li's favorite.

Since we are going out for fun, we naturally have to experience the local customs, delicious food and beautiful scenery, otherwise, what's the fun of going out here? Xie Huai still remembered that in the past, this person liked to go down the mountain and travel around.

So what you like to do, with me, I can also accompany you.

The market in the street is crowded with people.

Xie Huai held Fang Li's hand tightly and walked in the crowd.

Fang Li used to hold Xie Huai's hand frequently when he was in the plot, and he never felt that there was any problem, anyway, it was for the needs of the plot... Later, when the rebirth was discovered, Xie Huai often held him, but considering I'm a fool, I don't have to think too much about being led...

However, now he was suddenly embarrassed.

I can no longer be as calm as before...

Fang Li felt that he needed to sort things out. Since he could only be Xie Huai's brother, it wouldn't be appropriate for him to get along with him like a couple...

He turned his eyes and looked at the sugar seller on the side of the street. He was about to pull out his hand and said, "I want that—"

However, Xie Huai seemed to have expected it. The moment Fang Li pulled his hand, he suddenly increased his strength and firmly held Fang Li's hand in his own. Then he walked over and bought a sugar figurine for Fang Li.

Xie Huai held Fang Li's fingertips in the palm of his hand. The scorching heat seemed to scald him. What kind of skill did Xie Huai practice? Why is his body always so hot...

He had a slight fever in his ears, and he tried to struggle unwillingly, but Xie Huai stared at him with downcast eyes, and said coolly: "Don't move, if you get lost again, it's not good..."

Fang Li: ...

A person with a criminal record has no confidence in what he does, he eats candy man melancholy, forget it...

Isn't it just holding hands!

As long as it is not dual cultivation, everything is easy to talk about!

Xie Huai looked at the embarrassment that flashed across the young man's face. Although he was a little reluctant at first, he obediently stayed still in the end, allowing himself to lead him and walk slowly in the crowd.

Fang Li was very uncomfortable at first.

But he thought about it. He used to always hold Xie Huai's hand. At that time, he was still the devil who took Xie Huai by force. Xie Huai had never resisted him. How could he not have such a measure?

Manly man, dare to act.

If you want to take it back, just take it!

Xie Huai would buy something for him as soon as he saw it for a walk, and would wipe his mouth for him from time to time, Fang Li gradually got used to it.

As long as Xie Huai doesn't say anything, he will pretend that he doesn't exist.

Don't think too much, mediocrity!

They walked and came to a small restaurant with people coming and going.

This restaurant is not the biggest in the city, but the environment is fairly clean and the business is very good. Xie Huai led Fang Li into it.

Fu Junling very consciously found a seat and gave money.

Xie Huai sat down with Fang Li unceremoniously, smiled at him and said, "The mutton soup here is a must. I have traveled here before, and it has been more than ten years. I don't know if the taste has changed."

Fang Li's eyes lit up.

Xie Huai ate it during his travels before. Since he said it was delicious, it must be good. Speaking of it, he is just a time traveler. In his disgusting memory, since the Fufeng faction was destroyed, he really didn't enjoy life. The clips are either a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​blood, or revenge and murder. Fang Li has nothing to do with that memory and doesn't want to watch it a second time. In fact, he still knows little about the beautiful side of the fairy world.

But Xie Huai is a sword fairy who has traveled the world!

I used to think that he does not eat the fireworks of the world, but now it seems that he is biased. In fact, walking in the world without being stained with red dust, isn't it a higher state?

It didn't take long for the steaming mutton soup to be served.

Fang Li only took a sniff, then squinted his eyes comfortably, and moved his index finger. Xie Huai's recommendation was really good, he is a good partner, a good partner!

It's a pity, how nice it is to be brothers all the time...

With the delicious food in front, Fang Li didn't bother to think about those difficult things, so he ate leisurely and comfortably. Xie Huai also put a bowl in front of him. With spotless elegance…

It didn't take long for Fang Li to eat enough, and he sat there lazily, when an untimely voice penetrated into his ears.

At a table on the first floor, several men were talking freely.

"I heard that Lord Yuyi will also appear in this Fairy Fairy Fair."

