MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 40 Preparations before entering the city

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Wow! What a tall city wall! Seeing from afar the city wall that was so high that it almost went into the sky and separated the sky, Xiaoya's eyes widened involuntarily in surprise.

"The city of the sky in the kingdom of dragons." The city wall that can be seen from a distance seems to have disappeared into the sky. Ada knows that the city wall in front of him is so high even if they are far away What is the name of the city that can be seen?

After hearing Ada say the name of the frighteningly high city in front of him, Xiaoya immediately turned his head and excitedly waved to Ada to actively show his wisdom (Xiaoya: Hehe~ I finally showed it! opportunity!), it never occurred to me that since Ah Da could name the city, how could he not know the origin of the City of Sky?

I know! I know! Ah Da! I know! Sky City, known as the strongest city in the world, is one of the most famous cities in Dragon Kingdom. Because this city is on the border of the Dragon Kingdom, and its geographical environment is very unique—easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are several rich cities in the Dragon Kingdom behind it, which are the main sources of the Dragon Kingdom's financial resources. Therefore, it has always been the main military base of the Dragon Kingdom since the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom. I heard that the city wall of the Sky City was built by the giant dragon clan who had an agreement with the Dragon Kingdom back then! This is also the reason why this place is called the City of Empty, because this city wall that seems to sink into the sky is built in the air by a giant dragon, and it almost separates the sky, so it is called the City of Empty!

Ah Da! Am I great?

Seeing the expression on Xiaoya's face asking for praise, Ada smiled gently, and rubbed Xiaoya's head with his hands appreciatively in line with Xiaoya's thoughts: "Well, it's really amazing."

Hehe~ Xiaoya puffed out her chest proudly after being praised by Ah Da. The golden eyeballs rolled around, and a special thought immediately came to his little head. Gently pulling Ada's clothes, Xiaoya looked at Ada with a little expectation: "Ada, why don't we go to the empty city to take a look, just take a look, can we?"

Although she is very disgusted with humans, Xiaoya is still very curious about this empty city, whether she heard the praises from her family before she was five years old or was described in books she read in the past. I wonder if it is true in this city as it is said in the book. You can only see the sky on one side but not the endless blue sky outside the city wall. I heard that the people living there live like birds in cages.

Such a life without freedom, why is it full of yearning tone and description whether it is heard before the age of five or read in the book? This is so intriguing.

"Okay." Of course, Ada nodded and agreed to Xiaoya's proposal without any doubt.

In fact, even if Xiaoya didn't make this proposal, Ada would still find a way to coax Xiaoya to go around the empty city. There is no other reason, because Ah Da is very self-aware—the information he has collected from those books with heroism is never more realistic than his own experience, so of course when he meets the first town It's time to buy a map of the Dragon Kingdom as soon as possible. Otherwise, with the pamphlet he found out blindly, no matter how confident Ada is, he still doesn't know how long they will have to go before they can reach the destination of Xiaoya—the capital of the Dragon Kingdom?

And the most important thing is - the new book that Xiaoya has always wanted to read has not been found until now.

Anything about Xiaoya will always come first in Ada's heart. So even though Xiaoya never complained, in fact, Ah Da has always kept this matter in mind.

Oh yeah! You can go to the empty city to have a look! Um, by the way, Ah Da, when can we get to Sky City? Looking at the empty city where only the top of the city wall can be seen from a distance, Xiaoya finally remembered such a question after getting excited. You must know that the city wall of the empty city is really high. Although they can see the city wall now, they may still be some distance away from the empty city.

Raising his head and squinting his eyes, he carefully looked at the walls of the empty city in front of him, and Ah Da made a rough estimate: "About five or six days."

what! How long will it take? Hearing this, Xiaoya lowered her shoulders in disappointment. I knew there was still a distance to go, but I didn't expect it to be so far away.

"It will be over soon." Ah Da stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Ya's head as a comfort, then thought for a while and added: "We need to make some preparations, the time is just right."

Prepare? What preparation? Xiaoya, who was still a little disappointed, immediately raised her head and looked at Ada curiously.

"Prepare to enter the city." After saying this to Xiaoya, Ada raised his head and said to the wolf: "Wolf, stop."

"Roar?" Oh. What's wrong? The wolf who had been dozing off on the front seat of the carriage immediately opened his eyes and raised his head to stop the carriage, then looked at Ada with curious eyes like Xiaoya.

Reaching out to pick up Xiaoya with one hand, Ada led Xiaoya out of the carriage, then gently put Xiaoya down beside the carriage, and then got under the carriage under the curious eyes of Xiaoya and the wolf.

