MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 143 wolf girl

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  Chapter 143 Wolf Girl

"... Next is Texas, Ohio, and finally Alaska! God! Although the result is no longer in suspense, the Democratic candidate, Robert Kennedy, still got more than 80% of the votes in the last three states. Rate!"

  “In the past presidential elections of the United States since the founding of the United States, no one has ever won. My God! The final data is 87.45%”

  In every state, city, county or small town in the United States, almost every household’s TV or radio is watching the results of the 37th President’s election, and the voice of the host on the screen continues to broadcast excitedly and loudly.

".Mr. Robert Kennedy, who served as the Attorney General during the former President John F. Kennedy and the current Vice President, officially declared to be the thirty-seventh President of the United States of America. His predecessor, Lyndon Johnson, became the shortest serving President in history. "

  This term of the American presidential election has achieved the highest voting participation among citizens in the history of the country.

  John Kennedy, who was shot to death, was already deeply loved by the American people. In addition, the catastrophe of the "Lightless Night" brought an indescribable blow to the country's national and institutional self-confidence.

  Americans who are in depression and fear believe that only the former president's brother Robert can carry a special force of tragedy and bring new light to this country.

  James, Emma, ​​Eric, Steve and his wife, Bucky and others were all sitting in the living room of Howlett's old house, watching the live broadcast of Robert Kennedy's election oath and speech on the TV.

  He was holding a newborn baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in his arms. It looked like it was only a few months old. The light brown hair was already a little thick, the eyebrows and eyes were like Eric, and the facial features were more like her mother.

  The little guy grinned, his eyes bent into crescents, and he looked at James with a smile, while shaking his fleshy little hands.

   "Anya! Little Anya!"

  James is not interested in the speech on TV. The new President Kennedy is speaking extremely inspiring words, and promises to the American people that he will be a "fire thief",

  In the boundless night, climb up the cliff and rekindle the fire of hope of the Statue of Liberty.

   "Anya has never cried once in her husband's arms. Eric and I are often disturbed by her at night these days and cannot sleep."

  Mrs. Magda Lanshel stood behind the sofa where James was sitting, gently watching her daughter Anya Lanshel's round eyes blinking at the man in front of her, giggling and laughing from time to time.

  Anja is the name James chose for the first third-generation member of the Howlett family. James is also happy that Steve and Peggy also have good news in this regard.

   "Why is little Anya so noisy, isn't she a little girl!"

   After hugging for a while, James kissed her little cheek, and finally handed the baby back to her mother.

  He got up and held Emma's hand, as well as the Rogers couple, Eric and Raven held each other one by one, and finally Asazzo held James' shoulders, and everyone disappeared in a flash.

  Washington White House Rotunda.

  Robert Kennedy, who had just finished his first official speech as the president of the United States, withdrew the campaign team who wanted to celebrate with him, and sat alone in the round hall of the White House thinking about what to wait for.

After a while, a large cloud of black and red smoke suddenly rose in the air. Although they were both mutants, Kennedy still couldn't hide his shock and excitement when he saw James and the Howlett family flashing into the presidential office. The fear in the depths of consciousness.

  “.At present, the proportion of mutants in society is still very limited, and the related problems caused by unrestrained mutant forces are still an exception, but the platform must be set up first.”

  Everyone sat together in the presidential rotunda office. Emma used a mental barrier to disperse anyone who might approach the office, and listened to James arrange some arrangements and ideas for dealing with mutants and supernatural forces in the future.

  Mr. President refused to sit at his desk, but squeezed on the sofa with Steve, leaving the chair that symbolized the highest power in the United States empty.

  “Starting from the most basic schools, transfer the awakened mutant teenagers to professional mutant schools. In addition to basic cultural knowledge, learn and master the power of mutations and regulate their moral concepts.”

   "At the same time, we will start to establish violence and supervision agencies to deal with supernatural forces, as well as super prisons. The above aspects will be done by the Howlett Group. The government will provide financial support from the country, and there will be relevant policy green lights."

