MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 379 Undead Bible (recommended)

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Soon, the harsh sirens sounded, over the sky, the blazing police lights smashed the dense fog, and several police cars gathered on the Tower Bridge to begin to divert traffic and isolate the scene.

However, the murderer had long since disappeared. The only remaining man was the man who was embedded in the steel frame. He was black and his face was painful and embarrassed, just like the traitor who was crucified on the cross in the slave society.

〖Police〗 The chariots transferred the fire truck and set up the ladder to get the dead down. The clothes of the deceased had been completely burned, and they were turned into black and gray.

What makes the police look incredible is that the steel frame of the suspension bridge has been severely distorted and deformed. It is necessary to melt the heavy steel plate into a high temperature in a short time, even if it is a flamethrower. It is also necessary to continue to burn before it can be reached.

What kind of power is this effect? The police officers began to ask eyewitnesses. When they knew about the passing of things and guessed that the people who caused such effects were super masters, they already knew that this matter was completely beyond their ability to hang over in London. In the midst of heavy fog, Birmingham was pouring down the rain, and the ink-dyed yin cloud covered the sky. Although there were still hours away from the sunset, the sky was already dark.

In the rain curtain of this column, a black Lincoln car illuminates the headlights on the road, and the fast-rotating tires splash a piece of water.

Shortly after driving, the car stopped in front of a villa compound, and slowly entered the car with the iron door automatically driving in.

The car had just stopped, and a man wearing a black sè windbreaker hurriedly got out of the car. He did not have an umbrella and walked straight into the villa.

Pushing open the door of the villa, the hall is gathering some vampires dressed in luxury. They are carrying wine glasses with blood, and they are talking in groups of three and five. They see the men in the windbreaker coming in, some vampires who are sitting in the wind. Standing up and casting a respectful look on the man.

The windbreaker man ignored it and went straight to the second floor, slamming open the door of a room. The nose screamed: "Bassery, we are in trouble."

There was a white-faced, handsome man in the room. He was the supporter of the Viscount Basil who appeared in the last underground meeting.

At this time, Bessari completely did not have the scent of the yin, and his body was deeply immersed in the chair behind him, with a pale face.

"Edward is dead," said the man.

"I know., Seri silently spit out these words, and then stood up and stood up from the chair.

Both of them were members of the blood family. Two months ago, the two of them joined Edward. The three of them signed an agreement with the hands of the gods and demon, agreeing to the cooperation between the blood and the hands of the gods.

Although the agreement at the time was a battle for the new era of the blood family, they knew very well that once they fought, the blood race is very likely to become the cannon fodder and shield of the hands of the gods.

And even if the final victory, the weak blood family wants to get a piece of meat from the mouth of the demon hand is hope, it is likely to be kicked!

But the hand of the demon provided Bassari with enough blood for the first generation of vampires and other conditions that have youhuo power, which made Bessari heart.

In the end he agreed to cooperate with the hands of the gods.

But just yesterday, the mysterious young man appeared in the underground conference room of Earl Burnley. When he shot, he killed the guardian sent by the demon hand. Although the young man did not show his identity, his bloodline was there. With such a strong strength, his identity has already been called out.

Blood ancestor!

A **** old monster who has been living in seclusion and has extraordinary strength. Do not know how many years he lived for hundreds of years? Even thousands of years?

The strength of such a person is difficult to estimate, and the key is that the **** people have a kind of awe from the heart of the ancestors themselves, even Basile has to be afraid!

Now, the blood ancestor shot and killed Edward. Does this mean some kind of warning?

He is not satisfied with the betrayal of the three members of the parliament and wants to kill him?

I want to understand this, how can Barceli not be afraid, maybe he is the next one to die.

The agreement has been signed, and now tearing up is to offend the devil's hand, because the blood of the first vampire he has used half! And even if the agreement is torn, can the ancestors of the blood family ignore the suspicion? Once he is willing to stand up, it is not difficult to take power and blood, will he get rid of himself?

"What to do?" another man asked.

Basseri clenched his fist and said, "Cry for help from the hands of the gods, if not, then make other plans."

In the Dianason Hotel in London, a middle-aged man came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. He stepped on the red carpet with bare feet and a cluster of thick xiong hair.

Just then, his phone rang.

