MTL - High Above-Chapter 45 turbine

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  Chapter 45 Turbine

   "The blood of one warrior will be repaid with a hundred imperial men."

   While talking in his mouth, his hands didn't stop.

  The great shaman will be located in the box. Although it has been taken out long ago, the two hearts that are still beating red are gently picked up.

   Then, gently place it in the crucible, which has completely turned bright red, like magma, and like boiling blood on the medicinal mud.

  With the heart sinking into the mud, the ritual is complete.

   While holding his breath, a burst of spiritual light visible to the naked eye flickered.

  The turbid medicinal mud in the crucible instantly became pure and deep, and the red blood paste transformed into another ink-like medicinal juice within a few breaths.

  A clear and pure 'blood ink'.

   And at the moment when the blood ink was formed, a gust of wind rose out of thin air, and suddenly bursts of mountain shouts sounded from the mountainside outside the big shaman's tent, just like the shouts and roars of ancient ancestors, shaking all the totem poles.

The shout spread all the way to the redwood swamp at the foot of the mountain. The sudden strong wind swept every branch, leaf and tree trunk in the forest sea, making the whole forest noisy, and the mist and miasma above the swamp rose even more, spreading a colorful color.

Thirty-two hunters were kneeling on both sides of the tent at this moment. Animu held up the cauldron, and he stretched out his hand to poke into it, not caring that the bright red medicine juice and blood ink in the cauldron were far thicker than boiling water. It should be several times hotter.

  Afterwards, the old man used his hand as a pen, stained with blood ink, and motioned the hunters to raise their foreheads, and then slowly painted **** lines on the tops of the hunters' foreheads.

Every hunter couldn't help showing joy, and then his expression became painful, but he gritted his teeth and forcibly endured—the bright red blood lines spread along the forehead towards the inside of the flesh and blood, spread between breaths, implanted between muscles and viscera, and made breathing All become thick.

  In the bodies of the few hunters who are extremely adaptable to this blood ink, tiny scales develop accordingly.

   There is a smell of earth and sea breeze in the air. It is the smell of mountains and tides, and it is a harbinger of the awakening of the spirit of mountain tides.

  Animu painted lines with blood and ink for the thirty-two warrior hunters in turn, but he did not stop, but walked all the way to the redwood swamp.

  Beside his ears, the tremors of many totems and the voices of spirits slowly converged into one piece, surging like a tide.

  As time went by, the whistling voice gradually became clearer, and finally turned into a deep and deep murmur coming from the depths of the swamp.


  Letting this vague but soul-stirring spiritual sound whistle back and forth in his ears, Animu's face was solemn, the blood ink in the crucible in his hand had dried up, and the medicine dregs were completely hardened and turned pale.

   Only two hearts, one big and one small, were left, and they were beating violently, containing extremely strong life force.

  "The lord of the mountain, the son of the sea, the pulsation of the tide, the call of the earth... This is a sacrifice that belongs to you alone, and it is enshrined in your life."

   Chanting ancient sacrificial words, the old shaman stepped into the center of the swamp.

   Then, he placed the medicine jar on top of the muddy swamp water, turned and left.

  The redwood swamp was shaking slightly, and all the trees in the forest were shaking.

  In the middle of the swamp, the quagmire began to spin, sucking the medicine pot deep, and the invisible spiritual sound let out a loud roar, followed by a greedy sucking sound.

  If you look down on the mountainside, you can vaguely see that in the depths of this swamp, which is regarded as a holy place by the Sequoia Tribe, there is a huge shadow shaking and bulging.

   Its shape meanders and circles, and six scarlet light sources light up under the mud.

  It wriggled at the bottom of the quagmire, making tremors and howls that humans could hardly hear.

  The pure sacrifice that took place in the ancestral land of the Sequoia aborigines did not cause any changes in a short period of time.

   But there is no doubt that something has happened.

   After a while, the sky fell, and Harrison Port entered dusk.