   James waved his hand casually, vaguely feeling that the sofa in the White House was not as comfortable as his old house, and finally said:

   ". You and Emma will discuss these in detail later. The group will also release some cutting-edge new technologies and equipment products in various fields to help America further lead the world."

  President Kennedy nodded silently. He knew that from now on, in addition to the traditional security forces and armed forces in this country, all control and authority involving extraordinary forces will be in the hands of the Howlett family.

  And they will use this to take root in the government's power and financial depths, and further grab the country's resources and strength.

  No matter which side the successor president is on, he cannot shake the established James Howlett.

   "Professor Charles is very suitable to be a teacher."

  Emma said with a smile, looking at James who was sitting alone at the top, she felt that it was possible to hand over matters related to the education of mutants to this professional counterpart, Mr. Professor.

"never mind."

  James shook his head slightly, took the gin poured for him by Mr. President, and said calmly:

   "It's best not to touch Charles on education. His character will have a more suitable position in the future, if he wants to."

   In addition to Mrs. Peggy Rogers, the Howlett family has entered the newly reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D., and Eric, Steve, Bucky and others will also make arrangements one after another.

Emma and Raven will enter the White House in the first few years after Robert Kennedy took office as aides or secretaries, helping him arrange the concept awareness of "new human beings", the popularization of thoughts, and the initial establishment of institutions related to dealing with supernatural forces .

  The accumulated arrangement of the Howlett family for a hundred years is finally coming to fruition.

   "Three dollars and fifteen cents, here's your change."

   "The Siren" Sean Cassidy was not ultimately prosecuted.

  Hundreds of New York citizens who claimed that their hearing was ruined by Sean's high-frequency sound waves chose to settle it privately under the intervention of a powerful organization group and the government.

However, only a few of these people suffered from permanent hearing loss. After professional medical examination, most of them had only temporary tinnitus and perforation of the eardrum, which finally died down after receiving a large amount of compensation. .

  Through the investigation of the American government, it finally became clear that the citizens, including those who sued Charles Xavier, had been instigated by some kind of agitation and interests, and the final source all pointed to the former FBI that had just been dismantled.

  Charles approached Hank, Sean and others one by one afterwards, and they sat there silently more often, and "angel" Salvador never met Charles again, and left New York alone, not knowing where he was going.

Sean sat bored on the small stool under the cash register in the afternoon. This was a neighborhood convenience store opened with part of his mother's savings and a sum of compensation received by Sean himself. It was not far from home, but the business few.

At that time, being an "X-Men" made him a big hit among the nearby neighbors, but as things quickly took a turn for the worse, his whole family became the most unpopular person on the street family.

  Sean took off the Yankees baseball cap on his head, shook his fluffy and curly red hair, he turned on the small TV set on the counter, and changed channels boredly.

   Within a few months after the new president was elected, he made several drastic "earth-shattering" events, withdrawing troops from the Vietnam War, and completely freed the United States from the quagmire of the Vietnam War.

   Establish exchanges with the big countries in the East, try to eliminate the consciousness of bipolar confrontation, give up part of the cake, and try to seek cooperation instead of traditional American hegemony.

  The U.S. Congress and the judicial system have unprecedentedly supported the decision of this Mr. President, and the state of prohibition in the entire country is very similar to the era of President Roosevelt when power was unprecedentedly concentrated during World War II.

   啪, 啪, 啪. "Variant", 啪.

  Sean pressed the channel switching button repeatedly, and when he heard a familiar word suddenly flashed on a certain station, he subconsciously pressed it back.

  On the TV, a well-known male host of a popular program is discussing mutants with a bald, thin and tall professor of genetic evolution and mutation at a certain university.

".Professor Baines, the crash in New York last year made the public aware of the concept of so-called mutants, but the subsequent social resistance and resistance to them overshadowed the 'X-Men' who saved the entire plane at that time. What do you think of this heroic act?"