Huh? Ah Da?

"Roar?" Ah Da?

Seeing Ah Da suddenly get under the carriage, both Xiaoya and Wolf immediately squatted down in amazement, staring curiously at Ada's every move. I saw that Ada first drew something under the floor of the carriage, and then took out dozens of magic crystals of tenth-level high-level monsters from the space ring (fool: these are the things that the Dragon God left in the ring back then) , and then under the curious eyes of the wolf and Xiaoya, they used a miraculous method to integrate one of the magic crystals into the bottom plate of the carriage, so that whether Xiaoya and the wolf looked carefully or blinked, they would never stop. From the bottom of my heart, I felt that the magic crystal seemed to be born on the bottom plate!

Such a miraculous method made both Xiaoya and Lang subconsciously hold their breath in surprise, watching Ada's next move with eyes full of wonder. Then after finally waiting for the dozens of magic crystals after Ah Da to merge them into the bottom board with miraculous techniques as before, Xiaoya and Wolf saw Ah Da's hands clasped together He made a strange appearance, and then the entire carriage flashed a dim light that seemed to be dazzled.

Did something shiny flash past their eyes just now? Xiaoya and Wolf looked at each other suspiciously.

However, before they were sure whether they were dazzled, Ah Da got out from under the carriage.

Ah Da! Ah Da! What the **** were you doing just now? Seeing Ah Da getting out from under the carriage, Xiaoya immediately threw herself into Ah Da's arms, waving her hands curiously and excitedly, regardless of the previous questions.

Even the always calm wolf couldn't help the curiosity in his heart at this time, strode to Ah Da's side and raised his head to look at Ah Da with eyes full of curiosity.

Of course, according to the past habit, Ada is too lazy to explain anything to the wolf, but because Xiaoya is also very curious and Ada wants to explain today, so the wolf is very lucky to get Ada once today explain. Picking up Xiaoya who was clinging to the clothes on his chest, Ada led Xiaoya and Wolf back to the front seat of the carriage, opened the closed carriage door without saying anything, and signaled Xiaoya and Wolf to take a look for themselves I understood it in the carriage.

Looking at Ada's fingers, the carriage was originally decorated in a warm and simple but luxurious manner (fool: the carriage is covered with high-grade Warcraft skins that others use as equipment and weapons! Can this not be luxurious?), Now it turned into an empty room, and there was only a piece of rough animal skin inside! And even the windows that were originally on both sides of the carriage are now gone. At a glance, the current carriage is completely an old carriage with no windows and only a door. Once the door is closed, it will be completely sealed!

This, what is going on here?

Looking in astonishment at the carriage that suddenly changed its appearance inexplicably, Xiaoya patted Ah Da's chest nervously: Ah Da! Ah Da! Where is the carriage? Where is my old beautiful carriage? How could my beautiful carriage be as old and dirty as it is now? !

"Roar!" That's it! How can this old and dirty carriage live with wolves? Ah Da, where did you change the carriage? After living for more than ten years, the wolf has long been subtly influenced by Xiaoya's obsession with cleanliness.

Even Ma 1 Ma 2, who had been grazing in place calmly, stopped doing it when they saw this broken carriage out of curiosity. After so many years of pulling beautiful carriages, now they want to pull this broken one? ! no way! Pull it yourself! You must know that horses that pull carts also have dignity, especially the two of them have been bathed in the golden rain of the Dragon God. How can they pull such a low-level carriage? !

"Don't worry." Holding Xiaoya in his arms calmly, Ada waved his right hand lightly, and four invisible marks were immediately shot into the bodies of Xiaoya, wolf, horse 1 and horse 2 respectively, and then Xiaoya The dilapidated carriage in their eyes suddenly changed back to the original warm, simple but extremely luxurious carriage.

Uh... What the **** is going on here?

Looking at the carriage that suddenly became dilapidated and then suddenly changed back to its original shape, the four laymen like Xiaoya were stunned.

"The ability of the Dragon God." Just when the four of Xiaoya were stunned by the eyes, Ada suddenly uttered five words, and then continued when Xiaoya turned his gaze to him : "The carriage is too eye-catching. I made it look like what you saw before in the eyes of outsiders, so that no one will take advantage of the money."

Hearing this, the four guys who were still at a loss immediately changed their expressions of understanding, and Xiaoya, who was super disgusted with humans, waved angrily and nodded in agreement: Yes! Ada, you are doing well! Human beings are just too greedy. They obviously don't have the ability to get the things they shouldn't have, but they just want to get the things they shouldn't have, and they are willing to fight for the things they shouldn't have. Do everything you can to hurt people! Really annoying!

