MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 53 Find

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Xu Shi noticed Fang Li's uneasiness and avoidance, and Xie Huai was very considerate and didn't show up the next day.

Fang Li's mood was very complicated.

He is like a death row prisoner who is about to be sent to the execution ground. He knows that he will be stabbed sooner or later, but as long as the sentence has not been fixed, he still takes chances and hopes that that day will not come...

After a while, he smiled wryly.

When did I become so indecisive?


If you really make it clear with Xie Huai, what Xie Huai wants is something he can't give?

Thinking that Xie Huai might be disappointed and sad, Fang Li immediately hesitated, he still didn't want to hurt him. And I don't even hate Xie Huai approaching...

When Fu Junling came to visit Fang Li, he saw him sitting there in a daze with a gloomy expression, his whole body exuded a melancholy atmosphere, and he felt a little distressed. Xie Huai seemed to be angry yesterday.

Although I don't know why Xie Huai is angry, but it's not appropriate to bully a fool, right?

Fu Junling played with Fang Li at the beginning because of Xie Huai's face, but after getting along for a while, he thought this little fool was cute, but at the moment he was really worried about him.

He walked over slowly, showing a warm smile: "Come on, I'll take you out to play."

Fang Li hesitated.

Fu Junling didn't expect a fool to say anything, he took Fang Li and left, and brought Fang Li to the edge of the sea cliff in the back mountain.

Fang Li stood on the edge of the sea cliff of Fuqiu Mountain. As far as he could see, he could see the endless sea of ​​meteorites. The waves were surging and the wind was strong. It was here that he fell off the cliff at the beginning, so he couldn't help being in a daze for a moment.

At that time, he never thought that he would come back one day.

He thought that all of this had nothing to do with him.

Fearing that the strong wind would blow Fang Li away, Fu Junling cast a magic circle to block the strong wind, and then took out firewood, shelves, etc. from the storage space.

Yo, is this ready for a picnic?

Fu Junling smiled slightly and said, "You wait, I'll catch a fish first."

Fang Li raised his interest a little bit, not to mention, he still misses the fish in the Meteor Sea, the taste is really delicious, and the outside world can't eat it...

Fu Junling still has such leisure and elegance, which is not bad.

It's good to come out to get some air, Fang Li sat there lazily, raised his hand and yawned.

Fu Junling is a good fisherman. He put the bait on the hook and threw it far away. The fish in Meteor Sea smelled the smell of meat and swarmed towards him. Soon the fishing line was pulled straight——

As soon as Fu Junling waved his hand, he caught the fish.

Fang Li looked at the grinning fierce fish. Although this fish looked fierce, it was really stupid. It took the bait when it saw meat, so it was easy to be caught...

Fu Junling raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I heard that the fish in Meteor Star Sea is extremely delicious and delicious, and I finally have the opportunity to try it today."

As he spoke, he spread a piece of cloth on the ground, cut open the fish cleanly, and then skewered them and roasted them on the fire.

Fu Junling is also someone who knows how to enjoy life. He sprinkled spices and various condiments, and the fish was roasted deliciously soon. Fang Li stared at the fish.

Although it has not been long since I escaped from death, I always feel as if I haven't eaten for a long time.

Fu Junling looked at Fang Li eagerly, and directly gave the fish to Fang Li, and then he caught another fish and grilled it.

Fang Li lowered his eyes in satisfaction.

Fu Junling looked at the young man's satiated appearance, smiled lightly, then sighed lightly, and said suddenly: "This is where the devil died."

Fang Li paused slightly, he knew that Fu Junling didn't say this to him, but was talking to himself.

Sure enough, Fu Junling showed memories, and said: "I didn't come on the day when the Ten Thousand Immortals League attacked Fuqiu Mountain. I only heard later that when Xie Huai was rescued, his meridians were broken, and he almost couldn't be rescued..."

Fang Li felt depressed.

Fu Junling smiled wryly: "You may not believe it, I've seen that monster before, and I thought he...wasn't that bad, and Xie Huai seemed to be a little..."

Fu Junling paused, and said with some uncertainty: "Xie Huai seems to like devils."

Fang Li: "Cough cough cough—"

He was almost stuck by a fishbone!

Fu Junling quickly patted him on the back, then shook his head and said: "But it may be my illusion, the devil hurt Xie Huai like that, how could Xie Huai still like him? And if the devil has a little If you care about him, you won't hurt him like this, and leave him alone, don't you think..."