   At the World Genetics and Genetics Research Forum Conference, he denounced several academic colleagues, and Professor Baines with a bright skull spoke eloquently:

"This is a kind of confusion and instinctive fear of the unknown. Of course I can understand it from a human point of view. It is like the first time humans realized that the earth is round and life is constantly evolving. New things will definitely bring us Come for a brief pain."

   Sean took a few steps back, sat on the stool and continued to watch in silence.

   "You mean, the existence of mutants will be... a part of the truth just like 'heliocentric theory' and 'evolution theory'?"

  The host looked at Professor Baines in surprise. His words seemed like people questioned and were hostile to the existence of mutants, just like the once-decayed medieval church discredited Copernicus’ heliocentric theory and refused to admit the existence of truth.

"Hehe, Tim, the word truth is too difficult to measure. The so-called truth of human beings is still very limited, and the topic is a bit far away, but the situation of mutants is very clear, and it has been proved by rigorous scientific deduction and research. "

  Professor Baines smiled and changed his posture, and continued to speak seriously:

"Let's keep using the title of mutant for now, although I think 'new human' would be more appropriate, maybe today you will be afraid that there will be a mutant who will discharge by your side, but have you ever thought about Tim? You have awakened a similar magical ability in a few days, how should you deal with yourself at that time?"

Thousands of miles away in New Mexico, a Mexican restaurant hung a TV under the ceiling, and it was also playing this program. A petite, dark-skinned waitress stared blankly at the TV screen, even forgetting herself Going to serve the guests.

   "El Salvador!"

"Angel" Miss Salvador was startled. After being shouted by the fat Mexican boss, she hurried to the back kitchen to do some work. During the back and forth delivery of meals, she was still paying attention to the conversation between the host and the geneticist on the TV show. .

"The mutation of the .X gene is an evolutionary tide sweeping all mankind. The probability of mutation in our generation is still relatively small, but your child, my child, and our child's child will one day become a so-called 'mutant' '."

  Baines raised his hands in a serious but slightly teasing manner, and hooked his fingers like scissors.

"When you realize this, do you choose to prepare for the arrival of these miraculous beings in advance and give them a safer and better living environment, or to label them with hatred and hatred and let them be tortured at birth? The raging malice of this world?"

  The audience and the host at the scene all pursed their mouths tightly in horror, and even several parents who led their seven or eight-year-old children subconsciously looked at their babies.

  The camera also gave these cute and beautiful teenagers a big and long-lasting close-up at this moment, focusing on their innocent big eyes that seem to understand everything the adults say.

"...Soon! Tim, the American government will be at the forefront of the world, providing comprehensive educational guidance, job recommendations, legal systems and protection policies for mutants, so that new humans who have entered the gate of evolution first, will be able to survive in the future. To give back to the society better, this is for the sake of our next generation and the future of mankind!"

  Sean and Salvador are silently watching the TV in a corner of a city in the United States, and there are more unknown places in this country and even in the world.

  Those mutants who are afraid to show up in front of people because they have certain special organs and have certain powers often cause big troubles,

  The pupils of their eyes staring at the TV screen seemed to be ignited with a look of confusion and expectation that had never been seen in this life.

  Like a single spark, a huge wave of the new era of human evolution has emerged throughout the United States, and even in Europe and America. Terms such as "gene mutation" and "new human" have become the most lively topics in the media and on the streets.

  When the idea that everyone may undergo mutation evolution, or that their descendants will definitely become mutants in the near future, is spread by a viral flood.

   More and more slogans such as "I'm a mutation, I'm proud!"

  Many newly emerging special drugs for intractable diseases and incurable diseases all claim to be a huge breakthrough brought about by studying the mutation power and genes of mutants.

   There are many more examples, such as mutants rescuing a woman trapped in a fire, a child who was almost hit by a car, and various examples of escaping accidents in a factory, which are constantly being widely publicized.

  Of course, there are still voices of doubt or even opposition from some countries and regions.

