MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 59 Sleep (7)

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Outside the city of Thousand Fish, a large group of longevity Christians wearing heavy armor and holding sharp knives sneaked down.

In the longevity teaching, Duojun male and female, even the teaching of warriors, are mostly tall, burly and handsome young and middle-aged men.

Moreover, all the warriors have been carefully selected, and their height, size, and even face are similar. Together with the uniformity of the armor and weapons, it looks like a well-kept fruit stand as pleasing to the eye.

Twelve old people, twelve old women, a total of twenty-four crane-born children's longevity masters floated down from the wooden boat, and they were all over the body, and everyone was like a small light bulb.

This is the sign that life is so full that it can't be accommodated by the body.

Twenty-four masters lined up, standing behind hundreds of handsome men and women, and then behind the tens of thousands of elite warriors.

This large-scale and striking long-lived education army stationed a formation. Twenty-four old men and old women turned around and walked deep into the black wooden boat nearly 200 meters long.

"Please ask the assistant teacher!"

Hundreds of young men and women, nearly 10,000 elite warriors shouted in unison: "Please ask the assistant teacher."

The face of the fog knife was so ugly that he subconsciously stepped back.

He was swept by the left arm of Wu Tie, the wound broke again, and the blood dribbled.


A cold singer rang softly, like a magic sound, and a terrible shock rang in the mind of all the fog knives. The continuous magic sounds slammed into the air, and the body of the fog knife that was present was swaying, and suddenly vomited blood.

Originally, they were blown up by the arrows ejected from the old iron arm, and the death and injury were extremely heavy.

This sound of cold and sorrow can be great, the fog knife killer on the scene has been shocked by more than half, and only a hundred of the strongest lucky children barely stood firm, and they vomited and bleed.

A burly old man wearing a **** robes and followed by dozens of pretty girls slowly walked out of the biggest canoe in the middle, gloomy face, and gave a deep look at the general knife.

"The fog knife... the general command? Very good, very kind... It has been for many years, I have longevity teaching, and I have not eaten such a loss for many years."

"A branch is uprooted? Good, good, good, very good." The old man said: "Although they are four of them, they are famous wastes, so they are sent to these backcountry places." ""

"But even if it is waste... No, even if it is a useless dog, as long as it is a dog we have taught for a long life, it can only be killed by my longevity teaching, and it is impossible for others to come to the lesson."

He breathed a sigh of relief. After the burly old man's head, there was a large piece of blood mist spreading out. A huge Japanese flower looming in the blood mist was looming, and countless strange tentacles emerged after the large petals of the Japanese flower.

"Why do you want to die? The oldest teacher, the third assistant, Jia Zhengfeng... must meet your last request for dying."

The burly old man Jia Zhengfeng smiled deeply, then a breeze floated, and a **** fog wrapped a figure of nothing, and lightning fell into his hands.

Jia Zhengfeng stayed, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Going to a few people, a thorough investigation... The old man was dispatched outside, responsible for the death of all the children who entered and exited the martyrdom, how could they be killed?"

"This is the blood of the slaves... This is the story of the slaves... Damn."

Jia Zhengfeng snarled with anger, and from the blood fog behind him, dozens of black tentacles with thick arms slammed out, with a harsh whistling sound entangled in the past.

The fog knife always hesitated for a while, his body swayed, his body suddenly became transparent, and then quickly integrated into the air, disappearing without a trace.

Dozens of imaginative tentacles entangled the last three fog knives.

Just a blink of an eye, the three masters of the fog knife who slammed the building were screaming and screamed by these tentacles.

Jia Zhengfeng's face was a lot more rosy, and the rosy was almost able to have blood dripping from the pores on his face. He sneered in a low voice: "Run, run, see where you can go?"

"The Cangyan domain is your root. Can you still run out of the Cangyan domain?"

"Since this time, the old man has personally dispatched it. The entire Cangyan domain is naturally to be conquered... It’s a good thing for me to live, not to be good... The old man just wants to break through the realm and let them be the tonic of the old man."


In the dimly lit pits of the light, Wu Tie rushed to the broken head of the old iron half.

