MTL - High Above-Chapter 43 Keep an eye on (thanks to the leader of Xialin sister acridine for the reward

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  Chapter 43 Eyes on

  —It takes about one-third of a second to open the 'foreseeing horizon', and the energy consumed is about the same as 'slamming a punch with all your strength'.

  Even Ian, whose physical strength has improved, cannot open and close more than twenty times in a row.

   It's not that he doesn't have the physical strength, but that he can't bear the pressure of opening the vision horizon mentally.

   Just like an ordinary person, don't you have the stamina to throw twenty punches in a row? They just didn't master the method, they exerted the wrong force, and naturally their elbows and arms were sore and uncomfortable after punching many times.

  Ian believes that through a lot of practice, he can gradually strengthen the speed and endurance of opening the predictive horizon, and master a more scientific and reasonable opening method.

  Maintaining the vision of vision also requires energy.

   This consumption is not large. On the premise of having a full meal, Ian can continue to turn it on for more than a minute before feeling tired, which is about the same as running fast, and he can recover after a few minutes of soothing.

  In addition, Ian discovered that the scope of the foreseeable horizon will continue to expand as it is opened.

  The world fogged by the foreseeable horizon is a circle with a diameter of about 100 meters at the center of Ian.

   Only within this range can he immediately perceive the 'crisis' and 'opportunity'.

However, because Ian is still a human being after all, his field of vision is cone-shaped, so outside of the cone, a master like Hilliard can avoid the blind spot of vision through the blind spot of vision without Ian noticing. probing.

  As the vision horizon continues to open, the radius of this circle will expand at a rate of more than one meter per second, and the physical energy consumption of the vision horizon will also increase rapidly as it expands.

  When Ian continued to maintain the foresight vision for one minute, and the range of the foresight circle reached a radius of 110 meters, he could not bear the intense physical exertion at all.

  Ian guessed that if he could control the scope of the foresight circle and keep it at a certain level, and prevent it from expanding arbitrarily, then he would be able to make the foresight horizon last longer.

   Even, in the future, the existence of the foresight circle can be maintained around the clock!

   In this way, no matter who it is, it will be extremely difficult to sneak attack him.

  Although it is not currently possible, Ian believes that the predictive horizon is controllable and only requires long-term practice.

   This is also recorded in the "Preliminary Preparation Notebook" in his mind, as a daily training item from now on.

   "There are many items that require training."

  I kept exercising until noon. Feeling tired, Ian boiled a pot of hot water and prepared to cook some wheat porridge.

   When igniting the fire, he concluded: "Spiritual energy and body complement each other, and neither of them can be delayed. According to this amount of training, I have to eat at least two portions of food to ensure growth instead of physical loss."

  According to what Hilliard said and his own observations, Ian noticed that the physical limits of the Terra people were very exaggerated.

  Even ordinary people who have not set foot on the road to ascension, if they persist in exercising and honing their bodies to the limit, they are enough to wrestle with an adult bull with bare hands, and even win a battle.

   This bull is not a bull on earth. The Terra bull is a huge monster with an average weight of more than two tons and a body covered with cartilage plates. It is a real biological tank!

  Beef cattle are lucky to say that the bulls used for riding are three points stronger than the same kind. When they go crazy, it is easy to knock down a small one-story house.

  Even knights are honored to be able to tame a riding bull, and 'bullrider' is even a good name for famous wrestlers.

  However, compared to becoming a person who can wrestle with bulls, Ian is actually more interested in the body structure of the bulls on Terra Continent and why they can grow so big.

   But unfortunately, like the earth, the cattle on the Terra continent are also the main force of farming and the source of various strategic materials.

  A cow can cultivate a hundred times more land than an ordinary farmer, and the tendons of a cow can be used to make a big bow, and leather and bone plates are also natural sources of armor materials.

