MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 114 Escape the Secret Train (8)

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The pattern of No. 11 car is almost the same as the pattern of No. 13 and No. 12, and there are a lot of messy things inside, I do n’t know who throws the peel paper scraps, any clothes left on the sofa, and the luggage rack is full. Baggage. It's just that something slightly different in this compartment is that there is a lot of 'glass' in compartment 11.

It's not just the glass on the cabin windows.

If the hanging mirrors in the toilet and the flight attendant's lounge are also counted as a kind of glass, then the glass in this compartment is really endless. Large and small mirrors can be seen on almost every sofa seat, and on every table. There are also some fragments of glass and mirrors on the ground, not to mention the mirrors that can be turned out of suitcases or travel bags.

"Where are so many mirrors in this compartment?"

The crow muttered in annoyance. He randomly touched a small round, slap-shaped mirror from a table. The mirror might be severely abraded, and there were many cracks on the mirror surface.

Looked familiar. The crow stared at this small mirror for a long time. The mirror was broken, and his face was broken in the mirror, which made the crow inadvertently touch his face.

"Don't let blood splatter on the glass." The owl also took a mirror and played with it, muttering the same sentence in his mouth, he repeated over and over again: "What would happen if the blood was really splashed on the glass? "

"Don't mention such a bad idea, you think about who has blood in this compartment? Naturally there are only four of us." The crow retorted him subconsciously, but after a while, he said, "No ... maybe we can go back Go in the previous compartment, such as compartment 12? There is a lot of blood and blood there. "

The crow and the owl glanced at each other, and they walked back and forth in tacit understanding, but soon they found something bad, and the door back to the No. 12 carriage was locked.

"I remember we didn't lock the door when we came in." Owl said.

The crow frowned. "Then it was either locked automatically or locked by someone with ulterior motives."

After a pause, the crow said, "I remember you opened the door of compartment 12, the key?"

The owl replied, "I stay in the keyhole."

Both looked helplessly at the connecting door of No. 12 car. It seemed that the road was not open and they had to find another way.

However, to find another way, there was no clue for two people at one time. With so many mirrors and glass in the No. 11 car, the lights shone brightly under the light of the lights, and it was so dazzling that people's eyes were spent.

The black cat kept squatting not far from the crow and stared at him. The crow ignored him, so he kept staring. But occasionally, the black cat will be curious to pick up a small mirror and play for a while.

As for the evil wolf, he has been sitting on the sofa seat in the corner with his eyes closed, occasionally opening his eyes and looking out the window.

The two men who didn't bother to look at them were the guys who seemed completely uninterested in escaping the back room, and the black cat and the wolf also hated each other, trying their best to keep a distance.

The situation is very grim. One of the four people is totally unwilling to cooperate, and the other one is of little use for cooperation. And the reminder on the connecting door of the 11th car is also worth thinking about, who is the wrong person? Such a question makes everyone have to build a layer of defense.

The time elapsed in such a minute, the crow and the owl went through the entire car No. 11 without any clues. The car was almost full of mirrors and glass, and with the dim light, it silently emitted the kind of sparkle. The reflection of the light, looked at it, brightly.

The crow inadvertently half-covered his eyes, the reflections of those mirrors were too strong, he felt a bit too bright.

So the crow asked the owl: "The reflections of those mirrors are so strong, do you think?"

The owl disagreed. He shook his head and said, "I don't feel much ... Well, I even feel that the compartment is a little dark."

"Dark?" The crow felt incredible. In his eyes, this car was much brighter than the two cars it had experienced before, especially under the reflection of so many mirrors, it felt like the mirrors themselves had become Like a luminescent object.

"His sensitivity to light will gradually diminish, because his pupils' eyes will lose their sensitivity to light, only dead people will." At this moment, a sound suddenly rang behind them, and the crow and owl turned their heads at the same time Look, it turns out that the Mr. Wolf who has been indifferent actually moved and stood behind them.

"What do you mean?" Owl said with a somber expression.

"Oh-what do you think I mean?" The wolf grinned, but his tone was full of sarcasm: "This is really terrible, although I find it quite interesting."

"I know what you mean, are you doubting me?" The Owl did not avoid the sharpness, refuted positively and boldly, and he didn't seem to want to show weakness in front of this evil wolf.