He ran wildly without tears. He didn't know how long he ran, and he didn't know where he ran. Finally, he slammed into a pillar in the mine and smashed the two-foot-thick pillar. Ground.

This is a mine that can accommodate two or three hundred people. Some miners planted some luminous moss in the corner.

The mine has been abandoned for a long time, and the growth of the nighttime moss is not very good. The stars are a little bit radiant and barely able to see the surrounding environment.

Wu Tie held the old iron in his arms and looked down at the faint light flow on the head shell. There were always old irons in the seven gongs.

The state of the old iron is obviously extremely bad, but Wu Tie does not know how to be good.

"Old iron... old iron..."

Wu Tie forced the old iron half of the head, the thick iron juice in the wound on the top of the old iron head, the warm juice color like blood, but not plasma, but a strange juice of energy condensation.

After the juices are smashed out, it is probably a few breaths of time, and it turns into a little bit of firefly-like light evaporation.

The blood in the old iron's pupil is dim, and from time to time there is a blue light flashing.

His voice came from the depths of his brain, erratic and lacking strength.

"Less, I can't help it... Hey, hurry, look at my eyes, whatever you want."

The old iron whispered.

Wu Tie bit his teeth, tears, and leaned in front of the old iron, staring at his **** eyes.

"I thought it wouldn't be used... Laozi is not a teacher-type ancient **** soldier... Laozi is... is..." The old iron screamed with anger: "However, it is good... everything has the first time." Well……"

The old iron's scorpion suddenly lit up, and a gentle blood spurted out from the core of his scorpion, and it was straight on the left eye of Wu Tie.

The blood is not glaring, the temperature is not high, and there is no lethality.

A wave of graphic information continues to flow into the mind of the mind, as if after his thousands of readings, it is deeply imprinted in the depths of his mind, as if engraved in the stone with a knife On, the memory is profound and will never be forgotten.

What followed was the rapid consumption of the golden light of Wu Tingmei.

This direct transmission of information is directly at the expense of the mental power of the loss of Wu Tie, and it is an irreversible loss.

After Wu Tie inspired the talented supernatural powers, he inexplicably realized the awe-inspiring power. These days he polished day and night, his soul power increased rapidly, and his mental power became extremely pure and powerful.

His current spiritual strength is dozens of times that of ordinary people.

With the constant input of the old iron, the upper limit of Wu Tie's mental power is constantly shrinking, and his brain is bursting with stabbing pain, and his soul power is constantly lost.

A variety of bizarre knowledge is constantly flowing in.

If Wu Tie is an ordinary person, and a lot of information is so impressed in his mind, that person has long since broken into a mental illness.

Wu Tieqiang endured the sting of the brain and tried his best to receive the information from the old iron.

His soul power is enough, his mental strength is enough to burn, enough to consume.

While using this magical method to send information, Lao Tie muttered to himself: "Listen to me, little guy, grandfather, this time I was overturned in the gutter... No wonder, grandfather, I have a problem myself..."

"Hey, the dog thing didn't know who it was with that year... The body was badly deficient, and Grandpa had countless skills and couldn't borrow his body to play."

"Grandpa, I am powerful, but there is only one head left..."

"The Guoque slave, she has strange things... Afterwards, avoid them..."

"Remember, if you survive, you will have infinite possibilities... Living is the foundation of everything... If you die, you will be in a hundred, nothing will be..."

"The things I have given you, the things that are inexplicable in my mind, you are interested in learning, no interest... I also feel very strange, how can I have so much in my mind that I have nothing to do with my job. s things……"

"But, the foundational follow-up practice method, you must remember... must be cultivated..."

"Yuanshijing", this is the foundation of the foundation, from the sense of Xuanjing, to the realm of the realm, the life of the pool, the place of the baby... and, the higher realm..."

"Yuan Shijing", as the name suggests, this is my creator, those great old guys, that is, your ancestors, the oldest guys, the most perfect and most perfect practice method..."

"Slow, but pointing to the ultimate of everything, pointing to the original source of chaos..."

"Yuan Shi Jing" is the root of all cultivation methods. It is all-encompassing and is the method of the origin of all cultivation methods..."