Fu Junling paused, and then smiled: "I'm telling you what to do, but you don't understand."

"It's fine if the devil is dead, but Xie Huai refuses to go back, I'm afraid he still can't let go..." Fu Junling sighed faintly.

Fang Li tightly grasped the fish in his hand, it was obviously extremely delicious, but it suddenly became hard to swallow.

That's right, it's fine even if you die.

By the end of the episode, they should have nothing to do with each other.

So why are you looking for me again?

Whether it's Tao Lu or Fu Junling...

Beside Xie Huai, there are friends who really care about him, but because of himself, Xie Huai would rather stay here alone.

Xie Huai would become like this, and he could hardly absolve himself of the blame, but this was indeed a difficult problem for him...

If he leaves, will Xie Huai forget himself and become the same as before?

Fang Li sat there in a daze.

Xie Huai went down the mountain to buy food and came back, but he didn't find Fang Li in the dormitory. After searching around, he saw Fang Li on the edge of the sea cliff in the back mountain.

The young man landed on the stone with his head down, and there seemed to be a chilling aura around him, as if he would leave at any time.

Just like nine years ago.

He is also sitting here waiting for him.

I narrowly escaped death to retrieve the nine-petal lotus for him, and wanted to enter this endless **** with him, but in the end he just smiled at him, and then manipulated himself to kill him with love gu.

that moment.

Like a lingering nightmare.

Since then, he has never set foot on the edge of the sea cliff.

Xie Huai's eyes seemed to be dark red, even if his meridians were broken that day, he couldn't break free from the shackles, which made him still unable to escape.

It was he who killed this man himself.

Are you going to leave me again?

Are you so unwilling to stay with me?

Before he could react, Xie Huai had already stepped forward and grabbed Fang Li's hand!

Fang Li was suddenly pulled up by Xie Huai, and the grilled fish in his hand fell to the ground. As soon as he raised his head, he met Xie Huai's hideous eyes, as if he had returned to that day...

Can't help but shudder.

Xie Huai, what happened?

Fu Junling was also very surprised, frowning at Xie Huai.

I just brought Fang Li to eat grilled fish, is Xie Huailian going to be angry? He had never seen such a terrifying appearance of Xie Huai. Before, no matter when and where, this person was calm and calm, and there was no doubt that even if he went to death, he would not be able to move him.

But at this moment, Xie Huai seemed to want to kill someone.

Fang Li's body was already very strong after passing through the Dragon Bone Forging Body Pill, but Xie Huai's strength still made his bones rattle, as if he was about to crush him, and he couldn't help but frowned in pain.

Fu Junling was in a hurry, worried that Xie Huai would not be able to control himself and hurt Fang Li, so he hurried forward to stop him: "Don't be angry, I brought him here..."

Fu Junling's voice froze, and he saw Xie Huai turning his head to look at him, his eyes were icy cold.

Xie Huai said word by word: "You shouldn't have brought him here."

Fu Junling knew that Xie Huai was really angry, and he might have accidentally touched his Ni Lin. Why is this idiot so important to him?

Although he was puzzled, he still followed Xie Huai and said, "It's my fault, you let go, you hurt him."

Xie Huai lowered his eyes, only then did he realize that Fang Li was showing pain, he couldn't help but let go, and then showed a self-deprecating smile.

I lost my temper.

But what about you, do you just not understand my mind at all?

Still, don't want to understand.

Xie Huai closed his eyes, grabbed Fang Li's hand and left here.

Fang Li was pushed into the room by Xie Huai.

If yesterday's Xie Huai was just vaguely unhappy, but still willing to play games with him patiently, today's Xie Huai is like a beast that has lost restraint, as if it wants to tear him apart at any time. Intense emotions, dark and ambiguous but frightening... It's as if I suddenly broke into the opponent's domain on the day when the love voodoo broke out, but at that time Xie Huai only had killing intent, but now Xie Huai seems to have more complicated emotions …

Fang Li knew that he must be steady at this moment.

He instinctively felt that Xie Huai was on the verge of losing control and looked uneasy.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's appearance, what's the matter, so you are also afraid...

Since it will also be afraid.

Why did you make such a decision in the first place.

Why must I kill you with my own hands?

You think it's for my own good, but have you ever asked me what I think, asked me if I want you to do this...

Have you ever asked me if I want this vain reputation, or if I want to be with you and fall into **** forever.

