MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 116 Escape the Secret Train (10)

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The killing two-headed snake seemed to turn a blind eye to the invasion of the crow. He lowered his head to check whether the poor deceased had died completely, and then found that the poor victim was still breathing slightly, which may be the last breath.

But the two-headed snake had no compassion, and raised the baseball bat in his hand again. It seemed that he was planning to make up for the knife! This scene made the crow and others all take a breath of coolness. The crow hesitated to step forward to stop it. Instead, the evil wolf took the lead in the action. He actually reached out and put the tattered broom that he had been holding in his hand. The stick threw at the two-headed snake.

The two-headed snake finally responded. He sidestepped away from the attack of the evil wolf, and finally realized that there were a few more people in the compartment, and he looked up at the crows.

The two-headed snake is a handsome man with a straight face, clear eyebrows, tall and thin body, and strong arms. He had some blood on his face. He didn't know if it was his own or the victim. He was carrying a blue and white baseball stick, and there was a lot of blood on the stick.

Although it can be regarded as a good-looking man, the eyes of the two-headed snake are too cold. If you really want to describe it, you can only say that the name "two-headed snake" is really suitable for him. His eyes are really like snakes. Just as cold and ruthless.

However, the snake did not seem to have any interest in crows and others, just glanced at it and continued to focus on the victim lying on the ground.

The victim lying on the ground under his feet was not dead, and his body was still slightly undulating. However, the two-headed snake didn't seem to be reconciled. He seemed as if he wanted to put the poor victim to death. Although he avoided the attack of the evil wolf, he stepped on the victim's back again in one second.

The victim shuddered, and the crow even clearly saw the dying poor guy outstretched his arm and wanted to crawl forward. At this moment, the crow suddenly knew the other party's thoughts, and he knew that this person wanted to live and escape. .

The crow has always felt that he is not the kind of compassionate person, and in such a bad room environment, everyone around him may be jealous and cruel. So the crow kept telling himself from the moment he woke up on this train, don't dwell on justice or injustice, you just have to live.

But at this moment the crow couldn't bear it.

Someone murders you in front of you, but you do n’t see justice. Are you a man? !!

The crow is of course a man, so he got on. Although his force value is not particularly high, his body moves faster than his thinking. What the crow didn't expect was that a few people beside him actually acted. The fastest was actually the evil wolf. The black cat seemed to have a troublesome expression but still started, and the owl followed him.

Several people immediately subdued the two-headed snake in partnership. They grabbed the man with all hands, threw away his weapons and sticks, and randomly found a few clothes and pulled them into a string to tie the two-headed snake.

The two-headed snake didn't struggle too much after being subdued, but looked at everyone with a cold look. He didn't have the consciousness after being subdued at all, and said leisurely: "You better kill the guy quickly, or you will be unlucky in the end."

"What do you mean by that?" The crow frowned and asked him.

But the two-headed snake didn't answer, just squinting sneer. Seeing that he couldn't understand why, the crow turned to look at the victim lying on the ground. The poor victim was weakly lying there, but still able to tremble slightly, but just because the situation was too urgent The crow didn't take a closer look.

Now that the two-headed snake was tied up, the crow turned his head to look at the poor victim, and what he thought was strange.

The victim was lying on her stomach and her face was blocked by her hair, so she could not see her face clearly. Although he was wearing clothes similar to those of the crow, a closer look revealed that there was a slight difference in the color of the clothes. The crow's clothes were dark gray blue, and the victim's clothes were pure dark gray.

The victim's body was small, but because of the loose clothes and the hair was a bit long, he couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman for a while. The thing that made the crow notice the difference was that the person's exposed hands—

Withered arms, fingers like dead branches, the color of the skin showed a lifeless blue.

"This guy looks a little weird." The Owl also noticed this difference, so he crouched down carefully, crouched next to the victim, took the stick that originally belonged to the two-headed snake and poked. Poke the poor victim.

"Are you okay?" Owl asked him that.

The victim was lying motionless, her body completely motionless, as if dead.

