MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 380 Zhou Speaker

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The secret wood recorded in the Lu Ling Bible is unpredictable. Zhou Jian will finish and discover that he can only cultivate a few kinds at this stage, including underwater breathing, recovery, ritual blood, and blood curse. .

Among them, recovery surgery and blood curse are the most valuable, and this blood curse is also graceful and profound. Zhou Jian can learn only its first two kinds of disability fear and blood stasis.

The fear of disability can amplify the fear in the opponent's heart, and then let it not play all the strength, or even run away. This move is mainly aimed at opponents with low mental strength, is a wide range of skills, has special effects on the blood family.

The blood stagnation is a single curse, so that the blood flow rate in the other body is slow, or even stopped. The average person directly quits on the heart, and the master will have a sudden discomfort, and the action will appear for a short time. Pause, delay, etc.

Both of these skills are instant field skills, and the speed is consistent with the speed of the field (speed of light), and it is impossible to avoid it.

Restoration and underwater breathing are easy to learn. This is a gift of the Dikulas family. It was recorded in the booklet that was bought in the Shenmophenol store before Zhou Jian. He worked hard this time. It is the fear of disability and the stagnant blood.

However, both of these skills require the blood of the Dikulas royal family. Perhaps because of the fact that the blood is too weak, Zhou Jian tried it. He was unable to learn whether he was disabled or blood stagnant.

However, the ghost avatar is connected with Zhou Jian's spirit of the deity, the avatar can't learn, but the deity can learn, so that night, Zhou Jianyuan's deity in the thousands of miles away is learning these two blood curses.

The next day, the dense fog of London dissipated, the sky of Birmingham was also clear, and there was a wide range of good weather throughout the UK, but on such a sunny day, Viscount Basir was not happy.

This morning, he received a notice to hold a meeting of the patriarchs in the underground conference hall of Earl Burnley and ask him to participate.

In the heart of Bessari who received this notice, he was so worried. In fact, he sought refuge in the hands of the demon in the night of last night. After getting a perfunctory 〗 〖After, he thought about whether he wanted to go to the mysterious blood ancestor. Please sin, but in the end, Basseri still denied this idea, and did not say that this temperamental blood ancestor will not let him go, even if he is killed, I am afraid that it is also a crime to live, the family rules of the blood family is very strict, The nymphs are worms, or nailed to the cross for ten days and twenty days. Many criminal laws are not fatal, but they are absolutely creepy.

Basserie had decided to carry his property far through Australia, but after receiving this notice, he hesitated again. The sender of the notice was the Earl of Burnley. Although this guy did not finally rely on the hand of the demon, he left it for The impression of the blood ancestor is definitely not much stronger than himself. In particular, he moved the idea of ​​keeping the royal girl a blood slave, which is absolutely horrendous in the blood family.

But now, at this time, Burnley issued a notice to convene a meeting of the blood clan, does it prove that the blood ancestor is ready to abandon the former suspicion and reorganize the blood leadership?

When I think about it, the blood race is indeed stormy. There are only five people left in the House of Representatives. If you kill again, it really kills. After all, for the blood family, the continuation of the blood is the most important.

Thinking this way, Basseri decided to gamble and go to the meeting. He didn't want to give up everything he had, and no one would want to live a long-lost day.

When Basri was on the scene, there were still five minutes from the start of the meeting. The other four members have already arrived. Seeing that Burnley has given up the first position, sitting on the sidelines, Basil has already determined Today, the blood ancestors had to attend the meeting, and this position was vacant for him.

In the blood family, blood is everything!

Regardless of the skin, don't ask for a birth, just look at the blood!

If you don't have the blood of the royal family, then let your talent be superior, and how high it is, let you cultivate to the ranks of the heavens, the strength is second only to the speaker, and you can't occupy a place among the members.

This is the tradition that the blood family has formed over the years, because the continuation of the blood family depends on the inheritance of the blood. However, after more than a thousand years, because of the inevitable marriage with human beings, and the death of a large number of blood ethnic groups caused by several disasters, Lili silk utilization The traces of blood left in the ring of miracles have long been faint.

Now the so-called royal family in the blood family is only picking up a high in the gnome.

At this time, there suddenly appeared a ancestor who had never been secluded and had the blood of a pure first-generation vampire, and this person is extremely powerful, which has extraordinary significance for the blood family who are now at the moment of life and death.

