MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 30 rainbow sword

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On Friday, Shi Yuan went to see Duan Mu.

He apologized for the previous two missed appointments, and then said seriously that he would not be with him.

"Why?" Duan Mu asked, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"There is no reason, you are very nice, but if you don't like it, you don't like it." Shi Yuan said, "If I like someone, other people will definitely see it, and I will tell him directly."

Duan Mu was stunned for a while, looking at Shi Yuan's expression, only seeing seriousness.

The knuckles of his hand holding the cup turned slightly white, and he said with a wry smile, "At least you are a straightforward person, and you won't hang others up."

He turned the coffee cup in his hand and said, "I fell in love with you because I saw a performance. You are so good-looking on stage that you can notice it at a glance. Everyone says don't judge people by their appearance, but In fact, there are still many people who only look at appearance, and I am one of them. But what can I do? Sometimes I just see it at a glance and never forget it.” He smiled again, this time without bitterness, “I never understood You, now I at least know that you are a kind person. Dare to love and hate is always the best."

Shi Yuan didn't know if he was kind or not, but he knew that he was not human.

He still thanked: "Thank you."

Duan Mu drank the coffee and stood up: "Then I'll go first, I won't bother you in the future. I hope you like today's coffee and today's me."

He kept his word, Shi Yuan never received his invitation again—he only saw Duan Mu once more, after that performance, he bowed on the stage, and when he straightened up, he saw Duan Mu watching him from the audience Smiling and applauding.

After that, Shi Yuan hadn't seen him, probably he went to other cities to work as a model for different magazines.

Maybe he found his true love and lived a peaceful and happy life, drinking mellow coffee with his lover.

The time soon came to the end of March, the weather warmed up, and the trees on the roadside grew luxuriantly.

Shi Yuan found a very delicious restaurant, the fried asparagus was especially delicious, so he made an appointment with Lu Tinghan to eat there.

"Is it really delicious?" Lu Tinghan sat on the sofa and read a book.

"Really." Shi Yuan swore, "If it doesn't taste good, you don't have to touch my head for three days."

Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows: "Then go and try."

Shi Yuan was very happy. After a while, he seemed to realize something, and added: "Your taste is too picky. How about changing it to not touching your head for two days?"

Lu Tinghan: "..." He violently rubbed Shi Yuan's head.

On the appointed day, Shi Yuan left the theater early and went home by car. When the door opened, a dazzling light came from the sky.

The light was far away, but too bright to dazzle. Shi Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked into the extreme distance, only to see clearly that it was a straight white beam of light descending from the sky.

It is sharper than a comet, like a sharp sword stabbing down from the sky, cutting off the clouds, destroying the dead, and the brilliance is not completely dimmed until tens of minutes later.

After a long time, Shi Yuan knew that it was the alliance's space-based laser weapon "Rainbow Sword". It hit the southeast outpost and destroyed the entire polluted outpost.

On this day, Lu Tinghan didn't come back to eat hot fried asparagus with him as promised.

Neither did the days that followed.

"This **** thing stinks." The man with the first antlers kicked the broken bones away. "It smells worse than your socks that haven't been washed in a week."

"Oh, you're wrong. At least my socks won't poison you." Xing Yifeng squatted on the ground, put on his gloves, and fiddled with a strangely shaped skull. Professor Guan."

He picked up the skull, carefully placed it in the carry-on container, and sealed it.

The ground was full of flesh and blood, and space-based weapons blasted it to pieces, leaving a 100-meter-deep pothole, as if the ground had been severely injured, and the **** inside was turned out.

Beside them are more than a dozen mutant warriors, collecting the remains of infected creatures.

The outpost has been destroyed, and the infection group has temporarily stopped. They must hurry up to collect information to prepare for the next round of attacks.

"These monsters really stink." Antler continued, "The smell won't wash away in three days."

"What are you afraid of!" The wolf paw next to him pinched his nose, "If you want to have one tenth of my sense of smell, you will definitely collapse!"