   Not to mention the price, the price of a well-developed adult bull is a terrifying 250 talers, which is even more expensive in Port Harrison. The last farmer has worked without food or drink for decades.

   Therefore, the plan to dissect the bull can only be left behind by Ian regretfully.


  Even when he was diverting his thinking while cooking porridge, Ian still didn't forget to open his vision of vision from time to time for spiritual exercise.

  If someone is in the house, they can see that the white-haired boy's eyes light up with a circle of crystal blue streamer from time to time, and then quickly dissipate, flickering like fireflies.

   But when he glanced unintentionally, Ian suddenly realized that something was wrong.

   Lifting his head, he looked out the window.

  There seems to be something suspicious there.

"That is…"

   Ian, who was squatting in front of the stove, stood up, his expression was solemn, the fluorescent lights in his eyes lit up, and he locked on the suspicious target outside the hut behind the wall: "Is someone watching me?"

  In the precognitive vision, a circle of pale white mist in the shape of a human is walking on the street.

  This matter is unremarkable. Different from where Ian originally lived, the new house Elder Purdue chose for Ian and Hilliard is located in a seaside neighborhood, so there are a lot more people during the day.

  But this fog has walked back and forth on the street three or four times, and the total duration is more than ten minutes. No matter how you think about it, it is very suspicious.

   "Who is it? Why? It can't be an aborigine, right? How can it be so arrogant."

  The boy thought for a few seconds, then leaned close to the window, and calmly peeped out of the window through the gap.

I saw a man passing by outside the street. He crossed the street, turned into the corner of the street on the other side, walked out after ten seconds, and passed the door again. He pretended to be just passing by, but actually secretly looked at the doors and windows of the house. .

   Ian looked intently, but found that the other party was an acquaintance.

   "Brin, the herbal picker who wants to **** my sleeping powder?"

   Frowning, Ian remembered the play he and his teacher performed in front of everyone the night before.

  At the scene of the fire, a neighbor noticed that the bag in his hand contained a lot of valuable sleeping powder, so he wanted to **** it, but was stopped and reprimanded by Elder Pu De, and he could only leave in despair.

   It was the herbal picker named Brin who was hovering outside the window.

  He pretended to be passing by at this moment, but observed and looked at the situation of Ian's house from time to time. His eyes were always observing the windows and doors, and he was still muttering something, and he didn't know what to mutter.

   "It seems to be targeted."

   Shaking his head slightly, Ian understood.

After all, among other things, the medical center in Port Harrison has been buying this natural medicine that can be used as a painless anesthetic at a high price. The guards also need this kind of material that can capture high-value prey without injury, even monsters. .

  A sword has no eyes, so beheading a monster cannot guarantee the integrity of its body.

  Whether it is an arrow point, a knife mark or a trap, the high-quality fur, flesh and bones of the monster must be damaged, and it cannot be sold at the highest price.

  But if there is sleeping powder, which can be captured alive, that is naturally another way of saying, and the intact fur and internal organs are also another price.

  Fur materials, as well as various exotic sublimation plant processed products, are the core of the trade between imperial immigrants and redwood natives. As long as they are available, they will definitely not worry about selling them.

   "It's really a clumsy stepping point. How could someone do this in broad daylight? Doesn't he have a job?"

   "Still, it's not about spying on sleeping fans, he has other purposes..."

   Tucao in a low voice, seeing a lot of people around, Ian simply opened the window.

  He took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly to the man who was still 'passing by' outside the window: "Brin, why do you keep hanging around my door?"

Here also thank Weirdo, Jiuyue, Yin Liuxiao, Xiong Tuanzi, Glory of the Night, Holy Light Seeker, Former Lalaren 527, Cosmos Pigeon, Chongran Jun, Arbitration Authority, Gods Class Battleship, Grilled Carp, Yu Mengjun and Depressed Jun, Cang Linghai and other friends' rewards! I have been concentrating on coding recently, thank you a little late, please forgive me!



  (end of this chapter)