   Except for the United States, which has gradually begun to endorse mutants from the government level, other western countries have only raised awareness trends in society, and the government officials have not expressed their position or participation for the time being, and take a wait-and-see attitude.

   Some obvious voices of doubt that often appear will be silently and quickly dissipated.

  And all countries and organizations that clearly oppose this point of view have been crowned by the United States with loud and heavy hats such as "no one is perfect", "no freedom", and "racial oppression".

  The Statue of Liberty once again raised the banner of "Freedom to Sip the Lord"!

  In the winter of 1970, Sequoia Cemetery in Saxony, Germany.

   On a thick basalt tombstone as tall as a person, such a passage is engraved.

"Here sleeps a great man who has made great contributions to the peace of mankind and the progress of life sciences. What he will eventually remain in the minds of those who love him is not only his integrity, wisdom and persistence, but also his eternal tender heart. "

   "Tomb of Abraham Erskine, 1892-1970."

  James Howlett and all important members of the family, all dressed in black suits and coats, and sunglasses, solemnly buried Dr. Erskine in his hometown, Saxony, Germany.

   There are also the remains of Dr. Erskine's family members who died during World War II, buried with him.

  In the frosty and desolate vast cemetery, leaden gray clouds are thickly covering the top of the head. Except for the Howlett family members standing solemnly and silently mourning Dr. Erskine, there is no one left here.

  The Rogers walked quietly and slowly, leading their six-year-old daughter Sharon, the founder of "Super Soldier Serum" and the founder of the research on supernatural life individual power, and even their most important friend and elder.

   Sprinkle the first coffin soil.

  Sharon Rogers' soft blond hair was neatly combed back, wearing an exquisite little black dress, with sad red eyes.

Next to him was Anya Lanshere, who was about a year older, dressed in exactly the same way, hugging Sharon to comfort her like a little adult, with a few birds flying from nowhere on her shoulders, chirping and rubbing against Anya's face.

The two pink and jade-carved little girls were extremely fond of James and the entire Howlett family, and the little blue guy who was just over two months old in Raven's arms turned into a ball with a puff Light blue smoke and dust flashed into the air more than one meter away from Raven.

   "Kurt! Really, the road is not going to go, just like your father loves to run around."

  The red-haired and blue-skinned Raven quickly caught his son who was trying to "escape" from his arms.

With helpless and maternal doting eyes, she looked at her blue-blue son with pointed ears and blue skin. He only had three fingers on each hand that were thicker and longer than ordinary babies, and there was a thin and naughty tail behind him. Drilling around.

  Kurt Howlett inherited the abilities of his father Asazo and the skin color and appearance of his mother Revan, but the obviously long and pointed ears and special fingers belong to unknown mutations.

  Little Kurt's natural teleportation power makes him often unable to control himself, and sometimes he will teleport one or two meters away with a small sneeze, but now his strength is still very weak, and he can't run too far.

Emma was wearing a loose black long dress, caressing her high swollen belly, she looked at Anya and Sharon with a smile, and together with Raven teased little Howlett, imagining that she and James were very close What will the child who will be born soon look like?

  The unintentional playfulness of the little "Blue Devil" dilutes the tranquility and solemnity of the moment. Westerners' culture takes death very lightly, and they often bid farewell to relatives and friends who have passed away peacefully.

  Asazuo chuckled triumphantly, the corners of his mouth raised high.

  The lines on his skin have changed a lot, more complex and gorgeous, with a natural complex beauty, the long tail is thicker, and the tip of the tail is like a short knife, which is much wider than the previous spike-like ferocious.

  From the current point of view, his son Kurt has inherited his size and ability, which makes him feel a little "proud" and his wife Raven complains a lot about it.

"Let's go back."

  James held Emma's arm, and was not in a hurry to let Asazzo take everyone back to the old house. He led the crowd slowly outside, strolling in the empty and quiet Sequoia Cemetery.

