MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 378 Assassination of blood members

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The dark and narrow alleys are faintly lingering in their center. It seems that even the sun in the air is faintly fogged by the fog, and it looks dull.

The royal girl walked to the end of the alley, sticking out the plain hand and pushing open a black door.

It was an old-fashioned Russian-style building. Because it was too old, its pointed dome had already been broken, and it looked like a milky Luo who was bitten by a mouse.

As the door was opened, a faint, stale smell of breath ran on the floor, and the floor was covered with some vintage floors, because it was already loose, and it was screaming.

“Here is your place to live?” Zhou Jian asked.

"Well, yes." Anne Keller nodded. This was the house that her father's old servant had left in the UK. It was a very secret place. It was difficult to get the attention of others and the most important. Yes, this poor place will not be of interest to thieves.

Annie came to her room with Zhou Jian. The room was old, but it was cleaned up. Anne pushed the chuáng board away, and then the whole body smashed in. She opened a floor and showed a dark space. In the dark space, there is a thick and simple bell box, which opens the lead box, which is a thick ancient book.

The book is thicker than a drawer, and the height of the small tui is so long. The black sè's cover seems to be made of metal. It is engraved with a sign of a six-winged bat. There is a lock on the top and bottom of the bat to lock the whole book. Living.

Annie bit his finger and dripped blood on it. The lock was opened with a bang.

Zhou Jian took the whole book up. The book was extremely heavy. It was said that there were six or seventy pounds. The above texts are all Dicuras. The blood language is the variant of Dicuras.

However, Zhou Jian sucked a lot of blood from the blood family these days, and he could read more. He found that many of the blood skills were recorded in the Undead Bible, and most of the cultivation conditions required Dikulas. Royal family blood.

This book is very valuable to him!

Annie pointed to the blood trough on the cover of the book and said: "When the book is closed, the lock will automatically close, and the blood family needs to be opened." Zhou Jian nodded, turned his hand and directly put the book into the inventory. .

Anne saw this scene with a slight horror, but did not feel too unacceptable to think of the identity of the other blood ancestors.

She was silent for a while and said: "Adult, can you now?"

Zhou Jian nodded. "Well, I will organize the cooperation between the blood family and the hands of the gods, but I will say first, I will only use the most direct means." The fog is still filled, and it is getting thicker and thicker. Although London is called the foggy city, now because of the improvement of the environment and the reduction of the humid weather, the foggy days are far less than the past, and the fog like today is rare.

The fog blurs the boundaries between the night and the day, and the street lights are always on. However, even its faint light has no penetrating power. It only shoots a dozen meters and dissipates in the misty sea.

The pointed church dome, the Tower Bridge on the Thames, are all covered in fog, like an ethereal castle in the air.

In a *coffee shop in the main tower of Tower Bridge in London, a man wearing a black sè suit and a neck tie is holding a cup of rich blue mountain * brown, slowly savoring. In front of him, he was sitting in a luxurious, beautiful woman.

The two talked and laughed while admiring the wonders of the dense fog lock bridge outside.

Every foggy weather will cause a lot of inconvenience to the citizens of London, but the Taqiao Bar,

* The owner of the coffee shop is very happy to see such weather. In such an inconvenient travel day, there will always be some passengers coming to the Tower Bridge to enjoy the city in the fog.

* The music hall is filled with soft music, and the woman looks out of the floor-to-ceiling window and seems to carefully distinguish what is in the scenery that she sees.

The man is involuntarily tiǎn the tiǎn mouth that is not obvious fangs, fantasizing the scene of the woman lying naked on his chuáng.

He likes to find his favorite prey among the crowds, then slowly licks her, and then enjoys their perfect dong body while tasting their sweet blood.

In fact, some women are not afraid of this, and even feel very guilty. Sometimes they will contact him after a night of glory, and re-experience the double thorns of blood and xing.

At this moment, the *Cartoon Hall came in a young man wearing a black sè windbreaker. Compared with the tall and strong man in Northern Europe, the man’s figure was a little thin. After he entered the *coffee hall, he took a subconscious shot. The windbreaker on the body seems to have to pick up the water vapor on it.

The blond door-to-door girl at the door said a "welcome" in the top hat. Then the young man smiled and nodded, and went straight to a window seat in the corner of the room.

This man is the stalker of Zhou Jian, and the direction he is heading is the table where the vampire wearing a black suit is sitting.

