MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 47 Safe way

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The first large merchant ship of the Four Seas Alliance officially set sail.

On such a special day, the king of the drum kingdom, Wapol himself, disappeared.

He disappeared together with his two ministers: Jess and Cromarimon, plus many guards.

When Crocodile asked about this, Dalton couldn't help holding his forehead, hoping to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"They drove a submarine and ran away..."

Dalton frowned and replied, "The dignified king of a country has gone out to sea to become a pirate out of fear!"

"Hahaha, it's really interesting."

Crocodile glanced at Rowan next to him, "Hey, the king has run away, who are you looking for in the alliance?"

"I don't plan to make an alliance with a big iron mouth."

Rowan replied with a smile, obviously he was in a good mood today, "The Four Seas Alliance has the Drum Kingdom itself, which is enough. Does it matter who the king is?"

On the side, there are residents of Drum Island who help: "Yes! Wapol is not a king, why don't Dalton be the king!"

As soon as these words came out, more people immediately began to agree.

"Let Dalton be king, I can rest assured!"

"I agree!"

"Don't refuse, Dalton!"


They suffered from Wapol's rule for a long time, and they miss the peaceful and stable drum kingdom once ruled by the old king.

In today's Drum Island, Dalton is the only one who can lead the country like the old king.

Dalton waved his hands again and again, but he couldn't shirk at all. In the end, he could only reluctantly nod his head in agreement.

After all, the current Drum Kingdom has just achieved fixed shipping routes with Alabasta, and trade exchanges such as caravans or academics will be extremely frequent.

If there is no leader, even if Luo Wen himself does not intend to do so, the people of the Drum Kingdom cannot stand in the Four Seas Alliance as a relatively equal identity.

This is Dalton's responsibility as the captain of the Drum Kingdom Guard.

"Understood, then leave it to me for the time being."

Dalton nodded to the surrounding residents and got cheers.

At the same time, some people from the Drum Kingdom were also ready to board the ship.

There are a small number of merchants and soldiers among them, but most of them are elites in the field of medical research.

These people, led by Dr. Kureha, will be the first users of the fixed route to go to Alabasta with Rowan and others.

Among them, Shiruluk, the quack doctor, was even included.

Kureha took Shirulukra aside and said in a low voice, "Hey, you quack, sailing at sea is very tiring!"

Shiruluk laughed and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's not like I haven't been to sea before."

"Stop joking, you know I don't mean that!"

Kureha's face was gloomy and she said solemnly, "Your body... can you still stand it?"

She is skilled in medicine and has long known the fact that Shiruluk is terminally ill. The so-called "cured by the miracle cherry blossoms" is really just a "miracle", and the so-called miracle will never happen a second time.

In other words, Shiruluk is still terminally ill, and he doesn't know when he will have another attack!

It is impossible for this man to die peacefully.

But Shiruluk had a relaxed and indifferent face when he heard the words.

"Kureha, I want to create a miracle medicine that can cure all diseases, rather than some messed up terminal illness!"

He looked at Kureha and grinned, "So, let me try harder!"

"Tsk, it's up to you, don't die at sea..."

There was a bit of worry in Kureha's eyes, but she still cursed a few words as usual.

Shiruluk laughed even more happily, turned around and shouted at the residents of the Drum Kingdom: "Hey, don't worry, it's very convenient to travel with you if there is a fixed route, we'll go back when we go!"

As soon as these words came out, the residents of the Drum Kingdom immediately became excited.

"Don't come back, you quack!"

"Doctor Kureha, go back early!"

"Quack doctor, don't harm people from other countries!"


Shiruluk looked at those people with a big laugh, and suddenly didn't notice the words of disgust.

He believed that sooner or later, he would find that "miracle".

Pressing the brim of his hat, Siruluk was the first to board the big ship, followed by a group of people from the Drum Kingdom.

Vivi, Crocodile, and part of the King of Alabasta's army also boarded the ship.

Another part of the Alabasta King Army stayed in the Drum Kingdom, and many of them are engineering talents who will help the residents here to expand and maintain the original wharf.

Rowan also boarded the big ship and gave the order to set sail.