"In recent years, the proportion of mutants among young people has increased significantly. Extraordinary academies in various states have to start considering expansion. I plan to establish another top-level academies that only cater to mutants with sufficient potential. You will be the principal, so that there will be no future. It’s too hard, and I can spend more time with my children.”

  Emma was walking slowly in James' arms, holding her belly happily. In addition to being busy with the laying of mutant affairs in the past few years, she was working hard for the baby in her belly.

  Emma's face remains unchanged, but her figure is quite plump, full of mature and beautiful charm. The diamond incarnation seems to lock the aging of the body, and maybe after breaking through the secondary mutation, there will be further improvements.

"The effect of the evolution technique is very good. The children who have mutated now rely on the learning and control in the Extraordinary Academy, and rarely cause negative effects in society. As the number of mutants continues to increase, they will all become members of the regional academies in the future." teacher."

  Emma and James chatted softly. The work was the hardest at the beginning. They could only personally train the newly emerged mutants to practice evolution one-on-one like James did back then. After gradually becoming a system, it became much easier.

  She also hopes to have more time to focus on her ability breakthrough. Like Eric, it is extremely difficult for the top mutant talents to go further to reach the second level of evolution.

After so many years, Azazuo was at the wolf's nest base two years ago, relying on long-term experience and comprehension with the Rubik's Cube in the universe, he further improved the power of space, found his own "power source point", and reached the secondary mutation.


  Eric looks more mature and handsome, and the sense of oppression on his body is a bit like James. He pondered and said seriously:

   "I want to retreat to the magnetic poles of the earth, feel the power of the planet's magnetic field, and see if I can go further."

  James turned around to look at Mrs. Lansere and Anya, and asked softly, "Have you figured it out? This way you may not see each other several times a year."

   "Think about it, anyway, Rubik's Cube-powered planes are very convenient, I will spend enough time with them every year, and don't—"


   Emma suddenly clutched her stomach, her legs softened and she almost sat down, but James held her body firmly.

   "James seems to be giving birth"

  The tension on Mrs. Howlett's face was far greater than the constant pain in her stomach.

  Asazuo stepped forward, and a black-red light flashed in the air in his hand, splitting a space portal with a boundary of glowing light, and the other end was the scene of the bedroom of Howlett's old house.

  James picked up Emma and rushed over, and everyone hurriedly followed in turn. Peggy, Magda, and Raven, three experienced women, quickly got ready in the room.

  With Emma's physical condition, childbirth, a major event that ordinary people are extremely afraid of, can be easily resolved at home.

   Except for James and a few women, everyone else went outside to wait.

  No matter how long he has lived, when he watched Emma unable to restrain his strength from time to time, his face and arms turned into diamond shapes one after another,

  James could hardly control the movement of Qi and blood, his heart was beating like a drum.


   "Wow! Whoa"

  A burst of unusually loud crying finally came, and he stepped forward to cut off the baby's umbilical cord himself, panicking with Peggy, Raven took care of Emma who was panting heavily, and cleaned up his first child connected by blood.

   is a daughter, not light, with ugly wrinkled faces, wet black lanugo on her head, and a vaguely recognizable outline that looks very much like James.

   James, who didn't know how to deal with himself for a while, stared blankly at the little thing in his hand, and suddenly—


  The little guy's small fist, which still couldn't open his palm, trembled, and two small spikes a few centimeters long protruded from each of the fleshy finger bones.

   Those are a pair of small claws shining with bright diamond light.

   The new generation that appears are all characters that can be tested in film and television or comics, of course there are minor changes.

   As for the ones everyone is looking forward to, hey, it’s not yet time for them to be born.

   There are also some well-known mutants and characters born in this era, who will appear one by one.

   Pan Pan will launch a brand new Marvel world for everyone. What kind of sparks will the various characters in the future collide with due to such changes in the world?

   In fact, this volume has just begun, and it is far from the essence of the "Dynasty".

   I want to work hard! Love everyone!



  (end of this chapter)