MTL - High Above-Chapter 44 Sacrifice (thanks to the leader who does not pray for ten strings!)

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  Chapter 44 Sacrifice

  The boy's voice was not low, especially extremely sudden, so other passers-by on this street raised their heads in surprise, looked in the direction of Ian, and then turned their heads to look at the Bai Zhimin man who was standing frozen in place.

"you you…"

  Everyone gathered curious, scrutinizing and thoughtful eyes, and in just a few seconds, Brin's white face was congested and quickly turned red.

Unprepared, he raised his hand and tremblingly pointed at the smiling Ian, but until the end, he didn't say anything to "you"—the herb picker who was directly exposed could only trot away all the way. The passers-by communicated one after another, obviously seeing something.

   "I don't know whether this is bold or timid."

  Watching the other party disappear at the corner of the street, Ian shook his head and closed the window, sighing: "The law and order in Harrison Port is really not good, should I prepare some more traps at home? It can indeed be considered..."

  He decided to wait until Hilliard came back in the evening to inform the teacher of the situation.

   When he has time, he will also go to Elder Pude to reflect on Brin's actions.

   It's nothing to focus on money, but there are children at home after all. If the other party still doesn't give up, and enters the house while he and Hilliard are away, it would be bad if he accidentally hurt Elan.

   "There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

   Shaking his head, Ian turned around and continued cooking porridge.

  He stretched out the spoon, stirred the bottom of the pot, and re-stirred the wheat grains that settled at the bottom evenly.

   Meanwhile, the Sequoia Native tribe.

  The great shaman Animu Shenmao stretched out a bone stick, stirred the bottom of the pot, and re-stirred the medicinal residues that settled at the bottom evenly.

   At the moment.

  He is also cooking porridge.

The redwood forest marsh is located at the foot of the Elephant Bone Mountain. This place was originally a coastal and near lake. Because a major earthquake more than 400 years ago caused a sudden change in the geological structure, the converging river changed its course and became the Yi The Walker River and the lake have lost their water sources and dried up, but due to the perennial wind and rain along the tropical coast, they have gradually turned into today's shallow cement swamps.

  The ancestral land of the Sequoia Tribe is located in Elephant Bone Mountain. According to ancient records, they used to have the skills of domesticating elephants, communicating with them, working together and fighting. However, due to changes in the environment, the sequoia elephant herd gradually became extinct. This skill has been lost and changed for hundreds of years, and finally evolved into the Sequoia tribe's skill of training ordinary wild animals as companion animals and hunting partners.

The great shaman, Animu Shenmao, is standing at the entrance of the big shaman tent halfway up the mountain, slowly stirring the light purple medicinal mud in the cauldron in front of him, and on both sides of the tent, around the sixteen totem poles, Thirty-two thin, but fierce-looking indigenous hunters half-kneeled on the ground respectfully, with their heads bowed, bows and arrows and short spears placed on both sides of their sides, waiting for the call of the great shaman.

  Animu raised his head, and there was a hazy white mist at the end of the South China Sea horizon, which made it difficult for people to see the distant scenery. It was difficult for ordinary people to notice, but it was a sign of a huge storm that was about to come.

There is a violent and damp smell brewing in the air, and the swamp forest at the foot of Elephant Bone Mountain, the intertwined wooden roots, colorful moss, vines and shrubs, and the intertwined dense branches seem to be connected as a whole, The many water snakes, toads, centipedes, mudfish and live cockroaches inhabiting it make this whole full of vitality.

  The entire jungle is like a living thing, it is constantly breathing, whispering, issuing warnings that only the great shaman can listen to.

  The totem pole vibrated slightly.

  —The spirits of the mountains and tides are warning, and so are the spirits of the jungle.

  Animu Shenmao closed his eyes and said calmly, "Blood."

The two hunters closest to the great shaman got up slowly. Their movements were very slight, as if they were afraid of disturbing the ubiquitous spirit. They took out the simple clay pot with the green inscription from their arms, and then cautiously Carefully go to both sides of the cauldron and deliver the jar to the Grand Shaman.

They didn't raise their heads, and they didn't dare to raise their heads. The two hunters who were respected and revered by the tribe were covered with black and blue tattoos and scars, which were the proof of their glory and bravery. is a child.

Animu picked up the pot. He was old, and his nose could no longer smell all the smells of the world, but he could smell the blood in this pot, which was spicy and strong, and contained the angry soul of a grown man. debris.

  The other jar of blood smelled pure and innocent, as clean as mountain spring water, with a sweet fragrance, like a young child who doesn't know much about the world.

  —Not good enough, but okay.

   Taking a deep breath, Animu poured the two jars of blood into the cauldron, and then stirred.

The boiling medicinal mud in the pot absorbs the two different pots of blood, and there is a little reddish in the faint purple, and there are shimmers that are invisible to ordinary people that are flickering and converging, shaking the air, and making a desperate roar like a man, a child The sound of terrified crying.

  The whisper brought a silent breeze, blowing around the shaman's thin figure.


  The two hunters at the beginning had retreated, and as Animu spoke again, the two hunters in the second row also stood up.

  They held two wooden boxes, one large and one small, and presented them to the great shaman respectfully.

  In the box are two skulls, one belonging to an adult human being, and the other belonging to a baby under two years old.

   "This one is better."

  Glancing at the two clean skulls that had been stripped of all flesh and blood, Animu nodded slightly in appreciation, and immediately the two hunters showed joy and stepped back slowly.

   Animu didn't say much. The white-haired, brown-skinned old man stretched out his hand and held a skull.

  His skinny hand seemed weak, and his breath was like a candle in the wind, but with just a light kneading by this hand, the entire skull turned into dust-like smooth bone powder, which fell into the pot with a gentle breeze.

  The wind surrounding the Great Shaman became stronger again.


  Following the summons, the next two hunters stood up and presented the sacrifices they had carefully collected.

  Blood, bone, flesh, sinew.

  —the power of life.

   Brain, eyes, tongue, skin.

  —the perception of life.

  Lung, liver, kidney, spleen.

  —Patience of life.

   Intestines, stomach, gallbladder, heart.

  —Vitality of life.

Starting with blood and ending with heart, sixteen are the most immature and sixteen are the strongest, a total of thirty-two different lives. The most essence, the most spiritual and powerful part is the "pure devotion". Sacrifice' required thirty-two offerings.

   "What happened to Achetu?"

  Finally, when the two hunters presented the 'Child's Heart' and 'Warrior's Heart', the Great Shaman suddenly asked, "Is he dead?"

   "Yes, yes, Great Shaman."

  The two hunters who were questioned were stunned for a moment, and then they said in trepidation: "Shaman Achetu failed to infiltrate Harrison Port and was killed by the imperials...Viscount Grant ignored this."

   "That's why we replace it, and present the most important..."

   "Well, I see."

  But Animu didn't finish listening. He waved his hand to signal the two hunters to step back, then shook his head slightly: "They really noticed the signs, Achetu is too reckless."

   Stirring the medicinal mud in the crucible, the great shaman Animu Deep Marsh stirred the essence of flesh and internal organs, he stirred the essence of life, and said indifferently: "But those imperial people must also pay the price."

   "The price of life."

The icing on the cake, recommended starting point is the author of the most powerful beast-defending literature in the contemporary era, the master of the genre, the overlord of ZTE, the birth of light novels, the protector of beasts, the master, the one who keeps changing, the crown-wearer of the twelve heavenly kings, the book of my friend Qingquan Liuxiang "Unscientific Royal Beast"!



  (end of this chapter)