MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 96 The Fallen Witch in the Master-Apprentice's Love (1)

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Back to system space.

Bai Zhi was quite satisfied and nodded: "Well, very good, and the task of a world has been perfectly completed."

444: "..."

The light group shrank together and did not speak.

Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Why don't you like to talk anymore?"

444 used to be a chatterbox, and she talked a lot, especially when One Man Unity was just starting to bind, she wished she could complete the task on her own.

However, in the world that just passed, 444 rarely spoke, and shrank in a corner of her mind, extremely quiet.

Hearing this, 444 swallowed: "No, no..."

Bai Zhi frowned and looked at it, the gold-rimmed glasses seemed to glow with cold light: "If you have something to say, don't hesitate."

444 was about to cry, shivering: "The master just completed the world mission very well, and even the world peace has been completed! The master is great, the master is high!"


Scared it to death!

very scary!

In the world that just passed, 444 was worried about losing his life every day. Its owner was so scary, and it shivered with all the heads of state every day.

Compared with the time when it was just bound, one world after another passed, its owner became more and more powerful, and it became more and more frightening, and it continued like this...

Woohoo, 444 didn't dare to think about it.

Bai Zhi glanced at it meaningfully, and then said: "Okay, let the original owner come to score."

444 trembled and summoned the original owner.

Soon, Ye Baizhi appeared.

The face is exactly the same as that of Baizhi in the world just now, only a pair of gold-rimmed glasses is missing, but unfortunately, the two of them give people completely different feelings.

Ye Baizhi was soft and weak, and after appearing, his eyes met Baizhi's gold-rimmed glasses, and he subconsciously took two steps back, with panic on his face.

Bai Zhi spread her hands and said with a look of enjoyment: "I have fulfilled all your wishes for you, and the world peace you want, I have also done it for you. Ye Baizhi, are you satisfied?"

444: "…"


It's nuclear flat!

It can guarantee that the original main thing is definitely not this "peace"!

The hardest part of the wish system is the original owner's rating. Sometimes, you don't fulfill the original owner's wish or make her a little dissatisfied with the process.

Well, even if you end up doing it, she probably won't give you a good grade.

444 thought, this time, Ye Baizhi might not give the master a good rating.

"Full, full satisfaction..." Ye Baizhi took two steps back, stammering, "full, full score!"

444: "???"

It looked at the original owner, and saw that the other party was full of horror, as if it was not Party B who helped her complete the task, but... the devil!

444 swallowed.

All right.

The original owner was afraid of her, it was so normal!

She is the devil!

After scoring, the original owner disappeared instantly.

Bai Zhi touched her chin, looked at the place where the original owner disappeared, and fell into contemplation.

444 The light group shrank slightly, and his voice was tentative: "Master, she has given you full marks, are you... not satisfied?"

"Isn't it normal for her to give me full marks? I completed the task perfectly and deserves a full mark."

444: "…"

Bai Zhi pushed her eyes, her eyes were slightly deep: "I was just thinking, where did the original owner go? Look, after she finished scoring, she disappeared immediately... This disappearance has many meanings."

444 blank face: "Huh?"

Bai Zhi looked at it and smiled: "Little fool, you can just be an audience. With your IQ, you won't understand."

444: "..." QAQ

444 was lost in thought.

How did it get itself from "I'm a system and I'm extraordinary", to "I don't seem to be very smart", to "I'm not **** smart", to "So I'm really stupid", and finally to "Okay." Well, I'm stupid, I admit it"?

"Look at the score and go to the next world. I can't wait to continue scientific research. When that world left, I had a new idea, waiting for the new world to experiment!" Bai Zhi interrupted 444's self-doubt .

444 snapped back to his senses and regained his spirit.

It's stupid, it's stupid, its owner is smart!

It hugs its owner's thigh, and it also shines through the entire system world, isn't it? !

A few days ago, when it was fishing on the forum, it also saw that other systems put up their posts and expressed their envy to themselves.

Its host is the current rookie king in the system world. The first four consecutive worlds are SSS evaluations, and there are many title hosts!

—Although the title is a little creepy.

444 rubbed his hands expectantly, the light flashed, and a big screen appeared in front of him.

