MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 29 show and flowers

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Shi Yuan started acting again.

Life is back on track, and the audience is much smaller than in the past. They have to compress the number of games, from three or four games a week to one or two.

"It will get better after a while." Qin Luoluo said this, "Every time after the big warning, the passenger flow is like this. I estimate that it will return to the same level as before in a month."

In short, Shi Yuan performed conscientiously on stage, tidying up the backstage and changing advertisements at the entrance of the theater when he was free.

He played Lin Mo, and was killed many times; he played the cypress demon, and was killed many times; he played the savior...this time he was not killed, but he saved the world.

At the end of the story, Leo played by Wolfgang knelt in front of him and said with emotion: "Can you really, can you really save the world and make me a real hero?"

At this time, Shi Yuan stretched out his hand to him—his appearance was sinister, his expression was gentle, and the golden, hazy sky shone like mist, which was too beautiful to behold.

Leo died in front of the throne, the monsters in the world disappeared, and a new era was won.

Whenever the stage play ends, Shi Yuan and others bow shoulder to shoulder to the audience, there will always be thunderous applause.

He is still afraid of people and nervous, but after all he has adapted to acting.

Everything seems to be the same as before. The audience's laughter and applause never disappeared, but when they walked out of the theater and onto the street, something unresolved seemed to condense in mid-air, which was gloomy and gloomy.

"Is there really a savior?" Shi Yuan asked Qin Luoluo.

"Savior?" Qin Luoluo was putting on makeup in the background, carefully applying mascara. After painting, she looked around in the mirror and continued casually: "How is it possible? If there is such a thing, it should have appeared 70 years ago."

She pursed her lips to make sure the lipstick was flawless, checked her makeup one last time, stood up, and swayed to the stage in a long dress.

Bright lights and thunderous applause.

She smiled beautifully.

Once after a performance, Shi Yuan and Cheng Youwen went to save money together.

The piggy bank for Isabella was quite full, and there was a huge pile of banknotes, thick and solid. Shi Yuan saved 20 yuan, and Cheng Youwen saved 50 yuan.

After Cheng Youwen locked the safe, Shi Yuan asked, "How is Ms. Isabella's illness?"

"That's it, neither bad nor bad." Cheng Youwen replied, "Wolfgang often contacts her, she is now in a stable condition, and the money is still enough, we will save the money for her future surgery - major surgery Very expensive."

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "Tracey also needs surgery, right?"

Cheng Youwen paused: "Yes, yes, that's right."

Shi Yuan asked, "Is Tracy's money enough?"

"Her surgery is not that expensive," Cheng Youwen explained, "Plus Wolfgang has savings, so it's no problem." His fingers were stained with coin oil, and he wiped back and forth on his clothes, "We also wanted to give Te Lacey saves money, but she's not happy with it, and won't let us do it."

He continued to rub his fingers on the corner of his clothes: "She firmly disagrees, and we can't help it. She has always been a very sensible and obedient child, and she doesn't want to cause trouble to others. She also said that when she grows up, she will definitely give the money Give it back to Wolfgang... Later, Isabella also had an operation, so we got a piggy bank."

Shi Yuan still remembered the story of Isabella. She is Wolfgang's teacher, and she transferred the Garcia Theater under her own name to Wolfgang, and only then did the Wild Rose Theater Company become what it is today.

Tracy liked Isabella very much.

She didn't want Cheng Youwen and the others to advance her surgery fee, but when it came to saving money for Isabella, she was more active than anyone else. Shi Yuan saw her save money for buying snacks more than once, and put a few dollars into the piggy bank.

Shi Yuan asked: "When the two of them finish the operation, will they be able to recover?"

"If the operation is successful, at least it will be much better than it is now." Cheng Youwen affirmed, "Surgery also has risks, but we must have confidence."

They went back down the stairs to the first floor.

The setting sun slanted through the glass and fell on the steps, orange-red. Cheng Youwen leaned on crutches, dragged his right leg, and moved down the stairs step by step, which was very difficult.

Shi Yuan reached out to help him, but Cheng Youwen pushed him away, saying, "I'm not so useless yet."

So Shi Yuan walked slowly with him.

Before going down many steps, Shi Yuan asked, "How are you and Qin Luoluo doing?"

"Ahem!" Cheng Youwen coughed twice unexpectedly, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden!"

"I thought you would be together." Shi Yuan said, "You kept comforting her in the refuge, and she was much better."

"That's the concern among friends." Cheng Youwen said, "She won't like me because of this, and I don't expect it either."

Shi Yuan asked: "You didn't tell her, do you like her?"


"Why don't you tell me?"

Cheng Youwen said: "Oh, there are some things you don't understand. Timing, everything needs timing, and I don't know what to compare. Well, how did you and Lu Tinghan know each other? You can't just confess your love right away, right?"

