MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 95 The all-powerful female handsome in the Republic of China (End)

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Ye Baizhi's gift? !

Some expect it, some don't.

Everyone looked at the screen, and the heads of state of other countries looked too, but they were talking with the people next to them like this—

"Ye Baizhi is dead, she no longer has the ability to make the world peaceful, and we no longer have to suppress ourselves."

"The small country A next to it was the result of being colonized by others in the past. Because Ye Baizhi, a small country the size of a slap in the past few years, has been jumping around a lot. I wanted to clean them up for a long time!"

"The oil in the Middle East, we could have beaten it back then, but because we were not allowed to fight, it was postponed for decades, and the country over there was slowly developing!"

"I'm more worried that the Republic of China will suppress us. Without Ye Baizhi's suppression, the Republic of China will not use force against other countries?"

No matter what kind of worries or thoughts, I have to say that Ye Baizhi's death is a very happy thing for the heads of state of many countries.

They started to figure out how to make money from other countries.

On the screen, Ye Tian calmly switched a picture—

It was a somewhat familiar picture, a blue planet covered by a huge net-like thing.

Very, very familiar, as if they had met decades ago.

This is…

The pupils of the man with super memory shrank, his face full of shock.

Walter and Legoff were both quite old, and because of Ye Shuai's death, the two were quite touched and got together again.

At this moment, the two gray-haired old men looked at each other and saw hesitation in each other's eyes—

"Why do I think this picture is a little familiar?"

"I also feel like I've seen it somewhere..."

"Ah, I remembered!"

"I remember too!"

This is clearly the second picture that Ye Baizhi showed them when he showed "Invincible"!

She didn't explain it at the time, and they didn't pay much attention!

Is this a gift left by Ye Baizhi? !

What's the meaning? !

The screen switched again, half of Ye Tian's face and half of that picture, Ye Tian said—

"Everyone, this is the gift that Ye Shuai left for everyone, a protective shield named 'Peace', it can cover the entire Blue Star, with the country as the boundary, any weapons of mass destruction cannot attack others. On the territory of China, including the Republic of China. At the same time, it can also prevent major domestic unrest in any country, and weapons of mass destruction will be affected and cannot be used against human beings!”

Heads of State: "???"

Ye Tian: "It took Ye Shuai 20 years to design it successfully. It is also a gift that Ye Shuai left to our world. Of course, the shield not only protects against civil unrest, but also includes alien visitors or meteorites. Our Blue Star will only fail when we can leave this galaxy and establish contact with humans on other planets."

That is, if they can't spot the aliens, the shield won't fail.

But if they discover aliens and have a common alien enemy, of course Blue Star will not be able to have internal wars again!

- Ye Baizhi's peace is really **** permanent peace!

Ye Tian said coldly: "Ye Shuai's purpose is to maintain world peace, and my purpose is to fulfill Ye Shuai's purpose. I have already sent to all the heads of state how to build a 'peace shield' in various countries. The rest of my life, and the next work of the Republic of China, is to supervise everyone to complete the construction of the protective cover."

Heads of State: "..."

Their happiness has just begun, and the abacus has just started, and they are about to despair forever!

A shield that covers the entire Blue Star?

How the **** did she think of it? !

With such a head, why didn't she do something else? !

Why do you have to interfere with them and suppress them!

Don't they just want to fight a war, don't they just want to take advantage of other countries, and they don't take advantage of the Republic of China, what does she care about being so lenient? !

The most important thing is that she not only manages so wide, but also manages it successfully!

When she was alive, she suppressed them for decades, and when she died, she even forced them to stop, so that they must live under her shadow for generations, generations and descendants!

Peace Shield?

Ye Baizhi's peace, the whole world will not forget :).

Ordinary people were revelling, while some heads of state held their chests and breathed steadily.

- Ye Baizhi!

- She is a devil!

- How did they meet such a devil? !


It has been a thousand years since Ye Baizhi left.

In the past thousand years, Blue Star has not had any war, but no war has occurred, but it does not mean that there is no right to change.

