MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 22

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Li Ergou glanced at the big, motionless body. He seemed to be still alive. After all, people with this physique were very capable of fighting.

"That..." Aishwana clenched her dagger and bit her lips, "Want to kill him?"

"The best solution is to kill him, Aishwana."

A corpse is always safest on the battlefield whenever, especially now, it would save him a lot of trouble to stop breathing.

But Li Ergou looked back at Aishwana's slightly sad expression, like a bleak flower, the cat's ears drooped down, looking extremely sullen.

She approached with the dagger, and it seemed that she wanted to be brave and decisive by killing herself. But Li Ergou seemed to see that once Aishwana really did that, then he would lose the innocent and kind Aishwana forever.

He stretched out his arms and gently embraced Aishwana's delicate body.

"Enough, Aishwana, he's no longer a threat."


"Listen to me, my strength is enough to make him sleep until tomorrow." Li Ergou snatched Aishwana's dagger and said, "As a girl, you don't need to hold this kind of thing, this thing Leave it to me to keep it safe."

After hesitating for a while, Aishwana nodded and handed over the recurve.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, Ergou."

Finally, Li Ergou took another look at the bald jailer.

A few days ago, they had such a chat that was not a small talk. That day, Li Ergou had just finished a death fight with extremely high odds, and saw the oncoming bald jailer, who was in his forties. A big man sees himself like a mouse sees a cat.

"Hey, don't hide, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Brother Li, you played well just now. Here are all kinds of candies prepared for the Candy Festival in my hand."

"Oh, it's good. Bring it here." Li Ergou said coldly.

In fact, asking for candy is not for eating, but for adding some ingredients to the Molotov cocktail.

However, the bald jailer rarely shook his head and refused:

"Brother Li, it's enough for the elders to drink. I'll help you get the wine. You can't be too greedy. After all, you're a slave, and I'm a jailer..."

"You want to be beaten, don't you?"

"Then you can beat me up. I bought these candies for my children. There is a candy festival once a year. They have been looking forward to it for a long time, and they have always wanted to eat candy until they are full." His bear-like body died. Guarding the candy to death, like guarding the most beloved toy.

"you have children?"

"Yeah, two daughters, four sons," the bald-headed jailer who was usually very rough showed a rare and honest smile, "I finally got paid, so even if I get beaten up by you, I have to protect my child. The candy we've been waiting for."

Li Ergou did not ask for candy again, but asked:

"Are your children going to be jailers like you in the future?"

"I work hard to make money so they don't become **** like their dad."

Looking at the unconscious bald jailer, Li Ergou took his jailer's key and left the cell with Aishwana's hand.

In the end, instead of killing the jailer, he chose to let him go.

The footsteps of Li Ergou and Aishwana crossed the corridor, awakening the slaves.

"Hey, are you going to jailbreak?"

There were the voices of slaves around, and some of them were very familiar to Li Ergou. Some of them had a relationship with each other, and some of them met in the bathroom. Most of them were a group of genuine people. Bastards, but there are also a few people who are real men.

"Can you let us out too?"

"Of course." Li Ergou nodded. He took the jailer's key just to release all the slaves.

However, the reason why he wanted to let the slaves go was not out of kindness. In fact, Li Ergou had other plans.

In his opinion, the more people there are, the more chaotic it will be, and the more likely he and Aishwana will be able to escape from the chaos.

Li Ergou opened all the cells in turn:

"Now, I will give you freedom."

Most of the slaves were grateful to Li Ergou, and they all assembled into small teams one after another, following behind Li Ergou.

However, there are also a small number of slaves who choose to attack Li Ergou. Among those people, there are slaves who are unhappy with Li Ergou on weekdays, and bald gangs who have had an argument with Li Ergou. They pretend to be obedient and express to Li Ergou. grateful.

Behind the scenes, they planned to kill Li Ergou. They didn't want to be free. In their opinion, if they killed Li Ergou, it would be a great achievement. Maybe the adults in the slave arena would forgive them.

So they pretended to express their gratitude to Li Ergou, but when Li Ergou turned his back to them, they changed their faces again and waved their fists towards Li Ergou's temple without the slightest hesitation.

"Go to hell, you pretentious Eastern Continent!"

But it is a pity that Li Ergou has been prepared for a long time. When he turns his back on the villain, it is impossible not to pay attention to the back.

I saw Li Ergou dodging his fist with a very beautiful posture, and then cut the throat of the man behind him with Aishwana's recurve dagger.

"Really good knife."

Li Ergou couldn't help but praise the knife. Not only did this knife fit perfectly with mechanics, but also the blood groove could prevent the knife from falling into flesh and blood and couldn't be pulled out. Cutting a slave's arm, the hand felt the same. Like a knife cutting tofu, there is no resistance.


The shrill screams cut through the night sky, and Li Ergou's smile was as gentle as an elegant demon.

He kicked away the other slaves who were attacking him, and his movements were neat and neat, and in a flash, blood flowed into a red river in the corridor.

Li Ergou has no mercy. He doesn't like killing people, but if he gets on his head, he will never blink an eye when he kills people. In addition, it also has the effect of killing chickens and warning monkeys. The eyes of the slaves looking at Li Ergou Suddenly it was different.

"So now, let's cooperate sincerely?"

His eyes swept aside to a tall, taciturn black man. He was one of the most prestigious people in this group of slaves. He fought more than 30 death battles and lived to the present. Many slaves listened to him. .

"If you have any orders, just mention it, brother from the east." He lowered his head and said.

Chapter 46 Making Chaos

"An order is not an order. In short, at this time, my suggestion is to split up."

Li Ergou said with a solemn expression.

