MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 141 Problem of the century? Up (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 141 Century problem? Up (2 in 1)

  The weather in November and February in Canada is the most annoying.

  Sunny days, freezing rain, strong winds, and gloomy cloudy days make people puzzled forever, especially the huge temperature difference between morning and evening, so that people here have long developed a strong ability to resist low temperatures.

Charles Xavier was sitting in a side hall of Howlett’s old house, and the fireplace beside him was already burning firewood. Compared with his old West Chester house, this castle-style mansion is more simple, magnificent and full of legends The years of color precipitation.

  Beside him stood a hanging bottle, with a needle stuck in the back of his hand.

  The high-concentration nerve-controlling agent that had just been developed and had not yet undergone sufficient clinical testing made Charles unconscious for three days before waking up.

Emma's psychic power is not good at regulating and healing, but both Dr. Erskine and Arnim Zola of the Howlett family have done a lot of study and research on the structure of brain mutations in terms of mental and conscious abilities .

   This is the area of ​​variant mutation that they are most interested in.

   Relying on perfect medicine and spiritual power to recuperate, Professor Charles has hardly left any sequelae, and the strength of his brain and spirit is indeed extraordinary.

  But the reason why I say almost is because Charles has gradually discovered in the past two days.

  I started to show signs of hair loss.

  “.The hanging sentence is about to be carried out, and we can see Edgar Hoover has been escorted from the gate of the Supreme Court.”

  Charles's face has some color, unlike the haggard appearance when he first arrived,

  He was wearing an off-white sweater of unknown origin, watching the live broadcast on the TV without showing any emotion, just like watching the most boring TV commercial, only numbness and out-of-focus remained in his pupils.

   Hank McCoy's injury was brought to Howlett's old house and healed the next day. His physical potential is very high. According to Dr. Erskine, Hank probably didn't reach the full mutant mutation state at all.

As soon as Professor Charles woke up, he was eager to understand what happened that day. When he learned that the youngest "doubled" Wei Jieming had no bones left, and that he saw Darwin's current state in the underground palace of this castle-like mansion. appearance.

  He finally understood why Hank didn't wait for him to wake up before leaving without saying goodbye.

  Finally, Hoover in the live broadcast screen was hung on the gallows. With a "clang", his legs froze and he hung in mid-air.

  There was a red mosaic on the TV screen, and the words "Please do not let your children watch" were written in thick black fonts.

  Charles swallowed, and seemed to gain some momentum. After a while, he heard a series of footsteps upstairs, and many people came down the stairs.

   After a while, the crisp sound of a pair of ladies' high heels stepping on the floor got closer and closer to me.

"how do you feel."

  Emma Frost was wearing a black slim suit, which was relatively rare, and walked to Charles with a smile. The professor twitched the corners of his mouth unnaturally, and replied politely:

   "Not bad, thank you Ms. Frost."

   "Can you?"

  Emma raised her slender and white palm, asked Charles to gesture, and the latter nodded slightly, and thanked him again.

  She put her hand on Charles' forehead, like a doctor checking whether a patient has a fever, Emma closed her eyes slightly, and said relaxedly after a while:

   "No problem, Professor Xavier, just finish this bottle of drip. I have a few words I want to communicate with you first, if you don't feel too tired now."

   "Of course, ma'am."

  Emma sat gracefully sideways on the red sofa, which was one of James' favorite antique sofas.

  In order to keep its leather intact for nearly a hundred years, special craftsmen do maintenance every year, and even let the research institute invent the best leather care agent for this purpose.

   "My husband is very concerned about affection. Asazo was raised by him since he was a child, and he loves Ruiwen even more, so some things can only be said by me."

  Charles pursed his lips and nodded slightly, looking at the extremely beautiful, but somewhat handsome and arrogant woman in front of him, and continued to speak gently.

"The Howlett family doesn't care whether you stand with us or not. In many respects, I am ashamed of your spiritual strength, but we will not accept anyone's doubts or objections to the plans and arrangements we will carry out one after another. .”

  Emma calmly looked at Professor Charles with lowered eyes, her tone was always natural and gentle, and she asked politely at the end:

   "I don't know if Professor Xavier understands what I mean."

   "I understand ma'am, I have no interest in getting involved in any of these things anymore, just"

  Charles raised his head, his brows were clustered on his much thinner face, he seemed to muster up his last courage, and said with concern and sincerity.

"History tells us that violence, oppression, and intimidation can't change people's true thoughts by force. This country and even the world can succumb to it for a while, but as long as human beings always have beliefs that they don't agree with, they will rise up to resist one day. "

  Charles, who was more or less like a university professor, looked at Emma deeply and seriously, and there was even a bit of sadness in his words.