Shi Yuan corrected: "Lu Tingting."

Cheng Youwen: "...All right, all right, Tingting will be Tingting."

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "I don't seem to have confessed."

"So it's Lu Ting... Lu Tingting is interested in you." Cheng Youwen concluded.

"I don't know if it counts or not." Shi Yuan was a little confused.

Cheng Youwen took a few glances at Shi Yuan, sighed and said, "Forget it, I guess you just don't understand."

"But if you like someone, tell him." Shi Yuan said.

Cheng Youwen stood still.

At this moment, his expression was very complicated, a little helpless and unwilling, showing a self-deprecating smile: "Shi Yuan, do you know how many scripts I have written?"

Shi Yuan shook his head.

"Even if it is officially written, there are 12 films in total, and the theater troupe has performed 5 of them." Cheng Youwen said, ""Waiting for Oakland", "In the Rye", "Southern Flowers" and "Plum Rain", each of them has There are emotional lines, and Wolfgang is the male lead, and Qin Luoluo is the female lead, do you know why?"

Shi Yuan replied, "Because we are poor, we cannot afford to hire other people."

Cheng Youwen: "..."

Cheng Youwen's expression was wonderful, as if he was caught off guard by Qin Luoluo's 12cm stiletto heels, and said, "Uh, that's probably the reason." He shook his head, "Damn my thoughts are messed up by you Now, I mean, why do you think I'm not the leading actor?"

Shi Yuan really didn't think about this question.

Wolfgang is certainly suitable for the male lead, regardless of his acting skills, he is tall and has a sharp face, which looks deep under the stage lights. He and Qin Luoluo often appear in the middle of the posters, handsome men and beautiful women, looking very seductive.

On the other hand, Xia Fang and Cheng Youwen have no aura.

Xia Fang is too thin, and his appearance is clever and cunning, not like the protagonist; Cheng Youwen is even worse than him, his face is always pale like a ghost, he often coughs, and he has a disabled leg.

Cheng Youwen stood there, looked at Shi Yuan and said, "I like to write emotional dramas, and I am very good at them. Love is a very important part of my scripts. I have been writing scripts for many years, and I have also liked Qin Luoluo for many years. If Yes, of course I hope to play the male lead once, and to have a love scene with her on stage."

He smiled again: "But, I can't do it. How can I play the male lead with my body? You see, I have written so many good love stories, but in the end they belonged to others."

Shi Yuan: "Qin Luoluo and Wolfgang..."

"No, the script belongs to the script. They are ordinary friends." Cheng Youwen said, "There is another point. Because of the sequelae of infection, the doctor said that I would not live long, at most ten years, and surgery would not save me. So I said the timing is very good. Important, if I had known her before I got infected, I would have been fucked."

Shi Yuan paused: "I never knew about this..."

Cheng Youwen looked at Shi Yuan who was stunned, and said: "Only Wolfgang and Lieutenant Xie know, and you are added now. You don't have to think too much, I think it's good now, we still have time, and we can act together. He pinched Shi Yuan's shoulder and smiled, "She is the heroine, and one day a prince from heaven will marry her away, I'll just be a small audience."

After writing so many stories, it is not the protagonist after all.

Cheng Youwen's tone was free and easy, but his eyes were full of regret. Even the little monster Shi Yuan could see it.

For the next two days, Shi Yuan fell into confusion.

He felt that human emotions were too complex.

If he were Cheng Youwen, he would still tell Qin Luoluo—he never hides what he likes, he likes flowers, he likes flowers, he likes touching his head, he touches his head, and the human beings who like him are the human beings who like him, frank and clear. Chu, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Cheng Youwen shrinks back because of his disability, while Shi Yuan never feels inferior because of his...species.

That's the difference!

Shi Yuan thought about it, trying to understand human beings, and felt that Cheng Youwen made sense.

He also asked Xia Fang if he would tell someone he liked.

Xia Fang was cleaning the vases in the theater, holding a half-dried rose in his hand, and said in surprise: "Why are you discussing relationship issues and having conflicts with your Lu Tingting?"

"No." Shi Yuan said, "I'm just thinking."

"There's nothing to think about." Xia Fang said, "It doesn't matter if you have true love or not, money is the most important thing. I have dated so many men, and I have never been tempted once."

Shi Yuan asked, "Why?"

Xia Fang replied: "Because I don't believe that stories have a happy ending. Reality is not a script, nor is it, so what if there is true love? We will all be killed by monsters." He pointed to the roses, "You have grown flowers too. Like this rose, it will wither, so its beauty is meaningless; we will all die soon, so our struggle is also meaningless."