"Separate action? But in this way, won't we be defeated one by one?" The strong black man felt that Li Ergou's proposal was unreliable.

"Do you really think that we can escape from here by gathering all the slaves? Don't dream, I heard that a division is stationed on the periphery of the slave arena all the year round. They are all loaded with guns. Run away together, and the final outcome is to be shot in line." Li Ergou took a deep breath and said, "In short, let me make it clear first, if we want to be free, some of us will surely die. This is inevitable, and some people will become Decoys, some can escape successfully, all this can only be left to fate. In short, we have to run separately, only some people can successfully escape from here.”

Li Ergou took out more than ten incendiary bottles from his portable backpack.

"Using this thing, throw it on flammable objects, and it will start a fire. You divide it up, and then create chaos. Once the flames are ignited, those soldiers who are chasing us will have to divide their forces again to fight the fire."

"All right."

The strong black slave nodded heavily.

"Introduce myself, I'm an aboriginal hunter from the southern continent. At present, I have a level of thirty-two. Come and run to the south with a group of people."

A few slaves followed behind the Negroes.

"I'm a sergeant from the Fars United Kingdom. I was captured by the soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom in the border conflict not long ago. I am currently level 26, but I have rich experience in team commanding. Come and follow me. Escape to the northeast."

Several more slaves followed him.

Basically, among the hundreds of slaves, there will be a few people with extraordinary strength or outstanding talents, and time is running out, they will be divided into teams soon.

Li Ergou found that every slave who introduced himself would report his own rank.

Is this an RPG game? He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

I thought that after I went out, I must understand what the level represented, and Li Ergou was eager to know what his level was.

"By the way, what level are you?"

A slave asked Li Ergou.

"Me?" Li Ergou thought about it and felt that his strength should be similar to that of the black man just now, so he said, "I am thirty-two."

"You are really strong."

At this time, the jailers of the slave arena had discovered the riots of the slaves, and a team of cavalrymen waving whips rushed towards the crowd of slaves.


I saw that just now, the black man collided with the galloping horse with his flesh and blood. In the end, it was not only the black man who was knocked out, but the jailer.

They were knocked out with their horses.

"Beat them to death!"

The eyes of the slaves were full of anger. They were often beaten and scolded by the jailers on weekdays. Now is the time to vent all their past grievances.

Not far away, a man in a robe with a feminine face was singing magic.

But then, a slave picked up the Molotov cocktail he had just obtained from Li Ergou and threw it over. The Molotov cocktail shattered, and the magician quickly rolled around in pain, howled, and died.

The flames burned his meat to the bone, and the air was still filled with the smell of burnt meat, and the crackling sound of the barbecue made the jailers shudder.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

The magician's body was used as a combustion aid, and soon spread to the wood next to it, and the wood burned to the nearby wall through the fire. The slave arena immediately ignited a raging fire, and in the billowing smoke, it was heard that the rest could not dodge. The jailers screamed in pain.

"Hey, brother, this thing is pretty good."

The slave said to Li Ergou.

"So, use it to create chaos now, I dare say that the group of jailers must have gone to tip off the military headquarters stationed nearby, and run away after creating chaos."

"it is good!"

Soon, the slaves were divided into eight teams, after breaking through the gate of the slave arena, they fled in all directions.

Li Ergou looked at them, but did not flee with them.


He took Aishwana's hand and muttered to himself.

In Li Ergou's view, they were just bait to attract the enemy. Li Ergou took the few remaining Molotov cocktails and decided to finally set the castles of monsters and beasts on fire. In this way, the slaves would fight. The field will cease to exist.

"Burn this sinful place."

The last haystack was also ignited, and the column of fire engulfed the entire building in an instant, and the monsters and beasts that fed on humans were ignited under the flames.

On the periphery of the slave arena, Li Ergou still heard the voices of soldiers, jailers and slaves fighting, and a group of slaves had already been killed.

"Come on, there must be no one in the slave arena, leave a few people to put out the fire, and the rest will continue to hunt down the slaves with me!"

Outside the wall, the officer's voice came, and everything was as Li Ergou expected.

At this time, Li Ergou suddenly found that Aishwana was holding his hand, and it seemed to be a little harder, which made Li Ergou feel a little pain.

He turned his head and glanced at the cat-eared girl. At this moment, her face was pale and shivering. She pointed at the jailers who had not been completely burned to death by the flames and could only roll in pain under the flames:

"They are so pitiful..."

"What a kind child." Li Ergou gently touched the cat's ear, "But shouldn't you feel happy? It was these people who invaded your country, and now there is a fire here, You should be happy."

"However, the people who invaded our country are only a small number of people in this country, and most of them are innocent. Although these jailers are not friendly to us, this way of dying is too..."

"Too cruel, right? But my child, in this case, we will die if we don't kill, so in order to survive, we must harden our hearts."

"That day, the royal palace in Sri Lanka was also on fire." She curled up tightly against Li Ergou's body.

In the distance, there was the sound of bullets, and Li Ergou knew that the enemy had found him and Aishwana.

"What kind of idiotic **** interrupts my rendezvous with my girl?"

Li Ergou's eyes were like a poisonous snake, and he glared fiercely at the soldiers who had just arrived and came to put out the fire.

"Two dogs..."

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Li Ergou held a dagger and stood in front of Aishwana. The soldiers had raised their guns and aimed at Li Ergou and Aishwana.

Chapter 47 For whom does the sky cry


Li Ergou shouted recklessly, and the group of soldiers were frightened by the unarmed Dongzhou man.

"Don't be afraid, they are just two people, kill them!"

The commander of the squad said coldly.