"The rodent infection group is like this, but this time the rats are the most." Xing Yifeng stood up and stepped on the smelly soil with a rifle/gun.

The infected swarms came so ferociously that they were endless, every inch of the soil seemed to be soaked in black blood, making people frown. And... not only monsters are buried in this land, but also their comrades-in-arms. Flesh and flesh blend together and end up in dust. He can still hear the endless screams of monsters and the roars of soldiers.

A gust of wind blew from the wilderness, swirled, and flocked to this hideous pothole, bringing with it a **** stench.

The sun was going down, and they had to hurry up.

Pieces of skeletons and pieces of minced meat were put into containers, and occasionally someone even teased the teammates who were stunned by the smoke, but everyone knew that this would not change the atmosphere much.

The outpost - this extremely important line of defense for the city, was wiped out.

Today is guarded, so what about tomorrow?

So what about the countless tomorrows that everyone is looking forward to?

Xing Yifeng frowned and turned over another layer of soil. Under the soil was half a leg bone, scorched and distorted, it was hard to tell whether it was a human or a monster. There was a piece of cloth beside it, which Xing Yifeng recognized as a military uniform. He paused for two seconds, put the cloth into his arms, and continued to search.

The time points to [18:25], the terminal issued a short warning sound, Skylight is escaping, and it is time to return.

Xing Yifeng and the mutants stepped on the soil with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and walked to a higher place.

Xing Yifeng has been in the army for many years and has rich experience, otherwise he would not be Lu Tinghan's right-hand man. His sharp gaze swept across the ground, seemingly inadvertently, but in fact all the details were caught in his eyes—

A dull purple flashed by.

"Wait!" he said.

"What's wrong?" Antlers looked back at him.

Xing Yifeng squatted down and carefully picked up the purple.

As thin as a flap, this is the wing of an insect.

"Purple Lantern Worms," ​​he said, "They were also killed by the 'Rainbow Sword'."

"What's so strange about this?" Antler said, "There are fragments of all kinds of monsters here, and you can open a zoo. What do you think is wrong?"

"...I can't say it, it just feels weird." Xing Yifeng stared at the insect wings intently.

As night approached, the terminal issued an alarm again, and Wolf Claw urged: "Captain, let's go, the sun is about to set. If there is something to bring back to Professor Guan's research, we can't see anything even if we stare at it! "

Xing Yifeng didn't move.

Still looking at the wings, he said slowly, "What is this black thing?"

"Ah?" Wolf Claw didn't hear clearly.

Xing Yifeng said softly: "What is this black one?"

In the next second, he actually took off the isolation gloves!

This is something that is never allowed to happen in the execution of the mission. Surprised, they wanted to stop Xing Yifeng. But Xing Yifeng has already touched the wings of the purple lantern insect!

—The imperceptible black crystals attached to the wings shattered at his fingertips.

It looked beautiful, transparent and harmless, disappearing in the wind without leaving a trace.

"Captain!" Wolf Claw knocked the wings off Xing Yifeng's hand, "What are you doing?!"

Xing Yifeng looked at his hands.

A certain confused and fascinated expression appeared on his face. His eyes drifted far away, unable to hear the calls of his teammates, he murmured: "I don't know...but I seem to see something."

"What?" Antlers asked him.

"...time." Xing Yifeng said, "the time that will never end, where death and new life are connected end to end. All the stars surround me, and they burn forever."


Antler: "Captain, to be honest, I felt the same way when I lay down and buried my face in your pile of smelly socks yesterday."

Wolf Claw: "Indeed, it's too smelly and too high."

Xing Yifeng said softly: "When the new students arrive, I will be the most perfect creation."

"Then you need to heal your feet first," Wolfpaw said.

He exchanged glances with Antlers, and quickly put a tranquilizer on Xing Yifeng's neck, then carried the unconscious Xing Yifeng on his shoulders, and shouted: "Backup is needed!"