The middle-aged man picked up a cigar, put the phone on the shoulder and clipped it on the shoulder. While cutting the cigar, he asked the phone "What?"

There was a low voice over the phone. "Mr. Ron, something went wrong, Edward was killed."

Ron frowned slightly. "What happened? Who is the murderer?"

"It should be the mysterious young man who appeared in that underground meeting. He is probably a ancestor of the blood family."


"It should be true. Edward was burnt all over. The metal frame behind him also melted. When he was at the meeting yesterday, the man released a black flame. The marble conference table also showed signs of melting. The strength of the blood ancestor is at least comparable, and may even be close to the evolutionary..."

"is it". Edward's face sinks down. Obviously, the blood ancestor is demonstrating to the hands of the gods in this way, and also to the bells of those who betray the blood.

As a result, I am afraid that the cooperation between the hands of the gods and the blood family is difficult to carry on. The voice on the other side of the phone continues: "The Earl of Burnley, who was swinging before Mr. Ron, has just called and refused us, and has already turned to us. Viscount Basir asked us to give him asylum, and he was afraid of the revenge of the mysterious blood ancestor. Mr. Ron, what should we do next?"

Edward's subconsciously scented tobacco leaves with cigars, after a few times of fermenting carefully rolled cigar leaves, he was smashed into fine ash, he said: "Abandoning the blood family is not worth an unstable The chess piece has provoked an unknown enemy."

"What about the Viscount of Naba?"

"If he is self-defeating, we have other pieces that we can explore."

"That time this plan..."

"As usual, the blood race is just a small force, and it doesn't affect the roots." Ron said that he had burned a special match of cigars between his fingers, and the beating flame reflected his face, which looked awkward.

When the **** cadres were sitting and restless for Edward's death, Zhou Jian, the initiator of the sorcerer, was studying the "Undead Bible". He had sucked some of Anne's blood before, and he learned a little more about the **** characters, occasionally encountering some. If you don't understand, please ask Annie directly.

Most of the "Undead Bible" records the blood skills, but there are not many records of the exercises.

Most of these blood group skills involve the level of Ling hun, so that Zhou Jian is more and more shocked.

From the very beginning, the simplest underwater breathing, recovery, sacred blood, control of blood slaves, to later complex blood parasitis, flesh and blood alchemy corpse, blood and blood stasis, blood curse, blood explosion, Blood stasis, blood stasis, limb re-continuation, bat avatar, flesh and blood assimilation and even the final resurrection, longevity and so on.

These skills are shocking to hear the name, but the method of cultivation is also harsh and requires not only the pure Diculasian bloodline, but also the realm of the **** family.

However, there is not much record about the exercises in this "Undead Bible", and there is no way to improve it.

This made Zhou Jian reluctant to be grateful that in the world of Dicuras, he exchanged the gun of the dark ruling for the blood of a bat king cultivator, and he should be able to cultivate the blood sect method enough to use the "Undead Bible". The realm of most curses.

Among these **** secrets, the most natural thing for Zhou Jian’s heart is the resurrection and the immortality of life, but the secret demand for this reincarnation is extremely demanding, not only requires the pure Dikulas Protoss, but also requires There is comparable strength to lili silk.

This makes Zhou Jian can only look forward to sigh, his blood is only a small part of the lili silk, it is estimated that the pure Protoss blood, and comparable to the strength of lili silk, he does not have to think about it.

In addition to these two eye-catching skills, the rest are also good, such as blood stasis can make people feel spiritual, into the blood pool hell: flesh and blood assimilation can assimilate other people's blood, thus absorbing each other A certain strength: the avatar bat can make your body become hundreds of small bats to escape, as long as you escape more than half, you can return to the original body, but slightly damaged some strength.

These techniques only require the blood of the royal family, and there are different levels of strength. Zhou Jian has the blood of the present, and the owed is only strength.

When Zhou Jian was reading, Anne kept watching Zhou Jian. She saw him flipping through pages one by one, and his expression was happy and sometimes regretted.

Anne fell back to the "Undead Bible". Every page records what she knows. Basically, after the tenth page of the book, the recorded works are completely legendary. No one ever learned, even the first generation. Vampires can't do it, but Zhou Jian can see it with gusto, and sometimes even faintly, which makes Anne can't help but wonder if the ancestor of the blood family can use the high-order secrets in the Undead Bible.

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