He threw the rose into the trash can: "Timely pleasure is the real thing. Shi Yuan, if I want your face, all the men in Gleaming City are mine."

This is something Shi Yuan has never seen before. He imagined it: "Wow, there are so many, will you guys mate together?"

Xia Fang: "..."

Xia Fang expressed the same emotion as Lu Bafang: "... Shi Yuan, you are still a bit scary."

On the third day, when Shi Yuan got off work, he saw a familiar man at the entrance of the theater.

The man's name is Duan Mu, who Shi Yuan met at the food distribution place, and they added their contact information. At this time, Duan Mu was dressed in a casual suit, his hair was carefully done, elegant and handsome.

"Hello." Shi Yuan said, "What a coincidence."

Duan Mu smiled and politely invited him to a nearby coffee shop.

Since acting, Shi Yuan has been favored by various people: those who strike up a conversation, those who send him flowers, those who insert love letters, those who ask for his contact information in the troupe... There are men and women, but it's not that they know him much, it's just that they are attracted by his His face was fascinated, and he was fascinated by the color.

Mutants have special appearances, so it is inevitable that they will be scrupled by some people. But it turns out that as long as it looks good enough, all rules and regulations do not exist.

Shi Yuan was not interested, he just wanted to go home to find Lu Tinghan after work, he had no time to take care of them, and he didn't understand why so many people courted him—when he was in the wasteland, no monster had ever looked at him.

After all, he doesn't spread his feathers to dance, he doesn't sing, he doesn't collect shiny gems, and he doesn't build a nest.

He once thought he was ugly and uncompetitive.

Perhaps human aesthetics are different.

Duan Mu is an acquaintance, so he probably didn't propose to him.

Shi Yuan thought for a while, and followed him to the coffee shop.

Two cups of hot mocha, full of aroma.

Duan Mu took the initiative to chat with him about himself.

He is a model.

No one cares about fashion these days, he says, but he just wants to be a model. It's really not easy to go from a little-known little model to the present step by step. He was also on the cover of two magazines recently, and he finally made it through.

He said that he likes watching stage plays very much, and the Wild Rose Troupe can surprise him every time. He thinks that people who can stick to their dreams are amazing.

After listening carefully, Shi Yuan said, "Thank you for telling me this. I didn't know that the job of a model was like this before."

"There are still many interesting things." Duan Mu was very happy, and even his eyes lit up a little, "If you are interested, I can tell you about it next time—when will you be free in the future? Can I buy you another drink?" a cup of coffee?"

Shi Yuan made an appointment with him to come here again next Tuesday.

He only stayed in the coffee shop for half an hour, and when he got home, Lu Tinghan was already reading on the sofa.

Shi Yuanwo came to his side and wanted to touch him in satisfaction.

Lu Tinghan asked: "Why are you back late?"

"Someone invited me to drink coffee Hululu." Shi Yuan narrowed his eyes contentedly.

Lu Tinghan touched him with one hand while turning the pages of the book: "Which one?"

"His name is Duan Mu, and he's a model." Shi Yuan said, "He's the one I met at the distribution office."

Lu Tinghan: "What did you talk about?"

Shi Yuan immediately told Lu Tinghan those interesting stories like Daodouzi.

He finally said: "I made an appointment with him to meet again next Tuesday!"

Lu Tinghan turned another page of the book and said, "I just wanted to ask you if you want to go out for dinner next Tuesday."

Shi Yuan's eyes lit up: "Is it the noodle restaurant we ate before?"


Lu Tinghan, a busy man, seldom took the initiative to ask for an invitation. Shi Yuan only hesitated for half a second before giving up on Duan Mu, saying, "Then I'd better go with you."

He talked to Duan Mu, and Duan Mu said it didn't matter, he had a lot of time, so he could make an appointment another day.

A few days later, Shiyuan received a bouquet of flowers in the theater, red roses and lilies in full bloom, and the name on the business card was Duan Mu.

Next Tuesday, Lu Tinghan really took him out for dinner.

Eating beef noodles, his whole body felt warm, Lu Tinghan asked: "Is he going to ask you out again?"

"Yes." Shi Yuan picked up a piece of chopstick noodles, "Say next Monday."

Lu Tinghan put down his chopsticks and took a sip of tea: "Shi Yuan, did you forget something?"

Shi Yuan: "Huh? What did I forget?"

Lu Tinghan tapped the table with his finger bones: "You said that you will go shopping with me next Monday."

Shi Yuan:?

He had no memory of it at all.

"Buying flowers with Lu Tinghan" is such an important matter, no matter how he thinks about it, he can't forget it, and he has to think about it at least three times a day. He tried hard to remember for a long time, his tail was so tangled up that it curled up, but he still couldn't remember when he promised this matter.