I saw that it was written in large letters-


Another 3S evaluation!

444 Excited!

However, right after that, the big screen continued to appear—

"Congratulations to the host Bai Zhi for winning the title of 'Nightmare on Earth', plus 1000 points."

Another creepy title...

Another title that has never been seen before...

444: "…"

Fireworks were set off in the system space again, the top 100 list changed, the ranking rose to 50, and the content became—

Wish System 444, host Angelica, 7500 points, new king, devil, dream breaker, nightmare on earth.

Five worlds!

Directly rushed to the top 50 of the 100 people list!

How brilliant is this? What's more the horror?

Since the establishment of the system world, this is unheard of and unseen.

444's eyes widened, it was already conceivable, and now the system forum must have exploded again.

Those big diving systems must have all come out to watch.

"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

The light group bounced in the system space, like a ball, bouncing up and down, bouncing to the sky for a while, and rolling twice on the ground for a while, it was extremely excited.

It even dared to rub its owner lightly.

- "Master is great, Master Saigao!"

— "Ah, ah, I will definitely become the second legendary system in the system world after 666!"

- "Ahhh, that's great, great!"

Bai Zhi didn't speak, just looked at it like that.

444 Jumping and jumping, noticing Bai Zhi's line of sight, suddenly, the arc of the jump is getting smaller and smaller...

In the end, it shrank its neck quietly, formed a smaller group, and peeked at Angelica.

"You can be excited." Bai Zhi pushed her glasses, "I'm not so domineering, I'm a very reasonable person, I'm just curious, why are you so happy?"

444: "..." You have! You are so domineering!

It swallowed: "Well, of course I'm very happy..."

"Why are you happy? Is it because the ranking has risen? What is the significance of the ranking? What are the benefits of rising? What can you and I get? After ranking first, you are still completing the task, what is the significance? What is the end of the cycle? The host, the system, and your creator, what do you want to get?" Bai Zhi looked up at the list of hundred people and asked calmly.

444: "…"? ? ?

It was staring at the gold star in front of its eyes, and the brains that it didn't have at all began to hurt...

who I am?

where am i?

What is she saying?

444's not-so-smart head was muddled by these three questions.

Bai Zhi suddenly looked back: "Let's go, the next world."

The secret will be unlocked one day.

444 still has a blank face: "...Oh, ok."

Forget it, anyway, it can't count on its own IQ, so it's better to be a sensible and obedient Xiaotong with an overbearing master :).

The new world is different from all the previous worlds, and Bai Zhi has never seen or experienced it.

This is an immortal world.

Yes, it is a world where one can cultivate to become an immortal, one can live forever, one can move mountains to fill the sea, one can shrink into an inch, and one can fly in the sky!

Respecting strength, the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the mana, and at the same time, the life essence will also increase.

Ordinary people yearn for immortal cultivation, and the lower-level monks are like ants, and they also yearn for a higher cultivation level and become the supreme of the cultivation world.

There are countless sects of self-cultivation in this world, of which only three are the most famous, Changtian Xianshan, Ziying Pavilion, Tiandaomen, and the others are small sects that rely on the three sects.

The original owner, Sang Baizhi, grew up on Changtian Xianshan since he was a child. His master was the previous Xianshan Sect Master. After the master failed to attack and ascend, senior brother Xuanyuan Han became the new Sect Master.

She is an incredible senior brother, with extraordinary talent and extremely fast cultivation. In just three hundred years, she has become Xuanyuan Daojun.

Thousands of years have passed, and Xuanyuan Han is now known as the "Number One in the Cultivation World".

It is also because of him that Changtian Xianshan is the first sect in the cultivation world, and it is also the most powerful sect in the cultivation world.

Sang Baizhi is also considered to be very talented, and in order to catch up with her senior brother, she has been practicing diligently for thousands of years.

Everyone said that there is a Xuanyuan fairy in Changtian Xianshan and a Baizhi fairy, a natural pair.

Sang Baizhi also thinks so.

Before the master retreated, he had already engaged Xuanyuan Han and Sang Baizhi, and Xuanyuan Han had never said anything about refusal, he just said—

"After you cultivate into Nascent Soul and become a true monarch, we will hold a double cultivation ceremony."

