MTL - Old Chapters-v2 Chapter 3 strengthen

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Walking on the campus, the light of the dusk is not too dazzling. Although the temperature has dropped a little, it can still make people crazy. Lu Li controlled his pores and released the excess heat, carrying a schoolbag with almost nothing. , Lu Li walked across the bridge, and the Wujiang River under the bridge was still flowing.

The Wujiang River passes through Leping City and divides it into two halves. The Leping No. 2 High School where Lu Li studied is located in Hedong and lives in Hexi. As a result, there are countless undercurrents under the river surface, and the surface is full of whirlpools. In short, people who fall in this section of the river will basically not be able to survive. Every year, there are people who fall into the water and die, but very few survive. Of course, Lu Li is one of them.

Walking into a residential area, Lu Li opened the door called "home" with a blank face. When he opened the door, he saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl lying on the sofa with a pair of long white and tender legs. , Attracting the attention, the girl looked at the cartoon on the TV series with a boring face, as if it was called "The Adventures of the City Dragon".

"I'm back!" The girl asked when she saw Lu Li pushing the door in cartoon.

The girl's name is Ji Yue, the daughter of Uncle Lu Li. His cousin, Lu Li's parents died unexpectedly a long time ago. At that time, the young Lu Li was adopted by the uncle, and the inheritance of his parents was also received by the uncle.

It's always hard to live under someone else's fence. As a result, Lu Li's personality has always been taciturn. If it weren't for the accidental fall into the water a year ago, it is estimated that Lu Li would have been silent forever. Stay in your little room.

After closing the door, Lu Li threw his schoolbag aside and lay directly on the bed. He clicked on the dialog box consciously, the panel appeared in front of Lu Li, and Lu Li directly clicked on the store. The rows above were all modules, and the price was 100 The game points to a module, but the modules here are constantly changing, the number is very unstable, and it is often out of stock, so most players lack modules and can't find them in the store, so they can only post in the forum to buy. Or exchange, but this one is not safe and is very likely to be deceived.

Lu Li flipped through it for a while, found the treatment option in the corner of the store, and clicked it directly. Then the panel exuded a kind of fluctuation. Lu Li felt something swept over his body, and then he saw the diagnosis result on it:

[The spirituality of the left hand is missing, and there are seven or eight spiritual damages in the body. The repair requires a total of 300 game points. Do you pay? whether. 】

Nothing to think about, Lu Li directly clicked Yes, and then the panel emitted a few light green light particles, which flew into Lu Li's body, especially in his left hand. When the light particles disappeared, Lu Li moved his left hand and found his flexibility. has been restored to its original appearance.

The game points in the lower right corner are now only 550 points. Lu Li closed the store and returned to the good game dialog. Here he is still waiting for Lu Li to strengthen the basics. I learned from the forum that the three basic enhancements are given by the game. The first and final enhancement, and all subsequent enhancements require you to combine modules yourself.

Alienation system, implantation system, and demon system. These three different systems have their own advantages. The central magic system of the three systems has the highest potential, the alienation system is the second, the implantation system is the lowest, and the early stage of the implantation system has the highest strength. Strong, but it is not easy to progress in the later stage, the strength of the inner demon is also good, but the inner demon monster has a crisis of backlash, and the alienation system has the slowest progress in strength, but whether it is the later growth, or its own safety is guaranteed.

"First rule out the implant system!" Lu Li was not interested in loading anything into his body, and this kind of thing was provided by the game, so he knew if he would provide some disgusting monsters to make himself disgusted.

"Then there is the alienation system, my body, I have a very strong control ability, any part of the alienation will feel very strange... Do you want to strengthen the inner demon system?" Lu Li's thoughts diverged, the feeling under the water is not good, after the suffocation The feeling of sinking into the dark water, and what he saw in the end, Lu Li dared to be 100% sure that if he chose the Inner Demon type, the demonic monster that appeared would definitely be related to that experience.

"If you don't choose the Inner Demon type, you definitely don't choose the implant type, then there is only the alienation type. Unfortunately, I can even control my hair and nails. What else can I alienate?" Lu Li carefully felt his body, his own The body is all under his control, if it is not necessary, he will never be willing to alienate it beyond recognition.

"Alienation system, to alienate a part of oneself, UU reading to alienate into an alienated organ..." Lu Li stood up, turned on the light in the room, the incandescent lamp above his head illuminated, a shadow appeared under Lu Li's feet, " So shadow, is it a part of me?"

Lu Li showed an interesting smile. Everyone has a shadow, or most of the physical existence has a shadow. From a physical point of view, the shadow is just an optical phenomenon. The shadow is because the object blocks the transmission of light and cannot pass through the opaque. The darker area formed by the object, but when we see the description of the shadow of others, we often say, whose shadow is that, here subjectively the shadow is regarded as a part of that person.

Moreover, we know from many folk eccentricities that shadows have always been spiritual beings. There is a legend that the soul of a person lives in its own shadow. It is also part of being human.

"Don't think about it, just try it and you'll know?" Lu Li directly contacted the game with his mind, pointed to his shadow and said, "I chose the alienation system to strengthen, and designated to strengthen my shadow!"

[No. YZ0135 to strengthen the selection, determine the strengthening options, whether to strengthen. whether? 】

"Sure!" Lu Li just confirmed that a flower appeared in front of him, appearing in an unknown dark space, the next moment, a powerful light source appeared behind Lu Li, a long shadow stretched out under his feet, and a large amount of information poured into Lu Li In his mind, it was only a simple light and shadow change visually, which made Lu Li's vision ineffective, unable to receive any pictures, or received too much, and his eyes were shut down.

The ears obviously couldn't hear anything, but it was as if someone was whispering beside you, pressing directly into the soul, a feeling of nausea and vomiting appeared, Lu Li's thinking fell into the boundless darkness, and he didn't know anything...