For more than half a month thereafter, alarms sounded from time to time in the city.

Most of the time it was a low-level alarm. People hid indoors and waited for the alarm to end. Sometimes it was half an hour, sometimes it was two or three hours, and the longest was a whole day.

Occasionally there was a high-level alarm, and Shi Yuan followed the people to hide in the shelter.

As long as it is not a level I warning, there is no need for them to stay in the shelter for a long time, and they often come out in two or three days.

Shi Yuan heard people talking about what happened that day.

"...that's the alliance's space-based weapon 'Rainbow Sword'," said the middle-aged man in the same room as him excitedly, "do you understand, it's that kind of laser weapon, launched by a space-based laser satellite. Last time It was 11 years ago to use the 'Rainbow Sword'."

Shi Yuan had seen these words in Lu Tinghan's book, but he didn't quite understand them.

He asked, "Is it great?"

"Of course!" The man became more excited, "Low-power lasers can accurately strike individuals, and it is easy to kill a person. High-power lasers can destroy a large area—such as an outpost. Except for the 'Rainbow Sword', There is also the kinetic energy weapon 'Heavy Hammer'. The body of the 'Heavy Hammer' is a large mass of tungsten rods and titanium rods. It can fall from space, pass through the atmospheric combustion stage and hit the ground. Its power is the same as that of a small see Have you ever passed a meteorite?"

Shi Yuan shook his head.

"In short, it is very powerful. The 'Heavy Hammer' is 10 times faster than the speed of sound, and it can destroy the entire Gleaming City, leaving a huge hole." The man said, "This is the greatest military weapon in my opinion."

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "Then why not use them to deal with monsters?"

This time, the man's face was a bit embarrassed: "Um, because, because...they are disposable." He paused, "These weapons are all in outer space and need to be loaded and maintained. We have no way to go to space. So use it once less."

Shi Yuan asked again: "Why can't I go?"

"Go to outer space for a rocket." The man replied, "47 years ago, the last space base of the Alliance fell, and we can no longer escape from the ground."

He is a military fan, and he was very excited when he talked about space-based weapons. When Shi Yuan asked these two sentences, his mood immediately became depressed, so he stopped talking too much.

Shi Yuan felt that he had done something wrong.

But he just wanted to know the answer.

He read the news and asked other people, knowing that the southeast outpost was destroyed that day.

At that time, a large number of monsters raided the outpost, the defense line completely collapsed, and everyone evacuated. But Lu Tinghan immediately activated the 'Rainbow Sword' and destroyed the entire outpost.

The outpost built with the painstaking efforts of countless people is gone, but the group of monsters are also dead, otherwise, according to their momentum, they will break into the city unstoppably.

After the alarm ended, Shi Yuan returned to the ground.

He breathed in the fresh air and looked up at the night sky.

It is said that there is a huge spacecraft called "artificial satellite", which orbits the planet, endlessly, overlooking all living beings.

He asked the military fan: "How many times can space-based weapons be used?"

"I don't know." The man drooped his eyes, "Maybe three or four times, maybe once or twice, the military didn't give an answer."

Shi Yuan went home alone.

Lu Tinghan still didn't come back, and the last text message was from yesterday, which read: [The battle situation is uncertain, please be safe]

Shi Yuan hugged the pillow on the bed, rolled a few times, but was still listless.

He has not been stared at for many days, and he is very lonely, so he sent a text message to Lu Tinghan again: 【You need to come back soon】

After a long time, Lu Tinghan replied to him: [OK]

The stage performance was suspended again, and Shi Yuan started working at the food distribution place again.

A few days later, he heard that Tracy was in the hospital again.

She was sicker than ever, when Shi Yuan went to the hospital, her eyes were tightly closed, her face was pale, and several instruments were attached to her.