That's a promise.

A promise that Sang Baizhi looked forward to and longed for.

People in the entire cultivation world believe that they are a couple. If there is no accident, after Sang Baizhi has cultivated to the true monarch, they will form a Taoist partner and watch each other.

However, ten years ago, Xuanyuan Han went down the mountain to exterminate demons, and brought back a fifteen-year-old girl, Yin Ning'er, as his apprentice.

Yin Ning'er was Xuanyuan Han's only apprentice and lived with him on Xuanyuan Han's Linghan Peak.

Yin Ning'er is quirky, lively, and very attractive.

Xuanyuan Han taught Yin Ning'er to practice and taught her all the knowledge of self-cultivation. He focused all his attention on Yin Ning'er. Naturally, he also ignored his fiancee and sister.

It's not that Sang Baizhi is not jealous, but she has learned to be lofty since she was a child, and she learned not to be jealous or hateful, so she kept telling herself—

They are just apprentices.

Master and apprentice cannot be together.

But Yin Ning'er doesn't think so. She can't see Master and Sang Baizhi walking together, and she can't see them sitting together to play chess and discuss exercises.

She would provoke and irritate Sang Baizhi, and she would also pretend to be sick and make noise, so that Xuanyuan Han's attention would be shifted to her.

Every time Sang Baizhi saw her fiance looking at her disciple dotingly, seeing Yin Ninger holding him, pouting coquettishly, looking at them as if there was no one else, only each other in her eyes, she would also feel a pain in her heart and feel extremely uncomfortable.

Because of the depression and sadness in her heart, her cultivation has almost stagnated in the past ten years.

Seeing that ten years have passed, Xuanyuan Han and Yin Ning'er are getting closer and closer.

She simply gritted her teeth and went to retreat to attack the Nascent Soul.

She thought that when she became a true monarch, she and Xuanyuan Han would be able to get married. At that time, she would no longer worry about gains and losses and be jealous of him and his disciples.

However, she didn't know—

Yin Ning'er fell in love with the master who saved her life early on. After ten years of living on Ling Han Peak, she fell in love with Xuanyuan Han deeply.

Yin Ning'er is a girl who doesn't care about worldly vision, and she is also a girl who doesn't care about ethics, so she boldly expressed her love to Master and fell in love with him.

Xuanyuan Han was shocked. It was also at this time that he realized that he was actually thinking about Yin Ning'er!

Master-disciple love is a scandal.

So Xuanyuan Han expelled Yin Ning'er from the mountain gate and asked her to come back after she figured it out.

But after Yin Ning'er left, he was thinking about it again, feeling restless, and it was even more difficult for him to cultivate with peace of mind.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Han made a decision at this time.

Sang Baizhi didn't know what was going on outside.

When she attacked Nascent Soul, her inner demons were entangled, and the intimacy between Yin Ning'er and Xuanyuan Han was in front of her eyes.

Sang Baizhi walked out of the cave in despair.

However, Xuanyuan Han rushed over and said to her—

"Let's get married."


Only these two words can describe Sang Baizhi's mood, but she is a fairy who has lived in Xianshan since she was a child, and she has always shown indifference, so she tried her best to keep her demeanor and nodded shyly.

Changtian Xianshan recognizes that a pair of fairy and fairy are married, and invites are widely distributed.

That was the happiest time for Sang Baizhi, she was looking forward to being Xuanyuan Han's bride.

On that day, the heads of all the sects from all over the world congratulated them in person. On Changtian Xianshan, there were fragrant cars and BMWs, crowns and covers like clouds, and flowers were clustered in a lively and prosperous place.

Everyone was busy and everyone was smiling.

Pulled by Qingluan, Sang Baizhi sat in the soft sedan chair, and flew slowly towards the hall where the double repair ceremony was held.

Xuanyuan Han took Sang Baizhi's hand, and in front of all the sect masters and guests, he walked to the seniors in Changtian Xianshan.

The ceremony of the double cultivation ceremony is complicated, but Sang Baizhi is very happy.

The master of ceremonies held the concentric stone in front of them, and as long as they dripped blood, this double cultivation was completed.

