MTL - High Above-Chapter 42 Exercise (thanks to the leader of the fisher slow fisherman for the reward

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  Chapter 42 Exercise (Thanks to the leader of the fisher slow fisherman for the reward!)

   It's not his fault.

After all, slowing down the breathing rate and calming the body is not much different from sleeping in essence... In other words, the so-called pre-guiding technique is actually a kind of controllable deep sleep, which can quickly restore physical strength and guide the birth The energy hidden in the body.

   And when people can grasp this tranquility that is like a dream but not a dream, and in this tranquility, they can still control the body, grasp the rhythm of breathing, and add fuel to the furnace of their own body, then they can be regarded as the real mastery of channeling.

   "It's going really fast."

When he realized that Ian really fell asleep and slept soundly, Hilliard was not only not annoyed, but comforted and clapped his hands: "Only when the heart is quiet can you fall asleep in an instant... Children's minds are messy and their thoughts are flying, how can they say that they are sleeping?" Just sleep?"

   "If you can sleep as long as you say, it means that you can already master your body. Next, learn the channeling technique and grasp the rhythm of breathing. It's just a matter of course."

Children's minds may sound pure, but in fact they are just ignorant. Their thoughts are extremely chaotic. Sometimes they don't know what they want to do. The concept of self is actually very thin, and they can't even perceive the fear of danger and death. This is why Children will not notice the carriage in the street, or even purposely scurry from the side of the road.

  So the serious practice of sublimation can only start after puberty is over, the thinking is stable, and it is not disturbed by hormones.

   Only when the big family has enough excellent inheritance and enough human mentors can guide the practice process, can the practice time be brought forward.

  Hilliard recalled his past. He began to embark on the path of ascension when he was fourteen years old. It took him ten days to learn the channeling technique, which amazed his mentor, father and everyone in the family.

  Now, the eight-year-old Ian might be able to master it in less than a week.

  However, Hilliard felt that there was also a reason for Ian's awakening of psychic powers.

  Psykers practice channeling, and most of them get twice the result with half the effort. After all, their power comes from the heart, and channeling is the same, it is a skill of the same origin.

   But even so, Ian's talent is at least comparable to his... Maybe his physical fitness is a bit worse, but he didn't awaken his psionic powers at the age of eight. Rounding off, the difference is indeed not too much.

   "It's pretty light."

  Hilliard picked up the sleeping Ian and sent him back to the house. Only then could he feel the difference between the children in the southern immigrant area and the children in the imperial capital—the latter weighed at least five-thirds of the former.

  He couldn't help sighing: "There are still children in the empire who are starving, and there are still people in the empire who don't have enough to eat."

   "Our cause..."

   Hilliard shook his head, then shut up.

  He put Ian on the bed, gently covered the blanket, and the old knight walked out of the house and disappeared into the night.

   A night without dreams.

   When Ian woke up, he felt refreshed and relaxed.

   "My brain feels refreshed for a while... It feels much more comfortable even when my psionic energy is running!"

  The boy couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise. That night yesterday, he slept better than ever, and it can even be said that it was the most comfortable time in memory.

  Activate the vision horizon, look around, and the speed of the fog is indeed a little faster than before.

  Try to recall what happened last night.

Although he was in a dream, Ian still felt a warm current gushing from his heart, circulating back and forth throughout his body, as if soaking every cell, bone, tendon and internal organs... and his head seemed to be soaked in comfortable warm water In the middle, but there is no sense of suffocation at all, extremely relaxed and comfortable.

   Unfortunately, this feeling didn't last long, and he woke up.

   And when I woke up, it was already the next morning.

   "Deep sleep."

Aware of the difference between subjective time and objective time, Ian mused: "This channeling technique can make people sleep well... Not to mention that it can accelerate the condensation of source quality, just because of this alone, it is worth my time. Study it carefully."

  A good night's sleep sounds simple, but how many people actually wish for it?

   But obviously, this sleep has a price. Just as Ian got up and took off the blanket, he felt a surge of hunger, as if he hadn't eaten for two days, and his chest was already hungry to his back.

  It seems that the breathing rhythm of the channeling technique, and the subsequent deep sleep state, will consume a lot of nutrients while nourishing the body.

   And at this moment, he smelled the smell of fish soup coming from the hall.

   "Are you awake? Go out and exercise, it's still too hot."

He got up and came to the hall, just in time to see Hilliard bringing up a pot of stewed fish soup. He looked at Ian who had just woken up, and then asked: "The wheat porridge is ready, wait If you bring some fish soup to feed your younger brother, he will never let me feed it."

"…it is good!"

  Ian could already smell the strong aroma, and the rumble in his belly was even louder, but he still gritted his teeth and agreed, turned his head and went out, ready to do some stretching exercises.

  Hilliard walked out of the room right after him. He originally wanted to see how Ian would exercise himself, and then he opened his mouth to point out some correct warm-up and exercise movements, so as to develop his exercise habits bit by bit.