  "Maybe Mr. Howlett can create a moment of glory, but it is more likely that he will plant the seeds that will truly bury the future of mutants. There is no eternal dynasty, let alone an immortal empire."

  Emma's thick golden hair was **** in the back, and a few strands fell from her forehead. She stroked it behind her ears with a smile, her expression still calm.

"Mr. Professor, James once told me that Westerners like labeling too much. This is because their straightforward minds and poor culture like to delineate things as simply as possible, and it is difficult to understand the truth of 'chaos' and 'yin and yang' .”

   There was another burst of steady footsteps at the door of this side hall. Emma smiled and got up to meet her, leaving a last sentence.

   "Why do you always emphasize 'human beings' and 'mutants'?"

   "Professor Charles! I ordered Chinese food for dinner. I don't know if it suits your taste."

  James Howlett walked into the room with hearty strides, and Emma leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, leaving this place for the two of them.

   What Charles didn't expect was that this Mr. Howlett was always chatting about family affairs, asking more about his physical condition, eating habits, and daily trivial matters with Raven.

   "Mr Howlett"

  Charles Xavier finally took the initiative to bring up a new topic.

   "One thing you may not know is that President Kennedy's own brother, Robert, is also a mutant."

   James nodded thoughtfully, and thanked him politely.

"It's also the power of the mind. There is a huge difference between what you and Emma can do. Prepare to eat. There are many people in the family. Please take care of yourself later. If you want to go back to New York at night, you can tell Asazo .”

  During this dinner, Charles never said a few words. He just heard that the beautiful lady beside Eric who was pregnant with his child was actually a spy sent by Hoover to him.

   "Eat the sugar coating, and the shells will return!"

His colleague proudly recited the so-called "classic quotations" of his father at the dinner table, which caused everyone to laugh and scold. Eric knew Miss Magda Gurzki's identity as an agent early on, but the two got along well. In the process, I feel more and more true to each other.

   More importantly, Miss Magda is pregnant. After Dr. Erskine's test confirms, the identity of the female detective is not a problem, not to mention the current Howlett family, they will not care about such trivial matters.

  Charles also saw his childhood idol, Captain Rogers, who was more heroic and handsome than the image in the newspaper in his memory, and finally knew that his story had so many twists and turns and secrets.

  He saw the heroic and tyrant-like Mr. Howlett in his original imagination. He often joked like a sunny boy, and the Chinese tableware in his hand kept holding vegetables.

   Especially when he just picked up the cigar and sniffed it, but glanced at the lady next to Eric, and then silently put it away.

  Professor Charles used the chopsticks clumsily, and gradually understood why Raven relaxed and showed his true appearance here, and giggled confidently and cheerfully beside him.

  He still remembers that when he gave her cream cake for the first time when he was a child, Raven was so unscrupulous, twisting Lanlan's little head and making noise all day excitedly

  At this moment, thousands of miles away in Manhattan, New York.

  On the ruins of the SHIELD Mutation Force Research Institute, the engineering troops finally worked overtime overnight, removing tens of thousands of square meters of broken concrete stones and collapsed foundations.

   Especially the giant steel building structure that was twisted together like a waste paper ball was cleared out.

  In the past week, the government agencies and departments of the entire United States have been in a state of chaos. In particular, President Johnson has been busy forming a new cabinet team in the face of a large power gap after the "Lightless Night".

  Combined with the world-renowned "trial of the century", this piece of collapsed ruins has long been judged as no one stranded, and it has been delayed until today to deal with it.

  The armed personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D. who were knocked down by Emma's mind blast that day were also erased from that moment's memory at the same time.

  However, too many major events that happened that night had countless mistakes and omissions with the official notification, but they were all suppressed by the White House on the grounds of top state secrets.

   Except for Edgar Hoover himself, the FBI FBI, which has been almost above the entire federal intelligence and criminal agencies for decades, was quickly dismembered and scattered.

  A large number of high-ranking detectives who have a deep relationship with Hoover have been arrested by the judiciary, and will be assassinated for the **** coup d'état in the "Lightless Night", and they will bear the secondary responsibility of the party and the executor.

   "Hurry up, come on! There is still a living person here. God. What has happened to him."

  The staff driving the excavator manipulated the bucket and opened a huge concrete slab, revealing a large pothole inside, and there seemed to be something special inside.

He got off the machine and walked over the undulating gravel. Before he could see what was going on inside, there was an indescribable pungent smell, like the smell of corpses and swamp gas, which made the bearded driver cry. Rough retching.