However this time...

"Wait!" Yin Ning'er came to them covered in blood.

She was badly injured and pale.

She said that she was going to die and wanted Xuanyuan Han to follow her to save her life.

Xuanyuan Han stepped forward subconsciously.

"Don't..." Sang Baizhi pulled him.

Everyone watched, if Xuanyuan Han chose Yin Ning'er, then her abandoned bride would become a joke in the entire world of immortality.

"Ning'er is injured!" Xuanyuan Han said, then waved Sang Baizhi's hand and walked towards Yin Ning'er.

Yin Ning'er fell into Xuanyuan Han's arms and smiled at her.

Everyone was looking at them with complicated eyes and pointing.

Sang Baizhi shot at Yin Ning'er.

But in fact, Sang Baizhi didn't want to kill Yin Ning'er. She never had blood on her hands, so how could she kill anyone?

She's just... not reconciled.

I just want to knock Yin Ning'er unconscious, let others take her for treatment, and let this... precarious wedding continue.

Xuanyuan Han thought she was going to attack Yin Ning'er, and subconsciously gave her a blow.

Sang Baizhi was injured.

She originally had a demon because of the impact on the Nascent Soul, and she suffered another blow just now. After Xuanyuan Han's blow, she completely collapsed...

"Ah—" Sang Baizhi fell into a demon on the spot.

Demons are the most unwelcome existences in this world.

Moreover, Xuanyuan Han was determined to eradicate all demons, so that in this world, there were not many demons at all.

The demons that still exist are like mice in the sewer, they can only live by hiding, and they don't even have a unified demon door.

Sang Baizhi's fallen demon shocked everyone, and so did Xuanyuan Han.

After falling into a demon, her heart was full of obsessions, and she was full of demonic energy, and she attacked Xuanyuan Han and Yin Ning'er again.

But how could she possibly beat Xuanyuan Han?

Sang Baizhi was detained.

For Zhengdao, the devil is an existence that must be eradicated. Xuanyuan Han put his arms around Yin Ning'er and smashed Sang Baizhi's dantian with the other. She was still wearing a red wedding dress, vomited blood, and fell to the ground.

Thinking of the affection and apology in the past, Xuanyuan Han did not kill her and let her leave Xianshan.

Demon, everyone shouts and fights.

A generation of fairies has become an existence that everyone hates.

She was dismantled from her dantian and lost her skills.

Xuanyuan Han said that he wanted to let her live, but without mana, how could a fairy who used to be high above the world survive in the bullying world of immortals?

Just after going down the mountain, Sang Baizhi was humiliated by Xia Cheng, the grandson of Xia Zhenjun who admired Yin Ninger, and found two low-level monks.

Sang Baizhi didn't want to die, she struggled to survive, even if she scrambled for food with the dog, she wanted to practice again.

Finally, she waited for an opportunity.

She begged an old magician to take her to a secret realm, where she found herbs that could recast her dantian.

Do you know how Sang Baizhi died?

She had just dug out the herbs when Xuanyuan Han and Yin Ning'er appeared.

Yin Ning'er: "Han, I found the immortal grass that recasts Dantian!"

As if a little surprised, she said in surprise: "Huh? There is a demon here!"

"Devil? Kill it." Xuanyuan Han didn't even need to draw his sword, but when he raised his hand, Sang Baizhi died.

In her hand, she was holding the fairy grass she had worked so hard to find.

- That is her hope of re-cultivation.

Bai Zhi took a deep breath and asked 444: "What is the original owner's wish?"

"The original owner doesn't understand, why Xuanyuan Han agreed to marry her and then abandoned her? I don't understand what is righteousness and what is demons? Why demons should be captured by everyone and punished? Why can righteousness kill demons as a matter of course? That's why she wants..."444 He swallowed, as if in disbelief.

Bai Zhi is very calm: "what does she want?"

444: "She wants to be the number one person in the world of self-cultivation, she wants to take revenge on those who hurt her, and she wants the world to be united!"

444 exclaimed: "Great harmony in the world? What do you mean, what is the appeal of the original owner?"

Datong in the world, this means more.

What does the original owner mean? !

