Chaos' Heir
Chaos Heir
A recurring nightmare afflicted Khan's nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak's spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago.
- C.1088: White MouseNEW
- C.1087: BrittleNEW
- C.1086: KnockingNEW
- C.1085: Blue MoonNEW
- C.1084: Lawless zonesNEW
- C.1083: CalamityNEW
- C.1082: CheckpointNEW
- C.1081: Sore cheeksNEW
- C.1080: CuteNEW
- C.1079: CuntNEW
- C.1078: AnnouncementNEW
- C.1077: AnythingNEW
- C.1076: Nott Station
- C.1075: Permission
- C.1074: Routes
- C.1073: Underground lab
- C.1072: Weight
- C.1071: Third
- C.1070: Buried
- C.1069: Colony
- C.1068: Mercy
- C.1067: Graveyard
- C.1066: Grudge
- C.1065: Engine
- C.1064: Connecting dots
- C.1063: Remains
- C.1062: Desert
- C.1061: Logbook
- C.1060: Last directives
- C.1059: Self-preservation
- C.1058: No more
- C.1057: Break up
- C.1056: Leaving
- C.1055: Answer
- C.1054: Hostages
- C.1053: Words
- C.1052: Goal
- C.1051: Impaled
- C.1050: Expendable
- C.1049: Self-preservation
- C.1048: Debilitating
- C.1047: Concern
- C.1046: Box
- C.1044: Flare
- C.1043: Bullet
- C.1042: Bloodlust
- C.1041: Charged
- C.1040: Call
- C.1039: Life
- C.1038: Contingency
- C.1037: Tree
- C.1036: Kill
- C.1035: Brother
- C.1034: Shame
- C.1032: Worth
- C.1031: Planning
- C.1030: Prince
- C.1029: Slap
- C.1028: Burnt umber
- C.1027: Stepping away
- C.1026: Invitation
- C.1025: Orders
- C.1024: My Lord
- C.1023: Critical point
- C.1022: Escalation
- C.1021: Silver crown Prev
- C.1020: Virtue
- C.1019: Banquet
- C.1018: Lord Special Emissary
- C.1017: War
- C.1016: Headpats
- C.1015: Rules
- C.1014: Lightning bolt
- C.1013: Artificial star
- C.1012: Purity
- C.1011: Conviction
- C.1010: Last option
- C.1009: Dismay
- C.1008: Blue
- C.1007: Madman
- C.1006: Open arena
- C.1005: Emotional
- C.1004: Mission
- C.1003: Chaotic second
- C.1002: Soft
- C.1001 Royal Court
- C.1000: Zedekiel
- C.999: Capital
- C.12 - Evaluation
- C.11 - Test
- C.10 - Enlisting
- C.9 - Truck
- C.8 - Training
- C.7 - Jail
- C.6 - Soldier
- C.5 - Mess
- C.4 - Shovel
- C.3 - Threat
- C.2 - Mines
- C.1 - Nightmare