  It was already evening, and Ian in the house lit the fire. He used a fire stick to stir the charcoal in the stove, causing a handful of golden-red sparks to burst out from the gap between the stove and the pot, bringing up a burst of smoke and dust.

  The fire was getting stronger and more firewood was added. After the boy who was cooking porridge and preparing dinner was sure that it was ready here, he got up and went to the cupboard beside him to take out the healing herbal potion that had been standing for a day.


  A white light pierced the dark sky, thunder sounded, and it rained heavily again in Harrison Port.

  Ian picked up the potion and looked out the window sideways. Fine raindrops covered the entire land, and unformed thunder faintly rolled in the tumbling rain clouds in the sky. From time to time, a real lightning struck down, illuminating the entire port and the coast.

   "Normal tropical weather, it is unlikely to be this bad."

  Shaking his head slightly, and listening to five thunderstorms in three minutes, Ian naturally knows that the weather in the other world must have more variables than that in his hometown.

  However, in Harrison Port, there is a thunderstorm twice every three days in summer, which can even attract a large group of minehunting jellyfish not far from the cliff of sighing, which obviously does not belong to the usual situation.

  The thunder that shone and dissipated in the clouds contained an aura that made Ian instinctively uneasy.

  He had a vague premonition that his teacher's mission was related to the real reason for this weird weather.

   But now is not the time to think about that.

  After standing for a day, the concentration potion exudes a peculiar fragrance. If Ian had to describe it, it would be mint-flavored toilet water mixed with cooling oil. Just by sniffing it lightly, one can feel a coolness from the tip of the nose to the lung cavity.

  Observing carefully, Ian noticed that the quality of the water on the top layer of the potion was different from normal water. When he opened the vision horizon, the faint blue halo emanating from the upper half of the jug proved his point.

   "It seems that the effective part of the Medicinal Herb and other herbs is a substance that is lighter than water. It is boiled and then left to stand overnight, and the medicinal substance will rise. This happens to be the simplest and most effective purification step."

  Although I was thinking about the conclusion in my mind, Ian didn't stop.

After arriving at the room where his younger brother Elan was, he simply followed Elder Pudd's instructions, scooped up a spoonful of water with a cleaned wooden spoon, fed it to his younger brother who was still dreaming, and then took it out from the bottom of the medicine jar. The dregs of the medicine that had turned into a light green powder were applied to the opponent's temples and around the forehead.


Elan was still asleep, and opened his eyes due to the stimulation of the potion. The young boy looked at Ian with wide eyes, and looked at his brother for a few seconds. Then he showed a very comfortable expression, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep .

   "The effect is quite good, and the eyes are much smarter."

   Ian is not surprised by this, because before using it on Elan, he has already used the vision of vision to predict that the potion is absolutely not dangerous, and even very beneficial.

   Soon, he himself followed the instructions and took a small amount of the remaining concentration potion.

   A spoonful of the potion entered his throat, and he didn't feel anything at first, but soon, Ian couldn't help trembling slightly.

  A cold feeling spread along the throat, stomach and even the entire digestive tract, spreading to the whole body.

   This feeling was due to the fact that Ian, who had been a little dizzy and tired from practicing psychic powers all afternoon, suddenly woke up. It was like taking a cold shower when he was in a daze, and he was temporarily full of energy.

  Even if you are full of food and drink, and have plenty of physical strength, if you use your spiritual energy for too long, you will feel the pain of staying up all night and using your brain too much.

  When he was the most exhausted in the afternoon, Ian even felt that his brain was like a red iron block, hot and painful, with a swelling feeling like swelling and inflammation.

   After resting for a period of time, this discomfort has subsided a lot. But after taking this condensing water, Ian immediately noticed that his originally hot brain and body were rapidly 'cooling' down, and a comfortable refreshing feeling gushed out continuously.

  I have to make an analogy, Ian feels that this comfort is no less than that after running outside for a morning when the temperature is 42 degrees in summer, he finally goes home and enters the air-conditioned room to enjoy ice cream.

