MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 20

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"Hehe, there is no one-sided word that is binding, do you think I will believe it?" Li Ergou sat on the bed, "Isn't she afraid that I will escape after I am free?"

"Miss said, you will not run away. Because you are a person with a proud soul, she believes that she will not see it wrong. If Mr. Li, after accepting the help of Miss Li, you still choose to pat your **** and leave, At that time, Miss Ivy can only admit it."

"Proud soul? What do you know about me?" Li Ergou crossed his legs, raised his head and said, "Go back and tell your Miss Ivy, I, Li Ergou, will escape from here by my own strength. , then I will be free in the true sense. As for the freedom of others to give alms, with all due respect, that is not freedom in the true sense."

"Ergou, do we really have a solution?" Aishwana asked, clutching Li Ergou's sleeve lightly with her small hand.

"Don't worry, trust me."

Li Ergou looked at Xu and said decisively:

"Please come back, Mr. Xu."

Chapter 41 The Miss and the Prince's Small Chat

"He refused, miss."

The man named Xu knelt down on one knee and looked at the elf girl sitting on the throne.

Ivy had an indifferent smile on the corner of her mouth, and she didn't seem to be surprised by this result.

"Miss, did you expect him to refuse?" the maid Xia Leina asked.

"Yes." Ivy crossed her legs gracefully. As an elves, she is not as weak as an elves, but has a majestic demeanor like a king, "because he is a person who doesn't want to owe others favors. You can tell that from the look in his eyes."

"Does that mean that we can't bring him under his command?" asked the female magician wearing glasses.

"No, this just means that I can bring him under my command, because once we really help him escape from prison, he will definitely give me back a favor. This is the commonality of people who hate to owe favors."

Ivy stood up and looked at the map of Xizhou Continent. She longed to establish a new order in the entire Xizhou, just like the genius girl Ya Yinyue from Dongzhou, who controlled the entire Xizhou and made Xizhou a A community of weal and woe.

Only in this way can they catch up with Dongzhou in various fields such as technology, magic, economy, etc., and only in this way, can Xizhou not become meat on a felt board for thousands of years in the future.

Therefore, she needs Li Ergou, a Dongzhou person who is loyal to her and has a noble soul and great strength.

This will be the first step in the rise of Xizhou. In the near future, she will become the person who establishes the rules of Xizhou continent.

"It is estimated that soon, he will escape by himself. At that time, I will make him have to accept my favor."

she said with certainty.

The next day, Prince Louis appeared at the door of her mansion again as usual.

Just like a few days ago, the pale-faced prince held a bright rose in his mouth, and looked directly at Ivy's chest from Ivy's slender thighs with a very obscene gaze, and finally looked at Ivy's face, Say:

"Oh, my fiancée still smells lovely, and compared to you, this rose is as unpleasant as honey-stained shit."

"You're still so funny, Louis."

Ivy smiled estrangedly and politely. Although she had a marriage contract with him, there was no romance in Ivy's eyes for this playboy.

In the end, it's just because he's a prince, and if you want to reach the pinnacle of power, marrying him is the most convenient way.

All she wants is the status of the future queen and the revival of the Lianqing family.

As for whether Louis will die of an assassination by a fanatic or a thoughtful poisoning after marriage, it depends on Ivy's mood at that time. If he is in a good mood, perhaps Louis will die less painfully, such as being killed by A guillotine would be more appropriate to cut off the head or something.

Louis did not know what his fiancee was thinking, and he said affectionately:

"Ivy, in a short while, you should return to your family's territory, and I will also return to Fenglu City. I really can't bear to be separated from you."

"You should feel lucky," Ivy said generously. "This way, you can have **** with a few more women where your fiancée can't see it, right?"

Louis was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing:

"You're still so sensible, my dear Ivy. Let's go then, we're still going to watch the show at the Slave Arena today."

Ivy nodded and followed behind Louis.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, I felt the beauty of the streets of Saint-Charles City, and through the open-air garden square, I finally saw the slave arena built 300 years ago again.

Looking at the milky white stone wall of the slave arena, Ivy couldn't help but say:

"Remember in the past, the elves were once enslaved by humans."

Louis wanted to reach out and touch Ivy's cheek, but after seeing Xia Lena's gaze that seemed to swallow him alive, he retracted his hand.

