MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 142 Problem of the century? Down (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 142 Century problem? Down (2 in 1)


  James sighed a bit bitterly. He thought that Robert Kennedy, who was also a politician and held an important position in the US government, would be more intelligent and flexible.

  Mr. Steward brought a pot of new tea, which was brewed from an ancient tea mountain in the east that produced only a few catties of top-quality tea a year, and the water was said to come from the top of the Himalayan snow mountain.

  The daily expenses and quality of life of the Howlett family can no longer be simply measured by money and materials.

  Mr. Kennedy wanted to be courteous and pour tea for James himself.

   But the elegant, slightly gray temple Mr. Housekeeper refused him without a trace, and skillfully performed an action ceremony with a certain unique rhythm and charm, and poured half a glass for the two of them one by one.

   "Try it. Only a few people in the East can drink this kind of tea. You can also be regarded as the 'President' now, and your status is worthy."

  Kennedy picked up the lavender, fine-textured small teacup, and drank it in one gulp.

   I can't say good or bad, I just feel a long and simple breath that I have never felt before in the taste buds in my mouth.

   "Tell me, are you worried that your child will be a mutant in the future."

  Robert nodded deeply. What he and his brother John Kennedy were most worried about was whether their children would inherit such "bad luck" in the future.

  Mr. Butler stood by and poured the second cup of tea for the two without any trace. Although he was always with him not far away, Kennedy always ignored his existence strangely.

   James was not in a hurry to drink the second cup, and continued:

   "So does any ordinary American citizen have this kind of worry?"

   "Yes, Ken will."

  Kennedy seemed to have a clue. He subconsciously picked up the teacup and drank it down, but he forgot to savor it carefully, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

   "So we only need to solve this 'concern'. As for dealing with the possible harm of mutants or supernatural power individuals to ordinary society in the future—"

  James drank the second cup, regurgitating the taste in his mouth, and waited for the old butler to refill the tea again, and finally said:

   "It's like using professionally trained professional special police to deal with supermarket robbers who touch their guns for the first time, and finally regularize the disorderly violence scattered outside."

  Mr. Robert Kennedy carefully sipped the third cup in his mouth this time, allowing this small sip of tea to stay in his mouth for a long time, and his eyes became brighter as he thought about it in his mind.

   "There will be someone to help you, and the Howlett Group will fully promote the follow-up plan. You just need to cooperate as much as possible through the identity and power of the president. The specific details and operations will wait for you to officially take office. Everything will start to lay."

   James leaned back on the sofa relaxed, as if he had finished speaking.

  After drinking three cups of tea, Kennedy had expected that Mr. Butler would have another cup of tea. It can be seen that he leaned over to remove the tea set, and Mr. Howlett also looked uninterested, and took the initiative to leave.

  A moment later, Emma walked downstairs wearing a pure white silk nightgown, and came to James gracefully, and relayed what Peggy called to ask just now.

"Let's go according to the federal judicial system. There is no need for special treatment. The Hydera scientists under Hoover are basically Zola's former colleagues. Let him go for a visit, and recruit those who have seen it and are willing to come and do things. correct-"

  James stroked Emma's white and slender thighs, and suddenly thought of someone.

   "It turned out that the young man who followed Professor Xavier, I heard that he made the brain wave device, and he is also a mutant, it is worth getting in touch with, let Raven go."

  James Howlett, who has lived for more than 150 years as a man in two lifetimes, often thinks about it.

  In this world, the main theme of mutants is always the entanglement and hostility with human beings, but no one has ever seen through it, and no one has his current energy and power to solve this so-called almost unsolvable "century problem".

  For James, if he can’t even take care of the land where he lives, how can he be qualified?

  Looking at the galaxy.

  A townhouse on the west side of Black Street in Manhattan, New York.

  Charles Xavier put the leather mask that Revan brought back from a certain tribe in Africa three years ago, and put it in a packing carton containing all kinds of trinkets or ornaments he liked.

  Looking at the wild and simple mask with fangs and apes, Charles was stunned for a while, and continued to pack the luggage in the room.

  The door at the end of the porch was open, and Raven transformed into his favorite sweetheart girl, wearing a checkered shirt, tiptoed between the gaps in the aisle full of cardboard boxes, and walked in dodgingly.

   "Do you really want to move out? The West Chester mansion is even more empty, you are alone"

  Ruiwen leaned against the edge of the solid wood porch, tilted his head and murmured cutely.

   "This place was originally used to be closer to work. I will no longer hold a teaching position in the university, and you will rarely come back. Let's go back to the old house. It has lost popularity since my father passed away."

