MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 34 The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

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Cong Liangneng recognized Wei Zishi at a glance according to the card, because this person's eyebrows, eyes, nose, and nose were exactly the same as Wei Zishi. Congliang and Wei Zishi had lived together for a lifetime, and she had measured and traced Wei Zishi's appearance countless times with her eyes and heart, and she was determined not to admit her mistake.

"Do you want to change?" The system blinked and stared at Congliang with dark eyes. "Is it possible to change the owner?"

Congliang ignored the yin and yang of the system, looked at it carefully, and finally reached out and pressed her little heart, grabbed the system's calf and asked, "Tell me the truth, what's going on?"

"I'll exchange your body for you this time, I'm sure it won't be a hamster or something..." Cong Liang stared at the system's shaky expression, and added a raging fire to the dry wood, "I feed you noodles every day, fried sauce noodles, chopped green onion noodles, and oil. Spicy and sour noodles…”

After all, the system couldn't control it, climbed onto Congliang's shoulder, and gave Congliang the most shocking spoiler of the year, shocking Congliang's eyes flashed, and the little hand holding the card was shaking with excitement.

"You mean," Cong Liang held Xiao Fangfang, pressing down the tone that was out of tune because of excitement, "There are a total of twelve tasks issued by the main system, all of which are Wei Zishi?"

"The twelve data segments in question are connected together to form a data chain spanning twelve time-spaces," the system explained patiently a second time with Congliang's ears on his back, "To be precise, Wei Zishi is only one data chain in this chain. part of…”

Seeing Congliang frowning and thinking deeply, the system didn't expect Congliang's head to be able to figure out such profound things, so it simply and rudely said, "They are all part of Wei Zishi, and Wei Zishi is also part of them, the truth and your left hand are you Yes, the right hand is also yours, and the head and **** are almost yours."

"It's him anyway." The system spread its hands.

"It's him anyway... it's him anyway!"

"When will you wear it?" Congliang stood up with a "swoosh", completely missing the virtue of being passive and unable to open his eyelids these days, as if he had just had two tubes of chicken blood, pacing excitedly and anxiously in the system space.

Fortunately, the system was prepared, and jumped to the console in time to avoid the fate of being thrown to the ground and trampled underfoot again. He waved his small hand and said helplessly at Congliang, "You watch the plot first."

"It's useless for you to be excited and anxious. He doesn't have Wei Zishi's memory when he is not called Wei Zishi in this world..." The system covered his head with his little hands and made a sad expression. Heart.

"Ah yes! Watch the plot, watch the plot, watch the plot..." Liangxing opened the card excitedly, and started stumbling about the plot with her not-so-good culture. The system also climbed over, rode on Congliang's neck, watched the plot together, and acted as Congliang's new character narrator.

From a normal point of view, a world where yin and yang are reversed and aesthetically distorted, women are respected, all women show up to support their families, and men burn fire, cook, mend and mend, and give birth to children.

This world does not have such a complicated plot. It is a woman who eats, drinks, prostitutes, gambles, cheats, cheats, and steals. When she is in her twenties, she kills both her parents' bones and continues to eat, drink, prostitute, gamble, cheat, cheat steal.

It's just that before the two old bones died, in order to inherit the incense, they fought their lives to smash the bones and scum to tell the daughter who had all the five poisons a marriage.

However, this marriage once became a joke for the entire Yunling Village, and nothing else, because the object was a famous ugly man in the village. Not only was he ugly, but he was also born blind, and the most important red mole between the eyebrows was black. Men with black moles are called stone men, and their chances of getting pregnant are slim.

This man's name is Yun Chou, his mother was a barefoot doctor in Yunling Village back then, and his father is a beautiful woman in the village, but for some reason, he gave birth to a boy, regardless of whether it was a boy, and the mole on his forehead was still black.