Shi Yuan sat on the edge of the bed, looked up, the liquid medicine in the dropper was falling drop by drop, and flowed into the body from the infusion bottle along the hose, like transparent blood. Tracy's breathing was so shallow that he thought she would die if the infusion stopped.

Die peacefully like a kitten.

Shi Yuan thought of the withered rose in Xia Fang's hand.

Wolfgang was always with Tracy, unshaven and with dark circles under his eyes. During the war, there was not enough manpower to hire a nurse, so he could only guard it by himself.

He told Shi Yuan: "The doctor said that we should continue to observe the situation and not relax."

Shi Yuan offered to help Wolfgang watch for one night, let him go home to rest, and stay with Tracy by himself. Wolfgang agreed.

The hospital is not quiet late at night. People in the same ward are coughing and panting like a broken bellows; people who have been infected by leopards are restless and scratch their long nails on the wall; people in the next room are arguing and screaming They scolded each other, so dirty that the other party seemed to kill their father and enemy; and further away, at the end of the corridor, there was a mournful cry.

This reminded Shi Yuan of outside the city.

Nights in deep forests and wilderness are also very lively. Mushrooms sing, herds of beasts howl, swarms of insects fly by and buzz, and snakes tens of meters swim through the treetops, making the sound of rustling leaves... There are many kinds of them. the sound of.

Although out of season…

He missed it, and the monsters who wouldn't befriend him.

Probably because I haven't seen Lu Tinghan all this time, he is too lonely.

At three o'clock in the morning, the alarm went off.

Everyone woke up and waited in panic. Shi Yuan heard the sound of a monster in the distance, the ground shook, and several handfuls of ashes were shaken off the wall.

Tracy started talking in her sleep, Shi Yuan leaned over to listen, but didn't understand, probably talking about "Wolfgang" and "Ms. Isabella".

He reached out and touched her forehead, which was burning hot.

It took Shi Yuan some effort to find a doctor.

The doctor looked tired and said, "She's still getting the infusion, and I can only hope that her condition will improve after the infusion. I have no other choice."

Shi Yuan asked, "Is there no medicine?"

"It's useless." The doctor shook his head, "She can only endure this situation by herself."

The doctor was hastily called away by other patients.

An hour after the alarm went on, Wolfgang arrived.

The transportation facilities were out of service, so he ran over abruptly, covered in sweat, and didn't even have time to change into his pajamas.

Shi Yuan poured him a glass of water, and Wolfgang sat by the bed and waved his hands: "Fortunately, you are all right."

"The monster is still far away." Shi Yuan comforted him.

He heard it.

Wolfgang glanced at him in surprise, didn't say anything, just said: "Shiyuan, if you can fall asleep, rest, I will continue to watch."

He wiped the sweat from Tracy's temples with a tissue, and after sitting for a long time, he suddenly said, "It would be nice if there really was a savior."

The alert lasted 3 hours and ended before dawn.

Tracy's fever subsided the next morning, and Wolfgang was finally relieved.

Everything has been fine since then.

The number of alerts decreased day by day, and the scale of the fighting gradually diminished until, by May, the fighting subsided.

Lu Tinghan is coming back too.

Unfortunately, on the day he came back, Shi Yuan had to work at the distribution office until 7 o'clock.

While distributing bread to others, he was distracted, wanting to find his human beings, until he heard a table of people chatting: "Hey, do you know that Yan Xiangnan died?"

Friend: "Which Yan Xiangnan..."

"The one at our North Outpost! Captain Yan!"

"Oh—" the friend reacted, "It's him, what's going on?"

"Ham, it seems that four or five days ago, when he led the team to retreat from the outpost to the city, he was attacked by the infected group in Abyss No. 6." The man shook his head, "He is the son of a distant relative of mine. It's a pity to hear that."

Shi Yuan couldn't hear what they were talking about afterwards.

But he was familiar with the name "Yan Xiangnan".

Shi Yuan stayed with Lu Tinghan and didn't know many people from the military department, and Lu Tinghan seldom mentioned it.