The crow didn't even worry about it, and moved a little closer, and said to the owl, "Let's turn him over and see?"

Owl nodded in agreement, so the two were about to start, but something terrible happened.

The victim suddenly shook violently as if he had been beaten by electricity. This drastic twitch also frightened both the owl and the crow next to him. They inadvertently took a step back and watched at the same time, because the secret room was so closed and completely silent. The unreasonable pattern, coupled with the previous words of the two-headed snake, they all subconsciously think that something bad may happen next.

But also to their surprise, nothing happened.

After the victim twitched for a while, he really didn't move at all. The crow and the owl waited for a while, but turned the person over and looked at the front, and found that the person was just a bit scary and thin, like a layer of wood. Just as it was pasted on a bone shelf, his face also showed that unhealthy cyan color, because the thin and powerful face was also deformed, and ugliness was the only word used to describe this face.

Except for this startling skinny, the victim has not changed much, and he is dead. After the crow and others subdued the two-headed snake, he may have suffered severe beatings before, so he failed to survive. He lost his breath in a moment, and now he closed his eyes forever.

But crows and others also observed a problem after observing the deceased. The identity of the deceased seems to be different from that of a few crows. Although wearing different clothes, the costumes are still slightly different, and his chest is There are no nameplates embroidered with temporary codes.

"That is to say, this dead guy is not one of the five of us." Although the evil wolf said that he had thrown away the note that he had left in the back room, it was clear that he had carefully read the sheet Note paper.

"Then who is he?" Owl asked subconsciously. The owl was still covering his belly and the wound caused by the evil wolf before, but the crow noticed that the owl really did not bleed, his hands were clean, and his clothes were clean.

He was a little puzzled, but the crow didn't ask much. He turned his attention to the new companion, the two-headed snake that had murdered them in the beginning.

"Why did you kill him?" The crow asked.

But the two-headed anhinga has no bird.

The crow sighed, and felt that a few people on the train didn't get along well. Needless to say, the owl looks harmless to humans and animals, but the character seems a bit capricious; as for the black cat, although Very cooperative, but the silence is overdone, the sound of speaking is as if he hadn't spoken in decades; not to mention the evil wolf who has been smirking, and that smile can really scare him with his face Deadly timid.

Now add a two-headed snake, his eyes are really cold like a snake, and he has just killed a man brutally.

The crow suddenly felt that he might be the most normal one in this group.

But having such an idea is actually quite ridiculous.

"Let's go and see the reminder left for us in this car." So the crow suggested to the owl, and the two went to see the reminder message left on the connecting door of car 9, and this reminder demonstrated the list again. The expression of the double number and the difficulty of the closet. It reads like this--

[There is a monster in compartment 9]

[It's a big stomach king, and hasn't been full]

[So feed it what it wants]

[This way it will give you the key]

Looking at this passage, both the crow and the owl realized that it was another troublesome thing for the car to spend safely.

"Is there a monster in this compartment?" Owl asked.

"Actually, this seems very simple," said Raven. "What do you think a monster that doesn't have enough food will look like?"

"Is it just like the thin dead man who just looked like a bamboo pole?" Owl guessed.

After the owl said this, the two kept silent at the same time, and turned their heads, looking at the dead man lying on the ground.

The deceased was really as thin as a bamboo pole, so it looked really weird, but saying that he was a monster, which made the crow and the owl feel a little doubt, and the owl said: "But the deceased ... in the end He's dead. Maybe he can find the keys? "

"We can also ask the two-headed snake ... what exactly happened before we got to this compartment, of course, if he would cooperate."

After speaking, he started to act. The crow decided to ask the two-headed snake himself, because the unhappy communication between the owl and the evil wolf made the crow realize that the owl might not be suitable for this kind of thing, so the owl went to the black cat. Initiating an investigation into No. 9 carriage, Mr. Black Cat has been very cooperative, although he has few words.

Mr. Wolf is not gregarious or likes to be instructed, so he dangles around in the corner by himself.

The author has something to say: The rhythm of the update ~ Don't stop