The longer he looks, the uglier he looks, and the good people in the village talk about it, and some say it's because the child's father stole someone. After a long time, the mother, who is still a bit skilled, becomes an outsider. It disappeared without a trace within a few years.

The remaining father and two depended on each other for life. Originally, there were people who wanted to take over because of the appearance of the child's father, but the father was born weak, and after the wife and owner ran away, he was even more depressed and sick. The man is still blind, and he makes ends meet by groping and smelling herbs to sell in the medicine shop.

But Dad eventually became depressed and died, and he passed away without being able to last for two years, leaving Yun Chou alone as a lonely man, living in a broken thatched cottage at the end of the village.

After the death of the only father, Yun Chou's marriage has no one to help Zhang Luo, and he is naturally ugly. Except for the occasional drunk old woman who slams the door at night, no one cares about it. On weekdays, he goes up the mountain to collect medicine before dawn, and other Time is almost closed.

The marriage of a woman with all five poisons and Yun Chou, at that time, the old couple came to the door, and Yun Chou did it by himself. Before his death, Dad's wish was that he would find a family.

A rogue prodigal, with an ugly blind man, this combination quickly became Yunling Village. I didn't pick it up, obviously I didn't intend to.

Yun Chou was not familiar with the way, and he was still blind, so he endured the shame to ask for directions, and groped his way into the house of a woman who was full of five poisons.

There was no one at home on the wedding day, so Yun Chou had to wait outside the door.

The girl with all five poisons spent a day in the casino that day. She was in bad luck, and she wanted to run away after losing money. The person who lent her money chased her all the way to the house. There is so much beauty, the old woman is a dead husband's daughter and ignores the stinky bacon, and she becomes lustful when she sees Yun Chou.

So the two negotiated in front of Yun Chou, and the woman with all the poisons happily gave Yun Chou away. She took a few money from the old woman and turned around to go to Chunhua Building to find her lover. …

Cong Lianghe system silently slapped the plot, and looked at each other for a while, and in each other's eyes, they saw thousands of horses running wild, this plot is really fucking...

Congliang had a hunch that he was particularly fucked. He looked at the system for a long time, and the system looked at her for a long time. One of them was sad and the other was pitiful.

Cong Liang swallowed, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, "Tell me, where is my crossing point?"

The little system shook his square head, slipped out onto the console, and patted Congliang on the shoulder, "Chunhualou."

"Isn't it what I thought?!" Congliang jumped up again with a "swoosh" and wanted to jump.

The system nodded solemnly and cruelly, "Chunhualou is away from your broken house, you have to run at full speed, it takes two sticks of incense time." Pray.

"My Nima..." Cong Lianghen rubbed his face, "Why do the points I travel through are all the junctures where the baby comes to milk after death? Can't you move it forward for me?!"

"That's the story of the Seven Star World." The system shook his head.

"Is there anything that can be exchanged for scud or acceleration?" Cong Liang flies anxiously rubbing his hands.

"I'll check..." Dense numbers of data flashed quickly on the system display, and with a sudden "Ah!" Cong Liang hurriedly leaned forward.

"No." At the same time as the system's voice came, he knew that he was going to be beaten, and the short legs were very witty, and he only slapped his **** for a long time.

"There is no acceleration thing, but there is a quick recovery gel," the system grabbed his waist with one hand and gasped, and threw a vial to Congliang with the other. !"

"Think about Wei Zishi's urination. They are the same person, with the same level of difficulty. Didn't you prepare in advance?"

Cong Liang: "..." She was speechless.

"The farm has worked hard for 30 years, and once returned to before liberation..."

Congliang sighed in disbelief, but he didn't know what to do except for being anxious. He was full of joy and sweetness when we were about to meet. take.

He exhaled and suddenly shouted, "Come on! Wear it!"

When the system shivered and stepped back, the two calves twitched, and a sturdy big belly was placed on the operating table.

"Starting transmission... Simulating data... Simulating successful... Synchronizing senses... Synchronizing senses successful... 78%, 89%, 99%...Successful transmission."