   "The medicine is really good!"

  Ian couldn’t help admiring it, but he also knew very well that this concentration herbal potion was definitely worth a fortune. It might not be a problem to sell seven or eight thalers for just a small bag alone. A few bags added up to the original annual salary of his uncle.

  The elder gave himself a whole box of medicine bags. This behavior can't be called generosity, it's almost as incredible as throwing money into the water and hearing the sound.

   It can only be said that this kind of resource that is quite precious to ordinary people is probably just a consumable for a trial for nobles and big shots.

   "It's not poisonous anyway, so it's not for nothing."

   Hilliard hadn’t returned yet, and Ian didn’t wait for him, so he finished his porridge and settled for dinner by himself.

  After eating and drinking enough, he sat quietly by the window, closed his eyes, and tried to sense the source seed while the effect of the concentration potion was still on and his spirit was refreshed and clear.

  Because of the guidance of teacher Hilliard, and recently ate a monster-level salmon that contains a lot of source quality.

  Ian quickly sensed the existence of the source substance in his body and the virtual source seed.

  For a while, he heard a slight 'crash' sound, like a tide surging.

  Ian knew that it was the synesthesia brought about by the flow of source matter fragments in his blood. It was flowing in every corner of his body, subtly increasing his physical fitness.

   "The flow of source quality is a little faster today, and the practice in the afternoon seems to be really useful."

  The source quality follows the blood circulation system in the body, flowing back and forth around Ian's body and heart. The muscles, internal organs and even cells of his whole body are greedily absorbing the source material and absorbing the energy of life.

  But the real big head is still the virtual source seed located in the heart.

  A large amount of source quality fragments poured into it, absorbed and compressed by the automatically operating source seed, and condensed into a truly regular source quality.

  Ian concentrated, and every detail of the original blurred virtual source became clear.

  By relying on his professional work experience in the past, these two days of practice and observation have given him a considerable understanding of the structure of the source seed.

  Abandoning all fancy adjectives and cultural connotations, the source species is simply a storage conversion device.

  Its structure is similar to a turbocharger. It operates with the power of the heartbeat and breathing. The source substance produced after the food is digested will enter the blood, and then be collected by the source seed, refined and extracted, then stored, and released when needed.

  Source quality is a special kind of life energy. A small amount of source quality fragments flowing in the blood circulation system can increase a person's physical fitness.

  The high-purity source quality is released by the source species and enters the body organs, which will greatly increase the physical fitness in a short period of time.

  It includes absolute strength, nerve reflexes, exercise tolerance, regeneration ability and physical toughness, all of which are improved in all aspects.

  In the world of Terra, if an ordinary person who lives and eats normally is forced to a desperate situation, he may burst out the source quality that is instinctively preserved in his body and release a power that far exceeds his limit in a short period of time.

  Mother pushes the carriage and kicks away the big rock with one hand in order to protect the child in a critical moment. It is not a magical news in the world of Terra, but something that is no longer normal. Rather, it is strange that it does not happen.

  Ordinary people can do this, not to mention the sublimator reserve who holds the source seed?

Take Ian himself as an example, after eating a Warcraft salmon, even though his body is still weak, and he is only a child over eight years old, if he completely releases the source quality accumulated in the source seed, he can still survive more than a dozen years. Within minutes, he displayed strength comparable to that of an adult man.

  Of course, the real effect of source quality is definitely not to use it as a consumable.

  As the essence of life, sublimators accumulate source quality in order to condense sublimated organs.

  If it is said that the source quality only improves the physical fitness for a short period of time, and then returns to normal after being exhausted, or even overdraws all the energy, then the sublimated organs have the power comparable to the source quality when it explodes, especially in most cases.

  Therefore, if it is not a real desperate situation, Ian feels that any sublimation person will not use the source quality he has stored indiscriminately.

  (end of this chapter)