He said suspiciously: "I can't remember, really? I won't forget this kind of thing."

"Of course." Lu Tinghan's tone was affirmative, "I will lie to you?"

Shi Yuan still felt something was wrong, and observed Lu Tinghan's expression.

Lu Tinghan was as calm as ever, with a relaxed expression, without any clues.

——Shi Yuan's human observation plan has been going on for so long, and he still hasn't learned how to observe words and expressions, let alone find flaws from Lu Tinghan.

Shi Yuan said, "Well, maybe I forgot."

So, confused, he turned down the invitation with Duan Mu again.

That day he and Lu Tinghan went to the flower shop.

This is the largest flower shop in Gleaming City, Lu Tinghan asked someone to give an order in advance, the boss has already prepared the most beautiful flowers.

"After finishing this business, I won't do it." The boss just finished moving a large pot of flowers, sweating profusely, holding a cattail fan to his death fan, "My suppliers have all gone, and no one grows flowers. Pick whatever you want , I’ll give it to you if it’s cheaper. I really didn’t expect that my last deal was with General Lu.”

For the next hour, the boss sat on the recliner and watched the two choose flowers.

He thought it was the admiral's love for flowers, so he took the time to buy them, but after looking at them, he felt something was wrong.

Lu Tinghan didn't look at the flowers with much love, just like looking at the stones on the side of the road. On the contrary, Shi Yuan was very happy and kept picking out different flowers.

"Lu Tinghan, which one do you think looks better?" Shi Yuan asked while holding up two sunflowers.

Lu Tinghan: "The one on the left."

"What about these two flowers?"

"It's still on the left."

Shi Yuan wrapped his tail around the two flowers on the left, and started to run around again, waving a large bunch of flowers with his tail.

"These are beautiful!" he said, "especially the sunflowers."

Lu Tinghan said: "Then buy them all."

"I'm too poor." Shi Yuan said, "You bought these flowers for me today, and I won't be able to pay them back for the rest of my life."

Lu Tinghan: "Then owe it first, and pay it back slowly later."

Shi Yuan asked, "Do you think my salary will increase a lot?"

The land general remained politely silent.

Shi Yuan struggled for a long time, but finally failed to resist Hua's temptation and gave in.

He likes something and a person, and he can't hide it no matter what—he goes into the flower shop empty-handed, and when he comes out, his arms are full of flowers, and his face is almost buried in the sunflowers.

There were so many flowers that Shi Yuan couldn't hold them anymore, Lu Tinghan also walked down the street with a few bundles of flowers.

There used to be several shops on this street. After the I-level warning, a large area was blown into ruins. It has not been rebuilt for a long time, and maybe it will never be rebuilt. Soon, this largest flower shop will also close. Debris is everywhere, and not far away is a ruined wall, a piece of dust, only their flowers are bright and dazzling.

Shi Yuan talked about the troupe, and said that Duan Mu also gave him flowers before.

Lu Tinghan walked and said, "You have been invited so many times before, why did you agree to him?"

"Because Duan Mu is my friend." Shi Yuan explained, "Unlike other people, everyone else is courting me and rushing to have **** with me."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

As expected of an admiral, the land general just raised his eyebrows when he heard the astonishing words: "Shi Yuan, he is too."

"Ah, is he?" Shi Yuan asked, "How do you know?"

"Obviously." Lu Tinghan said.

Lu Tinghan was very smart, Shi Yuan immediately believed him, and said: "Okay, then I will meet him next time and explain to him that I will not be with him."

Lu Tinghan: "How are you going to tell him?"

"I told him, if you don't like it, you don't like it." Shi Yuan said, "If I like something, others will definitely see it."

Lu Tinghan didn't know what came to his mind, but he actually smiled, saying "Mmm" as an expression of agreement.

Shi Yuan thought about it for a while and was uneasy, and then confirmed: "I have an appointment with him next time this Friday, can I go over? Are you okay that day? I haven't forgotten anything, right?"

Lu Tinghan said, "Not this time."

He glanced back at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan's entire upper body was submerged by the flowers, and only a pair of sharp devil horns were exposed on the gorgeous bouquet. He moved very slowly, like a large group of flowers moving forward slowly.

He made a voice from the back of the flower group: "That's good. But what a coincidence, he asked me out twice, and it happened that we both had something to do!"

Lu Tinghan said calmly, "Yes."

The more Shi Yuan thought about it, the more incredible he became: "How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Yeah, how could it be such a coincidence." Lu Tinghan said, reaching out to take half of the flowers in Shi Yuan's bosom, and now Shi Yuan's face was finally exposed, and his fair cheeks were surrounded by a ring of petals—now, He could see Lu Tinghan clearly again, and immediately rolled his eyes with a smile.