   But he was surprised to find that Ian's warm-up and exercise are quite methodical.

  Although it is not used as a foreshadowing for various fighting skills, and the training intensity is not enough, it is completely sufficient for stretching the body and activating the muscles and bones.

   "There is always humanity, and wisdom is bestowed by God. The truly chosen ones can develop their own martial arts and inheritance without the need for others to teach them..."

  He couldn't help murmuring in his heart, feeling very emotional: "I didn't believe it at first, after all, even I couldn't do it, but I didn't expect that I would actually meet one."

  If Ian could hear the emotion in Hilliard's heart, he would definitely laugh in his heart.

  Although genetic modification has become the norm on Earth, biological machines also need regular maintenance to keep them in good condition. Especially since his workplace is in a weightless environment in space, he must keep exercising so as not to get space sickness.

   This set of aerobics is indeed simple, but it also covers the most important parts of the body. It is the most advanced exercise method.

  Since Ian already has his own training methods, Hilliard is not in a hurry.

  At this moment, he is observing Ian's exercise habits, noting the gaps in this exercise method, and preparing to complete it, and then use this as a basis to derive the follow-up exercise plan.

   "Go back and eat."

   Twenty minutes later, Hilliard called to stop.

   When Ian, who was panting slightly, returned to the hall, the old knight had already served a large bowl of fish soup, which was the leftover ingredients from last night, without any waste.

  Ian looked at it curiously, and found that there were green wild vegetables in the bowl, which should have been picked by Hilliard from the forest last night.

   Obviously, Hilliard's cooking skills are quite good. Ian eats without saying a word. He doesn't seem to be wolfing down, but he quickly finishes the bowl of fish soup in front of him.

   "Has this been stewed for a long time? And these wild vegetables..."

   After eating, Ian put down the bowl and fork with satisfaction, and then Ian raised his head and looked at Hilliard suspiciously: "Teacher, are you up?"

   "I don't need to sleep. I sleep all the time."

  Hilliard tapped his temples with his index finger: "My brain is half asleep and half awake, and the second energy level can do it."

   Didn't care about Ian's thoughtful expression, he asked: "How is the progress of the source seed?"

   "There is already a little context."

  Ian nodded, he already understood the internal structure of the virtual source seed.

  In the final analysis, it is not complicated, it is even a bit like a simplified turbine engine, but it is driven by blood, or in other words, the 'source essence debris' contained in the blood.

  When a person eats food, part of the energy contained in the food will become source matter debris and disperse into the blood of the whole body.

When the heart itself is beating, it plays a role in promoting the blood, and the source seed absorbs the debris of the source material that enters the heart along the blood, compresses it into high-density and high-pressure real source material, stores it, and waits for it to be released when needed , to enhance physical strength, or to condense and sublimate organs.

   It is also because of this that the breathing guidance technique can encourage the 'turbocharged engine' of the source species to speed up.

   And the turbo engine that is actually running, isn't it just an existence that has no end to inhalation and no end to exhalation?

  Although Ian has completely analyzed the structure of the source seed, as long as the accumulation of source quality is almost the same, he can start to turn the virtual source seed into a real source seed.

  But he didn't intend to shock the world too much. He insisted on racing the fastest, but wanted to continue to sense, get familiar with, and make sure that he could achieve perfection before condensing.

   After all, cultivation is the same as overhauling a spaceship, there is no rush.

   "If you encounter something you don't understand, you can come and ask me. When you plan to try, tell me one day in advance. I will help you observe when you gather."

Hilliard didn't feel that the source seed could trouble Ian, he nodded, patted Ian on the shoulder, and encouraged: "Exercise in the morning, practice channeling in the evening, and you are free to decide the rest of the time. I believe in your self-control. "

   "As for the potion, don't worry, that's the last step."

"Yes, I know."

  Ian is very clear that there is no rush in everything.

  Although one's body seems to be much stronger after awakening psionic energy, in essence, it is only psionic energy that stimulates the potential of the body, which is a slow overdraft.

  His body was rather frail, the body of an eight-year-old who had been abused and rarely had enough to eat.

   After condensing the source seed, he needs to exercise for a period of time to improve his physical fitness, so that he can gradually bear the load of the channeling technique and the drastic changes to the body caused by the potion in the future.

   After breakfast, Ian continued to exercise at home, while Hilliard went out pretending to be Oceana.

  In the eyes of outsiders, "Oxenna" was indeed "injured" quite seriously, but he was originally disabled, and he was doing port clerical work, so a little injury on his body would not hinder his writing.

   What's more, the physical fitness of the Terra people is incredible. In Ian's view, a serious injury may be more serious than a fingernail being lifted to the locals.

  —Twice stabbed? Isn't it just a little bit of saliva?

   No joke. Ian doubts that the bodily fluids of the Terrans really have the ability to disinfect.

  At this moment, at home, Ian is trying to master his psionic 'foreseeing vision'.

  After many attempts and verifications, two hours later, he had a deeper understanding of the 'foreseeing horizon'.

  (end of this chapter)