Ye Tian and Ye Baizhi are in the same line, but Ye Baizhi obviously only has peace in mind, while Ye Tian is different.

When Ye Baizhi was still there, Ye Tian didn't have any ambitions.

But after Ye Baizhi left, Ye Tian was silent a lot, his eyes became colder, and he dealt with things more ruthlessly.

Ye Baizhi is domineering, but Ye Tian is ruthless.

Many countries are not very cooperative and do not want to build a protective cover. They are very opposed to it, and they have been using "peace" to suppress Ye Tian.

I don't know how Ye Tian did it. He quickly made changes in countries he disagreed with, killed a group of officials who disagreed, and incorporated that country directly into the territory of the Republic of China.

One country, two countries, three countries…

There was no war, just a peaceful transition through economic warfare and pressure and change.

From various countries to the entire Blue Star Federation, Ye Tian named the Federation—

Angelica Commonwealth.

On the day the federation was established, Ye Tian, ​​who was 90 years old, passed away after the next suitable federation chief was elected.

He didn't have any last words, he just said in an interview before his death—

"The founder of the federation should be Ye Shuai, the foundation she laid. She had countless opportunities to do it, even better than me, but she had no ambition and did not do that."

The reporter asked cautiously, "Then why are you doing this?"

After asking, everyone around looked at him with "you're crazy" eyes, including the reporter himself, who also felt that he was finished.

However, Ye Tian was not angry, just replied—

"With the protective shield, there will be no more wars, and the world will become one country. This is an inevitable trend. I just speed up the process. Also... Let her know that if I leave me alone, I will not be so obedient..."

The last sentence, like a grievance, was very light, but the camera still recorded it.

After that, the news of Ye Tian's death spread within two days.

Thousands of years later today.

Around this interview, there are countless people watching, of course, they all worship this old man, they are more-

"Ahhh! Look, Ye Tian and Ye Shuai definitely have something!"

"Historians have analyzed the previous ones. Ye Tian has a mutual admiration for Ye Shuai. He was raised by Ye Shuai, okay?"

"I also agree that it is a mother-son relationship. They are sixteen years apart."

"Tututu, come here, look at Ye Shuai's appearance, and ask if it's important to be sixteen years old?! When Ye Shuai left, a sixty-year-old man looked like he was only forty, so he was a good match for Ye Tian, ​​okay? Every time I see Ye Shuai's related videos, my heart beats faster, it's terrible! Ye Tian still watches it every day, can you not like it?"

"I don't agree. If Ye Tian loved Ye Shuai very much, why didn't he bury him with her? Instead, he was buried far away."

"But they never got married in their entire lives. Ye Shuai can understand, but what about Ye Tian? I also blame poor Ye Tian."

"Stop arguing. Experts have analyzed it before. Ye Tian likes Ye Shuai, but not Ye Shuai. Ye Shuai likes peace! Hahaha."

"God **** likes peace, front, are you the devil?!"

"I'm not a devil, I'm telling the truth hahaha! Isn't that right? Ye Shuai has been working hard for peace all his life."

"To be honest, I really can't understand why there was war in the first place. Everyone develops independently and lives well. Why are they fighting?"

"Don't look at the past with the current perspective. Now the people of Baizhi Federation are quite peaceful, but in the past, the forces were divided and fought with each other!"

"Fighting... it's pointless."

"Back to the point, are Ye Shuai and Ye Tian together?"

"Definitely not. If they are together, will Ye Tian turn black? Poor little wolf dog!"

"Don't talk nonsense in the front, people are not blackening, they are promoting the process of history!"


"Come on, really?!"

"The news has been broadcast, everyone go and watch it!"

"Ahhh, I'm going to see it!"

"Are we going to meet aliens?!"

When the federation was first established, countless federation scientists wanted to crack the secret of the "peace shield". Of course, they did not want to break the shield to fight, but wanted to prove their technological strength!

Ye Baizhi is a warlord and a commander in chief, and anyone who is a part-time scientist can do it, can't they?

As it turns out, it really can't.