What the owl didn't expect is that the evil wolf actually did not follow the cards and suddenly started to do it. He also held the broken broom before, but the tip of the broom was sharpened on one side, and he just went straight. He walked towards the owl. With such a short distance, such a sudden operation, even the closest crow had no time to stop.

But the owl escaped.

He just slipped aside and ducked, easily.

"This reaction speed really doesn't look like humans." The wolf sneered.

"You're **** fucking dead!" There might be no legal or moral constraints in the back room. The owl couldn't help it. He already had a deep grudge against this evil wolf, and the owl couldn't help as soon as the other party shot Counterattack, so one second, the second tragic fighting in this back room began.

Fortunately, the owl's force value is on par with the evil wolf. Although it is unavoidable to destroy public equipment in a fight, anyway, it can be deadlocked.

The crow thinks that his force value is not particularly high, so he consciously withdrew from the battle circle, and the black cat on the side also came to watch it lively. The two protagonists who fought hard again underwent varying degrees of damage to the 11th chamber, and there were many glittering fragments on the ground. The light was so intense that it almost flashed people's eyes.

The crow looked thoughtfully at the glittering shards, and then he looked up at the ceiling lights at the top of the compartment.

He said to himself: "Where is the power switch?"

"I know." The black cat stood next to him and said suddenly: "In the flight attendant's lounge."

The crow heard the voice of the black cat and turned his head to look at him subconsciously. The black cat's eyes were dark gray. When he stared straight at you, he felt a sad feeling.

The crow suddenly felt like something, but the feeling was only a moment, similar to a flash of aura, but too short, the crow could not catch the tail of this aura of light, and watched it slip away, although the crow Sincerely familiar with the black cat in front of him, he still couldn't remember anything.

The crow hesitated, and turned to look at the battle circle. The owl felt his weapon this time. It was the sharp knife that the crow gave him. Although the knife was short, it was extremely sharp.

And it is clear that the weapon also has advantages. The evil wolf's moves look very imposing. However, he holds a broken broom stick, and the owl moves very flexibly and quickly, and he can't hit anyone. On the other hand, the owl can hold the small and sharp blade to cause a lot of damage to the evil wolf.

"It will kill people in this way." The crow was worried. He didn't want to see the killing and injury, but he didn't know how to stop the fight between the two people. In the end, we can't just leave it alone.

So the crow's eyeballs turned around, looked at the black cat next to him, and asked, "Can you stop them?"

The black cat said nothing. He looked at the crow, then turned to look at the wolf in the battle circle, his face was not good.

The black cat hasn't answered anything right, the crow shook his head again, and said, "Forget it, think of other ways. It's dangerous for you to rush ..."

So the crow proposed a new plan, and he said to the black cat: "Since you know the power switch is there, would you please turn off the lights over there? I'm watching them here, maybe I can just find a way to leave here The way to the compartment. "

The black cat really obeyed the crow's words. He looked at the crow and looked for the electric switch. The crow watched him enter the flight attendant's lounge over there, and looked back to see the fight between the two people. He suddenly shouted A owl's name.

The owl's attention was taken away for a moment, and the lights in the compartment dimmed.

The outside of the train is completely dark, and all the light comes from the ceiling lights inside the carriage. Once this only light is also turned off, the dark of the carriage is almost out of reach.

But then, something magical happened.

With so many mirrors in the carriage, and so many broken glass on the ground, with the unexpected fall of darkness, it began to gradually emit some faint light, very subtle but also obvious, and this small amount of light was so large that it started to be slow. Slowly illuminate the entire cabin!

"It's phosphor." The crow paused and said.

Because the light was turned off, the temporary darkness stopped the fight between Mr. Owl and Mr. Wolf. The face of the owl was a bit distorted and he covered his belly unnaturally. The crow called him immediately when he turned off the light and he was sucked After paying attention, he didn't notice the attack of the evil wolf, and accidentally got stuck by the tip of his stick. Although he hid quickly, he couldn't help getting a little bruised.

Under the light of a large amount of phosphor, the crow noticed the discomfort of the owl even when the light was off. The crow began to apologize, "I'm sorry, I just want to stop you fighting."

The owl did not speak, but watched the crow silently for a long time.

The author has something to say: update update = v = 2k novel reading network