MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 21

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Ivy seemed to have not heard what Prince Louis said, and kept her eyes on Li Ergou's back.

"Did you see that handsome face?" Prince Louis asked.

"It's not about appearance." Ivy stood up and said to Louis, "I'm going back."

"There are still several exciting games to come, so I'll go back after watching."

"Not interested in."

Chapter 43 Preparations Before Escape

Seeing Li Ergou coming back, Aishwana immediately rushed over, her wheat-colored body hugged Li Ergou's body tightly, and her little head kept rubbing against his chest, making Li Ergou feel his chest Itchy before.

"Good, don't be spoiled, I'm fine."

He touched Aishwana's forehead, her emerald green eyes twinkled with tears, like crystal clear emeralds. Although she is now disguised as a teenager, she has to say that she is really beautiful. , especially when he was stared at by those green eyes, Li Ergou couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster.

"This time you left for a total of four hours and three minutes, and it's been two hours and fifty-eight minutes since you came back late last time..." She said, the cat's tail was wagging.

"Didn't I tell you, I'm going to spend a little more time on the field this time to investigate the escape route, why are you still so worried? Besides, how did you calculate the time of my departure so accurately? ?"

"I've been waiting for you to come back, Ergou. Every second you leave is a torment for me, and I can't live without you in my life."

Aishwana's hug was a little harder, as if she wanted to completely integrate the lost and found him into her body. Even Li Ergou couldn't help but be a little surprised by this strength.

He gently broke free from her embrace and said softly:

"Okay, Aishwana, don't be afraid anymore. The man you fall in love with is a tough guy who is not afraid of everything. No matter what happens, he can save himself from danger."

"Well, I know Ergou is powerful,"

With a silly smile, Aishwana pulled out the recurve knife that she had always carried with her, the polished blade exuding an astonishing beauty.

"However, it doesn't matter if you really die, we will be together eventually, so there's nothing to be afraid of, hehe."

She is not afraid of death. Compared with death, what she is more afraid of is the loneliness that no one can rely on.

Li Ergou looked at Aishwana, who had no fear of death, and couldn't help but feel a little sad, and at the same time thought of her past self.

After the death of his sister, Li Ergou once became a walking corpse. Except for getting drunk in a tavern, he had no pursuit in life. Finally, he decided to die in a foreign country as a mercenary and leave the inheritance and insurance beneficiaries to help. over his friends.

The past self, is it not the current Aishwana?

"How stupid."

Li Ergou didn't know whether he was talking about himself or Aishwana.

Then he lightly grabbed Aishwana's shoulders with both hands and asked:

"If I die, you will die too, right?"

"Of course, because I don't want to be separated from you. If you are separated from you, it will be even more sad than death..."

The green eyes flickered, and the pupils lost their highlights.

Li Ergou once thought that being sick and charming was just an attribute of the ACG culture, but now it seems that there are really stupid girls in the world who will seek short-sightedness for love. Today, Aishwana has completely depended on herself to live. , Although from a man's point of view, being so attached to a girl is a very proud thing, but Li Ergou is really not happy.

The reason is also very simple, that is, Li Ergou can't guarantee that the escape plan will be a complete success. If he can escape with Aishwana, it is the best ending, but once it really reaches the point of exhaustion, then Li Ergou will also She had already made up her mind to sacrifice herself to save Aishwana and escaped.

He has the consciousness of death, but he is afraid that in a critical moment, Aishwana will hold back, and if she sacrifices herself for her love, all her efforts will be in vain.

So Li Ergou stretched out his arms and took him into his arms, trying to comfort her.

The delicate body in his arms is so thin, Li Ergou thought that she must have suffered a lot. If she can really escape from this ghost place with her, Li Ergou will definitely use the rest of her life to spoil her. The girl is happy again.

Feeling Li Ergou's arm, Aishwana showed a charming smile.

"Hey, now you are taking the initiative to hold me, I feel so warm, I really don't want to be separated from you."

Aishwana put her arms around Li Ergou's neck, like a hot flame. She is still a teenager, but her eyes are enough to charm all beings.

Li Ergou originally wanted to ask that Aishwana would have to escape by herself once there were three long and two short.

But just as he was about to speak, Aishwana put her slender finger on Li Ergou's lips to prevent him from speaking.

Even Li Ergou couldn't sit still, he swallowed, and after all, he didn't continue to say that he planned to sacrifice himself in a sudden situation.