  Charles stacked a bunch of bound tome books on one side, straightened them out and fell down, his long dark hair was thinned out a lot, and his scalp could be seen in strands.

  Revan suggested that he should simply cut it short or shave it off, but Charles was obsessed with it.

   "Look at you. You refused to move with me, but you should take the initiative with Miss Mora. She is not young anymore. If this continues, it will be too late for you to regret it."

  Charles saw Raven purse his small mouth, and the mother-in-law and mother were chanting, exhaled with his hips on his hips, and smiled.

   "What's the matter with me moving to Mr. Howlett? If you and Asazo get angry and quarrel in the future, there will always be a place to go."

   "Tch! That's why he was kicked out. Dad won't allow him to make me angry."

   Raven couldn't help holding Charles' head in both hands, and said earnestly:

   "Don't suppress yourself too much, Darwin and their culprits have already paid the price, you have to look forward—"

   Beep beep!

  There was the sound of a car horn outside the door, Charles turned his head and glanced, reassured Raven, and then came outside the door to say hello to Ms. Maura MacTaggart, who came to help Charles move today.

  S.H.I.E.L.D. has undergone major personnel changes and structural adjustments. The original Institute of Mutant Forces was abolished. It is said that a separate agency will be established to deal with mutant affairs.

Howard Stark was proved to have been framed by Edgar Hoover, and he was exonerated from the crime of treason for selling weapons and prohibited materials to hostile forces, and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. director.

Mr. Michael Hals, the person in charge of the original mutant power institute, was also promoted to one of the directors of S.H.I.E.L.D. There is also a Ms. Peggy Rogers, who is said to be Mr. Stark's "old comrade" during World War II. The final three-person executive board of directors was formed.

   In addition to the research of strategic technology, the reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D. is temporarily limited to extraordinary affairs cases and intelligence investigations inside and outside the United States, and no longer has the functions and authority of any powerful armed department above the size of a squad.

  Charles was sitting in the co-pilot of Agent Mora, chatting with her about her new immediate boss, the legendary Ms. Peggy, while looking sideways at the Black neighborhood that was often passed by on foot from time to time.

  The largest townhouse, No. 177, Charles has always hoped to have the opportunity to visit, where people who look like monks often come and go.

  Especially, he could feel some solid, deep and gentle spiritual power lingering around the whole villa, which made Charles suspect that there might really be a "great monk" from the mysterious East.

   "You mean her husband is Captain Rogers? That Captain Rogers!"

Mora's eyes widened and she couldn't help turning her head to look at Charles. She almost bumped into an old-fashioned Mustang parked on the side of the road. Charles had dinner with them and met the legendary World War II hero Captain Steve Rogers Greatly horrified.

   "You, you don't know? Did I expose something, or"

  Charles looked at Mora in embarrassment. He accidentally mentioned the situation of having dinner at Howlett's old house that day, worried that this would reveal the identity of Captain Rogers, and hesitated whether to use some ability to cover it up.

  But since that day, Charles has hardly used his psychic abilities, and he tried to "forget" them far away.

   "That's not true. Mrs. Rogers mentioned her husband, but she didn't specifically mention it. I've always wondered why she looks too young compared to Mr. Stark, and she doesn't even look like a person of the same era."

  Professor Charles took care not to reveal any more things related to the Howlett family, although Raven mentioned that they will soon no longer need to keep a certain identity secret.

  But he still hopes to respect Mr. Howlett as much as possible and not cause him possible trouble.

  Although Charles knew that maybe there were no more troublesome things in this world for this gentleman.

   "Hey, it's my wife. Okay, I'll go back right away. Charles! I'm leaving first. Mrs. Rogers has a task to find me. I'll try your sandwich next time."

  Charles, who wanted to have a makeshift meal with Mora in the old house, put back half of the bread in frustration. He just took a bite when he heard someone calling his name outside the door.

   "Charles Zell, Dr. Xavier? Your letter."

Charles thanked the postman and opened the envelope with a strange expression. He has not been in touch with any friends for a long time, and no one knows that he will move to live in the old house in West Chester today. How could there be such a coincidental and timely letter? send it here.

   "World Gene and Genetics Research Forum Conference?"

  He muttered the name of the invitation event on the cover of the letterhead. Seeing that the date and venue of the seminar were set to be held at Rockefeller Center in New York tomorrow, he couldn't help but want to complain about the punctuality of the invitation letter from the organizer.

  But at the bottom, I saw the name of the conference organizer—Howlett Group.