Dalton stood on the dock and waved goodbye to the people on the big ship.

The first route of the Four Seas Alliance was announced!


After half a day.

The ships of the Four Seas Alliance are sailing on the sea.

Crocodile sat on the box under the mast, blowing the sea breeze and smoking a cigar.

Rowan placed Wei Wei and walked onto the deck as well.

"……Is it possible?"

Crocodile suddenly asked an endless question.

Rowan smiled and said, "What's possible?"

"The establishment of this fixed route, and the protection measures you have planned."

Crocodile lit a cigarette and explained, "A merchant ship on a fixed route—to the pirates, it's just a piece of fat that is so fragrant that it drives them crazy, and it's impossible to keep their minds."

He looked at the sea and signaled, "Although you have set up garrisoning places on each road section, this is the sea after all, and safety cannot be guaranteed at all times. Pirates will always find loopholes to attack."

"A behemoth like the World Government may be afraid of you, but those small groups of pirates won't."

Crocodile smiled gloomily: "Maybe one day, the people on the boat are blowing the sea breeze and smoking cigarettes, and they are suddenly robbed by pirates. What are you going to do?"

Rowan replied, "I'll ask Bell, Gaka, or Hokka to follow the boat a few more times."

"The strong can protect for a while, but not forever."

Crocodile retorted: "There are not so many masters that you can send to protect every ship."

Rowan shook his head, "You don't need a lot of protection, a few protections are enough."

He stretched out his hand, pointed to the flag of the Four Seas Alliance flying on the ship, and said:

"As long as the flag of the Four Seas Alliance is remembered by the pirates, it is enough."

"Huh?" Crocodile raised his eyebrows, "What are you going to do?"

Rowan asked, "Why don't the pirates rob the World Government's ships?"

Crocodile couldn't help laughing, "Aren't they stupid, they robbed the World Government's ship? Are you courting death..."

Having said that, Crocodile suddenly reacted. He seemed to know what Rowan was going to do.

At this moment, the watchman's whistle came from the observation deck.

"At six o'clock, there is a pirate ship!"

Everyone looked and saw a medium-sized sailboat. No one recognized the black flag on it. It was probably an ordinary pirate group that did not enter the stream.

The pirates on the deck were cheering, as if they were excited to discover an unseen merchant ship.

Rowan patted Crocodile on the shoulder.

"Take it lightly."

Crocodile stood up and exhaled a puff of smoke, "How light is it?"

Rowan thought for a while, "Keep 10%?"

Crocodile frowned slightly, feeling slightly unhappy in his heart, and said casually, "I will try my best."

He understood what Rowan wanted to test to maintain the long-term safety of the route.

The method is very simple:

Just like the status of the world government in the hearts of the world, Rowan wants all the pirates in this sea to remember the flag of the Four Seas Alliance.

Remember the fact that "once you attack the Four Seas will usher in an extremely tragic end"!


The pirate captain approached the ship excitedly, and beckoned the younger brothers to throw the hook and lock, intending to bring the ship that looked very valuable.

He picked up the megaphone and was about to speak, when suddenly there seemed to be a small black spot in front of him.

Looking closely, Captain Pirate found that it was a piece of sand.


"What's the matter?"


Three minutes later.

The four surviving pirates rowed the lifeboats and fled desperately.

It was also at that moment that the name "Four Seas Alliance" and the flag representing the Four Seas Alliance began to spread on this sea!

Crocodile returned to the ship, raised his hand and a sandstorm broke the pirate ship to pieces.

But the pirate ship did not remain silent, but maintained a shaky feeling as it drifted into the distance.

Rowan nodded slightly to Crocodile, "Thank you, little crocodile."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just unhappy!"

Crocodile frowned and suddenly smiled gloomily: "But if you really thank me, answer me a question?"

Rowan nodded, "Ask."

"Medicine - it can be applied to life, but it is also an indispensable part of war."

Crocodile raised a bit of interest, "I don't think you invited a large number of medical elites just to build a medical research institute in Alabasta, so what are you going to do next?"

"So you were curious about this."

Rowan didn't mean to hide, he directly pointed to the sky and said with a smile:

"Next step, let's go to heaven."