He looked out the window, the moonlight was infinitely good, and he suddenly felt that there was endless power in his body.

For love, he is enough to conquer everything.

He said proudly:

"Aishwana, we will all survive. I, Li Ergou, are the gods beyond Jiuxiao, and fate is a servant who bows before me. If fate dares to turn its back on us, then we will trample it under our feet and let it be It turned to dust!"

"Well, we are lovers who control our destiny, and we will dominate the world!" Aishwana's originally gloomy eyes shone with the brilliance of hope, which is the pride of being a Sri Lankan royal family.

"Okay, proud girl, it's rest time, you should go to bed obediently."

Li Ergou gently placed Aishwana's delicate body on the bed.

"Aishwana, let go."

"don't want."

Aishwana's arms were like snakes wrapped around their prey, tightly hooking Li Ergou's neck.

"Sleep with me, please."

"Good, let it go, maybe when you wake up, we can be free."

"Er dog, I'm cold, I want you to accompany me..."

"Don't be coquettish."


"Isn't Aishwana the most obedient?"

"Then you can accompany me to sleep, that's all right."

Aishwana took off the rosary, and now she winked like silk, with long hair reaching her waist, like a seductive fairy.

Li Ergou lay beside her, breathing down, not even daring to look at her.

Her lips were close to Li Ergou's earlobe, and the silver bell-like clear voice was intoxicating.

"Er Gou, have you really done that kind of thing before? Why do you seem to be shy?"


"Ergou is so shy because of me, I'm so happy." Aishwana smiled proudly, then Li Ergou was held by her palm, her fingers were intertwined on Li Ergou's ten fingers, she He said softly, "Er Gou, me, now I have to hold your hand to fall asleep. Is it okay to hold your hand like this?"

"I really can't do anything about you." Li Ergou said helplessly, "Your child is getting more and more clingy, so let's lie down with you for a while."

With her fingers connected to her heart, she slept very peacefully.

After she fell asleep completely, Li Ergou gently took out his palm from her small hand and began to do the final preparations.

Before, the alcoholic beverages that he forced the jailer to provide by means of semi-coercion can finally come in handy now.

Li Ergou took out the wine bottle from under the bed. Naturally, he did not want to drink and get drunk before escaping, but for another purpose.

Chapter 44 The Prison Escape Begins

Over the past few days, Li Ergou has been thinking about the escape plan. He remembered the escape scenes that appeared in some film and television works and literary novels he had seen in the past. However, Li Ergou found that he could not be like Hanni in "The Silence of the Lambs". Pulling off so bloody, peeling off other people's faces to escape, here is not like "The Count of Monte Cristo", with corpses that can be stolen and replaced to realize the escape plan.

Most importantly, he also had to make sure to take Aishwana from here too, otherwise he might have fled long ago.

But for Li Ergou today, without Aishwana, even if he really escaped, it would have no meaning at all.

Therefore, when Li Ergou was fighting in the arena, he kept observing the terrain of the arena. The five-meter-high walls were covered with iron nets that flickered with electric fire. After escaping from the prison, there would be an open and flat area. Aishwana passed by there when they escaped together, without even a bunker, and would definitely be smashed into a sieve by bullets.

If a hard attack is not enough, Li Ergou decided to create a chaos and attract more soldiers to other places. The fewer the number of soldiers, the higher the possibility of forcibly breaking through.

In the oval-shaped building of the slave arena, there is a cell dedicated to detaining beasts and monsters. There are many haystacks and wood, all of which are inflammable. At the beginning, Li Ergou thought about how to make those The combustibles ignited spontaneously, but after thinking about it, Li Ergou found that his knowledge and the materials in his hand were not enough for spontaneous combustion to occur there.

Therefore, we can only settle for the next best thing, and manual ignition cannot be achieved by spontaneous combustion.

The wine bottles under the bed contained the necessities of this time to make a mess - Molotov cocktails, colloquially known as Molotov cocktails.

"I never thought that one day I would also use the weapons of those terrorists."

He smiled helplessly.

Just a few days ago, Li Ergou beat up the bald jailer. Although he was 1.9 meters tall, the bald jailer who was timid and fearful looked fierce, but he was obedient to one of his slaves, that is, from that time At first, Li Ergou often ordered him to get some wine, so that the raw materials for making Molotov cocktails were already available.

