MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 41 The city of sky, singing and dancing

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Sitting on the front seat of the carriage, Xiaoya leaned against Ada's body with a pen and paper, and bent her legs to write and draw on her knees. People who didn't know how serious he looked thought he was planning major events in life Woolen cloth. But, in Xiaoya's eyes, he really felt that he was planning major events in his life.

Seeing Xiaoya who was serious enough to enter the realm of ecstasy, Ah Da stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiaoya's head dumbfoundingly: "The money will be enough."

How can you know if you have enough money! Does anyone know what the prices in Sky City are like now? What if we don't have enough money to buy things? When I was a child in my mother's house, I often heard people say that the prices in the City of Kong have risen again, and what consumption and things are expensive again! So things in Sky City must be very expensive! And if you think about it, you will know that it was already so expensive more than ten years ago, and it must be more expensive now than before! We only hunted fifteen mid-level fifth-level monsters, and we didn't know if it would be enough! It's absolutely right to be careful and careful! Xiaoya looked up at the calm Ada with her round golden eyes.

Since Ah Da intimately said five days ago that he would prepare the Warcraft to exchange money for Xiaoya to shop, Xiaoya has been burying his head since that day in thinking about how much the Warcraft they hunted back can be exchanged for, and the money they exchanged for them How to spend it so as not to overspend the money, Ada and Lang couldn't help but laugh at each other.

Especially in the first two days, because the wolf couldn't see Xiaoya's madness, he laughed at how many books he wanted to buy, and what kind of books he needed to count so carefully. And Xiaoya's answer to this is——Since I have come to the empty city, how can it be so simple to buy books! Maybe he will see other good-looking and fun things, but I don't know! Or maybe Ah Da and Lang also have something they want to buy, and we don't know the price of Sky City, who knows if what we are looking at is very expensive? What should I do if I accidentally count more carefully? !

To this, Ah Da has only one response: I don’t have enough money, go hunting monsters until Xiaoya buys everything she wants.

Ada's doting on Xiaoya made the wolf couldn't help looking up at the sky for a while──In fact, the so-called trip to find relatives is just an excuse for Xiaoya and Ada to leave the forest and travel around, right?

This is really just an excuse, right?

Otherwise, why Xiaoya and Ada are already thinking about how to play the game, even if the worried relatives haven't been found yet?

Looking at Xiaoya's round golden eyes, Ada still said the same thing: "If you don't have enough money, go hunting monsters."

The reason why they don’t use the monsters that were originally in the space ring to exchange money is because the Dragon God left them with tenth-level high-level monsters. Although the tenth-level high-level monsters are very easy for the current Ada and the others A monster that can be hunted. However, for the two of them, who seemed to have just twenty heads, if a tenth-level high-level monster was taken out of their hands, it would undoubtedly be a crime in the eyes of others.

However, no matter how smart Ren Ada was, he would never have imagined that the fifteen fifth-level mid-level monsters that were classified as weak in their eyes were actually guilty of crimes in the eyes of others. And not to mention the wolves who have been following Ah Da and Xiao Ya, look at the eyes of some mercenaries and adventurers along the way now, they are naked and greedy!

But we still have to find our mother! You can't just linger here in the City of Sky! Xiaoya still looked at Ada with wide-eyed eyes, not to mention that she looked like a housekeeper.

So you still remember looking for your mother!

Xiaoya's answer made Ah Da and Lang's eyes flash with surprise, but unfortunately, Xiaoya saw this common sense of surprise very clearly.

snort! What do you mean by that? ! Do you think that I will forget about my mother just because I am playing? Is Xiaoya like this kind of person? I said just play for one day! After a day I'll be on my way! The eyes that were originally wide open, after seeing the surprise in A Da and Lang's eyes, were so angry that they almost popped out of their sockets. The two hands that were originally holding the pen and paper pinched Ada and Lang's faces with force!

Make you look down on my character? ! I pinch, I pinch, I pinch pinch!

"Good boy." Looking at Xiaoya who seemed to be really angry, Ada stretched out his hand and patted Xiaoya's head, as if he was trying to coax a child who was having a fight, and it turned out to be self-defeating as a matter of course.

Ah Da! You treat me like a child again! I said I've grown up! Hate! I won't fight with you! I went into the carriage and continued to count my money! Angrily slapping Ada's hand on her head away, Xiaoya turned around and climbed over the wolf lying on the front seat of the carriage, opened the carriage door and got into the carriage, ignoring that Ada who was particularly mean-hearted today.

Seeing the carriage door being forcefully closed, the wolf squirmed his body lazily lying on the front seat of the carriage twice, and in an extremely lazy posture, he moved to Xiaoya's original position, resting his chin on Ada's lap. Lazily roared twice: "Ho Ho." It's just to be looked at by others, so there's no need to make Xiao Ya go back into the carriage angrily?

The dull Xiaoya didn't see it, but it doesn't mean the sharp-eyed wolf couldn't see it. Ever since he walked out of the Road of Warcraft and returned to the human-traveled official road, although the expression on Ada's face was still dull, the wolf still saw a little bit of jealousy and dissatisfaction in Ada's eyes.

I didn't expect that Ada, who usually can't see it, is so jealous that others can't even take a look.

