MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 97 The Fallen Witch in Master-Apprentice's Love (2)

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Wang Wu and Zhang Quan were sent by Xia Cheng. They are like all the lower-level monks in this world. If the high-level monks give a random order, they must execute it.

In the original world, the two did not really violate Sang Baizhi in the end, and did not force her to a dead end.

Bai Zhi had just destroyed her dantian, and at this moment, she could not even beat the lowest cultivator.

444 I'm dying in my mind—

"Master! Don't talk nonsense with them, just buy the golden finger, this world is too dangerous, there is no host who does not buy the golden finger in the cultivation world, and even many hosts encounter the cultivation world, which may empty all the points, this world is really Too dangerous!"

However, Bai Zhi ignored it and just looked at the two people in front of her.

Join the cult?

The two were dumbfounded, and at that moment, they couldn't believe their ears.

Shouldn't she be scared, scared, or angry, angry?

Why did you even ask them if they would join the Demon Sect? !


Is there any magic in this world? !

Zhang Quan blinked: "You... won't be over stimulated, are you crazy?"

Wang Wupo nodded in agreement.

Bai Zhi glanced at them and looked up and down, with contempt in those eyes, as if they were not the people who were about to hurt her, but ants.

After looking up and down, her eyes were filled with contempt: "Your lifespan should not be long, right? According to your cultivation base and the talent of this world, no matter how difficult your cultivation base is, you just have some magic power than ordinary mortals. You can live to be in your early 100s."

The two of them had a meal. This is the hard injury of all the bottom-level cultivators in this world. Many people gave up the bottom line because it was difficult to make an inch, and only lived in a daze.

The true monarchs with the highest cultivation level in this world have a lifespan of three thousand years.

But in this world, no one has been able to soar for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, in this world, the most honorable are those true monarchs with a life span of up to three thousand years.

Xuanyuan Han is exactly that, and Sang Baizhi is almost the same.

Shouyuan is related to strength. For them with the worst strength, their lifespan is only a little longer than ordinary people.

Bai Zhi: "Why did you cultivate immortals in the first place? For immortality? For strength? Or for the wider world?"

The two pursed their lips.

Zhang Quan suddenly said angrily, "Brother Wang, don't listen to her nonsense! Let's do it!"

When Bai Zhi heard the words, she was not afraid at all, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth—

"Is this out of anger? If you were cultivating immortals for immortality, ah, now you only have 20 or 30 years more life expectancy than ordinary people. Besides, ordinary people can die, but you may meet at any time in this crisis-ridden cultivation world. In danger, die early! Not as good as ordinary people."

The faces of the two became ugly, and Bai Zhi said it was right!

I don't know how many low-level monks want to return to the mortal world, but the immortal gate has rules. After entering the immortal world, they can no longer return to the mortal world to live.

Otherwise, once the mortals sue them for hurting ordinary people with their magical power, or the monks passing by feel that they endanger the mortals...

Those high-level monks will not listen to their explanations and send them directly to the west!

Bai Zhi became more and more contemptuous: "If you were cultivating for strength at the beginning, hehe, do you have strength now? When you had Linglinggen to be selected, you also think that you are the favored son of heaven, and your future is extraordinary, right?"


Who didn't think they were the best of the best?

Who doesn't think that he can become a famous person in the future?

Who doesn't think that he can be a **** and a dog by himself, and live a good life with his family?

However, what about reality?

Only they know what life they lived in the Immortal Cultivation World.

They are not the favored people of heaven, nor are they very unusual characters, they are ordinary, even the lowest existence!

The line of defense in their hearts was about to collapse.

However, Bai Zhi glanced at them up and down again: "Also, your cultivation of immortals may be for a wider world, but with your strength, with your talent, and with your cultivation, you have only this chance to guys What kind of vast world can you see? You can't even enter a better secret realm! Shouyuan, strength, and the vast world, you haven't gotten anything, have you cultivated immortality and cultivated loneliness?"

Two people: "…"

Bai Zhi shook her head, sighing and summed up in general—

"Your life is really barren, ordinary, and extremely meaningless!"

"Wow—" The two collapsed, hugging each other and crying.

Yes, they are so miserable.

For low-level cultivators like them, this life is too meaningless, too ordinary, too ordinary!

