MTL - High Above-Chapter 41 Breathing (Thank you for the reward from the lord who has a white face but not a black face!

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  Chapter 41 Breathing

   "Is that so? Sure enough, the elders of Bai Zhimin are not idiots. If they really want to know, then you can reveal your identity as a psyker."

  When Hilliard took Ian to the outer courtyard to practice the breathing method, he knew what happened to Ian at night, and he also heard Ian recount what Elder Pude did.

The old knight nodded slightly, approving the boy's response: "Don't worry, psykers are the absolute priority for training. If you are a psyker, even the local lords will divert resources—this is a very important achievement, but any local lord If you want to get rewards and promotions, the indicators of the psykers in the territory are very important."

   "But it all depends on you, when you think it's appropriate, you can reveal it.

   "As for the natives, don't worry. If there are really people far beyond your scope of dealing with you who want to harm you, I will definitely take action."

  —The implication is that if the strength is about the same, let me deal with the exercise by myself?

  Ian understands this, which is also in line with his impression of Hilliard-the old knight is obviously not the type who takes special care of his disciples, but is keen to encourage students to challenge themselves and improve themselves in a crisis.

   Exactly what he wanted.

   "Right here."

   Saying so, Hilliard and Ian sat cross-legged in the backyard outside the house.

  Because it rained in the afternoon, the air at night was slightly cool and the sea breeze was blowing, which was unexpectedly calming.

  The teaching of breathing guidance starts here.

   "Although it's called breathing guidance, it doesn't actually need to speed up breathing."

   "Ian, imagine the coke in the furnace. It burns slowly and quietly, but if you blow air into it with a blower, the fire will burn hot enough to melt all steel into molten iron."

"The same is true for the human body. The food that people eat on weekdays is not a kind of charcoal fire? And the breath that people usually breathe, isn't it a kind of wind that blows into the stove? The human body itself is a stove that is constantly blowing and burning, and the sublimator The furnace is stronger and more efficient."

"Ian, imagine. Imagine that the operation of the source seed follows the flow of blood, slowly and naturally, just like the breeze blowing the stream. But this is far from the limit of the source seed. Use the breath to drive the source seed and drive it to run. Like the storm that stirs the sails of a ship, and the river that turns its mill."

Hilliard's voice was gentle and clear. He sat cross-legged on the ground and guided Ian, who was kneeling with his eyes closed, to master a breathing rhythm: "Very good, that's it. You mastered it quickly, but the details are still a little lacking. .”

   "Next, you stretch out your hand and pay attention to sensing my breathing rhythm, as well as the cooperation of muscles, internal organs and even blood."

The old knight asked Ian to press his hand on his chest, sense the frequency of the heartbeat, the veins of the blood, and the regularity of the movement of muscles and organs, while pointing out: "Adjusting the breath is just self-suggestion, the most important thing is to guide, gather and disperse in the The fragments of source matter in every blood vessel around the body can release the power stored deep in the body, and then be converted into the essence of source matter by the source seed."

   "Control your heartbeat, make it slower and more powerful; make your body relatively still, feel the blood surging around your body, and run through every end of the circulation."

   "In this way, you can sense the debris flowing in your body, like ears of wheat in the light."

  The ear of wheat in the light is a term commonly used among the sublimators of the Terra continent.

  It refers to all "power given by the sun" and "fruit of life", and is the source of all extraordinary power.

The golden ears of wheat become firm after bathing in the sun, just as the essence is condensed from the essence of life; if the blood is regarded as the sunlight flowing in the substance, and the source matter is regarded as the ears of life, then the channeling technique can accelerate the growth of the ears of wheat process.

  Ian listened carefully to Hilliard's teachings, and he controlled his breathing as much as possible to converge with the other party.

  But the metabolism of the eight-year-old body is too fast, and the lungs and chest cavity are not yet fully formed, so it is difficult to breathe at the same frequency as an adult.

  Even for him, in a short period of time, it is difficult to really calm down and guide the source quality fragments in the body to gather and condense.

  However, Ian is very good at imagining and observing.

   And, listen.

   Closed his eyes, but Ian opened the 'foreseeing vision'.

   Immediately, he could see the golden body of the teacher in front of him.

  Looking closely, one can even see pale golden streams of heat and light clusters surging in the body. They are intertwined with each other, forming a complicated but extremely regular structure.


   Staring, listening, imitating.

  Ian's heart was more soothing and peaceful than ever.


  Thinking, analyzing, and summarizing.

  Ian's mind was racing like never before.

  He has noticed that Hilliard's breathing is long and long, powerful but not abrupt, like a rushing river. It doesn't have the sudden lethality like the explosion of dynamite or the thunder bombardment, but it still has a huge surging power.

  The breathing of the other party has become blurred. Originally sensing the ups and downs of the lungs and the flow of blood, Ian should be able to easily know when the other party is inhaling and when is exhaling.

  But the old knight's breathing made him a little confused, because it seemed to be a long breath without end, and it seemed like a long sigh without end.

  —What kind of breathing is this?

  At this moment, Ian could no longer keep up with Hilliard's rhythm. Even with the guidance of the old knight, he suddenly lost his breath, and then began to cough violently.


   "No need to rush, you've done a good job."

  Stretched out his hand, stroked Ian's back, and relieved the boy's discomfort. Hilliard was quite patient: "You are almost grasping that rhythm, but your physical fitness is still not enough to keep up with your thoughts."

  To be honest, Hilliard is actually quite satisfied at the moment.

The special signs of children are also the reason why it is difficult for them to practice, but on the other hand, if they can overcome the defects of children and can use the channeling technique under such circumstances, then the stability of Ian's practice in the future will definitely far exceed that of other peers .

   "The channeling technique can strengthen the lungs and accelerate the extraction of source quality, but it does not affect the muscles and cannot sharpen the willpower."

  After thinking about it, the old knight said: "Starting tomorrow, I will arrange some physical training for you to exercise."

He emphasized: "No matter what kind of inheritance, there are different requirements for physical fitness. Shakai apprentices are even more demanding. They need strength and physique beyond ordinary people to meet the requirements of taking potions and condensing and sublimating organs. condition."

   "It's better to say that the stronger the inheritance, the higher the basic quality required. If you think that you can relax your training with a strong inheritance, you will definitely suffer a lot."

   "Not to mention anything else, the drastic changes and stimulation of the potion on the body are enough to kill an ill-prepared Ascendant apprentice."

   "It's even like just now, when you were only slightly distracted, your body couldn't keep up with the load of the breathing method."

   "I understand, teacher." Relieved, Ian understood Hilliard's emphasis on physical fitness very well.

   It's just a job transfer attribute requirement, I understand. The more powerful the profession, the more basic requirements it needs, which is normal.

  On Earth, this setting has been tasted enough!

  He originally had the idea of ​​exercising to improve his physical strength. After all, the physical fitness of Terra people is really unique. He doesn't know the limit of his body without a good temper.

   "Let's do it again, this time let's go slower."

Hilliard noticed that Ian was still full of interest and did not flinch from the previous pain, so he did not stop the teaching: "Remember the rhythm, not only the lungs, but your body, muscles, organs and blood. The rhythm of breathing..."


  Following Hilliard's guidance, Ian breathed rhythmically.

  All sounds were covered by the hustle and bustle of the July tide, and the originally rapid frequency gradually became peaceful and long. Every breath slowly revived the power that was silent deep in the body...


   Ian fell asleep.

  (end of this chapter)