"Those people have no good intentions." I don't know if it's because the wolf discovered his jealousy, or the jealousy was so strong that Ah Da needed to find someone to talk to and relieve his deep jealousy at this time, so Ah Da was very rare. The wolf explained his behavior.

Looking at the passers-by, the wolf raised his eyes and gave Ah Da a supercilious look: "Hey!" No matter how I looked at it, I felt that it was me, not Xiaoya, who they were uneasy about? !

Hearing this, Ah Da's eyelids did not move and he squinted at the wolf lying on his lap, and said the four words that **** off the wolf rather heartlessly: "You are not important."

"..." I felt that if I stayed with Ada any longer, I would definitely be **** off. The wolf raised its paw and walked slowly into the carriage, waved and roared with Xiaoya Complaining about Ah Da's hatefulness.

"Ho Ho!" The wolf was furious! Xiaoya, you are right, Ada is really annoying!

that is! that is! Ah Da is too bad!

"Ho Ho!" I really don't know how I raised him back then, it's like lighting up the toilet -- courting death!

Uh... In fact, Ah Da is not really too bad! he just...

Feeling that Xiaoya in the carriage changed from being angry at the beginning, and then because of the wolf's complaint, it turned into the gentle breath of his own words, a smile flashed in Ada's golden eyes. But before anyone noticed, this little smile was once again deeply hidden in the depths of his eyes, leaving only the guarded eyes when he looked at passers-by.

Anyone who looks at his little prey more than once must be included in the alert list of dangerous people!


Walking on the official road, the carriage soon arrived at the gate of the City of Sky.

When viewed from a distance, the city wall that reaches the clouds can still be seen, but when viewed closely, it seems to have no end. Seeing that the city of the sky is getting closer and closer after losing his temper, Xiaoya couldn't help being curious and sat back on the front seat of the carriage again. Ah Da waved his hand: Ah Da, let's leave here after shopping today, okay?

When you look closely, it seems that the sky is wrapped in the city wall, which makes Xiaoya feel that once she lives in the city, she will lose her freedom forever. This kind of feeling made Xiaoya, who originally had expectations for the city of the sky, subconsciously feel disgusted with the city of the sky at this moment.

Looking at Xiaoya who was frowning, Ada nodded in agreement.

Although for Ada, he can live no matter where he is due to his laziness, but if it is a choice, Ada would rather move his body than live in an empty place. city. There is no reason why he and Xiaoya have the same idea—Ada, who is used to freedom, hates this city that surrounds the sky that symbolizes freedom even more than Xiaoya.

I didn't expect that the city would feel magnificent when viewed from a distance, but it would give people a feeling of losing freedom when viewed up close.

"Change money and buy things and leave." Ah Da stretched out his hand to wrap Xiaoya's shoulder.

Um! Nodding vigorously, Xiaoya leaned on Ada's shoulder, watching Ma 1 and Ma 2 slowly pull the carriage into the empty city.

Don't look at the city in the sky as a city on the border, and the city walls are tall and magnificent, but in fact it is a city that allows pedestrians to enter and exit at will without soldiers checking at the gate. In addition to the city walls that are strong and magnificent enough to frighten the enemy, there are at least three dragon knights and giant dragons guarding the city all year round. Even in this war situation, the dragon knights in the sky city And the dragon is will increase to seven.

This is also the reason why the city of the sky does not need soldiers to guard the gates, because the city of the sky is not only the country's military strength is frighteningly strong, but even the absolute strength is so much that it seems worthless.

After passing through the tunnel-like city gate, Xiaoya, Ada and the others saw a bustling and bustling scene, which didn't look like the country was at war at all. Seeing such a scene, Xiaoya couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ah Da with a look of astonishment: Ah Da, are the Kingdom of Dragon and the Kingdom of War God really at war?

Patting Xiaoya on the head, Ah Da nodded affirmatively: "Everyone on the road says so."

If it weren’t for walking along the official road, there would be some refugees from time to time, and some mercenaries and adventurers were talking about the war between the two countries, so that Ah Da, who was listening to the four directions, knew very clearly that the two countries were really at war, Ah Big or, like Xiaoya, can't help but wonder if the war is really happening.

But these people... why can they be happy as if nothing happened? Looking at the refugees who seemed to have changed after they just entered the city gate, Xiaoya was very puzzled why these people could sing and dance here, where wars were still going on in other parts of the Dragon Kingdom.

"There will be no war here." So they danced and danced with peace of mind, because these people do not feel the cruelty of war. Ah Da made a pertinent evaluation of the scene in front of him.

I always find it weird here. Obviously the country is at war, but people can live peacefully through singing and dancing. This feeling is really... a word, weird! Xiaoya frowned and didn't know how to express her current feelings.

"Go change money and buy things now, and then leave." Ada, who knew what Xiaoya was thinking, directed Ma 1 and Ma 2 to pull the carriage towards a large signboard with the words Chamber of Commerce simply written on it and There is a big amethyst shop next to these two characters.

Seeing Ada skillfully let Ma 1 and Ma 2 go in a certain direction, and thinking about what Ada said to change money, Xiaoya couldn't help being curious: Ada, why do you seem to be familiar with the sky city? ? Do you know where to change money?

Patting Xiaoya who was distracted by himself, Ada nodded and pointed to the store with the Chamber of Commerce brand, saying: "The Chamber of Commerce, the reputation is guaranteed."