After the death of the six major parliamentarians including the speaker, the blood family needs a new core of domination, and neither Burnley nor Basseri has this qualification, but it is logical to let this blood ancestor succeed.

The blood family is full of worship and awe in the bones. As long as the blood ancestor stands out, he can easily take down the position of the speaker, not to mention his strength is so great that people can not give birth to resistance.

Bassari sat down in his position with some flusteredness. He glanced at the equally awkward Pierre sitting across from him and couldn't help but smile.

Pierre was a brother and a brother. He was the first member of the betrayal of the blood. They can sit here today. They need to be thankful that the blood ancestors did not choose the two when they killed the chickens and monkeys.

Although it was a meeting of parliamentarians, there were other members of the royal family gathered in the conference room. They could only listen and have no voice. The vampires without the blood of the royal family did not qualify for the conference room. They could only wait outside the conference room. With.

The meeting room was quiet, no one spoke, Bessary and Pierre were uneasy, and Burnley closed his eyes and raised the spirit. The meeting had arrived, but it didn’t start, because the blood ancestors had not arrived yet. They can only wait quietly.

Barcelay couldn't stop watching the watch. Although it was only a few minutes, he felt that it was so long for several hours. He seemed to be the death penalty in court.

Five minutes after the start of the meeting, Burnley suddenly opened his eyes. At the same time, Basserie heard the footsteps coming from outside the door and the voice of the blood members. He knew that the man had finally arrived.

Of course, this kind of fate is completely uncontrollable by the control of others. But the ancestor's will cannot be disobeyed.

The door of the conference room was pushed open and everyone stood up at the same time. A young man in a windbreaker came in with a little girl who looked like a 16-year-old white nèn.

In fact, this meeting was Anne's quest for Zhou Jiankai. Zhou Jian's original intention was to kill three blood members who tended to cooperate with the hands of the gods, and they had a hundred.

And Anne's considerations are more complicated. Once the blood family can no longer afford to lose the royal family members, the second is to kill the betrayed blood members, although it can stop the cooperation between the blood and the gods, but change In this case, there will be some people who are stupid and stupid. In order to take advantage of the opportunity, if the blood family fight for power again, then the blood family may really die out.

Therefore, she asked Zhou Jian to convene a parliamentary assembly in the capacity of the blood ancestor, to affirm Zhou Jian’s position as the speaker, and then slowly supported her as a member of parliament and eventually grew up.

Of course, this kind of practice has advantages and disadvantages. Although Anne can be a member of the blood family royal family, she is not the same as Zhou Jian, she has no strength!

She, who has no self-protection ability, is pushed to the wind and wave at this stormy moment, and will undoubtedly face countless dangers and unimaginable difficulties, and there is also the hand of the gods and devils, and maybe an assassination will end. Her xing life.

She can only rely on Zhou Jian's deterrence, but Zhou Jian has already made it clear that after leaving these, he will leave, then the rest of the road will depend on her own.

Zhou Jian stepped into the venue step by step. He had an indescribable pressure on his body. Although he was not able to make a disability fear because of the weak bloodlines, he tried to practice it. I still found out the momentum of the week fitness.

This kind of momentum is only effective for the blood family. The members of the blood family who are present only think that every step of Zhou Jian seems to step on the drums of their heartbeats, causing their heart to resonate. Their blood seems to be summoned. Boiled by their control.

In the face of Zhou Jian, they all felt an instinct of awe and fear. This is the surrender brought by the blood and the unconditional worship of the ancestors.

Zhou Jian walked calmly to the first seat, and Annie followed him well. At this time, no one knew that this seemingly quiet and weak girl would go to the stage of the blood family and become a dazzling star in the blood family.

Zhou Jian naturally sat on the first seat. He did not expect the blood family to respect him to this extent. He only appeared twice and killed two people.

This meeting was Anne's responsibility to contact Burnley. The identity of Zhou Jian's blood ancestor was also spoken by Annie. Of course, because of Zhou Jian's various performances, no one doubted this matter at all.

Zhou Jian’s eyes fell on these few people, and there was no expression on his face. The rise and fall of the blood family did not have much to do with him. Although some of these people were traitors, they were not angry with Zhou Jian, but today they are trying to stand up. He needs to complete the trial.

"Bassere!" Zhou Jian suddenly said, his voice back dàng in the hall, with a breath of pressure! ! .