They don't have more lifespan, no strength, and they haven't seen the vast sky. The imagination and dreams when they just stepped into the world of immortality have become dreams after all!

Not only did they fail to realize their dreams, they even lived as low-level cultivators who were driven by others, had no hope, and even gave up on themselves!

They really repaired a loneliness!

The two have collapsed, and at this moment, they suddenly feel that they are alive, it's **** meaningless.

Bai Zhi looked at them quietly, expressionless.

After they had cried enough, she bent down and looked at the two people squatting on the ground, her voice was soft—

"But you are different from all monks, because your barren and ordinary life will be different because you meet me."

The two were stunned for a moment, looked up blankly, tears still hanging on their faces, and their eyes were hazy.

Bai Zhi pushed her glasses, the cold lenses were glowing, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, like a temptation thrown by a devil—

"I am the biggest chance in your life. When you meet me, your life will be different. But I only give people one chance. You are very lucky to get this chance. Now, the biggest chance is in front of you. If you can't catch it, it's up to you to choose."

"So, do you want to join the Demon Sect?"

Wang Wu and Zhang Quan followed behind Sang Baizhi.

They don't know why they chose to join Sang Baizhi's demon sect. After all, they are actually monks of the right way!

As for Sang Baizhi, the entire cultivation world now knows that Fairy Sang, who used to be aloof, has fallen into a demon.

If she hadn't abolished her dantian, she might still be able to become a character, but she abolished her dantian, but even the most ordinary monks like them are not as good!


Why on earth did they choose to follow her?

Probably because of the chance she mentioned, probably because of unwillingness, because I don't want to live in such a barren and ordinary life, I don't want to cultivate immortals and become lonely...

"Fairy Sang, where are we going?" Wang Wu asked.

Zhang Quan nodded: "Yeah, why don't we secretly rent the flying instruments, you must leave the place of Xianmen to survive."

The devil is an existence that everyone shouts and fights, of course, it can only live in the most remote and darkest places.

Bai Zhi ignored them and continued walking.

After an hour, she stopped and said lightly—

"We live here, and from now on, this is the territory of our Demon Sect."

Two people: "…"

They were dumbfounded.

At this moment, they are on the barren mountain on the side of Changtian Xianshan. This barren mountain is very large, but Changtian Xianmen never occupies this site, because...

Passing through here is the site of the demon cultivator!

It's a savage land!

The spiritual energy at the junction is extremely thin, and no cultivator is willing to cultivate here! Of course, no sect would want to occupy this place!


"Fairy Sang! This is the place next to Changtian Xianmen!!" Wang Wu was stunned.

Sang Baizhi was kicked out from Changtian Xianmen, and she dared to stay next to Changtian Xianmen. Isn't she afraid that people from Changtian Xianmen will get rid of her? !

Will Changtian Xianmen hurt her?

how is this possible? !

The two of them appeared in front of her just because someone wanted to hurt her.

Wang Wu and Zhang Quan are really stupid.

Is this Sang Baizhi tired of living? !

"I said, it's right here." Bai Zhi found a stone and sat down, raised her finger and pointed to the mountain next to her, "You build a cave for me first."

Her tone of command made them both subconsciously execute according to her wishes.

Bai Zhi sat on the stone and nodded with satisfaction.

Cultivators are easier to use than ordinary people.

The world is so amazing!

She has already had a lot of ideas, and her brain is extremely excited at this moment, can't wait to verify her ideas, can't wait to study Reiki and everything in this world!

Soon, the simple cave house was repaired.

Bai Zhi leaned on a wooden stick, walked in quickly, and left a sentence: "Don't disturb me, just stay outside!"

Wang Wu: "…"

Zhang Quan: "…"

"What? You said that Uncle Sang was hanging out with the two lowest-ranking male cultivators?" Yin Ning'er stood up in surprise.

Beside him, Xuanyuan Han looked complicated.

The person reporting: "...Yes, she was with two low-level male cultivators."

Xuanyuan Han opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Yin Ning'er immediately stretched out her hand and held him: "Master, should we do something? Although Uncle Shi has become a demon, it is normal for him to change, but in order to survive, he and two low-level male cultivators..."

She bit her lip with a complicated expression on her face.

Xuanyuan Han pursed his lips and said after a while: "Since she has fallen into a demon, don't worry about her anymore! No matter what, it's her own choice."