"In the past, the elves were enslaved by humans because you elves had a more beautiful appearance than humans. Now, you have become the nobles of this country with your own strength. You should be proud of the history of the elves, I Dear Ivy, the history of the elves is the history of counterattacks."

"But as a nobleman, won't I still marry you in the end, lovely Louis?"

"Look at what you said, as if I am some kind of maggot."

"Maggots probably don't think they are Louis either. You both despise each other, but you are half a pound."

Prince Louis and Ivy sat and chatted in the VIP seats yesterday, and the ministers and lords who were taking their time were also present. Today's odds were still astonishingly high, and the atmosphere was quickly heated up.

"The nobles of our country really have extremely elegant interests," Prince Louis said, with his legs crossed, "compared to the qin, chess, calligraphy and painting that the Orientals like, we Westerners are definitely not more vague than them. I dare to say that we are eating and drinking. When it comes to prostitution and gambling, the Orientals definitely don’t have as much knowledge as we do.”

"indeed so."

Ivy tilted her head and narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the black-haired man holding a spear and entering the arena.

From Ivy's point of view, this man will soon become her subordinate, a sharp razor for her to establish a new order in the Western Continent.

"This man, I think he should play for our royal family."

Prince Louis said this when Li Ergou raised his spear and charged towards the giant lizard known as the Tin Hide.

"Serve the royal family? You want to buy that slave from Dongzhou?"

"Why not? I am the prince of this country, the future king, and there are countless people who want my life. Someone has to protect me."

"Oh, it's amazing, you actually know that someone is going to take your life," Ivy looked a little surprised. "When you know this, you can go to the pub every day and get drunk. Louie, I'm really good at it. I admire you more and more, no, I can't even see through you."

"Haha, I am drunk at the moment. If you are afraid, you don't have to go through that day again." Prince Louis said proudly.

The battle in the arena became more and more intense, and he suddenly stood up and applauded:

"Good fight! Lao Li!"

I saw Li Ergou holding a long spear and pestle on the ground, dodging the iron tail swept over by pole vaulting.

"Have you ever thought about becoming a hegemon?" Ivy suddenly asked.

"Me? Forget it, I just want to eat and wait to die," Prince Louis sat back in his seat again and poured the waked red wine into the glass. "In this way, my descendants will have a chance to be praised by the world. If I've been too good and the world will say that the sons of Louis XIV are a bunch of idiots who eat ready-made food, and if I don't care about the world like I am now, the world will judge my sons and grandsons are a bunch of wise kings made from scratch, I This will also benefit my children and grandchildren.”

After speaking, Prince Louis took a sip of red wine.

"Miss Ivy, do you want some red wine too?"

"I'm allergic to alcohol."

Ivy politely refused, and then put all eyes on Li Ergou in the arena.

"I think you're not allergic to wine, but to me." Louis drank red wine boringly, looking a little melancholy.

Chapter 42 The Little Lizard That Doesn't Talk About Civilization

The wind blew past Li Ergou. This wind was not natural wind, but a gust of wind blown by the four-meter-high giant lizard moving rapidly. In a matter of seconds, the acid-stained tongue stabbed towards Li Ergou, like a frog preying on flying insects.

"Oh, just because you want to eat me?"

Li Ergou looked at the pierced tongue, instead of retreating, he moved forward, avoiding the tongue with slight movements, and at the same time rushing towards the green giant lizard with lightning-like movements.

Apparently aware of the danger, the lizard quickly retracted its tongue and took a half step back. If it slowed down for another half a second, the white spear tip would pierce his eyeballs.

"not bad."

Seeing that his attack did not succeed, Li Ergou was not depressed because of it, as if this was all he expected.

"Come on, go on!"

He hooked his fingers at the lizard contemptuously, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Seemingly aware of Li Ergou's contempt, the lizard raised its head to the sky and spit out green acid from its mouth.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to spit? Oh yeah, maybe you don't have a mother at all, I just have a hard time imagining that a weird-looking species like you could be born."

The acid corroded the surrounding floors, and soon burned several large holes.

It can be seen from this corrosiveness that once the human body comes into contact with this acid, it can basically declare death unilaterally. This acid may ignite the person in an instant and turn it into a burning skeleton.

However, Li Ergou was not afraid, instead he looked happy.

He could sense the direction of the lizard's attack from its slight movements, so he could easily dodge the acid attack.