After a long time, Xie Huai let out a very low chuckle.

He said in a hoarse and slow voice: "Your body has been recuperated now, but to truly recover completely, you must rely on cultivation to dissipate the spiritual power in your body. I have a method that allows fools to practice as usual. "

Fang Li was slightly taken aback, is there such a way?

Xie Huai looked at him deeply, and said word by word: "The method of double cultivation. Even if you don't understand anything, you don't need to do anything, it can still make your practice unimpeded."

Fang Li's whole body was stiff, and then every pore exploded, and each hair stood on end.

Double cultivation is absolutely impossible!

This is his bottom line!

He didn't know whether Xie Huai's words were true or not, whether it was just to test him, but he didn't dare to take the risk, how could he and Xie Huai double cultivate?

Don't you just have a showdown?

Forget it, it's not a solution to continue to be unclear, it's better to make it clear that if you want to kill you, you will be cut by Xie Huai. In short, double cultivation is impossible!

Xie Huai said that.

He stared at Fang Li's eyes for a moment, not letting go of every trace of emotion in his eyes.

Sure enough, Fang Li could not accept this.

It is also his bottom line.

Xie Huai twitched the corner of his mouth mockingly, until this moment, he could no longer deceive himself, could no longer avoid the answer that he had been vaguely aware of since the reunion, but he had been unwilling to face it.

That is—Fang Li may have never loved him.

If Fang Li loved him, it would be impossible for him to be alive and suffer alone, refusing to come back to see him.

If Fang Li loved him, he would not have refused to reveal his identity when he found him, only thinking of running away from him.

If you really love someone, care about someone.

How can you be willing to see the other party sad, how can you want to run away from the other party?

But if Fang Li doesn't love him, everything makes sense.

Think about it now.

In the past, Fang Li never said a word of liking to him.

He keeps his own by his side, but keeps his sense of proportion and refuses to be abrupt, not because he likes himself, but because he doesn't like himself.

He put love Gu on himself, but he refused to have a relationship with him, not because he didn't want to wrong himself, but because love Gu was just a means for him to control himself and kill him.

There is also his own intentions during this time, it is impossible for Fang Li not to be aware of it, but the closer he is, the more he wants to avoid it.

It's only if you don't love.

Therefore, everything is my own self-indulgence.

Wishful thinking.

But even so, he still fell for him, and finally gave up his heart.

Even now, I still can't let go of this person.

It's just that the only thing Xie Huai couldn't understand was that if Fang Liruo really treated him so ruthlessly and never cared about him at all, why did he treat him like this.

At the beginning, he trapped himself by his side and wanted to be his own.

As well as his protection of himself, and the occasional goodwill he showed, he couldn't deceive anyone. Even if he was going to die in the end, he still thought that he would use his own life to name him all his life, and he would die by his hands.

It is also the contradiction of this person that makes me unable to extricate myself, and finally falls in love with him...

But if you do all this to me, it's not because you love me.

That's—for what?

But no matter what, no matter what Fang Li's real purpose was, he could never let this person go.

I can no longer bear the pain of losing him once.

Thinking about it now, that heart that I didn't have time to say was just a joke. If I really told you, you would definitely leave without hesitation.

Because that's who you are.

It seems gentle and indifferent, casual and lazy, as if it doesn't matter to anything, but in fact, no one can change what you decide.

Xie Huai raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

Fang Li has also been suffering during this period of time. He was about to have a showdown with Xie Huai. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Xie Huai chuckle mockingly. His black eyes had no warmth at all, and he stared at him coldly. He: "However, I will not practice dual cultivation with you, I will find another way to heal you."

Fang Li was startled.

Was that sentence really a lie to him?

But he still hesitated in his heart. Although he felt very guilty towards Xie Huai, it was not an option to procrastinate...

Xie Huai didn't miss any change in Fang Li's mood, before he was about to speak, he said calmly, "Do you know where this is?"

Fang Li looked at him, of course I knew.

Xie Huai stared at him with cold eyes, and said slowly and word by word: "There used to be a devil living here, who was sinister and cunning, and he didn't have a word of truth in his mouth, so he deceived me around. If you let me know that devil He didn’t die, but lived a carefree life, I will definitely make his life worse than death, and taste all the tastes I have tasted.”

Fang Li: "..."

That's all, the showdown can be discussed another day.

Let's discuss it another day!