In addition, Li Ergou also obtained orange juice and soap shavings through some special means. These items seem to be harmless, but as long as they add about 5% to 10% to the incendiary bottle, the It can make the burning flame have a certain viscosity, so that the raging fire cannot be scraped off even by rain, and at the same time it can increase the burning area. Once it is attached to the flame, it will not be easily extinguished.

As long as these Molotov cocktails are thrown onto those flammable objects, I believe that this decaying building will immediately ignite a raging fire, and he and Aishwana will definitely be able to escape at that time.

He smiled wickedly, he knew there would be countless deaths this time, but who told them to entertain themselves as playthings in the slave arena?

Later, Li Ergou took off his slave suit and cut it into a portable backpack, so that he could wear more than ten Molotov cocktails at a time.

At one o'clock in the morning, Aishwana had already slept for about eight hours. Li Ergou thought the time was ripe, so he patted her on the forehead gently.

"Hey, wake up."

"What's wrong, Ergou?" The cat's ears moved slightly, and the sleepy-eyed girl was looking at herself with emerald green eyes.

"Aishwana, I have good news for you, we are about to be free."

"Be free..."

"What?" Li Ergou sat beside her, "You don't seem very happy? Are you afraid?"

Aishwana shook her head, gently closed Li Ergou's big hands with her hands, and rubbed her small cheeks lightly.

"After we are free, I will marry you." Li Ergou put his arms around her slender waist and said, "You must have hope."

"I believe you, I am Li Ergou's wife."

"Okay, don't make a sound for now. At 1:30 in the morning, the jailer will make the last round of inspection. At that time, you have to knock on the door to attract his attention. You have to tell him that I am dead and have no breath. Let me Come into the house quickly."

"Okay, I promise to finish the mission."

Aishwana nodded firmly, then put on the rosary she used to disguise herself as a boy.

Time is passing little by little, and for the two, this may be the last time they will spend together in this cell.

During the last period of time, Li Ergou's face was solemn, and Aishwana's heart was pounding. The moonlight was very bright tonight. As a prisoner, it was not good news, but Li Er The dog thinks that it is impossible for him to stay in this broken place anymore. He just wants to go to freedom with the girl he loves. They will have a child in the future. Li Ergou will serve as a pillar to shield the house from the wind. rain.

He likes Aishwana, her kind and dull personality, her graceful dancing posture, and her eyes that depend on her in every possible way, all made Li Ergou deeply immersed in it.

For her, Li Ergou has no regrets even if he turns into a demon.

After waiting for about ten minutes, maybe twenty minutes, the footsteps came as expected. It was the last patrol every morning in the early hours of the day. It was done on purpose.

"Let me calm down, or I'll be whipped! Do you hear that? What are you doing? Are you already so hungry and thirsty?" A bald jailer's voice could be heard from the next-door **** room. .

Aishwana swallowed her saliva and looked nervously at Li Ergou, who was already fully prepared at this time.

As the footsteps approached, Aishwana knocked on the door hard, her voice mixed with anxiety and panic, she was a natural actor:

"Come here, it's dead! Ergou Li is dead, come here quickly! He's not breathing anymore!"

"What? Dead?"

The bald jailer heard that Li Ergou, the cash cow, was dead, and he didn't care about the three sevens and twenty-one, and immediately ran to the cell on Li Ergou's side, even forgetting that this situation should be reported first to prevent accidents.

In Li Ergou's expectation, in the worst case, he will have to face dozens of jailers with live ammunition, and finally lead Aishwana to fight a **** road.

Fortunately, the bald jailer didn't have that much thought. Just as he pushed in the door, Li Ergou grinned and sneered.

The bald-headed jailer looked at Li Ergou who was standing by the side, showing a very surprised expression, obviously he hadn't reacted yet:

"Aren't you dead?"

In the next second, Li Ergou flashed in front of him like lightning, kicked him in the stomach, punched his nose crooked, and hit his heart with another knife. It was over in a second.

Chapter 45 Rescue the Slaves

"Good night."

To the jailer who was knocked unconscious by himself, Li Ergou said hello as easily as usual.

At the same time, the bald jailer fell in response. In fact, he was not negligent, but because he was strong enough to deal with any emergencies, but he did not expect that when facing the black-haired Dongzhou slave, he would only He was knocked down by him in one face-to-face, which was something he didn't expect.

Not even a chance to call for help.

"The plan was surprisingly smooth."