He knew Captain Yan because he was Lu Tinghan's friend.

Lu Tinghan and Yan Xiangnan met at the military academy and kept in touch for many years.

Yan Xiangnan was also one of the few people who had been to Lu Tinghan's house. At that time, he and Lu Tinghan were chatting in the living room. They were talking about old friends. Shi Yuan was afraid of people, so he hid in the room and observed secretly. He heard that they had a good relationship.

After Yan Xiangnan left, Shi Yuan asked Lu Tinghan, "How long have you known each other?"

"15 years." Lu Tinghan replied, "We've known each other since the first day we entered school."

In 15 years, it was like flicking the abyss.

But for humans, that's a long enough time.

It is said that clothes are not as good as new, people are not as good as old, and seeing old friends is like seeing all the joys and sorrows of the past. Shi Yuan still remembers that when Lu Tinghan and Yan Xiangnan chatted, their tone was smiling.

But Yan Xiangnan died.

The knell tolls for him.

When it was time to get off work, Shi Yuan rushed home.

Pushing open the door, Lu Tinghan was sitting on the sofa holding a terminal to watch, Shi Yuan rushed over and nestled beside him: "I want to touch my head!"

Having not seen each other for many days, it took Shi Yuan a long time to calm down his loneliness satisfactorily, and the tip of his tail swayed happily. He told Lu Tinghan about his experience, nagging about everything in detail.

At night, he occupied Lu Tinghan's bed, wrapped in a quilt, and watched Lu Tinghan sitting at the desk writing notes.

Until then, he didn't think about Yan Xiangnan.

Lu Tinghan didn't show any abnormality, he was still serious and patient when listening to him, and echoed a few words from time to time; now he was sitting at the desk writing profusely, Shi Yuan observed his expression, tried to capture something, failed as always .

The commander must remain calm at all times and not be disturbed by emotions. Lu Tinghan is even more resolute and courageous, standing still.

Perhaps, he has experienced many farewells.

Perhaps, when he entered the military academy many years ago, he was ready to face this day.

It is impossible for such a person to lose control of his emotions, hide everything tightly, and never need others to worry about it.

But Shi Yuan wanted to talk to him about it.

He couldn't say why, but he felt that he should do it. It's like Lu Tinghan taught him a lot of things, and he finally has something to help Lu Tinghan.

Shi Yuan knew that he was not very good at talking, and he didn't understand the twists and turns of human beings and many etiquettes, so he didn't know how to speak.

After Lu Tinghan finished writing the comments and went to bed, he saw Shi Yuan wrapped in a quilt and staring at him.

Lu Tinghan asked: "Have you started observing people again?"

Shi Yuan: "No."

Lu Tinghan asked again: "Then what are you doing, why are you staring at me like this?"

Shi Yuan replied: "I want to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it."

"What's the matter?" Lu Tinghan rubbed Shi Yuan's head - this can effectively reduce Shi Yuan's IQ and facilitate clichés.

"I haven't figured out how to open my mouth." Shi Yuan said, "Huluhuhulu."

"Tell me about it." Lu Tinghan said, "I'll help you figure out how to speak."

Shi Yuan:?

Shi Yuan struggled out of the joy of touching his head, and protested, "I'm not stupid."

- He actually reacted.

Lu Tinghan laughed lowly.

Shi Yuan struggled for a long time by himself, but couldn't think of a clever starting point for the topic.

Lu Tinghan said: "If you can't figure it out, think about it tomorrow, and I won't run away."

Shi Yuan gave up: "Forget it, I'm sure I can't think of it, so let's talk about it directly." He looked at Lu Tinghan with dark eyes, "I want to talk about Yan Xiangnan."

Lu Tinghan was obviously taken aback.

Shi Yuan said: "I know you are very good friends, you must be very sad." He said very seriously, "Lu Tinghan, if you are sad, you can hug me and cry—I will never Tell someone else."