Transmigration is actually not very uncomfortable, but just a little while after wearing it, she felt a little dizzy. Cong Liang clenched her fist and tapped her head twice, wanting to get rid of the dizziness as soon as possible, she still had to fight to kill her. Running and waiting.

Just before he could open his eyes, he was choked by the strong smell of fat powder and sneezed. Cong Liang opened his eyes and saw a chill running from the bottom of his feet all the way to Tianling Gai'er.

In front of him was a petite man with saffron and red flowers on his head. He was covering his nose with a fragrant handkerchief, half covering his nose. When Cong Liang looked at him, he was still clenching his small fists and gently beating against Cong Liang's chest. After a while, "You bastard, you haven't come to see me for a long time, but I want to die a lotus flower..."

Cong Liang shrugged his arms and shook his head, trembling in place, as if his brain had been electrocuted, and the pure man in the low-cut pink skirt in front of him gave Lei's brain smoke.

Although there are preparations, the first sentence of the plot shows that the yin and yang are reversed and the aesthetic distortion is here, but only when you are really there can you appreciate the sourness and spicyness of it.

But Congliang didn't have time to spend with this, holding his breath, before he was confused by this lotus flower, he pushed the person away, rushed to the door a few steps, and pushed open the door—

After seeing the picture in the hall, Cong Liang's hamstrings twitched and he almost knelt on the ground.

If she opened her eyes just now, the man in front of her dressed and looked like she had seen a monster, then the hall of Chunhua Building was like a group of demons dancing wildly at the moment.

Countless petite men adorned their hair with pink hairpins, or straddled or leaned against a woman's arms as soft and boneless, and countless majestic and majestic women showed off their breasts, or hugged or directly pressed smiling men to make fun of them.

I believe that as long as normal people see this scene, they will be stunned. Congliang also felt that he was going to cramp all over his body. He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely. .

Stiffly slid against the wall, holding his breath, trying his best not to touch the pictures of those hot eyes, "swish swish" bowed his head and walked out quickly, which can be considered as reaching the door of the main hall with the red silk wood hanging.

Suddenly, she was led to the side by the strange sound like a hen being strangled, and she caught a glimpse of a dark little table in a corner of the hall, a big girl with a big girl and a big girl, riding a very delicate man, when she was doing errands on the spot. , Cong Liang took a stab at the same place.

"Ow!" I slammed open the wooden door and ran away, splitting my legs beyond the limit of my life. I felt like the horse that stepped on the flying swallow in my brother's elementary school text. The cursing sound behind him was thrown far away.

Based on the location of her house in the plot, Congliang went out of the Chunhua Building and ran along the east side of the road. The houses on both sides of the road gradually changed from dense to sparse. As she ran quickly, the night wind whistled past her ears.

Until the people who no longer see the light during the run, the bright moonlight sets off the irregular woods and grasses on both sides of the road like a ghost movie scene.

From the good inhalation and exhalation, the choking fat and powder smell is no longer there. It is all the smell of grass and trees at night accompanied by the earthy smell, but I still can't get rid of it in my mind. Two Zaza dumped...

"Fuck it!" Congliang didn't know if it was because he was disgusted, or because he took care to replace the fat powder in his lungs while running, so he opened his mouth wide and filled his stomach with wind, causing his stomach to roll over.

He braked suddenly and stopped. He retched at the side of the road, but didn't spit out anything. He wiped away the physiological tears that he vomited, and hurriedly ran again, scolding as he ran, "This world is **** poisonous!"

The author has something to say: The world was going to laugh at the beginning of writing

Is my smile crooked _(:з」∠)_

The new world begins, I don't know how many words to write, I don't know what to write, don't run away...

The author brandished a shovel and shot down the little angels who climbed up from the bottom of the pit one by one.

Be good, baby, don't run, or I'll throw Chunhualou to you ┗|`O'|┛嗷~~