"Sir, there are people over there, please sit here. By the window, you can see the outside view suggesting to the young man, but Zhou Jian turned a deaf ear and went to the seat of the suit vampire.

The vampire frowned and looked up at Zhou Jian. Although he was not happy, he kept a good cultivation and politely asked, "This gentleman, is there anything?"

Zhou Jian smiled and gave a white tooth, and at that moment, the nose man felt a chill from the soles of his feet and went straight to the sky.

He almost did not want to, did not want to, suddenly pulled out the soft sword at the waist, and at the same time, Zhou Jian shot, a black sè dagger like a snake snake straight throat man's throat!


The floor-to-ceiling glass, which was one person high, made a crisp sound and shattered. The man was pushed out of the window by powerful force and fell directly to the Thames!

The glass screams the broken voice of the woman's screams, as well as the spilled * brown and red wine, all intertwined, forming a lingering face full of violent aesthetics.

Zhou Jian raised his hand and pulled out a assassination mark, and he also jumped.

In the air, the vampire man felt a deadly threat. He did not hesitate to use the blood ban, and burst into a **** fog!

The figure flashed, the wall of the vampire man kicking the tower suddenly turned in the air, flying like a big bird to the bridge deck!

If Zhou Jian, who was more than a month ago, would feel very hot when he encountered this **** ban in the short time, but now it is different, the updated equipment, especially the ghost dance steps, Give him an unbeatable speed!

An instant move Zhou Jian came to the side of the vampire man this time, he pulled out the bone of Chris!

In the rush, he did not use the Devil's Nine Style, but he used a trick for half a month. However, the vampire who used the bleeding ban was really speedy. He even pulled the body up and escaped the attack!

The two fell on the steel suspension bridge. The sound of the harsh brakes was tenacious with the life of the vampire. Although he was cut in the restaurant by Zhou Jian’s dagger, he had a carotid artery on one side. But it has not been affected, it is still as healthy as a cat!

Zhou Jian is chasing after him!

In the thick fog, the car was not open to hear the bang in front of it. Many people lit up the taillights and stopped the car. People looked out of the car and watched it, but they only saw the light of the blue sè flashing in the thick fog. It looked like a beautiful huā, but they didn’t know that this kind of light could take their car. One and two halves.

The vampire man is still struggling, but in the strength far more than him, and the struggle of Zhou Jian in front of two teleportation skills is meaningless.

Another flashing raid, Zhou Jian flashed to the back of the vampire Chris's bones, the skill of a shadow touch!

This is the skill that Zhou Jian learned with stealing at 30th level. Although this power is not strong, it has a paralyzing effect. Once it is hit, then 5 seconds of paralysis is enough to declare the death of the vampire!

The man in the suit made a stern groan. After all, he could not completely escape the attack. The dark energy of the shadow touched him on his big tui. For a moment, he only felt a sense of paralysis from tui. He The action suddenly became a lot stiffer.

Zhou Jian did not hesitate anyway. He took the opportunity to turn the blade. The blazing black flame pulsed on the blade. For a time, there seemed to be a whirlpool in the air. The energy was violent, and Zhou Jian did not wait for the momentum to converge on the apex. Swing, the Devil's Nine Dragons go out to sea!

With the explosion of the bang, the whistling flame swallowed the entire body of the suit man, and then took him to the thick steel skeleton on the suspension bridge!


The blazing flame blooms like a black lotus in the air, and the smoldering wind blows away the fog around. The black man is burnt into coke and is attached to the steel frame.

Because of the high temperature flame, the steel behind the man melted a little and a significant depression occurred.

The traffic on the bridge was completely congested, and the owners behind it were completely unaware of what had happened, whistling in vain, and some women had screamed in fear near the incident.

Because the fog was blown away, they could clearly see the scene in the air. A man was cast on a steel frame. His charred face still had a sly expression, and a heart was inserted in his heart. Sword soft sword, look at the depth, I am afraid it has already passed through.

"Who is this person?"

"God, is this a movie?"

......... The list of rewards is related to the work, thank you, and recommend a book...

He is the **** of death in the prison! He is the king of the army! He was tabooed by the loyal leader's son, and his talent was abandoned and became a waste.

Get a tower that can absorb the talent of the dead, and his hopes are re-ignited! Brother's betrayal, brother's loyalty, 茫茫星海, genius stands...

The king returned, watching him return to the interstellar, then dance!

The title of the book "Stars of Death", the book page has a through train. ! .