MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 115 Escape the Secret Train (9)

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"Are you okay?" The crow couldn't help worrying about seeing the owl covering his wound with his hand, but whenever he tried to approach the owl, the owl instinctively avoided the crow's touch and asked him not to speak. . The crow was stubbornly in situ, wondering what to do for a while.

"He can't even bleed, don't need to worry about it." The opposite wolf sneered, and licked the back of his hand. There was a wound just scratched by the owl. The wound was not deep, but also bright. His eyes were full of palms and backs, especially his movements of licking his wounds, and it was really no different from a beast.

At this time, the black cat who turned off the lights in the flight attendant's lounge also returned. Under the illumination of the phosphor, the entire compartment was filled with a faint faint blue, and the glass fragments on the ground were also shining, and the place was glittering. .

The crow sighed, raised his volume, and said, "Okay friends, let's put aside our prejudices or contradictions. If you really want to fight, please escape from this train first and continue to fight. Well? No matter how you fight, no one will care. "

After seeing several people finally willing to turn their attention to themselves, the crow smiled with satisfaction and said: "The tip left for us on the door-saying that one of four of us was unreasonable and wanted to cut people. ... "

"That must be me!" The evil wolf interrupted abruptly, like a kidnapping laugh.

"I don't care if you are!" The crow suppressed his temper and continued, "But the last sentence is an important reminder. The door said 'Don't let blood spill on the glass'. I don't really understand it either, but Obviously, glass is the point. When I found that the glass in this compartment was very bright and transparent, I asked the black cat to turn off the lights, so it became the scene you can see now ... "

"But that doesn't prove anything." Owl finally spoke after a long absence, and his eyes were a little cold. "They are just some phosphor-coated glass."

The crow was lost in thought for a while. Indeed, even if it was discovered that these glasses were coated with phosphor, it would only make these glasses shine in the dark. Wait ... glow?

"I said, why do you need to apply phosphor on these glasses?" The crow began to calmly speculate: "Why not let blood splash on these phosphor-coated glasses?"

"Is it because the blood covers the phosphors that they can't shine?" The owl still covered his wound, looking a little absent-minded.

Mr. Wolf suddenly spoke. Although not in a group, he was unexpectedly rich in knowledge: "Some phosphors are poisonous and have been mixed with radioactive toxic substances. They can emit light for a long time, but the toxicity is not great."

"Will you wash these phosphors with water?"

The evil wolf raised his head and glanced at the crow: "Of course it can."

The crow paused and said, "Can you do me a favor, let's wash these glowing powders together."

This is a big project, but it is actually very easy to do, because a few people soon found that there was a long soft water pipe in the toilet of the 11th car, so the crow simply connected the water pipe to the faucet and pulled the water pipe into the car. Aiming at those shiny glasses and mirrors, the water began to flush.

Most of the phosphors are smeared on those mirrors. They are diluted by the water, and the light is much dimmed. The crow rushed away while holding the water pipe, regardless of the sofa seats that were soaked with water. As soon as he saw where it was glowing, he washed the water directly.

Although only the crow was flushing with a hose, the owl, the black cat, and the vicious wolf were affected a lot, because several of them were fighting, and a lot of phosphor powder was stuck on their clothes, and the crow was blind Holding the water light to rinse the glowing place.

Soon, the whole carriage turned dark again and it was extremely dark, but no one could see the five fingers, but under such dark conditions, several people also found that there was another place that was shining brightly.

It was a carafe on the table, glowing with a faint blue light. But it's not the glass bottle itself, but the liquid inside the glass bottle-oh no, it's not the liquid, but a small glass key lying inside the glass bottle.

"Actually placed in this place ..." The crow hesitantly looked at the glass bottle, and then looked at a few expressionless people around him, sighing again, he smiled and looked at the black cat: "Mr. Black Cat can help Is the faucet turned off? By the way, turn on the lights. "

The black cat was obedient, nodded and left. Soon the water pipe in the crow's hand stopped brushing, and the crow threw it aside, and reached out to pick up the small glass bottle.

"Now we can go out," said the crow. He opened the lid of the glass bottle. The opening of the glass bottle was so large that he could put his finger in to get the key, but before the crow did, the owl stopped him.