"The rumors from the Xuanxing Building said that Lord Yuyi will come. In order to admire the demeanor of Lord Yuyi, many people who were not planning to participate in the meeting are also planning to attend this meeting."

"I heard that there are especially many female cultivators, tsk tsk."

"Hey, as expected of Mr. Yuyi, he has experienced such a thing, and it doesn't affect his admiration and love..."

Having said that, the voices of a few people were lowered.

"Speaking of which, when Yuyi Jun was imprisoned on the mountain by the devil, did the devil treat him..."

"You don't need to ask, there must be one. Who wouldn't be tempted to see such a peerless figure."

"The devil is also a human being. Otherwise, what would he do by robbing Lord Yuyi? Could it be that he was just watching from a distance and not playing around?"

"That's right, otherwise, Lord Yuyi wouldn't hate the devil so much, and her eyes would turn red in the end. It's a pity that such a peerless person would have to be insulted by the devil..."

Fang Li's expression changed slightly.

He turned his head cautiously and glanced at Xie Huai.

Xie Huai remained expressionless, as if he hadn't heard it.

Fang Li felt guilty all of a sudden, and when he turned his head and looked at those people again, his heart was filled with anger.

I don't even want my life, and offend Xie Huai like this, can't this stop your mouths?

If you have a mouth all day long, you will know how to blah blah. Don't you know how sad life is for this deity?

How could such a peerless beauty not be seen from afar.

Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!


Fang Li glanced over there coldly, picked up the dishes in front of him, and slammed them twice, just right on the heads of those two people.

His strength is not small.

Although they were two monks, they screamed and screamed after being smashed, looking everywhere for someone to beat them.

Fu Junling was eating well, but when he looked up, he saw Fang Li hitting people with dishes.

The young man leaned there lazily, with a playful expression on his brows and eyes, wanton and arrogant, in a trance...

Fu Junling couldn't help thinking of the fear of being dominated by the devil in Wangshan City back then.

How can this fool be so troublesome?

It's just that Xie Huai protects this fool tightly, and he can't do it for him, so he quickly looks at Xie Huai, hoping that Xie Huai can stop Fang Li.

Xie Huai received Fu Junling's gaze, slowly put down the empty bowl in his hand, pushed it lightly in front of Fang Li, and said, "It's not enough for me."

Fu Junling: "..." It's fine if you don't stop it, why are you still helping the evildoers? Even more than before!

Fang Li: "..."

Fang Li was indeed not enjoying himself enough, but considering that he is a fool now, he thought it would be better to restrain himself a little bit, but Xie Huai pushed his bowl over...

He was in doubt for a moment, not knowing if Xie Huai was telling the truth or irony.

Fang Li glanced at Xie Huai, but Xie Huai only looked at him indifferently, there seemed to be a hint of a smile in the depths of his black eyes, and he seemed to be in a good mood...

During this period of time, Fang Li has seen Xie Huai who is deep in thought, Xie Huai who is unpredictable, Xie Huai who is moody, and Xie Huai who is as deep as the sea... But he has never seen Xie Huai who is so relaxed and smiling...

He pondered for a moment, this shouldn't be a run on himself.

So he unceremoniously grabbed Xie Huai's bowl and smashed it down with two bangs.


Those two people found the perpetrator of the smashing incident this time, and when they turned their heads to meet a young man with a sleepy look, they took the time to smile confidently at them, and they were about to rush forward in anger, but their eyes swept away, and they fell on Fu Junling and Xie Huai's face.

Immediately, the whole person froze there.

Then turn around and run.

Fang Li didn't expect the two of them to run away in fright, and snorted in boredom. It seems that the two great gods around him are really well-known...the fun of pretending to be slapped is gone.

He looked back lazily.

The corners of Xie Huai's lips rose slightly, and after a while, he suppressed it again...

Fang Li is still the same as before, he can't see others saying that he is not at all, if it weren't for his sincere defense of himself, and all the misleading behaviors in the past... he wouldn't, he was moved.

He thought everything before was fake.

But it is not.

How can complete falsehood deceive people? Although I don't know why you are so nice to me when you clearly don't love me... But at least you care about me a little bit, right?