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end." Since practicing the Dragon God, Ada's words are sometimes more and more like an old man besides being concise, or it should be said that he is more and more like the tone of a Buddhist practitioner in the world of cultivation. ──That Zen~

Surprised to see Ah Da who would say such a thing, the wolf shook his ears and leaned back on the front seat of the carriage. Whether he will have retribution or not, as long as its carriage is not the dilapidated carriage it was before.

Horse 1: Ah 2, do you feel that Ah Da is talking more and more like an old man?

Horse 2: Ah 1, anyway, Ah Da doesn't talk much, so what does it matter if he looks like an old man?

Ma 1: That's right, let's continue to eat grass, the grass here is quite delicious. Eat it quickly, or you may have to hurry and have no time to eat later.

Horse 2: Are you okay? I think the one in the enchantment is more delicious.

Ada, who didn't know what Ma 1 and Ma 2 thought of him at all, or would be lazy even if he knew, went back to the carriage to rest with Xiaoya in his arms.

Returning to the carriage again, Xiaoya fumbled around in the carriage curiously, but couldn't see how his beautiful carriage could be the dilapidated carriage before: Ada, in the Does it really look like we're sitting in a dilapidated carriage to others? Why does it feel like there is no sense of reality at all!

"Well. Unless the strength reaches the **** level or comes from the same world as that guy." Ah Da nodded slowly. Because the way of cultivation is completely independent of this world, unless one has reached the **** level or is from the cultivation world, or even the power has been cultivated to return to the original source of all power and achieve the ability to return to the original, it is possible to see through it. Great seal left on the carriage.

In this case, even if we open the window, others will not be able to see what we are doing in the carriage? ! In other words, only we can see others but others cannot see us? ! so amazing! Throwing into Ada's arms again, Xiaoya blinked and looked at Ada: Wow! Ah Da, you are amazing!

Touching Xiaoya's head, Ada smiled understandingly: "You can't learn magic if you learn magic."

Oh~ Xiaoya, who was not looking forward to it, was not disappointed when she heard the words, she still waved her hands with a bright face and asked again: Ada, besides making the carriage look different, is there any use for the thing you drew below?

"Keep the carriage clean, protect the carriage."

The words behind Ada went into Xiaoya's left ear and came out from the right, and the only thing deeply imprinted in Xiaoya's mind was the sentence before Ada: Ada! You mean that you don't need to do hygiene in the future? !

Don't think that Xiaoya has a cleanliness habit, but in fact, Xiaoya doesn't like to do hygiene at all except taking a bath. (Xiaoya: Who stipulates that those who are cleanliness must like to do hygiene?) Hearing Ah Da say that he can keep the carriage clean, Xiaoya's eyes immediately shone with excitement, and it seemed that he regarded Ah Da as a **** read.

"Well. No need to clean up." Seeing that Xiaoya was happy, Ada also had a smile on his face.

In fact, Ah Da barely learned this formation yesterday. He originally wanted to draw a formation that could protect the carriage when he left the forest, but Ah Da only fell in love with this formation that is difficult to learn and difficult to succeed. method, and the main reason is entirely because Ada has taken a fancy to the cleaning function. You must know that Xiaoya loves to be clean but doesn't like to do hygiene. Every time she cleans up, she will have a stinky face and look very unhappy. Seeing that Ada is distressed and offers to help, she can't help but think about the cleanliness of the carriage.

The hard work has been rewarded with the happiest reward. Seeing Xiaoya happily counting her fingers and thinking about what to make for dinner today to celebrate the fact that she doesn’t need to do hygiene, Ah Da smiled gently and took out the magic crystal and held it in his hand Replenish lost energy.

"Wolf, continue to walk the path of monsters." Ada, who had replenished his energy an hour later, told the wolf to move on.

Xiaoya, who had been lying on the bed with her chin resting on her chin watching Ah Da practice, never thought that Ah Da would order the wolf like this after she finished her training, and she couldn't help but look at Ah Da with a puzzled face: Ah Da, why don't we go to the empty city immediately? Set off, but continue to follow the path of Warcraft?

"Hunt monsters for money." Ah Da, who rarely slept in but sat on the bed by the window and watched the scenery, lowered his head and explained to Xiao Ya who crawled into his arms.

Blinking her eyes in confusion, Xiaoya smiled knowingly after being stunned for a while.

Ada, you are so kind!