MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 48 three-dimensional front

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Hearing this answer, Crocodile frowned, not knowing why.

He participated in some meetings of the Four Seas Alliance as an auditor, so he knew the general course of action, so he was even more puzzled.

Rowan once said that in the early stage of establishing the Four Seas Alliance, the monopoly of the world government must be broken as soon as possible at the "non-military" level, and a fixed route should be established to make the connection between different places closer.

The purpose of this trip to Drum Island is just that.

The crowd successfully built a "bridge" between Alabasta and Drum Island.

The establishment of this fixed route turned the originally dangerous voyage into a direct expressway.

During the voyage, if extreme weather is encountered, the troops stationed in various places will provide support at the fastest speed.

As for the group of pirates, according to Rowan's plan, no one will dare to easily attack the ship with the flag of the Four Seas Alliance in the near future.

Countless experts in the field of medicine will continue to travel between Alabasta and Drum Island via this safe and fixed route with their valuable knowledge.

Taking advantage of the advantages of their respective countries, these scholars will sooner or later push the medical field of the two countries to a new level!

Research talents in the medical field play a great role in a country. They can not only be used for people's livelihood, but also an indispensable and valuable resource in times of war.

At the same time, even if the world government knows all this, it is powerless to change this fact.

Ordinary medical research is not the study of real history, and the world government cannot reproduce the scene of the archaeological island of O'Hara.

Rowan took the World Government's action thinking so tightly that they couldn't find the so-called "justifiable reason" at all!

And if you continue to think down this line of thinking, Crocodile can give many fixed routes that are necessary to establish.

For example, the capital of the seven waters, known as the "world shipyard", most of the naval ships of the navy today are from the shipbuilders of that island.

Even though it is impossible for the world government to allow the capital of seven waters to build warships for Alabasta, the craftsmen of Alabasta can learn the shipbuilding skills there through the route.

Like medicine, these technologies can not only be used for people's livelihood, but also can be used for "other" purposes at critical moments.

Another example is the Fishman Island, which is located 10,000 meters below the Chambord Archipelago, in the deep sea.

The race between murlocs and humans has a long history, and it is impossible for ordinary human kingdoms to achieve navigation with the murlocs.

But Rowan is different.

Not long ago, on behalf of Alabasta, he took in a group of murloc refugees—more precisely, murloc slaves, and even helped them build their own village.

This is unimaginable for the murlocs!

This alone made Rowan qualified to contact Fishman Island.

By forming an alliance with Fishman Island, what it brings to the Four Seas Alliance will be different from medicine or shipbuilding technology, but purer maritime combat power!

How many people in this world can compete with the murlocs in the sea?


Crocodile felt that his ideas were two good choices, so he was even more puzzled by Rowan's words.

"You want...God?"

Rowan nodded, "Yes, God."

"What's in the sky?"

"Island." Rowan replied.

Hearing this, Crocodile understood what Rowan was talking about.

An island in the sky—that is, an island in the sky.

Rowan's next step is to go to the empty island!

But after learning the truth, Crocodile was even more puzzled.

Sky Island - Because of the relatively closed relationship between the islands of the Great Route, this name is completely a legend to the people in the surrounding waters.

People who "only wander" in this sea area don't believe in the existence of empty islands at all.

But Crocodile is different, but after traveling at sea for many years, he naturally understands that the so-called "empty island" is just a special kind of island, and it is real.

He has even dealt with quite a few people from the Sky Island. Except for the two small wings growing on his back, he is almost no different from ordinary people.

Crocodile smiled gloomily: "I didn't know there were empty islands on this route."


Rowan nodded, "It's over Gaya Island, but this route lacks a normal route to reach that island, so no one has been there for many years."

Crocodile's eyes moved slightly.

He was not curious about how Rowan knew this information. Maybe it was some special channel?

What really puzzled Crocodile was another thing.

"Next, why did you choose there?"

"Because it's in the sky."

Rowan replied.

Crocodile couldn't help sneering, just about to scold "nonsense", but suddenly he seemed to think of something.


Rowan nodded, twitched his fingers, and condensed the outrageously accurate sand table model.

The first to condense is Alabasta.

"Before the Four Seas Alliance has a firm foothold, the world government will inevitably find an opportunity to intervene."

"At the level of force, I believe I have given the world government a good answer, so they will choose to obstruct at the level of business or rules."

"Drum Island is a neighboring country, so it's okay to say, but Alabasta is too far away from the capital of seven waters or Fishman Island, and there must be several islands to supply supplies."

Rowan moved his finger and outlined some sand table maps for the first half of the great route.

After connecting the islands with gravel, the situation became clear at a glance.

"These islands have nothing to do with the Four Seas Alliance at this stage, so they will inevitably obey the orders of the World Government."

"Either detain the goods for inspection, or simply prohibit the crew of the Four Seas Alliance from going to sea in the name of inspection."

"It's very troublesome to deal with such a thing without tearing one's face."

When Rowan said this, he suddenly smiled: "So, we have to establish a route that the world government can't He twitched his fingers, and two gravel islands suddenly appeared, located above Alabasta. and below.

Crocodile's eyes narrowed, revealing a strange light.

Rowan went on to explain:

"Using the fish-man village as a node, undersea villages can be developed and connected to fish-man islands."

"As for the sky, once the fixed route with the air island is established, the entire Four Seas Alliance can overcome the possible restrictions of the world government and achieve a three-dimensional front of the trinity of sea, land and air!"

waved his hand.


The delicate sand table dissipated with the wind, leaving only Crocodile, who was in deep thought.

After a few breaths, Crocodile finally completely understood Rowan's thoughts, and he couldn't help sighing.

Ryan Rowan's style of doing things has always been this way.

Although there must be someone from the world government who can see Rowan's plan, they really have nothing to do about it.

Crocodile lights himself a cigar.

Luo Wen suddenly said from the side: "After all, God is very troublesome, right?"

Crocodile nodded and said, "Indeed."

Rowan continued to ask: "The unknown empty island is probably a very troublesome place, right?"

Crocodile nodded again, "Indeed."

Rowan asked again: "This operation needs to bring a lot of people, right?"

Although Crocodile felt that Rowan had a lot of problems, he nodded again and said, "Indeed."

Rowan then asked: "So you will come too, right?"

Crocodile said casually, "Indeed."




Crocodile: "Huh?"