"Although it was eventually abandoned, no one really chose to cultivate it, just because it is too slow to cultivate, and at that time, what we need is speed, the efficiency of the breach..."

"So although the old guys speculate that "Yuan Shi Jing" is the most perfect method, but no one chooses it..."

"I hope that no matter what happens to you in the future, no matter how great the exercises you will get in the future, don't give up the "Yuan Shi Jing"..."

"Cultivate and persist in unrelenting cultivation... If you don't have the resources, you can go to the competition, go to fight, use all means to get resources..."

"I want to see if the "Yuan Shi Jing" is the most perfect exercise like the old guys..."

"We...the same brothers as me... Everyone has a copy of the "Yuan Shi Jing" in their minds... This is a kind of fire, and the old guys are ready for misfortune..."

"Since it is a kind of fire... Laozi may be the only one that passed down the Yuanshijing..."

"Oh, it's up to this credit... Unfortunately, Yang Lan is dead. Otherwise, Laozi must let him restore his title to Laozi, and he must give him a third-level fire... oh... Unfortunately, Yang Hao is dead..."

The golden light of Wu Tie's eyebrows is burning, and his soul power is constantly weak.

A huge amount of graphic information is constantly flowing in, in addition to the "Yuan Shi Jing", there are all kinds of strange knowledge.

Wu Tie did not have the mood to sort out the knowledge in his mind. He just stalked the old iron and silently received the information he had received.

The blood in the old iron scorpion gradually dimmed, and a sudden burst of blood-like flames in his seven cymbals, ‘咔咔’ a few sounds, his head shell cracked a fine crack.

A large piece of cold air spurted out of the crack in his head shell, and the frozen iron arm was covered with a thin layer of frost.

"Don't be sad, don't cry... Grandpa, I am not so easy to die..."

"In the future, I encountered some remnants of the ancient times... I went to dig and see... If I could find a backup body with my grandfather, I can still live with my grandfather..."

"Ah, hey, Grandpa, I won't die... it's just a sleep..."

"Remember, Grandpa, I am not dead, I will not die, Grandpa, I am just sleeping, Grandpa, I am always with you..."

"If you are lucky enough, Grandpa will come back soon..."

"It's different from the previous sleep..."

"Before Grandpa, I couldn't see any hope. Grandpa, I was completely desperate, so I chose to give up and sleep."

"But this time, Grandpa, I was forced to sleep, but my grandfather was full of hope in my heart... so don't worry, although the injury is a little bit worse, but who knows if we have a chance to see you again?"

The sound of the old iron became extraordinarily gentle and kind, like an old man who likes to squat, shrinking in the sun under the corner of the wall, while laughing and appease the gentleness and kindness of his own grandson.

"Little guy, remember one thing... your ancestor is amazing, your blood is great... don't be sorry for your ancestors, don't be sorry for your blood..."

"Pangu Miao, after the yellow... I will give me a straight waist at any time!"

The head of the old iron cracked open and completely cracked open. A very beautiful and incomparably fine light spurted out of his head shell, illuminating the mine room with a radius of nearly 100 meters.

In the head shell of the old iron, it is a group of light, a group of magnificent light.

Numerous rays are criss-crossed, and countless quaint and complicated runes and lines rush in the light.

In the skull of the old iron, his brain is such a light, brilliant and magnificent, as if filled with endless vitality.

A faint blue hole pierced the light, and the old iron's voice sighed quietly. Countless slender streamers collapsed inward and compressed inward. Gradually, the light was dimmed.

In the end, a baby's fist size, crystal clear brain suspended in front of Wu Tie.

The crystal brain is shiny, and there are countless fine and complicated cut surfaces on the surface. Each face is carefully seen. There are countless ancient characters and runes looming. On a cut surface of sesame seeds, there are at least some characters and runes. Hundreds of thousands.

"Old iron, is this you?" Wu Tie clasped this delicate crystal brain in his hand and bit his teeth and said: "I will make you wake up... Your body has collapsed, I will definitely I want to help you find a new body."

"As long as I have it, I will definitely help you find it."