The giant lizard also maintained a safe distance that the spear could not touch, and did not dare to act rashly. It has eaten a lot of people in this arena, but when facing this man today, its dangerous instincts continue to stimulate its nerves, as if foreseeing a future in which it will be penetrated by a long spear.

One man and one beast faced each other like this, like cowboys dueling in the sunset.

At least in the eyes of most people, they are evenly matched.

"Miss Ivy, tell me, can Brother Li defeat that monster? It is said that the monster can't eat less than 3,000 people. The most powerful one is said to have eaten 500 living people in a battle. It was really a gluttonous feast, it is said that the children in the audience were so frightened that they cried out loud."

"If you think Li can defeat that lizard, why don't you bet three million gold coins on him to win in the end like last time?" Ivy asked coldly.

"Because my beautiful fiancée doesn't think gambling is vulgar entertainment? Even me, there are times when I want to be polite in front of girls."

"Charena." Ivy looked back at the waiting maid.

"What's your order, miss?"

Ivy took out a card with an iris pattern and put it in Shalena's hand:

"There are five million gold coins in it, all betting on that Oriental man named Li Ergou."

"Five million gold coins, oh, my fiancée is really lavish." Louis said frivolously.

At present, the odds between the slave named Li Ergou and the giant lizard are basically about one to one.

Some audience members shouted to let the lizards eat Li Ergou, while others cheered Li Ergou loudly to earn them more gold coins.

Li Ergou observed all this, his eyes were a little cold.

In fact, if Li Ergou wants to defeat this giant lizard, it is not difficult. Even if Li Ergou wants to end the battle quickly and go back to Aishwana, it only takes ten minutes at most to pierce the brain of the lizard with a spear.

However, Li Ergou did not do this. On the one hand, he hoped that more idiots would put gold coins on that lizard. On the other hand, Li Ergou wanted to take this opportunity to take a good look at the terrain of the slave arena.

He first glanced at the surrounding walls. The walls were more than five meters high, covered with barbed wire and flickering with electric fires. If he was acting alone, he could still consider jumping over the walls, but if he wanted to bring Aishwa If Na escaped together, it would be too risky to climb over the wall, so I had to find another way.

Li Ergou stabbed the lizard's tongue with the edge of his spear. This was completely a reflex action made by Li Ergou's body. His consciousness was not on the slave arena. At this moment, he would pay more attention to it. Placed on the terrain of the slave arena.

There are gates in all four directions, so there is only a strong attack.

Through these few days of observation, Li Ergou is generally familiar with everything here.

He plans to escape with Aishwana tonight or tomorrow night.

"If only the wolves could be summoned again..."

He muttered softly.

If the group of wolves loyal to him can reappear, what is Li Ergou afraid of?

At that time, he will let the wolves bite and kill all the **** in his way.

When his consciousness was placed on the battlefield again, Li Ergou found that the sharp edge of his spear had reached the weakest heart of the lizard. The lizard's pupils were full of fear, and it had just launched There were countless attempts, or all-out attacks, but every attack was easily resolved by this man.

The giant lizard realized that this man was not an ordinary human being, he was a demon, and it roared softly, like a docile animal flattering a more powerful animal.


Li Ergou smiled and seemed to let down his guard.

The giant lizard thought that his strategy of showing weakness was successful, so he immediately rushed towards Li Ergou's body.

In the next second, when everyone thought Li Ergou would be swallowed by the lizard, it was the giant lizard with a steel-like skin that died first.

Li Ergou's spear pierced its head.

"Looks like I got lucky again this time." Li Ergou pulled out a spear covered with white brains and red blood, and said gently, "You little lizard that likes to spit everywhere, remember to be a civilized person in your next life. Good mannered lizard."

Afterwards, Li Ergou looked at the surrounding arena again, and engraved every brick, stone, grass and tree in his head.

If nothing else, we will act tonight.

For this reason, no matter how many people are to be killed at that time, Li Ergou will not show mercy.

He wants to go to the road of happiness with the girl he loves, and never return on that road.

After taking a complete note of the terrain, Li Ergou walked to the center of the slave arena as usual, with a refined and gentle smile on his face, raised his middle finger, and then left gracefully, leaving a lonely back.

"It looks like you won, Miss Ivy." Prince Louis clapped his hands, "I really congratulate you, this time you really made a lot of money."