"But Master, Uncle Sang..."

"Don't call her Uncle Shi anymore, she's not worthy." Xuanyuan said coldly.

Yin Ning'er hugged his arm and snuggled on his body: "Master, I know you feel bad, you abolished her dantian to save her life. Ning'er helped Master find the herbs to recast her dantian, After finding the medicinal herbs, give it to Shishu Sang to help her purify her demonic energy and lead her back into the Dao."

Xuanyuan Han looked at her, his eyebrows softened, "Ning'er, you are so kind."

"Master, because I think we can be together more aboveboard!"

"Will do."

The two were in love.

Something flashed in Yin Ning'er's eyes.

Has Sang Baizhi actually fallen to this point?

There is really no need to kill her. She may be more uncomfortable living like this than dying, and she will no longer pose any threat to herself.

Thinking of what she said when she went down the mountain, Yin Ning'er frowned slightly.

Xuanyuan Han was the number one immortal in the world, so no one said anything to him in front of him, but Yin Ning'er, an apprentice who was with her master, also occupied the number one immortal in the world, so I don't know how many people had opinions on her.

Every time she went out, she had to be pointed and pointed, which made Yin Ning'er very uncomfortable.

Blame Sang Baizhi!

half a month later.

Wang Wu and Zhang Quan didn't know why they had been guarding Sang Baizhi for half a month.

And in the past half month, Sang Baizhi didn't know what to do in the cave mansion. Before, I didn't even know what was going on, but I even destroyed a cave mansion, so they quickly built another one.

Fortunately, they are the most primitive, low-level monks' caves.

Sang Baizhi didn't care either. As soon as it was built, he got in again, and there was no movement.

"Brother Wang, can she really bring us a chance?" Zhang Quan became impatient.

Wang Wu was actually a little tangled. They were all monks, and they were monks with poor talent. Of course, such monks didn't like this kind of place with extremely poor spiritual energy.

In a place like this, they have been cultivating for the past two weeks, as if they have not practiced, which is worse than usual!

Wang Wu thought for a while and said, "After all, she is the first fairy in the cultivation world, Fairy Sang, maybe... Is there any chance you can give us?"

Zhang Quan scratched his head: "But her dantian has been destroyed, she can't cultivate, and she can't even take out the contents of the storage bag! Besides, she was a high-level cultivator at the time, and we don't need her things, so we can hold them. Disaster!"

Wang Wu: "…"

"Furthermore, we have found several groups of investigators recently. She is Sang Baizhi after all. I don't know how many people follow her, and I don't know how many high-level monks want her storage bag!" Zhang Quan was even more worried.

Now, those people are still concerned about Xuanyuan Han's attitude towards Sang Baizhi. They didn't do it because they were afraid of Xuanyuan Han. Once they were sure that they could make a move, would Sang Baizhi still survive?

Sang Baizhi is dead, how can they still live?

"This..." Wang Wu was also worried.

Is it really worth them taking such a big risk for an invisible and illusory opportunity?


Whether she can give them a chance or not is another matter!

After being silent for a long time, Wang Wu suddenly gritted his teeth: "No, even if he lied to us, I admit it, the opportunity is rare. Think about what Sang Baizhi said, do we want to live in such a barren and ordinary life? Even if we don't stay here Here, we may also be beheaded by high-level monks at any time!"

Zhang Quan was stunned for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, with our ability, we can't find a good chance, we might as well count on Sang Baizhi!"

- "Yes, you can only count on me."

The two were stunned at the same time.

this voice...

They turned back suddenly and found that Sang Baizhi came out of the cave.

She changed into a black dress, with a black lightning pattern on her forehead, and black qi was faintly entwined around her. Even if they knew that her dantian had been destroyed, but she had no cultivation, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

as if...

In front of him is not a person without cultivation, but a great devil in the cultivation world!

The two shivered.

"Sang Fairy..." The two quickly stood up.

Bai Zhi came over and said slowly: "In the future, please remember, I am Sang Baizhi, Demon Lord Sang Baizhi."

"Huh?" The two widened their eyes.

Bai Zhi looked at them: "Huh?"

"Devil!" The two of them said in unison.

Bai Zhi Jingui nodded, glanced at them, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and the black qi surrounding her body became more and more obvious—

"Well, very good, now, I will give you the first chance."