444 is crazy, the wish system is this numb claw, the original owner's wishes are thousands, odd, hundreds, and strange!

The previous one is for world peace, and this one is for the harmony of the world!

Bai Zhi was calm, she took a deep breath: "I already know what time it is..."

It hurts so much, it must be after the dantian was abolished!

Sure enough, Bai Zhi opened his eyes, and in front of him stood Xuanyuan Han, who was dressed in red and had a stern face.

In his arms, Yin Ning'er smiled at her as if she had succeeded.

"Baizhi, you have fallen into the devil's way, and you should be killed. But I think about the past relationship and... today's shame, let you go, I will abolish your dantian, so that you can't do evil."

Unbearable flashed in his eyes, he looked at the other monks: "Fellow Daoists, I have abolished her dantian, she can't do evil in the future. I hope all fellow Taoists will take my Xuanyuanhan's face and let her go, don't let her go. to kill her."

His eyes moved to Bai Zhi again, his eyes were complicated: "It's good to do it yourself."

Bai Zhi slowly stood up.

The original owner, this silly girl, was sorry for her when Xuanyuan Han and Yin Ning'er left at the wedding.

But she fell into the devil, even if others knew that she fell into the devil because of them, no one would speak for a devil again.

She gave Xuanyuan Han the opportunity to be so righteous and guiltless at this moment, and also gave Yin Ning'er the opportunity.

It hurts, it hurts very much.

Bai Zhi glanced at everyone, then looked at the two people in front, her voice was hoarse—

"You begged to marry me, but humiliated me on the spot, Xuanyuan Han, I wish you and your apprentice a long life in love."

Xuanyuan Han was stunned.

He has never seen such an indifferent look in Bai Zhi's eyes!

"White..." He subconsciously said.

"Well, Master, it hurts..." Beside her, Yin Ning'er grabbed his sleeve and pulled back his thoughts.

Xuanyuan Han looked away from Bai Zhi's face and looked at Yin Ning'er with concern.

After Bai Zhi finished speaking, she endured the pain and lifted her foot, and walked forward step by step.

Blood dripped all over the ground.

All the guests present looked at her.

Thinking of what she just said, she looked at Xuanyuan Han and Yin Ning'er with some confusion.

They came to participate in the double cultivation ceremony, but they did not expect such an amazing turning point!

I didn't expect Xuanyuan Han to end up with his apprentice. This is a scandal!

In the original world, the original owner didn't say this, so the love between Xuanyuan Han and Yin Ning'er was not revealed here, and many people thought they were just masters and students.

Angelica is now helping them break it down.

Her back is firm and indifferent, covered in blood, with a faint devilish energy, but she is extraordinarily tough and cold.

Everyone looked at her straight back.

I don't know why, at this moment, they suddenly felt a little cold on their backs...

As if being targeted by something!

444 said anxiously: "Ah, ah, this world is too difficult, master, buy some golden fingers!"

Bai Zhi: "Don't buy it."

She endured the excruciating pain, and a smile formed on the corner of her mouth: "There is a different kind of energy in this world, and... cultivating immortals? It's really intriguing, I can't wait to start experiments now, and test the energy in the air! 444 , I have a hunch that this world will make me gain a lot!"

444: "..." Crazy.

Although its owner is very arrogant, this world is a world where monks can move mountains and reclaim the sea, a world with infinite mana!

too difficult!

444 was very worried.

Angelica has just come down the mountain.

"Oh, which fairy is this miserable!"

"Brother Wang, didn't you realize that this is a demon?"

- The little scoundrel sent by Xia Cheng, who admires Yin Ning'er, appeared.

"The devil is killed by everyone, beauty, you make our brothers happy, we will let you go, how about it?" Wang Wuxie laughed out loud.

Beside him, Zhang Quan also smiled evilly.

The two looked at the woman in front of them.

Her face was pale, and there was a little black pattern between her eyebrows, but she wore glasses that mortals would wear, and they were completely different from those used by mortals in this era!

But unfortunately, the pair of glasses on her face did not violate the harmony at all.

She looked at them with a scrutiny in her eyes, and then she pushed up her glasses, and a magnetic hoarse voice sounded—

"Dear, do you want to join the Demon Sect?"