After decades of painstaking research by countless federal scientists, they finally came to the conclusion—

"The technological level between us and Ye Shuai is at least a thousand years apart!"

"Ye Shuai, she is like a god!"

In fact, this conclusion is proved to be correct.

After all, a thousand years later, they have not been able to crack the secret of the shield, but some research on the shield has allowed them to make a lot of technological products.

Peace has been too long, and instead of investing a lot of money into weapon production, the Federation has invested a lot of money in space exploration.

Today, a thousand years later, they finally made a spacecraft that can go to planets outside the galaxy to explore!

However, before the spaceship left, the Baizhi Federal State also went through a quarrel.

The first is that when the spacecraft encounters aliens, the protective cover will break open.

If aliens like to fight, what should they do? Will aliens invade your home?

Someone couldn't help but sigh-

"Ye Shuai shouldn't have designed the protective cover to break open..."

Just sighing, others slammed back—

"Ye Shuai probably didn't think that we are so **** that we haven't been able to crack the secret of the protective cover until now!"

"Also, Ye Shuai has already helped us a lot, and he has maintained the peace for a thousand years. Where does the face come from, and let her protect us forever?"

"Agree, sigh again, Ye Shuai is really awesome!"

After a lot of domestic quarrels and discussions, it was decided—

Set off.

If the aliens they encounter like to fight, and their technological level is far greater than that of the Baizhi Federation, then they will come to fight sooner or later and cannot escape.

If the aliens they encountered were of similar technological level to the Federation, and they had to fight, then the terrifying weapons that Ye Shuai had researched back then would also make them look good!

If the aliens they encounter are not as technologically advanced as the Federation, then there is nothing to fear.

However, the people of the Baizhi Federal State are very peaceful, and they prefer to meet the same peaceful aliens.

So, half a year later, the spacecraft carried people, with countless diplomats and cameras, to the alien realm.

Everyone in the Baizhi Federation followed the camera and watched the world outside the galaxy.

They have never encountered aliens, nor have they encountered a planet suitable for life.

Soon, when they were all disappointed, they encountered a planet with human life on it!

Angelica Federal exploded—

"Quick! I really want to see what aliens look like?"

"What's their technological level? Don't be belligerent!"

"so excited!"

The spaceship slowly approached, and another spaceship flew over.

The people from the Baizhi Federation were shocked.

"It's over, their technology level is more advanced than us!"

But the spaceship did not attack them, but greeted them and landed slowly.

During the descent, the machine captured—

"The planet is under construction!"

Bai Zhi Federation was ecstatic.

The infrastructure is still under construction, which means that these aliens may not be particularly powerful and are still in the development stage!

Then they can establish diplomatic relations peacefully!

Immediately afterwards, the camera captured-

Flying cars, spaceships, robots…

The people from the Baizhi Federation panicked again—

"My God, why do I think these aliens are more technologically advanced than us?!"

"Yes, my God! Their technological level is definitely higher than ours!"

"I wonder if they are people who like to fight?"

"I'm so worried!"

Soon, the Angelica Federal people on the spacecraft sent back a video—

"The two sides have met! The aliens are friendly, they don't love war at all, they love infrastructure!"

The people of Baizhi Federation burst into ecstasy—

"That's great. We don't like war, so we can do business and get along with each other after that."

"Yes, the diplomats are still trying to convey information and communicate with them, but judging from their expressions, they are all very friendly and have no spirit at all."

"I'm greedy for their robots, really!"

"What's the name of this planet? Who are they?"

People in the Baizhi Federation countries are talking a lot, and all of them are eagerly waiting. Since the other party doesn't like fighting, they can live in peace.

What a feat this is!

Their Baizhi Federal State has finally gone to the universe!

In the future, they can communicate with aliens and speed up development, haha!

Soon, the diplomats and the aliens communicated initially, and then, they sent back the first sentence that the aliens conveyed to them—

"Hello, friends from afar, this is Baizhixing No. 9 under construction."

The people of Baizhi Federal State were stunned.

Angelica? !

This recipe is a bit familiar...