It seems to be a collapsed basement below. A few thick and broken stone walls just staggered and poured out a space of four to five square meters. Inside, there is a man curled up who barely sees through the black and yellow stains. It can be seen that he is wearing an officer uniform. man.

  There are dark marks and stains of suspected stool everywhere. The man's face, especially around the dry and cracked mouth, seems to be covered with black and red mud, and it is lumped together with the stubble beard.

  The hair was greasy on the forehead, and the eyes were covered with secretions, which almost covered the eyes. The light of the searchlight shone on the man's face, and his tightly closed eyelids trembled slightly.

   "Fack. This guy."

  The man's right leg, from the knee to the tibia, was severely twisted. Beside him lay a stripped corpse. It was a small young man with short brown hair.

  The flesh of the chest and abdomen of the corpse had been cut open long ago, and a large piece of black and red rotted. It seemed that there were not many abdominal organs, and it was full of writhing yellow and white fat insects.

  There are strange tooth marks on the skin and flesh around the torso. Except for the face, which is still intact, the creepy appearance of other parts makes the sound of shaking and retching from time to time.

  After calling for medical assistance, the captain of the engineering team gathered around the pothole with a group of team members, murmuring:

   "My God, it's almost ten days, how can he survive? Is it eating?"

  Major William Stryker finally opened his eyes. He hadn't seen the light for many days, and his eyeballs hurt from the glare of the searchlight. His body trembled, his nose and eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

  He wanted to cry, but there was no excess bodily fluid for him to cry.

   "Major William Stryker? The former commander of the American special forces going to Vietnam, and now the project leader of the special team of the SHIELD Mutation Force Research Institute?"

  A middle-aged military officer wearing military police epaulets stood beside the intensive care bed and asked "concern" to Stryker who had just treated his leg injury.

"Yes, it's me"

  Major Stryker just woke up from a coma. He inserted the oxygen tube and murmured in response, and then suddenly seemed to be infused with some kind of vitality, struggling to scratch the edge of the hospital bed, and said eagerly:

   "Quick! Please help me contact Director Hoover immediately! I have important tasks and confidential information to report!"

  The officer frowned, pulled a stool aside and sat down, took out a handwriting pad from his arms, opened the ballpoint pen and asked with great interest:

   "How are you related to Edgar Hoover? Strictly speaking, you belong to the Department of the Army, and your current boss should be Michael Hals."

   "I don't have time to tell you this! Hurry up and contact me, Mr. Director, not everyone is qualified to ask about such a confidential task!"

  Strike's tone was harsh, but the volume was extremely low. In addition to severe dehydration these days, he lost more than 30 catties in weight, and his thin ribs stood out at a height of 1.8 meters.

  The officer shook his hand and closed the notebook, looked at the still young major with a half-smile, and said indifferently:

   "Hoover, I can't contact you for you. As for your confidential mission. Hehe, there will be qualified people to ask questions."

   "What do you mean? Sir, please wait, sir!"

  The gendarmerie officer simply got up and left, ignoring Stryker's hoarse yelling, the guard at the door walked in, fastened a pair of bright silver handcuffs, and tightly connected Major Stryker's wrist to the railing of the hospital bed.

  William Stryker kept screaming and roaring, and the handcuffs rattled when he bumped into it. A string of teardrops finally flowed from the corner of his eyes, moistening the tear glands that had been dry for a long time.

   A few days later.

  Robert Kennedy was sitting in a car and had just passed the carved iron gate in front of the mansion. Looking at the various tall trees along the way that had grown for more than half a century, he was slowly thinking about the amazing information brought by the lady.

He had actually heard of the Howlett Mansion on Long Island, New York. The Kennedy family is also one of the most powerful families in the United States with great political and business power. It is not the most mysterious Howlett family that is well-known among the upper class in the Western world. strangeness.

  But this oligarch group, which was originally low-key and faintly aloof in the capital world, has complicated ties to the recent "Dark Night" political upheaval, and even the real identity of that gentleman.

  Robert straightened his tie again, smoothed his dark brown half-length hair, and watched the car slowly stop in front of the mansion.

  Emma didn't plan to get up immediately and go down to accompany James to see Mr. Kennedy Jr. She was exhausted these two days, and she slumped on the bed and wanted to sleep more.

  Eric's "female spy" had a movement in her stomach, which made her very envious. She consulted with Dr. Erskine in private. The doctor believed that James' life essence had evolved to a level that no human or mutant had ever reached.

  Although it has nothing to do with the so-called "reproductive isolation", it is very common for powerful life forms or races to have difficulty giving birth to offspring.