   "Professor Bogard, according to your research, the gradual emergence of mutants with magical powers in the past two years will be an irreversible evolutionary trend for all human beings?"

  Wearing a coffee-colored suit, the hostess with short hair and short hair is intellectual, and one of the famous scholars in the field of genetics and genetic mutations with gray hair and beard is sitting on the stage, discussing the most important topics of this conference.

  Charles was a few minutes late, wearing a brown casual suit, leaned over and walked quickly to find his seat and sit down.

  Last night, I was busy tidying up the rooms of the old house until late, but finally compromised and planned to hire a few temporary workers to do it.

   Scanning the "luxury" venue, Charles reckoned that almost all the professionals, scholars and professors in related fields from all over the world, especially European and American countries, were invited to the venue.

   It seems that the financial resources of the Howlett Group did not give them any reason to refuse.

"...Yes, Ms. Swan, everyone here knows that the biggest discovery in the field of biological evolution and genetics in recent years—the X gene, is the root cause of the magical abilities of the special group of mutants, and this gene exists in every human being. in the genetic sequence of ordinary humans."

  ". That is to say, anyone can become a mutant. This probability is not affected by race, gender, and growth environment. It is an extremely fair but random genetic mutation."

  The hostess looked at another famous professor who was also in this field, seeing that he wanted to speak, she gracefully handed over the microphone.

   "I would like to emphasize the probability of X gene mutations. The earliest data that can be tested in the academic world comes from the 1940s. At that time, the probability of becoming a mutant was less than one in hundreds of thousands."

  “.Today, only after 20 years, this probability has increased dozens of times, reaching nearly one in ten thousand”

  The chubby professor with a big beard and a strong French accent talked like a bell, but Charles in the audience felt something was wrong the more he heard it, and even many scholars and doctors around him began to whisper about something.

".Deduced from the rigorous laws of genetics, in another 20 to 30 years, the proportion of mutants in the human population will be quite considerable. They will be ordinary passers-by we can see everywhere on the streets when we go out, even half a century later. , 'primitive' humans without any genetic mutations, are the real minority."

   "Let me add something!"

  The professor from France glanced at the smaller man beside him who looked much younger, and there was a sense of discord between the two.

  "I disagree with still using 'mutants' and 'humans' to describe each other with words that clearly imply strong racial distinctions. This is more ridiculous than we use colors to distinguish races!"

   "Gene mutation is the trend of species evolution in the new century, the general trend of all mankind, and the future of mankind. It should be called 'new human being' or 'evolutionary'."


   Sitting in the front row of Charles, a gentleman with a smooth skull crossed his arms and suddenly cursed:

   "Bogard, Lucas, and that Roy boy, they are so embarrassing! What nonsense are you talking here."

  Mr. Bald was sitting next to a plainly dressed young man with a good face. He pushed his black-rimmed glasses and asked curiously:

   "Sir, I am a reporter who came to report on this conference. I don't know why you said that. Could you explain it to me in detail? Sorry, I do have limited professional knowledge in this area."

  The tall, bald man with an angry expression sighed, shook his head in doubt, and complained irritably.

   "I really don't know what the three of them are fascinated by. They are the most influential professors and scholars in this field. How could they put forward such ridiculous views in front of their peers."

   "They're all wrong?"

  The gentleman who claimed to be a reporter took out his notebook and began to record with great interest.

   "It can't be said that it is completely wrong. The X gene does exist in everyone's genetic sequence, but they over exaggerate the probability of mutation, seriously inflating the possible size of mutants, and distorting the logical process of gene mutation."

  The man elaborated rigorously with an academic style, while the reporter on one side nodded frequently and scratched the tip of the ballpoint pen from time to time.

". Dr. Lucas and Dr. Roy also secretly changed the concept, the mutation probability of becoming a mutant must be limited, but they described this special event that will always exist in a minority group to describe the evolution of the entire human population evolution"

  The professor became more and more excited as he talked, and finally concluded sonorously:

   "They are fabricating the 'Mutant's Darwinian Evolution Theory' out of thin air!"

   "Mr. Great, what you said is very good. Would you mind leaving your name and contact information? I hope to have an exclusive interview with you. To tell you the truth, our company's interview allowance is still very considerable."

  Mr. reporter paused his pen, his tone and demeanor made people feel refreshed, and soon chatted with this doctor of biological genetic evolution.

  The two even got up and left their seats together, discussing where to go for a cup of coffee, and then chatted in detail.

Professor Charles Xavier, who was sitting in the back, witnessed the interaction between the two. Looking at the man who claimed to be a reporter, he felt more and more familiar and weird. His speech style was more like what he had seen in S.H.I.E.L.D. those agents.