"Wait," said Owl, frowning. "You should be more cautious. The liquid in this bottle has a strange smell."

The crow stopped, sniffed, and said, "Yes, what should I do?"

"It smells pungent, it seems to be very poisonous." Mr Wolf sneered.

At this time, the black cat who went to turn on the light turned on the light, and then came back. He seemed to have heard the conversation between the crows there, and brought back a pair of rubber gloves when he came back.

"I found it in the flight attendant's lounge." The black cat held the glove directly on his hand. He found another plastic cup, took the glass bottle handed by the crow, and carefully and slowly the liquid in the glass bottle. Poured into a plastic cup, taking care not to let the keys slide out together.

When the poisonous liquid in the glass was gone, the black cat took out the key with his gloved hand.

They found that the key was still shining with a faint light. This was a glass key. The key seemed to be filled with some liquid. It was the liquid in the glass key that was glowing. It was estimated that it was mixed with phosphor powder. The special liquid formed is the same principle as the light stick.

"A key made of glass ... it's really fragile, won't it break when you open the door with it?" Mr. Wolf joked badly.

The black cat glanced at Mr. Wolf and whispered, "I'll be careful."

So the black cat walked towards the connecting door of compartment 11 with the key. Several people followed, and the crow walked to the end. He looked back at the poisonous substance that was still on the table and was filled with plastic cups. The liquid was colorless and transparent, and was still shaking due to the movement of the train. .

At this time, the black cat walking in front has carefully inserted / inserted the key into the keyhole of the connecting door. The glass key is very fragile, and the key is also highly toxic. Therefore, he must be careful when operating, so follow The next few people did not quarrel or disturb anything, but silently waited for the black cat to open the door.

Fortunately, the glass key finally completed the task. When the black cat put it completely into the keyhole, tried the right and left, and found that it turned to the left, and turned it hard. The door clicked and opened a The gap, but when the black cat tried to take out the key, it was found that the glass key eventually shattered because it was too fragile.

"At least the door is open," said the Crow, optimistically walking behind.

Several people stepped into the No. 10 car one by one.

Probably the theory of double and singular that the crows and owls said before is valid, because when they entered the 10th car, they found that the 10th car was just like the 12th car. Trash, no snacks littered, no suitcases full.

But there are some blood footprints on the ground in carriage 10.

It was probably a man's footprint, the one without shoes, which was a pure barefoot footprint, and the blood on the ground had dried up and turned into black footprints.

When the crows came over, they subconsciously avoided this footprint, and then they went to the connecting door of car 10, and the tip of car 10 was so written:

[The killer who killed the poor little black cat has been here]

[He used that key]

[And threw the key under your feet]

A few people saw this simple and clear prompt subconsciously looking down, and they found that the key of the No. 10 carriage was lying at the foot of the door. Because the black cat was the first to walk in front, he bent over and picked up the key, but he did not open the door, but looked back at the crow and others and asked:

"The murderer who killed the poor little black cat-what does it mean?"

"That black cat wasn't referring to you." The crow explained: "The owl and I woke up in the 13th car. When I passed the 12th car, a black cat was killed by something, and the 12th car was killed. The key was still found in the cat's belly. "

"In the cat's belly ..." The black cat paused, no longer holding it, but opened the door with the key.

Car No. 10 was surprisingly simple to everyone's surprise. The black cat easily opened the door with the key, and everyone rushed into Car No. 9.

The theory of singular and even numbers is valid because compared to the clean and tidy car 10, car 9 is dirty, messy and bad.

As soon as everyone entered the door, they had not had time to carefully observe the environment inside the No. 9 car, and they were shocked by the scene in front of them, because they saw a man standing in the No. 9 car. What's worse, this man seemed to have just put another Killed alone.

The killing man had crisp short hair, looking down, the weapon was in his hand ... I don't know where the baseball bat came from, and a poor victim was lying at his feet, lying on his back with his back up. , Did not bleed too much, probably because of a heavy hit by a baseball bat hit his head and died.

The killer and the murdered were the same as the crows, wearing gray-blue ... prison uniforms, and they all noticed the nameplate on the killer's chest, engraved with a string of English:

[Two-headedsnake]-two-headed snake.

The author has something to say: continue to update = v = 2k novel reading network