   Can only rely on "planting trees frequently and fertilizing more".

  She watched James casually put on a white linen shirt and trousers, closed her eyes and burrowed deep into the bed, continuing to catch up on sleep.

   "I said, do you two brothers know each other is a mutant? Sigh! What are your skills? Where is President Kennedy?"

  Robert Kennedy restrainedly held a teacup and dealt with the red-skinned man sitting on the sofa beside him with his legs crossed. He moved his **** from time to time to keep his tail from being pressed.

Robert's age is less than forty years old, but his hairline is quite high, his hair is a little longer, and his forehead is covered with bangs in three to seven parts. He is not as tall and sunny as his brother John Kennedy. He always has a kind of smile The simple and honest sense of the ranch farmer.

   It's not very polite, but it's a bit rustic.

   "John. He doesn't know I am. He has a 'fish gill' under each of his ribs. He has been a good swimmer since he was a child, and his water skills are an exaggeration. My words."

  When Mr. Kennedy mentioned his brother, his face was gloomy and full of guilt.

  The two brothers grew up together, and the elder brother's physical mutation was abnormally obvious. Although his parents still gave him enough care and understanding, deep down in his heart, he would always regard himself as a deformity because of these two gills.

  Robert's ability did not bring about physical distortion. When he saw his brother's abnormality, he was even more afraid of showing his peculiarity. He watched John Kennedy suffer such pain and torture alone all his life.

  Assazo gestured to his stomach subconsciously, and moved closer curiously, listening to Mr. Kennedy continue:

   "I can control my shadow. How should I put it, the shadow is like my pair of remote-controlled eyes. As long as there is a shadow, I can send the shadow to see something within a short distance."

  Kennedy smiled embarrassingly. Because of this ability, he knew his brother's secret at a very young age, and because of this, he found out a lot of secret information at work, and he worked smoothly in the judicial system.

   But like Charles' telepathy, it's a very taboo power.

  Footsteps came from the stairs, Asazo scratched his scalp with the tip of his long tail, he frowned, and finally asked in doubt:

   "Are you sure your ability is shadow? If you can't interact with the shadow entity, the logic of this power doesn't make sense. I suggest you come to us to find Zola and study it later. Why do you look like the 'shaking vision' they say."

   "Dad! Let's chat."


   Seeing James coming downstairs, Azazzo no longer pestered Kennedy curiously, and disappeared into a cloud of smoke and dust.

  Mr. Kennedy got up quickly, his face flushed a little, and he bowed slightly in gratitude.

   "You're welcome, sit down."

  James shook his hand lightly, sat on the sofa and said directly:

   "I just found out about you and your brother's situation. If it could have been earlier... I would not let him die."

  Robert looked at the jade-like top marble floor, pursed his lips, and waited for the gentleman to continue.

  Through that Ms. Frost, he has basically learned the truth about the Hoover incident, and also learned part of the secrets about the Howlett family.

   It’s just that Robert Kennedy tried hard to control himself and not link the incident of “Dark Night” with this gentleman. Such methods and energy are beyond the scope of influence that the American capital oligarchs may have in reality.

"Johnson is an emergency successor to the presidency. If it weren't for you, I would let him run for the last term first, but then he will nominate you as vice president, wait until next year's election, and then withdraw voluntarily, and you will run as the Democratic candidate. "

  James picked up the cigar box from the mahogany table and saw Mr. Kennedy waved his hand to express his thanks. He rubbed the fine cigar energy on his fingertips, ignited it and continued while smoking:

   "You are still the Attorney General of the United States. The vice president and next year's election have nothing to worry about. You don't even need any operations. Relying on your brother's political legacy, you will be elected with a high number of votes in the end."

  Mr. Kennedy looked up at James nervously, and after a while, he finally said:

   "Mr. Howlett I."

   "Why, refuse to do it?"

  James breathed out a puff of smoke, calmly watching the embarrassment of the ex-president's younger brother who is also a mutant, but he was not surprised.

   "No I understand what you want, but... look at this country sir, we can't even fight for equality for blacks or other minorities, how can it be."

  “How can mutants, a brand-new race that is so special and even different from the essence of human life, obtain an aboveboard and even better living status! Mr. Howlett, I can’t do it.”

Robert shook his head bitterly. The "Awakening Project" proposal made by Senator Partridge some time ago made him sleepless for countless nights. In addition, the society brought about by Professor Charles Xavier's X-Men incident Influence.

  When he thinks about the attitude of humans in this country and even this planet towards mutants, he feels like he is sinking forever in the boundless dark deep sea

   Is it really possible for mutants to coexist peacefully with humans?

  (end of this chapter)