   After hesitating for a while, Charles still couldn't help rubbing his temples, and looked at the back of the reporter's head who had just walked away a few steps.

   A few seconds later, the professor slowly let go of his hand with stiff brows, brushed his hair habitually with a complicated expression, and hurriedly stopped.

  He finally understood what Mr. Howlett was going to do.

   "What do you think of this method?"

  James suddenly appeared and sat in the vacant seat next to Charles. He had half-length black hair flowing, was tall and burly, dressed in an elegant sky blue handmade suit, holding a briefing of the conference process in his hand.

   "You are telling a big lie."

  Charles muttered, still speaking his mind, seeing Mr. Howlett still gentle and indifferent, he continued:

"Spread out the concept that every human being will become a mutant, then package and whitewash it, exaggerate the image and significance of mutants, and lead people all over the United States and even the world to believe that they, or their descendants, will one day become mutants. Mr. , your pattern is really."

   James casually flipped through the briefing he received when he entered the venue.

  This time, the biological gene evolution field forum conference, relying on Howlett Group's first-class round-trip flights, five-star hotels, and even expensive cash subsidies, almost swept away professionals in all related fields around the world.

  This is also James' consistent strategy for "fishing". Sprinkle enough bait to see which fish loves to take the lead.

   "Isn't it good? Don't divide each other, don't engage in any more racial antagonism, you have me, I have you, completely eliminate the root of mutual hatred between humans and mutants."

  Charles’ big eyes flashed, and he said seriously:

   "What about the doubters? This matter is full of loopholes in the eyes of those who understand the relevant knowledge. What are you going to do, record all scholars and doctors like the gentleman just now, and then murder them to silence them!"

  James couldn't help shaking his head with a smile. Charles had always been inexplicably afraid of the long and pointed canines that this gentleman showed when he laughed, and he said calmly:

"No, I believe that the vast majority of people prefer U.S. dollars to dying in a corner on the way to work for no reason. The scholars attending the conference today will have special personnel responsible for tracking and contacting them. They will become the right ones. The gentleman just summarized Very accurate 'Darwinian evolution of mutants'."

"They will be the pioneers of this concept, the rewards will be so high that no one can refuse, and in the end, the uncooperative and stubborn warriors who try to promote the so-called 'truth', yes, I will let them disappear in this World."

  As a scholar and scientist, Charles Xavier, like many similar people, has the basic academic ethics of seeking the truth of things and respecting the truth. He instinctively rejects James Howlett's grandiose "stupid policy".

  Professor Charles can't deny that Mr. Howlett is the only one who thinks of this level of joints, and more importantly, possesses the courage and energy to complete this deceitful act.


  James turned sideways slightly, and suddenly called Professor Charles' name with some emotion, instead of addressing Professor Charles or his surname as politely as in the past.

   "Today's mutants are still very limited in size. Due to the limitation of vision, you can't see the deeper source behind this so-called 'race' confrontation, which is a class and confrontation."

   "Order and?"

  Professor Charles blinked. Scholars in the science direction are more accustomed to thinking about problems through data and rigorous logic.

  "The rank and architectural structure of human beings are determined by productivity. Those who climb the pyramid must ensure that they always occupy the vast majority of material resources and production materials, and guarantee their rank and interests."

".So make sure that the people behind can't walk up this ladder, build a complete social operation system, and let people go around in this maze steadily and continuously, and can't find a way to jump out. But the mutants, In other words, the appearance of all extraordinary life individuals has seriously broken the power system in this mortal world."

  Charles Xavier looked at Mr. Howlett with a calm expression, and in a few words, he explained the essential logic of human society, and also broke the limited thinking pattern in his mind.

  “.Because of our appearance, the world will turn upside down and enter another new mode of distribution of power and benefits, that is—respect power!”

  James stood up and looked down at Charles, who was still too young. His handsome face, which was always young, revealed an indescribable desolation, and finally said vaguely:

   "You just said that I was telling the world a big lie. Charles, the biggest lie in the world is called—"


   Normal chapter reviews, book reviews, character cards, etc. should be restored soon.

   Here to answer some of the questions you have seen from the background recently,

   Panpan didn't delete any comments. It's because of the special period, and many book friends are still asking about it.

   Another thing is to ask if there are any old books in Panpan. There really aren’t any. It’s the first time I’m writing a book, and it’s not from an outstation or an old author’s vest. Maybe new readers don’t know much about it.

   Mmm. Just sauce, I love everyone!



  (end of this chapter)